I know I promised y'all to write the epilogue for this story. And I had every intention on finishing it, I started to try writing it but right now too much is on my mind, too much is going on. Another reason and maybe the main reason for this story, is that this story reminds me of my girlfriend and right now that is too painful and hurts too much.

I don't forget it but I hardly can write at all and there is only one story I will keep writing for (as far as I'm able to). Some day, I'll come back to this story and write and finish the promised epilogue when I'm able to write it, when my writer's block is gone, the said issues are dealt with and I've found a new muse, my current one is still gone so I'm muse less.

The one story I keep writing for till it's finished or be able to post is:


I really am sorry and apologize to y'all. I hope to see y'all again when I pick up again to write the epilogue and who knows if a sequel is on of the following options.

Thank y'all for reading this story so far. It means a lot to me.
