Okay, here's the chapter of the recurring nightmare that Spencer has! Enjoy his nightmare! :b

"Hey Bromigo! Wassup?"

A blue haired ghost nonchalantly floated by a brunette haired boy. The boy stopped filming and looked at him.

"Billy, I'm trying to film a movie!"

He groaned, face palming. A dark brown haired boy walked out from behind him, so she could see what the problem was and why they stopped filming.

"Oh, c'mon Spencer! Lighten up already!"

Billy playfully punched Spencer's arm. Spencer ignored the small pain and thought about the dream he had-why was it so sad? And why did he think of Mallory not being as cute as Billy?! It just didn't make any sense to the child, and he couldn't help but contently think about it. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a curious voice say,

"Spence? What are you thinking about?"

"Oh! Um, Billy, it's nothing, I promise!"

"Well, okay!"


Spencer wiped his forehead in relief. That ghost pryed in others business too often, but he had to admit-he loved the guy. He straightened out his shirt and got a few wrinkles out, then went back to filming.

Billy, on the other hand, floated on by with a jar of his favorite peanut butter, wolfing it down as if it were the first time he ever ate cake (on his first birthday, of course).

"Aaaaand CUT!"

Spencer directed, which meant that he was finally done filming.

"Hey Brogikarp! Well, now that the filming is finally done and out of the way, can we go watch some movies?"

"Dude, not now! I gotta edit the footage and put it all together first! Maybe later?"

"Oh, alright, guess I should've known you'd say that…"

The ghost replied, a hint of disappointment hidden slightly in his tone of voice. Billy floated up to Spencer's room and watched some TV, waiting for Spencer to finish up.

~time skip to 37 minutes later~

"Hey bro! I'm finally done editing the footage, so now we can watch some movies together!"

Spencer eagerly called out to Billy, who was currently laying 'upside down' on the bed.

"It's about TIME!"

Billy pouted impatiently, which was accompanied by himself giving Spencer the 'You-Took-practically-FOREVER-and-made-me-pretty-mu ch-aggravated-with-you' look. Spencer nervously laughed, then apologized.

"Sorry, Billy! It was being difficult again!"

"…Oh, okay…it's fine, Bromethius."

Billy half-heartedly smiled, and sat up on the bed normally. Spencer joined him, and picked out the movies they'd be watching this time.

After a few movies were over, Spencer began to get sleepy. Billy hadn't even been tired at all, and he was practically wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.

"Bro, this is the best part of the movie!"

The ghost excitedly shook Spencer's shoulder and pointed at the TV. Spencer heaved a deep sigh, and hardly was able to watch it, for his eyelids felt like they were growing heavier and heavier. So, a few minutes after Billy's outburst, he fell into a deep state of sleep.


Billy silently cried, hiding behind the door of Spencer's room. The ghost had been thinking about how the others had been treating him lately, and he had realized something-nobody likes to hang out with him. Billy had trudged over to the closest hiding spot he could find, and the spot behind Spencer's bedroom door was going to have to do, for the saddened, mischievous ghost didn't care at the moment.

"Huh? What was that noise?"

Spencer thought he had heard some one crying, but it was so faint sounding that he wasn't sure if he actually did. So, Spencer politely excused himself from the chat he was in the middle of, and made his way to his bedroom. He positioned his head against the door in an attempt to hear what was going on in there. To his surprise, it sounded like Billy was…wait, crying?!

The brown haired boy cautiously opened the door, peering around to see where Billy was.


He softly whispered, an overtone of worry building up in his voice.

"…Are you in here?"

Billy just continued to cry, quite oblivious to Spencer's presence in the room. He shuffled himself to where he was facing the corner now, and hunched over.

"Billy, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing…j-just go away and leave me alone, please…"

Spencer worriedly approached Billy after he had spotted where the blue ghost was at, closing the door behind him gently.

"Billy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

The brown haired boy once again asked, looking over to the ghost's shuddering shoulders. Billy weakly attempted to tell him to go away once more, but Spencer ignored it.

"Billy, please tell me…I am worried that something bad must've happened to you."

"Y-You wouldn't care! You think I'm annoying, don't you?!"

Billy wailed, tears spilling from his eyes. Spencer gasped in disbelief-did Billy think that he hated him and pretended to be friends?

"Billy, why would you say something as crazy as that?"

"Because it's true…"

Billy shamefully hid his face in between his legs, embarrassed to be found crying in front of Spencer for once.

Spencer walked over to his bed and sat down, frowning and thinking about the situation.

"Hey, Billy?"

"What do you want?"

"Will you please come over here?"



"I said n-no…"

"Why not?"


The ghost didn't respond and continued to cry. Spencer was pouting and wanted to get Billy out of his depression, because he was very worried.

"Fine, if you won't come over here to me, then I guess I'll just have to go over there to you."

Spencer stood up and walked over to Billy, worry now overtaking his mind. He didn't want to see his best friend be so sad, and it was breaking the boys heart just looking at the sight.

"*sniffle* W-what do y-you want?"

"Hey, buddy, please stop crying…you're breaking my heart when I see you like this…"

Spencer quietly replied, and positioned himself to where he was now sitting behind the ghost.


"C'mere, buddy…"

Spencer cooed, laying his head on the ghost's back and rubbing Billy's shoulders. Billy slightly blushed, but he had no response. Spencer stopped rubbing his shoulders, and wrapped his arms around Billy's torso.

"C'mon, bro…Tell Spence what's wrong…"

Spencer cooed softly, hugging the ghost tightly.


Spencer let go of Billy, then tapped his shoulder. Billy slightly turned his head to where he could see Spencer's face, but the mere sight of Billy's pitiful little face was almost too much for the brunette haired boy. The sight shattered Spencer's heart into a billion pieces, so he pulled Billy into his lap and cradled him as if he were a baby.

"C'mon, Billy, please tell me what's wrong…"

Billy shook his head in refusal, looking like a sleep deprived raccoon with his blood shot eyes. Spencer lovingly nudged Billy's face slightly, pressing his forehead against the invisible being's forehead. Billy hugged Spencer tightly, tears that had yet to cease still streaking down his face.

"It's okay, my little Billy… Spencey's here now…"

Spencer reassuringly cooed, picking up Billy and walking over to his bed. There, he propped his pillows up to where he could sit up against them, and hold Billy.

"B-But Spencer, you n-never treated me this nicely b-before…you shouldn't have to worry about me…"

Billy looked up at Spencer, his expression making him look like a mistreated puppy. Those big onyx eyes wavered, and Spencer couldn't help but exclaim, "D'awww…~"

"What? What's so cute?"

Spencer finally laid against the pillows, holding Billy very protectively. Billy curled up on Spencer, hugging the teen's waist as he silently cried.

"Billy, please look at me."


"Billy, please look at me…"


Spencer quietly sighed, then pointed Billy's face to where he was looking at Spencer now. Billy whimpered, cringing slightly. Spencer sat up, and he had somehow got Billy to do the same.

"Billy, don't cry, please…it…It breaks my heart to see you like this, and I can't stand seeing you so depressed…"

"Huh? Y-you what?"

"What I'm trying to say is…well, um…I care about you…"

Spencer sheepishly scratched the back of his head, head now hung down. Billy took a moment to process what he had just heard Spencer say to him, and replied with a quiet voice.

"Oh…okay…Thanks for caring about me, I guess…"

"Um, Billy, I care about you ALOT more than you think…"

Spencer's head turned away to look in the opposite direction of Billy, blushing madly. He rubbed his arm nervously, biting his lip in fear of being rejected. Billy just sat quietly, because neither had a response and this caused the deadly silence to make Spencer feel as if the minutes that were passing was just going to end up in a fight-or maybe something worse.


Billy managed to squeak after 5 minutes of that terrible silence, and cuddled up against Spencer.

"…What? But you like Mallory, don't you?"

Billy had laid his head on Spencer's lap, and he was blankly staring up at the ceiling. He put his hands on his stomach as if he were a corpse or something, sighing heavily as he made a confused expression.

"Billy, I like her…but she's not anywhere NEAR as important as you are to me, okay?"

"But how's that even gonna work? Your a human…and I'm just a dumb ol' ghost."

Spencer picked up Billy, and sat him on his lap. He laid himself against the pillows, blushing slightly while cradling the ghost.


Billy kissed Spencer's cheek, and he curled up in Spencer's lap once more.

"I like you too, broski…"

Billy sighed before his eyes suddenly wavered emptily, and he fell limp.

"Billy? Billy?! Billy, are you okay?! Please, don't go!"

Spencer began to tear up, and he couldn't help but cry. Billy remained unresponsive, and his blue hair was going slightly darker. In fact, his skin was turning a peach shade, but Spencer hadn't noticed.

After he had written an apology for what he was about to do, Spencer made his way to the kitchen. Once he got there, he looked for a large, sharp knife and grabbed it, smiling and whispering weakly,

"This'll do perfectly…"

Once Spencer had returned to his room, he sat by the lifeless, limp body of Billy. He took a good last look at Billy before aiming the knife at his chest. Spencer cried a thin stream of tears, and he said to Billy, "This one's for you, buddy…"

But what he had failed to notice was that Billy was no longer blue-in fact, he wasn't even deceased anymore.

Yet still, Spencer took a deep breath, pulling the aimed knife closer to his chest, clenched his teeth, and slowly plunged the weapon deeper into his body, thus staining the formerly white shirt a deep, dark shade of crimson red.


Billy tiredly rubbed his eyes, looking for Spencer. He couldn't see straight, for his vision was blurry. Hey…something wasn't right…why was there red and a silver glimmering object?

"B-Billy?…Is…t-that… really…y-you?…"

Spencer stuttered, clenching his teeth to hold in the scream.

"Yes, but what's wro-"


Spencer screamed at the top of his lungs before passing out. Finally, Billy's vision focused and by what he saw, he was terrified.

"Spence?! No, please stay alive! Please!"

The black haired teen shook the body of Spencer.

"Please…Don't go, Spence…I need you…"

Spencer woke up, barely aware of what was going on. He couldn't see hardly anything but white, too.

"Billy Joe Cobra, I love y-you…"

Was all Spencer could manage to say before he was finally gone. Billy panicked, repeating something over and over.

"No no nonnoononnoononnonononponononnonnonoonnoNOOOOOOO!"

Billy screamed, carrying the corpse. He quickly took the knife out of Spencer's chest, took Spencer's shirt off of him, then wrapped the wound with his tie temporarily.

Afterwards, he took off his jacket so Spencer could wear it and ran like hell in the direction to the hospital.


"D-Did he make it, doctor?"

Billy held back tears, getting a sinking feeling that the doctors would say no. He was now dressed as a girl, and it was surprisingly working.

"Well, you can just go see for yourself, ma'am."

The doctor helped Billy go to the room, and there he saw an unconscious Spencer. He also saw Shanilla crying and Raj trying to calm her down.


Shanilla growled, about to raise hell.


"N-no, I swear, I'd never do tha-"


"W-what? He doesn't hate me!"

"Oh yeah?!"




Spencer began to wake up, his heart monitor slowly beeping once more.



Billy fell over to the floor, writhing in pain. Shanilla stood over him, holding the glass bottle she had just smashed against him.

"Billy! No!"

Spencer weakly yelled, unable to make Shanilla stop.

"Ow, my arm! Why did you-"


Billy whimpered, crying abundant tears. Shanilla laughed, and kicked Billy's wound full of glass.

"C'mon, Raj, we are outta here."



"Okay, but please, don't hurt me!"


Shanilla growled one last time and picked Billy up by the hair.

"You better stay away from my future husband, you moron."

And with that, she threw Billy harshly against the ground, leaving the hospital. Billy began to cry again, wailing Spencer's name loudly.

A faint whisper comes from somewhere, saying Spencer's name


"Huh? B-billy? What's wrong?"

No response. The child gasped at the sight of what happened to Billy, and grabbed the arm to pull him into his lap.


"Billy, are you…alive?"

Yet another unresponsive silence. He looked at his hands and saw that he was no longer alive.

"Are you…bleeding?"

Billy laid on Spencer's lap, lifeless as could be. Everything suddenly turned very gory and nightmare-ish, making Spencer scream at the top of his lungs and begin to cry. He looked over to see Billy's body being r-

"Spencer, wake up! Wake up, Spencer!" The ghost shook the boy wildly, an expression of deadly worry stuck on his face. As soon as Spencer FINALLY woke up, Billy hugged him tightly.

"W-what? What's wrong, Billy? Why are you so scared?!"

"Y-you were screaming at the top of your lungs and crying in your sleep…"

The ghost twiddled his fingers nervously, a scared "puppy dog look" now plastered onto his face.


"Spence, you're beginning to scare me…what's gotten into you lately?"

"Just some nightmare…n-no biggie…"

Spencer lied, rubbing his neck, thinking to himself,

Why does he care? I love him like a bro…well, actually more…