When I Saw Her:Chapter 1

It was supposed to be just a normal day. Wake up, take a shower, get dressed, persuade my mother to let me re-dye my hair, eat a strawberry Poptart (or 10), hitch a ride with Lindsey to school, learn some awesome things, go home.

Instead, it was a horrible day from the minute I woke up. My alarm was blaring, the "WAK WAK WAK WAK!" driving me out of dreams of candy kingdoms and talking dogs. I opened my eyes to see I was laying on the floor, my older step-brother Bubba standing over me. "Unnggnhh..." I groaned. He put his hands on his hips and said "Would you get up already? Your alarm has been going off for, like, 10 minutes!"

I rolled over and tried to stand. "Imm gettin' up..." I mumbled to my step-brother. "Stupid kid..." he grumbled, walking out of my room. "Shut up Bubba! Just because you're 21 and I'm 18 does not make me a kid!" "Whatever, Bonnibel!" He flipped me off as he walked out. "Fag!" I yelled as I stalked into my pink and purple bathroom. "Dyke!" I heard him yell.

I peeled off my pink nightgown and climbed in the shower. And, of course, the water was cold. "Shit!" I yelled into my hand. After a very short shower, I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a white towel with bright pink trim, and another towel covering my long hair.

I walked over to my large white wardrobe with purple roses hand painted on the side and opened it wide. Inside hung an array of dresses, skirts, blouses, dress pants, and other fancy things. I picked out my favorite purple dress. It was lavender, with a white silk ribbon around the waist.

I pulled that on and unwrapped the towel from my head. Long, bright pink hair tumbled in soft wet waves down my back. I blow dried it for a while, then began the arduous task of dragging a fine tooth comb through it.

As I pulled the comb down, it must have caught a small stitch on my dress and pulled it loose, creating a tiny hole. As I kept combing my hair, the hole grew and grew until I finally noticed it. By this point, the hole was nearly 3 inches wide.

"SHIT!" I yelled again, hi-fiving the vanity with my face. I stood up abruptly, wondering what else could go wrong. I pulled off the dress as fast as possible and tossed it across the room.

Then I dug out a purple and white blouse, pink high-waisted shorts, pink knee socks, and purple sneakers. I pulled out a black beret with a pink bow on it and pulled it down over eyebrow length bangs, leaving my hair to hang free to my lower back. Then I put on my lucky necklace, a golden tiara with a tiny aquamarine gem on it.

I trudged downstairs, hoping for a better day. But what I found was worse: no strawberry Poptarts! So I began pouring myself a bowl of Rice Crispies. I had just sat down to enjoy it and a strawberry-vanilla latte when I heard the honk of Lindsey's car.

"Shit!" I declared, for the third time that day. I dumped the cereal down the drain, ran back upstairs, grabbed my pink messenger bag, ran back downstairs, and snagged my latte. As I passed the door, I grabbed my baby pink leather jacket (faux leather; I am a vegetarian). Then I hauled ass to Lindsey's purple convertible.

"Oh my God, Bonnie, you look great!" she declared in her deep, almost mannish voice. "Thanks, LSP." LSP was the nickname pretty much everyone used for her. Her full name was Lindsey Synthia Princeton. "Where's Lucas?" I asked, sipping my drink. Lucas was the other LSP, Lucas Samuel Princeton.

"Pfft, stupid boy didn't want a ride. Apparently, my car is too girly for him. Not that I care, 'cause now we can talk. Ok, ok, what do you think about Finn?" Wuzzuh? "What do you mean, what do I think of Finn? Like in a dating way? 'Cause I sooo don't like him that way any more. We broke up!" She gave me a look that said, damn, you dumb girl. "Girl, not for you! For me!"

Double wuzzuh? "Since when are you into Finn?! And aren't you a little old for him?" She jerked the wheel, startled. "Damn, girl, are you calling me old? I am 16! And he's 14! Plus, you were 18! Only 2 years separate me and my hubby."

I spit coffee. "Damn it, Bon, you got coffee on my seats! You had best clean that shit up now!" "Da fuq are you talking about?" I asked as I dug napkins out of my bag. "Your HUBBY?!" LSP turned to glare at me. "Yes, my hubby. I know you guys broke up, but you don't hate each other, right?"

"Right," I said slowly. "We're friends." LSP glanced at me. "See? 'Xactly my point. I should totally date him!" I sighed. "Fine, whatever. Can we please talk about something else?" LSP huffed.

"Fine. Oh, didja hear? There's two new peeps going to our school. They're twins, a guy and a girl. They're 19. They're named something like Marsh T and Macline. Something like that. The chick is, like, goth or punk or whatever. Jessica saw her shopping at Hot Topics at the mall Saturday and she says that she was wearing all black and red and grey and junk. Plus she's, like, super pale and has super long black hair. Like, to her knees long. What a weirdo! And Tiffany and Samantha saw Marsh T at the food court. He's pale and kinda punk too, but hawt."

LSP was still talking, but I had been tuning her out for a while. I never really listened to her. Hopefully, the new peeps aren't douches. Maybe the chick would be cool and be my friend.

I was still thinking about the potential friend material when we pulled up to the high school. LSP poked my arm. "Hellooo! Earth to Bonnie! We're here!" I jumped. "Oh, hey, a school!" I said, jumping out of the car, juggling my bag and coffee.

Suddenly, Finn appeared, wearing a blue hoodie and jeans shorts, his white bear hat pulled over his blond hair, grabbing my coffee so I could put on my bag. "Thanks Finn." He smiled. "No prob, Peebles. You got it now?" I nodded. He handed me the coffee and waved to Lindsey. "Sup, LSP?" She giggled. "Hiiii Finnnn!" He looked at her weird. "Um, okaayy."

He turned back to me. "So, Peebs, didja hear? About the new peeps?" I nodded. "Yup. Maceline and Marsh T." His head tilted to the side, confused as he was. "You mean Marceline and Marshall Lee?" I turned and glared at LSP. Then I turned back to Finn. "Yeah, LSP just doesn't pay attention. So what's the scoop?" He shrugged. "I dunno." I rolled my eyes and just said "Gee, you are so helpful."

"Well, we can just have them sit with us at lunch." I shrugged. "Whatevs. Hey, where's Fionna?" Finn shrugged. "Probably sucking face with Iggy. Hey, there's Sunna! Brb bros." I giggled. "See Linds, he's way into Sunna. And eventually, they're probably gonna be an item." She scoffed. "Yeah, right, like anyone could leave a stud like Lukey." We both managed an astounding 5 seconds of straight faces then burst out laughing.

"Well, I gotta go see Mr. Petrikov about the science club meeting today." LSP nodded. "Just be careful. He likes the girls, that guy. And we all know he has his sights set on you." I shuddered. "Gaahh! Don't worry. That creeper won't be touching me."

I walked down to the science room. Mr. Petrikov sat at his desk, his long white beard dangling over the papers he was grading. I knocked on the open door. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Well, hello there Miss Bubblegum. How may I help you?" I fake smiled. "I, um, can't make it to science club today. I recently got a job, and I have to work tonight. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time." He frowned and stood. I got nervous as he got closer to me. He stopped about two feet away from me. "Are you sure? You don't NEED to work. You could come."

He put his hand on my arm. "Is everything ok with you?" I backed up. "Um, y-yeah. W-why?" He took a step towards me. "You seem distracted. Are you sure?" He was seriously creeping me out now. "Yes! I'm sure."

He licked his lips. "You seem tense. Maybe we could go do something sometime..." My eyes widened. "Um, n-no, um, that's ok. I'm busy. Every night. For the rest of my life." He looked put out. "Are you sure? I've had my eye on you for a while." Gaahhh! What a freaking weirdo!

"Yes! I am VERY sure!" He put his hand on my arm again. "You are very beautiful..."

Suddenly a voice from behind me said "Hey! She said she's busy! Forever! So back off creeper dude!" I turned around and there was a girl there.

I will try to update this on Wednesdays and Fridays. My internet access is weird, so that could change whenever. R&R. Pretty please? For me? First review wins a virtual cookie. Or brownie. Whatever you like.