Disclaimer: I do not own these characters if I did they would be canon

Author's note: Thank you all that left nice reviews I hope you are enjoying it. If you do not like where I am going with this fic then you can stop reading. I apologize it took so long this is over 11,000 words and I took my time with it. Enjoy

Chapter 8: A new beginning

The ride over to Maleficent's castle was quiet. Maleficent made her sit next to her where she mindlessly played with her hair and stroked her skin, almost like she was trying to be nice and calming. They arrived at her castle around early afternoon and she was dragged out by her own guards. They wore brighter armor then Regina's; it actually reminded Emma a bit of her own armor. The design on their chest plates were that of a dragon and their clothing underneath was a darker green. Two men grabbed each one of her shoulders and lead her through the large brown doors of the castle.

"Put her in the dungeons for now. I need my rest." Before being dragged away Maleficent planted a warm gentle kiss on Emma's cheek. "I'll see you soon pet." The words were said with kindness and it sent a cold chill down Emma's spine. The way the words were spoken told Emma that what would happen later today was going to be worse then what Regina ever put her through. The guards did as they were told and Emma was taken down to the damp dungeons with nothing still on her body but the collar and leash. When the door shut and locked behind her Emma squinted to look around in the dark to make sure she was alone before she ran back to the door and tried to open it. She knew the attempt was futile but when panic flows through your veins it becomes rather hard to think clearly. Emma used to be a great warrior, who was wonderful under pressure and now look at her. Acting like a scared child, banging and clawing at a well locked metal door. She screamed out her fear and cried out her pain. She was frightened. She wished her father was there to tell her that everything would be ok, except, her father never did that for her once in her life. The warmest thing he had ever shown her was a small smile when she was being knighted by him. She had always been strong and never truly needed her parents, it was mostly a want. But now dealing with a fear Emma never thought she would ever face, she needed them. Like always they were nowhere to be found.

Emma backed away from the door until her back hit the wall where she fell to the cold floor crying out. She held her now bruised and bleeding hands close to her chest. Eventually she stopped screaming, once her voice went hoarse, but the tears just kept coming. She was physically and emotionally drained. Emma could feel her eyes growing heavy because of it. She wondered what Regina was doing without her when sleep finally took over.

Emma awoke from her short sleep with a jolt after guards had thrown a bucket of cold water on her.

"Wake up, whore." Said the guard to her left.

"Yes," said the other "our queen cannot wait to get her hands on you now that she is well rested." Emma didn't respond since her brain was still trying to function after being awoken so suddenly and harshly. The guards did not care to wait and grabbed Emma's arms and lifted her up. They started their ascent up from the dungeons with Emma's toes dragging. She wasn't going to fight for fear of what the guards might do.

"You think this one will survive?" Asked the one guard.

"I don't know. The last one didn't." The other replied. They both let out a cruel laugh and Emma felt bile rise in her throat. Emma was shivering by the time they had reached Maleficent's large chambers that were filled with red, green, and black colors. It was dark now; Emma could see moonlight peeking through the curtains even though the room was brightly lit from all the candles flickering in the room. Maleficent sat waiting on the foot of her bed, sipping a small glass of champagne. She was wearing a sheer robe that was open down the center, allowing her skin to be touched by the cool air that ran through the castle. Emma could see that she was already naked. Maleficent's firm breasts had their dark pink nipples perfectly erect and, as her legs uncrossed to stand, Emma could see Maleficent's V shaped pussy with short dark curls showing. Maleficent frowned seeing the state Emma was in.

"Aw, you boys got her wet...that's my job." The men chuckled once they saw Maleficent smile at her own joke. "You may leave." She spoke, waving them off in the process. Emma cowered in fear as Maleficent drew close to her. "It's ok dear. No, no come here." Maleficent gently took Emma's hands in hers and looked at them with what appeared to be concern. "Did we bang and claw at the walls? Speak up girl!" Emma jumped.

"The doors." Maleficent nodded her head in understanding.

"Well I can't have you hurt already, can I?" Emma shook her head knowing what she meant; Regina liked a clean slate herself when playing. Emma felt her hands warm and a small stinging sensation. "There we go, all better." She kissed the tips of Emma's fingers before letting them go. "You're probably scared, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mistress." Her voice was shaking slightly. Maleficent let out a deep, short chuckle.

"You should be. I am going to tell you something about your so called Mistress Regina. She was once my slave." Emma didn't know what to think about this information since her brain was buzzing from her fear and panic, so she stayed silent and let Maleficent continue. "How else do you think she learned it all? A natural talent? Please, that thing was so innocent when I first met her. I helped turn her into what she is now. She was such a good little pet too, always willing to please at the drop of a dime. Now she has you and suddenly she doesn't mind her Mistress. Silly thing thinks we are equals. I don't know what she sees in you but Regina needs reminding of her place. So I am going to use you until I grow tired of your screaming and I will bring you back to her broken and bleeding."

"No!" Emma cried out. She was so frightened of what was going to come she didn't care if she seemed pathetic any more. She grabbed a hold of Maleficent hands, desperately hoping her touch would make the woman change her mind; it of course did not.

"Yes." Maleficent said almost in a hiss. "When I show Regina what I have done to you she will remember what I am capable of and become a good little slave again." Maleficent threw Emma's hands aside and grabbed a fist full of her hair.

"No! Please don't do this! Please!" Emma shouted at Maleficent as she dragged her towards the bed. Maleficent's dragon like strength seemed to be coming out when she lifted Emma up on the bed with one arm. As soon as Maleficent let her out of her grip Emma tried to scurry away, but Maleficent was faster. She grabbed Emma's legs and pulled her back. Maleficent got on top of Emma's wet naked body, warming it with her own. She pinned Emma's arms above her head and looked down at her with a fierce expression.

"That's enough! You are a slave and nothing more! If I want to fuck you until you bleed to death then that's what I will do and you will take it with pleasure." Emma stopped struggling; it was true, she was nothing but a slave now. The warrior and fighter were long gone; this was Emma's place now. Maleficent smiled when the more petite body underneath her stopped squirming. "Good girl." Maleficent bit down on Emma's neck, right where the pulse was strongest. Emma screamed in pain as she felt Maleficent's teeth dig deep into her flesh, breaking skin and causing her to bleed. Maleficent licked up the blood enjoying the metallic taste in her mouth. "Mmm, Regina really hasn't been feeding you has she? You taste fresh and pure." Maleficent moved down to her collarbone and repeated herself. Emma lifted up her back from the immense pain. She could feel warm blood drip down her body. Maleficent pecked kisses down to Emma's firm breast. Emma tried to stifle a moan when Maleficent captured one of her hardened buds in her mouth. She sucked on it tenderly while licking the tip of it with her tongue. Emma couldn't help herself, the touch was sweet and she let out a more willing moan. "Already so willing, hmm pet?" Maleficent purred in her ear. Emma felt the bile rise in her throat again. She felt disgusted with herself for wanting any form of a kind touch, even if it was from the woman that was raping her. But it was short lived. Maleficent bit down hard like all the others onto her erect nipple, cutting it open with her teeth. The scream was so loud it reverberated off the bedroom walls making it even louder.

Emma's tears flooded down her face onto the bed sheets beneath her, mixing with her blood. Emma could feel Maleficent's wet core on her stomach, drenching it in her juices. Maleficent was clearly aroused and as much as she wanted to fuck her little pup she knew she needed to take her time with this one. She released Emma's breast, which was now bleeding like all the other bite wounds, and licked down to Emma's center. Emma couldn't help but struggle now, she had an idea of what Maleficent was going to do. Maleficent responded by biting Emma's right inner thigh.

"Stop it now or I'll do much worse." Maleficent said over Emma's cries. Emma looked down and saw Maleficent's mouth stained with her blood. She stopped struggling but couldn't get her body to stop shaking. Maleficent nuzzled her nose into Emma's wet folds. She could smell Emma's arousal, the poor girl just couldn't help herself, no one can control how their body reacts. But that wasn't going to stop Maleficent from using it against her. "My, what a slut we are. Is Regina not taking good enough care of you that you are so wanting of someone else's touch?" Came Maleficent's muffled voice. Emma covered her face with her free hands as she wept. Was she really this much of a whore that she liked being raped? Maleficent grinned at her victory before dipping her tongue between Emma's legs. Her clit was erect and sensitive so when Maleficent touched it Emma groaned while her hips gently pushed against Maleficent's tongue, wanting more contact with the older woman. Emma got caught in Maleficent's web of pleasure and had already forgotten what she was capable of. Emma cried out in agony when Maleficent, once again, dug her teeth into her sensitive area. She hit her fist on the bed and squirmed around until Maleficent let go of her clit.

"Please no more!" Emma cried out. "I'll do anything please!"

"It doesn't work like that, dear." Maleficent said, her head still between Emma's legs. Maleficent slid two fingers into Emma, making the young woman arch her back. Maleficent allowed her tongue to barely press against Emma's clit that was slightly bleeding as she curled her fingers and started a quick pace in and out of her. Pain mixed with pleasure overwhelmed Emma and she felt her hips involuntary thrust into Maleficent. She was still in tears and hating her body for reacting this way, for almost wanting it.

"No..." She whimpered out as she felt the usual warmth in the pit of her stomach and her muscles tighten. Emma's eyes opened wide as her orgasm hit her hard. It shook her body and her toes curled as she screamed out.

"Was that good, pet?" Maleficent said straightening herself out and running her wet fingers over Emma's stomach. All she got in return were the sounds of Emma's crying and heavy breathing. "Well, we came without permission. So you know what that means." Emma sat straight up from the fear.

"No, no, no, no! I'm sorry Mistress. I'm sorry! I won't do it again. I promise." She put her head against Maleficent's stomach and kissed it starting from the top and then heading down to her core. She tried to grab the older woman's legs so she could pull her on top of her, but Maleficent grabbed the back of her collar.

"We will get to that later, dear, but first you need a lesson. Now get on your stomach with your feet on the floor." Emma just sat there and cried like a lost child. How did life get so bad so quick? "Do it!" Emma jumped and then did as she was told as slowly as possible. Maleficent didn't mind this; it gave her time to grab her whip that was sitting in her closet. "I assure you my dear, this is going to hurt." Maleficent laughed as she cracked the whip in the air and Emma flinched. Before she unleashed her torture she cascaded her fingers down Emma's clear back."What a pity that I must ruin this perfect back. You can blame Regina for that." She pushed Emma's head down into the bed and straightened up. She took aim; she wanted the first one right in the center. The whip cracked through the air and Emma screamed as her flesh was torn open. Emma felt her back sting and throb from the after effects. She bit down on her lip and tasted blood from putting on too much pressure. Maleficent stood back and admired her well done aim; right in the center, just like she wanted. Years of practice makes all the difference. Maleficent raised her arm for a second time and came down hard, making contact across Emma's bleeding back. The cut was angled sideways and blood was dripping down Emma's back. Despite Emma's throat being dry and hoarse she was still able to let out a blood curdling scream that could be heard by the guards out in the hallway. Before Emma had enough time to prepare for the next one she felt the whip slice her again. A hoarse cry came out and her legs were shaking. Emma could feel nothing but the overwhelming pain on her back. She was exhausted and just wanted it to end. After the fourth hit of the whip Emma didn't have the strength to scream and by the fifth her legs buckled. She fell hard on the floor and her head felt as light as a feather. The room was spinning and growing dark. Maleficent rolled her eyes; it seemed the young thing couldn't take it. Then again she has had such little food, sleep, and physical rest from Regina's torture that it wasn't really surprising. But to assume that Maleficent had the mental stability to realize this would be an understatement. Maleficent grabbed Emma's collar and easily tossed her on the bed. Emma curled into a ball, crying into her knees, doing her best to ignore the stabbing pain in her back and the warm trickles of blood falling down onto the bed. Maleficent left Emma to whimper on the bed like an injured animal while she returned to the closet, whip in hand, to trade toys. Emma yelped when she felt Maleficent's claws wrap around her ankles pulling her out of the position she was in.

Emma felt her heart drop at seeing Maleficent wearing the same toy she had the day before at Regina's. Maleficent forced her legs apart before crawling on top of the bed. Emma was nearly hyperventilating at this point. She was too frightened to say anything, believing it would only make it worse. The older woman looked down at Emma with possession. She had plans to bring Emma back so broken that she would be useless to Regina. That was of course, if she lived through this. The old witch teased Emma first by stroking the tip of the toy against Emma's wet center, enjoying the fearful noises Emma made. She waited until Emma had relaxed a bit, her body slightly enjoying the feeling, when she forcefully entered the young girl. Emma cried out and Maleficent put a hand on her chest forcing the girl to stay on the bed. Maleficent started with a fast hard pace and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of tight walls around her fake cock.

"Fuck, little princess." Maleficent moaned out, keeping her pace. Emma's eyes had rolled to the back of her head from the pain. Maleficent didn't look down but she had no doubt that the young thing was bleeding. The young girl never took cock and not to mention she was being far from gentle. She grabbed Emma around the throat and squeezed. "Look at me." Maleficent growled. Emma forced her eyes to focus and saw bright blue eyes staring down hungrily. As her grip tightened Emma found breathing to become difficult and grabbed with both hands at Maleficent's arm. It was, of course, no good, for the older woman's dragon like strength was becoming more prominent. Emma watched in horror as Maleficent's eyes turned from blue to green and how the pupil turned into that of a reptile's. Maleficent's strength had increased making the pounding between Emma's thighs even worse. The bed was starting to move from the force and Maleficent lowered her head to kiss the princess. She forced her tongue into Emma's throat as she struggled for air. Emma felt her tongue explore her mouth as she went harder. Emma's lips started to turn blue. Suddenly becoming frightened for her life she tried to push Maleficent off but to no success. Maleficent finally pushed herself up and released Emma from her grip. Emma gasped for air and enjoyed the feeling of air finding its way back into her lungs.

"Shit…You feel so good." Because of Emma panicking her walls had tightened even more, bringing Maleficent to the edge. Emma looked away as rough hands grabbed and fondled her breast. Maleficent was getting close and as bad as she wanted to cum she needed to finish ruining the younger woman. She pulled out and Emma thought for a moment she had finished, it was over. "Turn over." Maleficent demanded breathlessly.

"W-what?" Emma coughed out still trying to get control back over her breathing. Emma felt a sting before she saw the hand come at her face.

"Turn. Over." Emma slowly and painful turned over to her stomach shaking from anticipation of what was going to happen next. Emma was still bleeding but Maleficent just ignored it, they will heal over on their own eventually. She smacked Emma on the ass as a warning of what she was going to do.

"No. My Mistress, please! Anything but that!"

"Silence!" Emma bit down on her tongue to keep from shouting out again. Maleficent spread Emma's cheeks and chuckled when she felt that Emma's body was shaking. With one hand she grabbed Emma's hair, making the girl's head come up in an uncomfortable position and with the other guided the strap on into Emma's tight ass. Emma shouted out from the intrusion and Maleficent couldn't help but moan and gasp from the sensation. She started on just as rough of a speed as she did before. Maleficent looked down and saw blood starting to come out of Emma's ass. She laughed and started thrusting into her harder, enjoying Emma's cries of pain. Emma's whole body was in pain. She could feel warm blood coming from her back, in-between her thighs, and now from behind her. The tight feeling of Emma's ass was becoming too much for Maleficent and she could feel her knees starting to buckle. So she repositioned herself so that her body was directly on top of Emma. She wrapped her arms around Emma so she had something to hold onto. The pain was becoming too intense and Emma could feel herself wanting to black out, but she was afraid of what Maleficent might do to her body if she wasn't conscious. To keep herself awake Emma closed her eyes and tried to remember home, her men, and happier times. Except her mind did not go there; it went to Regina. Her mind replayed the memory of Regina being soft and gentle with her. How the older woman had softly caressed her body and kissed her kindly. How that moment had been so different from every other moment they had together and how Emma longed to be back with her.

Maleficent was getting close and was ignoring the fact that Emma was no longer screaming, she was too focused on the fact that she was getting close. Her muscle started to tense and her toes curled. She let out a roar as she came hard. She collapsed on top of Emma feeling the warm blood from her back against her breast.

"You're a good girl." Maleficent whispered in Emma's ear. Emma couldn't help but allow the tears to fall; she felt so dirty and unclean. Maleficent pulled out of her slowly. The fake cock was covered in Emma's blood. Maleficent stepped back and took a look at Emma. Perfect. She would be permanently scarred from the whipping so whenever Regina had sex with Emma she would see or feel them, reminding Regina of her. She was bleeding from both openings and as hard as Maleficent had fucked her she had no doubt she had punctured or ripped something. The older mistress retrieved Emma's leash and hooked it on to her collar. "Come pet it's time to take you home."

Regina was waiting impatiently in her chair in the dining hall. Maleficent was late and Regina had a rather large knot in her stomach. She should have never let Emma go home with that crazy bitch. The things she did to her alone and what she might do to…Regina shuddered at the thought. Regina knew she had been rough and cruel to Emma but it was nothing like what Maleficent did to her slaves. It was always about sex and power with Maleficent and she had a taste for younger women. She enjoyed destroying them before any man laid a hand on them. Regina stood up and paced around the room; her heels clacking perfectly with every even pace. She heard a door open to her right but ignored it and continued to pace.

"Unless you are here to inform me that they are here I do not want you anywhere near me!" The guard swallowed hard, but continued.

"That is why I am here your majesty; they have arrived." Regina looked up at him beaming but it quickly faded away when she saw how pale the man was.

"What is it? What's wrong?" The guard stood there unable to find words for fear of being punished for being the bearer of bad news. "Speak, you imbecile!" The guard jumped causing a rattling noise to come from all his armor.

"I..i..it's the princess my queen…sh..sh…she's badly injured." Regina's face grew red with rage and the guard had to jump out of the way as a fireball came flying towards his head. Regina marched right by her cowering guard and headed towards the entrance. Her heart was racing as was her mind; what had Maleficent done to her slave? Regina could hear the sound of Emma in pain and she sped up her pace; as she rounded the corner Regina nearly fell from the sight. Emma, on all fours, was dripping with blood and her entire body was shaking as if just sitting there was too much. A small pool of blood had already started to form around Emma's broken body. Regina saw where most of the blood was coming from; whatever Maleficent had done to poor Emma had caused her to bleed vaginally and anally. Emma's back had some time to heal and even if Regina ran over and healed her now all the marks that had been made would become scars. She was pale from the loss of blood; Maleficent must have made sure not to heal her so she could show Regina what she was capable of.

"What have you done to her?!" Regina shouted. Maleficent, who had been smiling, frowned at Regina's reaction.

"I don't think that is how we speak to old friends, Regina." Regina could feel her blood boiling; she was done with Maleficent.

"Look at the state she is in!" She walked over to Emma and pointed at her even though she wanted to place her hands on the younger woman to let her know everything was going to be alright. "Her body is ruined because of you!"

"I was training her, I did nothing different then what you did to her."

"No, what you were doing was trying to hurt and damage her. I was trying to train her! It is going to take days if not weeks to undo the damage that you did." Maleficent looked at her with curiosity.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?" Regina asked furious.

"Like I hurt someone you care about." Regina was taken slightly aback by Maleficent's comment.

"I...I don't know what you mean. This is about revenge on Snow White."

"Don't lie to me Regina! I know you better than anyone in this realm. That might be how it started but I've never seen you look at someone like you look at this girl! Or how you treat her and touch her. You've never been this soft before."

"I AM NOT SOFT! She is just a thing to me, a thing that you ruined and I am tired of you ruining my things Maleficent. I no longer need you!" Regina's face was twisted with rage and she lifted her arms above her head forming a large ball of flame. Maleficent nearly missed it and the tip of her dress caught on fire. Maleficent easily stomp it out. Maleficent flashed her eyes which had turned green and shaped like that of a lizard's.

"You just made a very fatal mistake my friend. I hope you are happy with your choice." In a puff of smoke Maleficent was gone and a moment later Regina heard the sound of a carriage leaving the territory. Regina ran over to her broken slave and got down on her knees, grabbing Emma's face. Emma's eyes were out of focus and she looked weaker than ever before.

"Hey pet you are back with me now."

"M...Mistress?" Emma muttered out.

"Yes dear, it's me." As soon as Regina finished her sentence Emma collapsed into her arms. "Go get the doctor." She ordered to the closest guard. "I do not have enough magic to heal her completely. RUN!" The man in black sprinted away heading to where the doctor's quarters were. She lifted Emma up so that her arms were over her shoulders and Regina looked like she was giving her a hug. "Stay with me, you're going to make it." Regina closed her eyes and concentrated. The air around them both seem to bend and shift as Regina conjured all the magic she had and poured it into Emma's destroyed body. Regina strained to keep going as the magic began to deplete; she had most likely only healed the superficial wounds on Emma and knew, from experience, that it would not be enough to heal what Maleficent had done to her. Regina's body started to heat up from the amount of magic she was using, but she kept going. She felt Emma stir in her arms and she knew it was working, but there wasn't much magic left in her. Regina let out a small growl as the heat reached critical and she felt herself growing weak. At the last minute she let go of Emma and fell back breathing deeply. Emma was lying on the floor but the bleeding had stopped and she was moving. Regina struggled to stay conscious as she heard footsteps coming fast in the distance. The older doctor with a short white beard and the guard came up beside them. The doctor bent down to assist his queen, but Regina pulled away from him,

"Not me you old fool! Help her," she stated, pointing at a whimpering Emma. The guard stayed by Regina as the doctor went to check on Emma. He was quick yet light with his hands, examining her body.

"We must get her to a bed your majesty for me to examine her properly." Regina nodded in response and pointed at the guard.

"You...take her to my room. And be gentle!" Regina's head was swimming and her vision blurred; she was still there but was going to need help getting to her room. She called for another guard and he helped her up while the other one lifted Emma into his arms. They slowly made it to Regina's chamber where the guard laid down Emma on her back on the comfortable bed. Regina was being helped by one of her guards and was placed on the edge of the bed next to Emma. The doctor came over to finish his examination and looked up to Regina with a grim face.

"I'm afraid, my queen, that though you did your very best to heal her it only worked for the wounds outside her body." Regina held her breath trying to keep control over her emotions because panic was coursing through her. The doctor pointed at Emma's stomach. "Do you see that bruise there, my lady, it is from her stomach bleeding out...Whatever Maleficent did to her it punctured her stomach. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."


"But my-"

"OUT!" They all scampered out the door leaving Regina alone with her slave. Regina knew she couldn't lose Emma, there was something there; she couldn't deny it anymore. She just attacked Maleficent for this girl and she had never raised a hand to Maleficent for any other reason than to protect her own life. A single tear escaped her and she quickly wiped it away. No, she needed Emma alive so she could show Snow White; that is all. Nothing more, nothing less. She just kept repeating those words in her head trying to convince herself of it. Love was weakness after all. Regina reached out to touch Emma's face but stopped halfway and balled her hand into a fist. Regina took several deep breaths and forced herself up off the bed. Her body swayed, wanting her to sit back down but she fought it and quietly exited the room. With assistance of the castle walls Regina made her way down to the dining hall and found her chair. She composed herself; she needed to look tough for who she was about to call.

"Rumpelstiltskin!" She cried out. She waited in silence and flicked off some fluff that was lying on her red coat. "Rumple, get your ass here now." She stated in her firm voice when he had not shown up.

"Calm down dearie, I heard you the first time I was just busy." Regina looked behind her chair to see Rumpelstiltskin standing in a corner wearing his usual smile.

"Good, now come here."

"You called me so how you about you walk over here." Regina shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She guessed, despite her attempt to show she was fine, Rumple already knew what state she was in. When she didn't respond to him he let out a hearty laugh and walked over to her, light on his feet. "Are we weak after trying to heal our pet, dearie?"

"So you know why I called you?"

"I do and you aren't going to like the price."

"What is it?" She asked in a calm voice even though her heart was pounding against her chest.

"If you want me to heal your pet you are going to have to give up the one thing you have learned to not be able to live without." Regina looked confused; she had worked her entire life to make sure she was independent and had nothing anyone could take from her making her weaker.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Magic. Your magic to be exact." Regina nearly threw up at the thought. She was known throughout the land for her powerful magic. If she gave it up she wouldn't have anything; the people would rebel and she would be dead. Rumple could see her stress. "I promise to keep it a secret. The only way anyone will know is if you tell them."

"Or if I am attacked and don't have the power to show my men! They'll run off and leave me!"

"Why on earth would you be attacked? Haven't made any new enemies have we?" Regina gave him a dirty look and he smiled back at her. "I'm sure Maleficent didn't take it personally." Regina gave him a weak smile. "So what is your decision my dear?" Regina could feel her heart racing and she was slightly sweating around her forehead. Could she really give up magic? "Well, alright then, looks like the poor girl dies."

"No wait!" He had turned his back on her as if he was going to disappear; his face was twisted in a smile. "Ok, I'll give you what magic I have left."

"Have left?"

"I drained almost everything I had to heal what I could of my pet."

"No dearie you don't understand," He said turning back to her on his heels. "I want ALL your magic. That means your books, your potions, and the magic that flows through your veins."

"Why do you want this?"

"Because if you stay on the path you are on you will become more powerful than me and I can't let that happen. So do we have a deal?" A quill and parchment appeared in his hands and he held it out to her. Regina could now feel her pounding heart in her throat; magic had been the only thing that made people fear her. After a few moments Regina snatched the two things out of his outstretched hands. She quickly signed it and returned the items to him looking terribly worried. "Thank you my dear." He went to leave but stopped. "I have to know, why would you give up your only weapon to save a slave. Certainly you could just get another one from the many towns you rule."

"She is the daughter of my worst enemy and therefore irreplaceable."

"Of course." He smiled and then was gone with a blink of an eye.

"Wait you need to heal her!" Regina panicked. She just gave up her powers and he didn't stay to heal Emma. Regina sprinted back to her room; fear gripping her spine. She burst through the door to find Emma still lying on her back. Regina walked up to her silently and saw the bruise on her stomach was gone. Emma rolled on her side and let out a tiny sigh. Regina could see the color had returned to her face. She looked better than she was only a minute ago before she went to speak to Rumple. Regina, clutching her hands to her chest, stepped closer to Emma. Her chest was going up and down at a steady, easy pace assuring Regina that she was fast asleep. Regina reached out and brushed away a stray hair from Emma's face. She sat herself on the edge of her bed and watched the young woman as she rested.

After watching Emma sleep for some time she called the doctor back in and allowed him to examine her; this time awake. The doctor could not believe that all her symptoms of internal bleeding were gone and she looked like she had regained the majority of her blood loss. Despite her appearing better he recommended that she rest; which made Emma very happy since she was, in fact, very tired. Regina left to let her pet sleep and walked into her library. She looked around and saw gaps of missing books. It didn't take her long to conclude that those books contained magic and had been taken by Rumpelstiltskin. Regina felt her palms starting to sweat, she was terrified. If anyone found out about her not having powers anymore it would be the end of her life. She had plenty of enemies, and now a new one, who would love the chance to have her head on a stick. She shuddered at the thought of her end and hoped that making Emma hers was worth it. Regina felt like unwinding so she wanted to read her favorite book, "A Girl At The End of the World", which was actually a diary of a young girl who served during the Goblin Wars. Regina thought of the girl often and had always wondered what had happened to her. She assumed she perished during the war since the diary abruptly ends with her saying that she and a few of her fellow men were being sent behind enemy lines to find the Goblin King. Regina settled down in her comfy blood red colored chair and snapped her fingers; nothing happened. She sighed in her frustration and called out for a servant. A young woman with blonde hair and a petite figure opened the heavy door to the library then popped her head in.

"Yes m..my Queen?" Regina smirked when she heard the slight fear in the girl's voice.

"Yes, servant, fetch me my favorite book." The younger woman was confused for the queen never requested these things of the servants she usually got them herself. "I'm sorry did I stutter or are you just stupid?"

"Ah no ma'am."

"Ok well then get my book." She stressed becoming frustrated and feeling her normal rage starting to form. The servant girl stepped into the library and was fiddling with her uniform.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but which book is it?" Regina got on her feet, the flames of rage blazing inside, and turned on the girl. She backed away against the door. "I'm sorry my queen, please just tell me what you want and I shall retrieve it for you." Regina got in her servant's face and grabbed her arm.

"I wanted my book you stupid girl! But since you can't even do that then I'll take you instead." She laughed as the small woman's eye widen from fear. Everyone throughout the land knew of how Regina "took" those she wanted.

"No! My queen please! Forgive me my queen! I will go and fetch it for you!" She screamed tearing up as Regina dragged her further into the room.

"Shut up!" Regina shouted throwing her onto the ground. Regina sat down on top of her and the servant began screaming at the top of her lungs while swinging her arms at Regina. Regina did her best to try to stop the flying fists heading towards her but one made contact on her right cheek and the girl froze.

"My queen..I am sorry-" Regina's eyes appeared like monsters as she looked down at her. The sound of something hard hitting flesh echoed through the room and the girl cried out in pain. Regina had made a fist and hit the younger woman square in face. She did it again and again and again, each time the girl cried out in pain and Regina heard a crunching sound after her fourth hit. As she pulled back her fist Regina saw blood pouring out of the girl's nose as she had broken it. She looked down at the young thing quivering beneath her as she raised her fist for the fifth time, her face twisted with days of frustration, but then she stopped. Regina was looking right into her eyes, they looked just like Emma's, was this girl just as terrified as Emma had been with Maleficent. Regina's face softened and she got up off her servant.

"Go," she said to the servant. The servant either didn't hear or was too frightened to move for she did not leave. "GO!" The servant girl fought to get on her feet and ran out the library doors, tripping over her own feet. Regina sighed, what was happening to her?

She eventually retrieved her own book and read it cover to cover; feeling her body relax as she read of the carnage the girl saw every day during her battles. Regina had taken her time reading, it had nearly been an hour since she had started. She wondered how Emma was fairing. Instead of returning the book to its original place Regina left it on a table not far from the red chair; for some reason she was feeling rather tired. She guessed it had been a long day. Regina looked outside, the sun was nearly setting at this point and it would be time for dinner soon. Yet she did not feel hungry, actually, she felt rather nauseous. She slowly made her way up the stairs to her chambers. She was going to let her pet spend the night with her so she could keep an eye on her, after all she had given up her only weapon to make sure the girl lived so she might as well make sure that the investment she made lives. As she got closer to the bedroom she was feeling more and more exhausted; Regina couldn't wait to reach her bed.

Once in her room she heard the gentle sounds of Emma breathing as she slept. Regina saw her bed and couldn't help but smile, she couldn't remember the last time she was this tired. She waved her hand over her body, but once again nothing happened. Regina felt the rise of frustration again as she was used to using magic to get in and out of these tight clothes. Should she call another servant in to help her? No, how ridiculous. She could do this herself. I mean it was clothing for God sakes. She started with her tight black leather pants. They were easy enough. Next the black jacket with dark red stitching. She unbuttoned it and down to the floor it went. She smiled at herself; when was the last time she had taken off her own clothes without magic? She was still married to Snow 's father at the time. She was down to her lacy underwear and her corset, which she could not wait to take off. She untied the knot of the laces first and then started pulling on them. But she was pulling on them the wrong way, instead of getting looser it was getting tighter. After several moments of dealing with this hassle she finally swore out loud causing young Emma to stir in her sleep beneath the silky covers of her Mistress's bed. She bit her tongue and continued tugging and pulling until she finally figured out which way it was supposed to go. It fell to the floor with the rest of her clothing and Regina sighed in relief. She stood there enjoying the feeling of her body no longer being contained. She was naked now, except of course for her panties, and she was just too exhausted to find anything to wear. She dragged her feet to her bed and got under the covers with her pet. She watched the back of Emma's head as she slept before drifting off to sleep herself.

Regina wasn't sure what woke her at first in the middle of the night, but the feeling of sick rising from her stomach made her sit straight up. She hissed in pain as she felt her joints ache, perhaps she had laid in the same position for too long. Her body was glistening in the moonlight and she could feel her sheets were soaked with her own sweat. She was shivering in the night, even though during this time of year the nights were still remotely warm. She felt like she was freezing to death. She felt her stomach lurch forward as a warning of what was coming. She ran into the bathroom, fighting the pain in her legs. She barely reached her toilet in time as vomit came up and out. She was nearly sticking her head into the hole as she violently got sick. What the hell was wrong with her? She hadn't eaten dinner so it couldn't have been that. She didn't have time to think as the second wave of vomit came pouring out. Emma had woken up to the sounds of Regina being sick and carefully walked to the bathroom. She herself was still sore but for the most part she was better.

"Mistress?" Emma asked quietly.

"Go back...back to bed." Regina demanded trying to hold back yet another belly full of waste. Emma backed away to the entryway of the bathroom but did not return to bed. She watched as Regina shook; bent over trying to steady herself with her hands. "I said go back t-" But she couldn't finish for yet another mouth full came out and down the toilet. Regina's legs were burning in pain and she couldn't stand up any more. Her legs gave out from under her and she fell to her knees. Emma ran over and placed a hand on Regina's back. "Don't touch me." Regina said shrugging off Emma's touch in attempt to not appear weak in front of her slave. "I told you to go back to bed. Now do as you're told!"

"But Mistress...you're sick."

"And when I get better I'll give you a lashing you'll never forget if you don't do as you're told." Her stomach lurched again and she threw up yet another stomach full of waste. Emma felt her new built in fear attack her at Regina's threat and she did as she was told. For the rest of the night Emma laid in bed hearing Regina being sick.

Regina did not feel better the next day, in fact, she felt much worse. She was shivering in bed underneath her covers as Emma laid next to her feeling concerned. Regina had no idea what was going on, it was too early in the season to be getting sick like this. Yet she was sure this was the flu. If only she had her magic then she would have taken care of this illness already. Regina groaned as her body ached and twitched at the thought of magic.

"Should I get the physician, Mistress?" Emma asked nervously, merely wishing to help Regina.

"No!" Regina shouted. The doctor would be surprised to be called to her aid. She always healed herself for everything; he was on staff for her men and servants; that was all. If he found out she was ill he would tell the rest of the castle and she would have a full uprising on her hands eventually. "No. You will not retrieve anyone. Y-you will not even leave this room. Call the mirror in my bathroom and tell him that he is to inform the servants to bring our food here. No one is to enter or leave." Emma got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, even more concerned than before.

"Magic mirror, your queen has asked for you." A dark cloud swirled in the mirror and a face appeared after a moment. It bobbed slightly up and down and side to side staring at her with a smile, but it went away when he did not see his queen.

"What do you want?" he asked plainly.

"My mistress has asked that I call for you and-"

"Where is she?" he asked in a hurried tone and looked around for her.

"She is resting. She felt this was a meaningless task that her slave could do." Emma was surprised how well that lie came out. It wasn't that she was a bad liar but that came out a little too easy. The man in the mirror looked annoyed.

"What does she wish of me?"

"She asks that our food for the day be brought to the door, where I will retrieve it. No one is to come in or leave this room."

"Why does she command this?" he asked, forehead furrowing.

"Do you dare question your queen?" Emma asked in a stern tone. The face went from looking curious to concerned for his own safety.

"Of course not. I shall inform everyone at once." And with that he was gone. Emma smiled at herself. She was merely a slave and yet the magic mirror obeyed her command, even though it was the queen who gave it, still it was she who spoke the words. Emma wiped away her smile and returned to the bedside of her mistress.

"I..is i-it done?" Regina asked through the chattering in her teeth.

"Yes Mistress." Regina nodded in approval. She pulled the covers closer to herself, making sure that she was completely covered. She couldn't seem to get warm enough. Emma walked over to her and went to place a hand on her head.

"What are you doing?" She asked sternly.

"I am going to check your temperature, Mistress." Regina was going to protest but Emma's hand was already on her head. "You are burning up. I shall call the mirror to have one of the servants fetch cold water and a cloth." Regina wanted to fight back, she did not want her slave to be taking care of her like she was a sickly child, but she was too weak to protest any more than she already had. She laid there, her hair sticking to her face and shoulders from the amount of moisture her body was producing. The room around her was blurring and fuzzy and she could hear Emma talking in the bathroom. She returned to her after a moment and sat beside her. She went to brush away some hair from her face, but Regina slapped her hand away.

"I am not a child. I am your mistress." Emma looked away like a puppy who had been yelled at. She heard a soft knock at the door and rose to answer it. It was a young handmaiden who had brought the bucket of cold water from the kitchen. She softly shut the door and locked it after gathering the bucket of water and cloth that came with it. Emma returned to Regina's bedside who was giving her a threatening look. Emma was frightened but she knew she needed to get Regina's temperature down soon. "I'm sorry Mistress." Emma said as she started dabbing the wet cloth on Regina's burning hot forehead. The cold cloth felt good against Regina's body. She knew she did in fact need this but her pride was too strong.

"Get...off of me!" She shouted at Emma using the rest of her strength to smack at her. Emma stepped back to dodge the flying hands. She stepped into the bucket filled with cold water making her jump and spill it everywhere. "Idiot!" Regina shouted at her as the water spread across the floor.

"I'm sorry Mistress!" Emma was now freezing cold from getting the water on her still naked body, but she ignored it and ran to the bathroom in search of something to clean it up with. She found nothing and ran back looking at Regina for help. Regina scoffed.

"The cupboard. You'll find some clean sheets that you can use." Emma grabbed them and quickly started soaking up the clear water off the floor. Regina looked down at her as she felt her eyes begin to feel heavy. She groaned feeling her body throb from too much movement. "You do realize you will be washing that sheet." Emma nodded as she looked back down at the mess she had made. It didn't take Emma long to clean it up and she placed the wet sheet next to the door so she could clean it once Regina had gotten better. Regina could feel her heart pounding in her head. She was freezing and her stomach was wanting to release more vile. She looked at her slave in a hazy state. She was healthy and alive and even though Regina couldn't fully admit it, she needed her right now. "Come lay with me pet." Emma slowly made it back to the side of the bed she was originally sleeping in. She curled herself into the covers and faced Regina. She wanted to reach out to her Mistress but knew that that was not the wisest of choices. With her pet safely by her side Regina allowed herself to slip into unconsciousness.

She awoke only a few hours later in agonizing pain. She wanted to shout out but all that could escape was a groan that was loud enough to wake Emma up, who had joined her in slumber shortly after Regina, in a startled state. Emma saw the sheets drenched in Regina's sweat. Regina struggled to move but was too weak. Emma quickly got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. Whatever this was it was no flu and Regina's temperature had finally reached an unsafe level.

"Magic mirror!" Emma shouted attempting to keep her cool but failing miserably. A cloud of black and purple swirled in the mirror before a floating head appeared.

"What is it now?" he asked in an irritated voice, was not happy taking orders from a slave.

"Regina is in need of a bath. But do not bother warming it up, Regina can just do so with her magic." The head raised an eyebrow.

"If her majesty can turn the water hot why not just summon the water as well?"

"Because she is the queen! And the whole purpose for having servants like you is so she does not have to do these petty things herself!" The magic mirror's face snarled at her but kept quiet before disappearing. Emma started to pace back and forth in front of the door making glances at Regina who was struggling to move and her breathing becoming ragged. What was taking them so long? There was a soft knock at the door sending relief through Emma's body. She opened the door and saw several servants carrying buckets of water. They handed them to her one by one as she placed them inside the room. Once she was handed that last one she slammed the door shut without another word and carried two of them to the bathroom. She had received enough buckets to fill it half way up. That would have to do. She ran back to Regina and flung back the sheets. Luckily Regina was still naked other than her panties which were fine where they were. "Come Mistress, you need to get in the tub. Your fever has gotten too high and you are going to die if I do not get it down." Regina wanted to protest but could not even speak a word. Emma pulled her up and wrapped one of Regina's arms around her neck. She lifted with all her strength and, despite still being weak from her time with Maleficent, was able to get Regina out of bed. The woman was heavier than expected but Emma kept her up. She heard Regina moan in agony as she dragged the woman towards the tub of cold water.

She placed Regina in slowly for fear that too quick of exposure to the cold would bring her body into shock. Regina slumped down into the cold water, too weak to even lift her head. Seeing Regina too weak to even do this simple task made Emma take a deep breath then step into the cold water. Her body instantly rejected her action. She felt her muscles tense and her skin react painfully to the sudden change of temperature. She gritted her teeth ignoring it and got into the tub behind Regina. She wrapped her arm around Regina's chest and pulled her in close. She lifted Regina's head back so that it gently landed on Emma's shoulder and she held her. Emma was already shivering but she concentrated on the woman before her. The cold water started to work right away. Regina shifted slightly and moved her head so her nose was against Emma's neck. Emma felt Regina's breathing start to go back to normal. Emma knew she couldn't allow them both to stay in here too long so she started concentrating on the light on the wall. She watched as it slowly crept down the wall as the sun rose up away from the windows. She waited for five minutes to pass and she started feeling Regina moving around more. It had been long enough. Emma forced her stiff body out of the water first before helping Regina up. Now that her fever had gone down Regina was able to walk and stand a little, making the transition from the bathroom back to the bed easier. She placed Regina on the side of the bed she had been sleeping on since Regina's side was covered in cold sweat and Regina need something warm. She wrapped her up with blankets making sure Regina was completely covered.

"Wh-y a-r-r-e you doing this?" Regina asked. Emma stopped and looked down at Regina whose eyes did not appear as fierce and rough as they usually did, but instead looked like an injured animal; confused and frightened. Emma didn't reply because in truth she wasn't sure why either. This would have been a perfect time to run off and be free yet she couldn't bear the thought of leaving Regina here to suffer. Luckily she didn't need to answer because Regina had fallen back to sleep. Emma, now shaking from head to toe, walked over the cupboard and grabbed a blanket that was folded up. She wrapped herself in it and walked over beside Regina. She got down on the floor and curled into a ball trying to get herself warm.

Regina slept through most of the day and awoke to Emma eating food that was brought to them. Her vision was still blurred but she could see that Emma was still eating as she was told to do; on all fours eating like an animal. "Water." Regina said in a hoarse voice. Emma wiped her chin with her hand and got up on her feet. She went to Regina's tray and brought back a glass of water. She held it over Regina but she was still too weak to do anything. "Don't just stand there, help me." She felt a twinge of guilt for snapping at her pet but she had to remain looking dominate even if it killed her. Emma slid her hand onto the back of Regina's head and lifted it up while pouring the water into her open mouth. She gave her a little bit and then stopped. "What are you doing? I'm thirsty."

"I'm sorry Mistress if I give you any more you will get sick again only making you more dehydrated."

"Fine." Emma lowered Regina's head back down and returned to eating. "You look ridiculous. Use your hands." Emma looked confused. "Don't look at me like that, you know what I mean. You can go back to eating like a person." Regina closed her eyes for what only felt like a second only to wake up to see that the room was dark with only the moonlight to brighten it. She felt her body shivering again; informing her the fever was back. Emma was still awake on the floor unable to sleep when she heard Regina make a noise. She sat up and could see, even through the barest amount of light, that Regina was shivering. Emma got on her feet and, for a third time, went to call the magic mirror in the bathroom.

"Magic Mirror." She said barely above a whisper. Nothing happened. "Magic Mirror." She said a little louder and again nothing. "Magic Mirror!"

"What?!" Came an irritated voice from the mirror. The swirling clouds appeared a moment later and eventually a head. "What do you want now, slave?"

"My Mistress has asked that I take a bath. Have servants or guards deliver me some hot water."

"I don't understand why she just isn't doing these things herself." Emma had been demanding things all day for the queen and she assumed that it was because she was so ill, but if the queen was as powerful as she said why didn't she just heal herself? "What are you two doing up there?"

"I didn't realize asking questions about your queen was appropriate." Emma stated becoming defensive.

"Fine don't tell me. It's past midnight so give what few guards there are on duty some time." And with that he was gone. Emma returned to Regina with a new found curiosity of why the older woman was so ill. She wanted to ask but knew better not to. Emma grabbed the water from earlier and repeated her actions. Regina welcomed the taste of the water though it seemed stale to her from sitting for so long. Emma pulled it away after a few sips and Regina moaned in protest, but was ignored by Emma. Regina was feeling sick as her body throbbed. She felt stiff and sore and attempted to move only to let out a short cry of pain. Emma looked at her Mistress worried and hoping the water would be here quick. It took another fifteen minutes for all the water to arrive. Emma filled the tub that still had water from earlier that day with hot water. They had brought enough water to almost fill it to the top. Emma retrieved Regina who was able to walk a little to the tub. She settled into it and lied back, resting her head against the edge.

"Why is this one warm?"

"It's better for the body when you have a fever to use warm or hot water. You are supposed to only use cold water in extreme cases, like earlier." Regina nodded in understanding but other than that didn't really say anything. Regina felt disgusting, she was sure she smelled but she was too weak to wash herself.

"Wash me." She ordered in a soft tone. Emma retrieved a cloth and some scented oils from a table nearby. Emma dabbed some oil on the cloth before rubbing it onto Regina's arm that she had pulled out of the water. Emma took her time and was being as gentle as she could. Regina sat in silence as her pet washed her like a child and she attempted to stay conscious. Regina was looking around the room through her blurred vision and felt old emotions begin to find their way to the surface.

"I hate this place." Regina spat out of nowhere. Emma swallowed hard not knowing what to say and continued washing Regina. "Every place, every corner, and crack, it's like living in my own personal hell. It reminds me of him. Every bit of it. That despicable man." Tears started to fall down Regina's face as memories forced their way out of the back of her mind. "I have nowhere else to go. I am forced to sleep and eat and live in the same place where he..." Regina went quiet and Emma did not pursue. Silence took back over the room and Emma was moving to Regina's legs. Her back was facing Regina showing her the scars that Rumple did not heal as if to taunt Regina. "When I first met Maleficent I was just freshly wedded to the king. I was angry and lonely and in pain. Maleficent was friends with Leopold before that disaster with Aurora and she took an instant liking to me. I've never had any friends, my mother wouldn't allow it, and here was this beautiful woman so interested with me. She was kind and gentle. She was different than the king who was harsh to me behind closed doors. I would go visit her when the King and Snow were away. She eventually got me in her bed and it was nothing like I had ever experienced. She took her time, she made sure she didn't hurt me, it was wonderful and beautiful and I wanted more." Emma knew what was coming soon; she remembered everything Maleficent had said to her. "Then one day, it must have been several months after we started having sex, she wanted to try something on me. She explained and I said no I wasn't...comfortable with that. Well she didn't like my answer." Emma felt warm, wet hands barely touch her back. "I'm sorry." Emma felt her heart skip a beat. "I know what she is capable of; she did it to me for years. I could never say no to her because she is – was – the only friend I ever had. After all the rape and torture I received from both her and Leopold I just can't fight back when it happens. I freeze. I don't know why. I'm sorry, Emma." Emma felt like crying hearing the softly spoken words that she was sure in this moment Regina meant. But she knew what the stress of the fever must be doing to her and that if she were healthy these words would have never been spoken. "I'll most likely being dying soon." She laughed weakly. "So it looks like I'll get my wish and will finally be able to leave this place."

"Why would you be dying? This illness will leave and you'll be fine." Emma said in a tone of panic. Regina had silent tears streaming down her face as Emma made eye contact.

"I gave it all up...for you."

"Gave what up, Mistress?"

"My magic. I no longer have magic."

That night passed uneventfully after the bath. Regina returned to sleeping through the rest of the night and most of the next day. Once she awoke she was fed a little bit of bread with some water. She was able to keep it down just fine. Two days later Regina was back to full force and herself again.

"Pet." Regina said in a sharp tone as she dressed herself for the day. Emma came walking up behind her watching her lace up her corset in the mirror in the bathroom. "You are not to tell anyone of what has happened in this room the past few days, am I clear?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good." Regina went silent as she slipped on her usual dark leather pants; she felt a dress wasn't appropriate today. She needed to seem strong and bring fear to people and though the right dress did do, this nothing worked better than her trade mark pants. "Also," Regina finally said. "I am allowing you to return to wearing clothes. You will join me at the dinner table like a human. You will still be treated as a slave but no longer a beast. I think that's a nice step, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress." Emma replied excitedly. Regina couldn't help but smile a little at seeing her pet so happy.

"I also thought we would go into town and buy you a nice collar instead of that metal one I have around your neck. I still need people to know you're my little whore. Oh, and this brings me to rule number eight; you will accompany me everywhere I go. You will always be behind me, never in front or beside, always behind. You will do as you're commanded without question. This is a big step for a slave, most don't survive this long. I am showing you off to the public so I expect you to behave and obey. If not, I'm afraid you will go back to the dungeons. Do you understand, slave?" Emma felt herself conflicted. She was finally being seen as human again but she was still nothing more than a pawn to Regina.

"Yes my Mistress." Regina turned around to face Emma now fully dressed and brushed Emma's chin with her fingers.

"That's my good little slut."