A/N: Just a short, fluffy fic today - totally inspired by my own Physics homework. Yup, I made an electromagnet! *insert mad scientist laughter* It's tiny, and only capable of picking up a few sewing pins, but it still kicks butt. Enjoy! Reviews are much appreciated.

Don't own! And warnings for boyxboy. Obviously. Probably why you're here.

"It's ALIVE!"

"Tennyson, you made an electromagnet, it's a couple wires wrapped around a nail and a battery, not exactly rocket science."

Ben pouted at his boyfriend's response, but quickly became distracted when the magnetised nail picked up the paperclips resting on the bench.

"Kevin, it's kind of a big deal for me – I'm finally doing something right in Physics! And you're supposed to be helping me"

The older teen replied with a smirk, and some comment Ben tuned out about the rarity of the younger actually understanding the subject. Meanwhile, Ben was playing with his newfound power, pulling the paperclips around on the table's surface. He jumped when Kevin's lips ghosted over the sensitive skin of his neck, and strong hands wrapped around his waist. Ben leaned back into Kevin's chest and made a small noise of contentment as the raven hugged him closer and gently bit his earlobe.

"C'mon, isn't this more fun than Physics homework?"

Ben turned around to face Kevin, who pulled him up so their lips were touching. Impatiently, Ben initiated the kiss, and was just starting to really enjoy it when the battery sparked and set his results table on fire.

"Ah, shit!" Ben panicked, quickly dumping a nearby glass of water on the now smouldering piece of paper. "So that's why my teacher warned against leaving the wires attached to the battery too long…"

Kevin, who had been watching the whole scene with varying degrees of amusement, chuckled at Ben's expression. He pulled the brunet closer and whispered to him, "So why don't we forget about this and go do some Biology homework…" Ben pushed away from Kevin, giving him a look that was a mixture of distaste and pity.

"Seriously, just for that, I'm withholding make out sessions for the rest of the day".

A/N: Poor Kevin just can't catch a break...