Heyloooo I wanted to make a crossover fic so yeah... Anyways... hope you're amused!

~Le woosh~ The mizzies and Olivers fall from le sky

Eponine *ep*: What the? -rubs head-

Enjoras *Enj*: -looks around- REVOLUTION!

Gavroche *Gav*: -adjusts hat-

Dodger: "WHat the 'eck!?" -steals Joly's wallet-

Bill: "Must kill things." -twitches-

rest of the Olivers and Mizzies: -mutter things like why are we here? Where is here? etc.-

me: MWAHAHAHA I am the authoress and I control yooouuuu

Ep: -mutters vauge curses- I don't like authoresses.

me: Now, now 'Ponine! No need to be bitter

Ep: -mutters angrily-

Gav: -raises hand- Miss authoress?

me: yes Gavroche?

Gav: Why are we here?

me: -shrugs- I dunno. Thought it'd be entertaining

Gav: Oh.

me: I'll be back soon! Chat amongst yourselves for a few minutes ~le woosh~

Dodger: Well that was absurd...

That is that chapter... I'm sure I'll have good ideas later... Wouldn't hurt to post a review and mabey some ideas... ;) First review gets a cookie! ^-^