Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own Lydia. Kaci12 owns Lysianna, 23Lalagirlable owns Marie and kunaikitten owns Ayla. My first chapter I'm so happy.

Lydia's POV

"Nic-Nic, I really need all of you to come to my house after school." I said to my best friend Lysianna.

"Why do I need to?" she asked with a confused expression.

"Um…Hello it's the weekend! Even Marie and Ayla are coming over." I exclaimed to her while gesturing to my other two friends. They nodded their heads in confirmation that they are coming over.

"You don't get out much anyways Lasi. And your aunt is taking care of your sisters so they'll be fine for three days." Marie said while nodding. Lysianna just sighed and smiled.

"Fine I'm coming over. We're walking home right?" she asked me.

"Well of course." I replied while smiling.

Soon we were walking home, at the moment Lysiana and I were in a debate about the akatsuki.

"Pein is the best, Lysianna." I said to her.

"Nope, it has to be Itachi, and Pein is nothing but a corpse." she said back.

"So he's the hottest corpse I've ever seen."I said back while pouting. She was going to reply, but got cut off by a meow. We all looked around to see were it came from and we saw a box in the street but it was moving.

"NOO! It's the demon boxes." I said while running around. Lysianna shook her head and walked away to get the boxes while leaving me to Ayla and Marie.

Lysianna's POV

I swear Lydia has a mental condition sometimes. I looked at the box that was in the middle of the street. I picked up the box and heard a lot of hisses and meows. I was going to open it, but I stopped. I walked back to see Lydia still screaming and Marie and Ayla were laughing.

"Lyd, stop screaming and hurry to your house we're right down the street." I said whiole walking away. I heard a lot of footsteps behind me and I knew it was Lydia, Marie, and Ayla trying to catch up. It was quiet until Lydia broke it.

"Hey who's the best person in the akatsuki?" she asked.

"Well obviously it's Itachi right?" I asked.

"No!" she screamed back.

"She's right it's Sasori." Ayla said while stopping her music.

"Not him either!" she screamed again.

"Then its Deidara" Marie said.

"You guys clearly don't know what you're talking about." Lydia said while walking up to her door. We followed her inside, and I sat the box down and opened it up quickly. I saw ten cats staring back at me. What am I going to do with these weird looking things?!

That's the official first chapter review please.