Prompt by i-was-eating-pizza-when-i: Cosima finds out about Delphine sleeping with Leekie.

They all knew that they shouldn't be playing this game as they would all potentially regret the things that could happen or be said as a result, in the morning. But no one was sober enough to care anymore.

"Okay, Alison," Felix said, "Truth or dare?" he asked the suburban clone, knocking another shot back and slamming the small glass onto the table.

"Dare." Alison answered, looking at Felix as square in the eyes as possible.

"Alrighty then," He said, "I dare you to… kiss Cosima!" He said.

"What?!" Alison and Cosima both shrieked.

"Come on Alison," Felix said, shaking the foul concoction in a separate glass in front of him, "Or would you rather drink this?" He said, looking into the off orange liquid.

Everyone turned their noses up at the drink, none of them could remember what they had put in it anymore but there were black dots floating in the top of it and no one wanted to try the drink to find out what they were.

"But she's me! She's practically my sister!" Alison cried with a hiccup in the middle. Felix held the drink out to Alison but she pushed it away, "Fiiiiine," Alison drawled, leaning across the circle and kissing Cosima's cheek.

"Heeeey!" Felix whined.

"You didn't say where I had to kiss her," She said smugly and half fell over as she tried to sit back. Felix grumbled but otherwise remained quiet, "Okay, lets seeeeee… Delphine!" Alison said suddenly, looking at the blonde.

"Oui?" She asks, her French accent thicker than normal.

"Truth or dare?" Alison whispers conspiratorially.

"Truth," Delphine answered, she is not much of a dare devil and she figures that she can probably get away with lying seeing as they don't know her that well yet. Well, except Cosima.

"Did you and Cosima really, you know," She says waving her hands and avoiding words, "do it?" She whispers.

Delphine frowns, not quite comprehending and the alcohol was making her even more fuzzy, "'It'?" she asks.

"You know," Alison stressed, "have… sex?" She giggles at the word like a young teenager.

"Oui!" Delphine confirms before she can stop herself and Alison gasps.

"Where?! When! Cosima why didn't you tell us about this?" She asks.

"I am to understand that you are only allowed to ask one question?" Delphine asks to confirm and Alison pouts.

"Hey Cosima," Sarah said, interrupting the conversation, "I thought you said that you were 'going to approach Delphine way more logically' then the way I 'approached' Paul?" Sarah pointed out.

"Yeah Dude and I totally kept my word," Cosima said.

"How do figure? I screwed Paul, you screwed French over there-"

"Well unlike you I didn't just push her onto a table within the first ten seconds of knowing her and shag her on the kitchen table, I was much more logical about it!" Cosima said.

"I don't think you even tried…" Sarah mumbled.

"Okay, I'm asking another question," Felix butted in to change the subject.

"You just had a go," Sarah all but whined.

"Fine, I'll ask you," He said, "Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," Sarah said, and though she was a dare devil, she was getting the idea of Felix's perverted brain and didn't want to have to kiss one of her clones or Delphine.

"If I told you to go fuck yourself, which of your clones would you pick?" He said.

Cosima bursts out laughing, hysterical fits of laughter as she understood what Felix was saying, essentially they were all the same person genetically, she found the irony of the fact that they could technically screw themselves with each other, highly amusing.

"Oh god Fe!" Was Sarah reaction, "I dunno, I don't listen to you when you say shite like that," She said.

"But if you had to, if your life depended on it, who would you shag?" He asked.

"That would never happen Fe," Sarah argued.

"Maybe Leekie is more of a bastard than we thought, perhaps he'd hold a gun to ya head and give the choice to shag or die, come on Sarah, hypothetically who would you shag?" He asked eagerly.

"Uhh, Cosima I guess," She said.

"Me?" Cosima said, pointing to herself, "I'm flattered," She said but also tugged at Delphine, "All the ladies love me," She drunkenly bragged.

"I knew it!" Felix yelled in reference to Sarah's answer.

Alison pretended to be hurt, "We just don't click," Sarah said, "And may I remind you that Katja is dead-"

"She would be your next choice?" Fe asked.

"No! I didn't say that! Helena is my sister and also dead and Rachel is a proclone bitch!" Sarah said as a way of reasoning.

"Well, when you put it like that…" Felix said and then rethought his words, "No it still doesn't make sense…" The alcohol was affecting his logical thinking.

"That's cos you're drunk, Fe," Sarah said.

Cosima pulled out a joint from seemingly nowhere and lit it up.

"Hey, so are you," Felix retorted and then spotted Cosima, "Hey!" He said and waited till the clone looked at him, which she did and blew smoke in his face, "Sharesies?" He asked.

"It's pot," Cosima says, handing to him.

"Since when do you smoke?" Sarah asked Felix.

"Since now," Felix decided.

"Okay okay," Cosima interrupted, taking her joint back, "I want to ask a question now," She said and turned to her girlfriend, the order of the questioning having been completely ruined, "Delphine, who was the last male you got it on with?" She asked, genuinely curious. But if she knew the answer, she would not have asked the question, "Oh and where did you do it?" She asked as an after thought, her eyes alight with humour and drunkenness as she smoked.

"Uhm," Delphine stalled, "Lee-Lachlan," She lied, "Lachlan Lee?" She said but the words sounded horribly fake even to her.

"LEEKIE?!" Cosima yelled, sitting up straight and unconsciously moving back a bit, "HOLY WATERSHED! YOU SLEPT WITH LEEKIE?!" She cried, her voice cracking with emotion. Delphine winced.

"WHAT?!" Felix and Alision both yelled in unison and Sarah sprayed her drink out before covering her mouth.

"I-I-" Delphine didn't know what to say, what do you say to that?

Cosima scrambled to her feet, swaying as she did so but suddenly feeling a little more sober, "Well?" She demanded, "What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked, and waited expectantly but Delphine just stuttered, trying about three or four different sentence starters, "Nothing?!" Cosima asked as a tear fell from her cheek, "So Sarah was right to tell me to stay away from you?" She asked and Delphine looked up at her with wide-ish eyes.

"No! Cosima I-"

"You spy banged me like Sarah spy banged Paul only you double crossed me and banged Leekie as well!" Cosima said, waving her hands crazily, "As if it wasn't bad enough you ratted me out to him but you had to shag him as well?" Her voice thick with emotion as she felt her chest pounding, "What, was I not enough for you huh? Did he please you better did he? Or did he just tease you more?" Cosima taunted, but her raw sorrow that was held just under the surface was breaching through.

"Cosima! That is not fair!" Delphine gasped, "I-"

"What happened to 'he's too old'?" Cosima asked, her hazy mind trying to figure out how to process this new information.

"Cosima please, let me-"

"Whose side are you on Delphine?" She asked, a few tears unwittingly falling from her eyes, she wiped at them angrily, "Because what ever side you're on, it's not mine…" She said, "How could you do that Delphine? To me?" She asked in the same, broken tone that she had spoken in when she asked 'how can I believe that Delphine?' in their previous fight. Her voice broke and it was plainly evident how much the woman was hurting just by her voice if not by the hot tears that slipped out of her eyes.

The other three remained silent as they watched the lovers fight, having no idea what to say or where they should stand on the argument.

"Cosima you don't understand the situation!" Delphine tried desperately, rising off the floor and reaching for Cosima who stepped away and turned around as she was fiercely trying to wipe the tears from her eyes and scour the evidence of them from her cheeks.

"You know what I don't want to hear it. Save it for someone who cares!" She half yelled and half cried, making her way to the door as best she could through blurry eyes. She slammed the door open and staggered.

"Cosima!" Delphine calls and hangs her head, closing her eyes to stop her own tears. She walked away from the group on the floor and went and hid in the bathroom, sobbing quietly behind the beaded curtain.

"Well, that just got a whole lot of awkward…" Sarah said, breaking the silence.

"Oh my," Alison said, touching her neck, "who should we go to first?!" She asked, "Can we even trust Delphine anymore?" She asked.

"We've all shagged the enemy Alison, just with Cos the enemy also shagged another of our enemies and… this is getting to confusing for two in the morning, I'm going after Cos," Sarah said, rising and going after the dreadlocked clone.

Alison and Felix looked at each other, whispering, or attempting to whisper, about who should go talk to Delphine, "I can't go," Alison said, "I have to hate her for hurting Cosima!" She said.

"What am I to do?" Felix said, "You all try to keep me in dark about everything that nothing makes much sense anymore," He said.

"You're good at talking Felix, go help her," She said, reaching for the bottle of wine in front of her but then realising it was empty and placing it back down again. She rose and went over to the couch.

Sarah found Cosima just outside the building, shaking like a leaf as she tried to cover up her cries, "Cosima?" Sarah called, not wanting to frighten her, "It's just me," She said, standing in front of her identical being.

Cosima looked up at Sarah, not bothering to hide her tears because she knew she couldn't if she tried. Cosima held her arms out like a hurt child and Sarah, ever the mother, pulled her into her arms and hugged her, rubbing her back. She could hear Cosima's irregular breathing against her ear.

"I wanted to trust her Sarah," Cosima said, and she tried to take a deep breath but as she did so she could feel the need to cough rising. She tried to supress is, she didn't want everyone to know she was sick, she didn't want all the 'are you ok?'s and tip toeing around and the pity, she most certainly didn't want to see the looks of pity, "Sarah, Sarah she told me that-that she fell for me." She said, trying not to cry.

"Cos, don't tell me you believe her? She'll say anything, it's her job to watch you, I'm sorry Cosima but you're just her assignment, she can't have feelings for you," Sarah said.

These were not the kind of words that Cosima wanted to hear, "No!" Cosima defended, her breath coming in faster, shorter gasps, "No, Delphine was convincing!" She said and covered her mouth as she began to cough from the stress that her emotional state was putting on her body.

"She slept with the enemy because she is the enemy," Sarah said and then began to get concerned that Cosima hadn't stopped coughing, "Cosima are you okay?" She asked and Cosima nodded but Sarah didn't believe her, "What's going on Cosima?!" Sarah asked, "Cosima!"

The dreadlocked clone suddenly fell and Sarah clumsily caught her, but barely. She placed her clone on the ground carefully and checked to see that she was still breathing and her heart beating. Check and check.

"FELIX!" Sarah yelled, "FE! ALISON!" She yelled and fumbled in her pocket for her phone, dialling 911, "FELIX!" She yelled again and then the door crashed open, "Think quick!" She said, tossing him the phone and turning back to Cosima.

"Sarah what happened?!" Felix asked, catching the phone only by a fluke.

"I dunno what happened Fe she just collapsed! Get the ambulance here!" She cried, pointing wildly at the phone and then returning her attention to Cosima, trying to wake her.

She was knelt by the woman's side, holding her wrist to continuously check that her heart kept beating and tapping her cheek lightly to try and rouse Cosima, "Cosima," She called, "Wake up Cosima, come on, wake up Cos…" She pleaded, wiping blood from the woman's lips and staring at it in horror.