A/N: Was anyone else heartbroken when the timeskip ended and you saw the other side of Sanji's face for the first time? It could have at least had a tattoo or something on it... *pouts* So! I've decided to ignore that inconvenient part of canon and come up with my own. Actually not really, I've had this idea in my head from before I read that part of the manga. The original draft had a really horrid OC in it that upon re-reading quite a bit later made me go 'eew Mary-sue' so that was cut. You're welcome. I promise I haven't forgotten Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. I've just found I have no self control about posting stories... so yeah...

"Ah! Luffy! Don't eat that, idiot!"

Everyone's attention was instantly brought to the end of the line they'd been traveling in to see Sanji ripping something from their idiot captain's hands. "But Saaanjii! I'm hungry!"

"You eat this and you'll die, you moron!" Sanji snapped back as he tossed the item he had salvaged in the air lightly. "God, didn't you learn your lesson the first time?" The others blinked and took a closer look at what the cook had. They saw it was a large coconut sized fruit that was bright purple and had blue swirls on it. Not unlike Sanji's eyebrows actually. Though nobody but a certain Swordsman would ever bring attention to that.


"It's a Devil Fruit…" Nami said in surprise, though her mind was already debating if it would be better to sell it for a hell of a lot of money or have someone eat it and get more powers in the crew. She was leaning towards selling it…

"That's right and you can only eat one in your life. Eat any others and your body will… I don't know, explode or some shit," Sanji said before tossing the fruit to Chopper. "Keep that away from the idiot would you, Chopper? You're probably not stupid enough to eat it."

The little reindeer looked surprised but quickly took on a determined look and nodded. "Right! You can count on me, Sanji!" he declared before stuffing the large fruit into his backpack with a little bit of difficulty. The small doctor had already shoved quite a number of things into his backpack during their hike so there wasn't much room.

"Trust Luffy to somehow stumble across another Devil Fruit in the middle of a jungle…" Nami muttered as she turned around. "We're looking for treasure not food, Luffy. Remember?"

"But I really am super hungry!" Luffy whined. "And it looked really good!"

"It's a goddamned purple coconut, Luffy!" Sanji said in exasperation. "That should be clue number one that it wasn't good to eat it!"

Luffy pouted some. "Saanjii, is it time for lunch yet?" he asked after a whole three minute pause. To be honest, it was a miracle he'd waited even one minute to ask, much less three. "Breakfast was forever ago!"

Sanji sighed. "Breakfast was only an hour ago, Luffy, not forever ago. We'll eat lunch later."

"But I'm hungry nooooww," Luffy whined.

The others didn't have to look back to know that the sound of pain came from a certain captain getting a black polished shoe slammed into his head. "Stop whining! You can stand to wait a while longer for your lunch, damnit!"

Luffy pulled his head out of the dirt where Sanji's foot had lodged him, comically stretching his neck for a moment as the ground refused to let go at first. He shook his head some to get the dirt out of his hair and picked up his hat where it had fallen to the ground beside him. "Sanji's mean," he said childishly.

Sanji sighed, he really didn't like denying anyone food even if he knew that Luffy's appetite was never-ending and he really didn't need the food he wanted. So, more to save himself an argument, Sanji decided to distract his captain. "Maybe there's a bunch of monsters or something guarding Nami-swan's treasure, Luffy."

"Huh? Monsters! Really, Sanji!" Luffy said, jumping to his feet, already looking excited.


"Ah! There aren't really monsters are there?"

Sanji ignored the terror the comment had brought from Usopp and Chopper. It wasn't like they couldn't handle a few monsters. "Yeah, you might even get a chance to fight them, Luffy. But we have to find the treasure for Nami-swan first."

"Yosh! Watch out monsters! I'm gonna kick your asses!" Luffy declared as he leapt to the front of the line and practically ran through the jungle in a seemingly random direction.

"Nice going, Shit-cook. Now we've got to go after him," Zoro said in annoyance.

Sanji scoffed, not about to take something like that from his favorite punching bag. "What? You wanted to hear him whine the whole time, Marimoron?" he asked.

Zoro growled. "Would you stop calling me that and every other variation you think up, dartboard?" he demanded. "It got old about the third time you said it!"

"That's rich coming from a moss-brained idiot who can only think of one insult himself!" Sanji snapped back, instantly falling into the familiar pattern of argue and scream until the actual fighting occurred. He liked arguing with Zoro. It was easy and a wonderful distraction based on misplaced aggression. Zoro was the only one he could focus all of that on and meet it without a problem.

Before the two of them could really get started though there was a loud scream, which turned to a laugh midway through. It was a voice that was more than a little familiar to the crew. They all exchanged a dry look, knowing that something horrid was about to happen. Sure enough, not five minutes later Luffy came barreling through with what felt like an earthquake right behind him. Curious, the rest of the crew turned to look and as one unit screamed at the stampede of massive dinosaurs that was coming their way. "Damn it! This always happens!" Zoro yelled as they quickly turned and ran after their brain-dead captain.

Luffy laughed, "I have no idea!"

"It's your fault!" Nami screamed as they continued to tear through the jungle at top speed. Luffy just laughed again as he jumped over a fallen tree.

Though dinosaurs were hardly the worst thing they'd come across there were a lot of them and they were big and they didn't look interested in stopping. The weaker members would surely get trampled if they tried to end the stampede.

The crew ran all the way back through the jungle until they reached the beach and quickly boarded Merry again. Only then did they stop to catch their breath. The dinosaurs stopped on the beach to stamp and roar at them in clear anger but they luckily didn't attempt to ram their ship or any other disastrous thing. Luffy laughed and hopped up onto the ram's head. "That was so much fun!"

"Fun… he calls nearly dying fun…" Usopp panted from where he was sprawled out across the deck.

"Why so surprised, longnose-kun?" Robin asked. Usopp only whimpered in reply, which caused the archeologist chuckle some.

Nami stood up and glared at the island that now had a highly populated dinosaur beach. "Argh! Now how are we going to get the treasure!"

"Relax. We can just fight through them," Zoro said indicating his swords with one hand.

"Ah! You can't do that!" Chopper said jerking upright himself. "They're just defending their home! That'd be really mean to kill them just for some treasure!"

Sanji exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Plus we don't have room for all that meat on board. It'd be a total waste to kill that many dinosaurs just because they were in our way."

"But how are we going to get the treasure?" Nami demanded, clearly not happy about the sudden situation that the Strawhats had found themselves in.

"Perhaps if we waited the dinosaurs will return to the jungle and we can look for it again, Navigator-san," Robin offered. "I doubt they will stay there for too long."

"Ahh, Robin-chwan is so smart!" Sanji swooned with a huge heart in his eye.

With the situation on the beach apparently not resolving itself right away, a certain bottomless pit of a captain decided it was the perfect time for other things. "Saaanjii! Meeat!" He leapt the distance easily and wrapped himself around the blonde several times, drawing a very vocal protest from his cook.

"Ack! Luffy! Get off me you, idiot!"


"Alright, Alright! I'll cook you some damn meat, just get offa me!" It took a moment to pry the rubbery limbs away but once he was free Sanji stormed off to the galley. A stream of smoke and curses followed him before he slammed the door, mostly to keep Luffy out while he was working more than any real anger. He was glad that Luffy liked his cooking so much but damn.

Nami sighed a bit as she looked at the jungle. "Well, I guess we did get that Devil Fruit…" she muttered. "Hopefully those dinos won't hang around too long so we can find that treasure…"

Unfortunately for Nami, the dinos didn't leave very quickly. In fact, they seemed quite content to not leave the beach at all. Several of them were sleeping in the sand and others were munching on the bushes and trees that were growing along the jungle's edge. It took until the sun went down for the dinosaurs to leave. Several of the more forethoughtful Strawhats managed to convince certain others that traipsing around in an unknown jungle at night with large dinosaurs roaming around was a bad idea. No matter how big a treasure was supposed to be lost on this island somewhere.

"Hey! Maybe Zoro or Usopp or Nami or Sanji or someone could eat the Devil Fruit and get cool powers!" Luffy said as they gathered to eat the dinner that Sanji had fashioned from the fish that they'd caught while waiting for the dino's to leave.

"We don't know what that thing does, Luffy," Nami said. "It's better to sell it."

"But what if it does something cool!" Luffy whined in protest.

Sanji scoffed. "With our luck it'd be something stupid like turning yourself into yarn or something shitty like that," he said as he carried another plate over to the table, this one piled high with some potato based dish that nobody but him could manage to pronounce properly.

"Aww, I wanted it to be something cool…" Luffy muttered with a pout.

The others rolled their eyes at their childish captain before starting to eat their dinner. "Oh well, at least we can go find that treasure tomorrow now that those dinosaurs have finally gone away."

"And this time we know not to agitate any dinosaurs on the way," Robin added with a smile.