This is my first fic here on Fanfiction. Enjoy! :)

Edited by Crazycoffeekat. Check out her stories! She's got a bunch of awesome DP, Chuck, and more!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom.

Molecule by Molecule

Danny woke up slowly. He felt groggy- really groggy. "Ugh, what happened to me last night?" He thought, struggling to open his eyes.

For some odd reason, Danny couldn't quite remember what happened yesterday. His mind was very cloudy, and he simply assumed that he was tired and that he had slept in after a long night of ghost hunting. Figuring that was the case, Danny mentally shrugged it off.

"Mom probably has a stack of pancakes waiting for me." He smiled at the thought. "I better get downstairs."

With some hesitation, Danny started to roll his legs off his bed in a very clumsy manner.

His legs didn't move.

Danny's eyes shot wide open.

Danny tried again. This time he flung his legs as hard as he could-still no movement.

Panicking, he flailed his arms around, both of which were unusually resting over his head.

They didn't move.

"Am I paralyzed?"

Looking down at himself, Danny realized that he was in his black hazmat suit and white boots.

Crud. He was Danny Phantom.

Danny also noticed that he was in his parents lab on the examination table- restrained.

"Have... have I been caught again?" He wondered, flexing his sore muscles. "Gee, I must have been in the thermos all night!"

"HAH, escaping Mom and Dad will be way too easy!" Danny laughed to himself.

Grinning, Danny went intangible. "Sorry, Fentons!" He called out in a loud mock.

Danny went backwards through the examination table. The restraints around his limbs glowed, but they didn't give. Danny tried again to escape, floating upwards, and the restraints that encircled his limbs brightened.


The sharp pain of electricity coursed throughout his entire body.

Danny slumped down in defeat, but he wouldn't give up yet; Danny still had one option left. Mustering up his remaining strength he lifted his torso up, allowing a white ring to form around his body.

"Hrrgghh!" Danny grunted, trying to revert back to his human form.

Almost instantaneously, another current of electricity shocked Danny, flowing through his body as if he were a wire. "GAAAH!" Danny screamed in pain.

He dropped back onto the examination table with a heavy thud. He was exhausted; all of his strength had been sapped out of him.

Danny tried to fight against the fatigue by keeping his head up. He struggled to remain conscious, but he was too weak. He couldn't stay awake any longer. Suddenly, his eyelids grew very heavy, and his head dropped down listlessly.

With one last, shuddering breath, Danny blacked out.

Danny awoke with a start.

Eyes flying open, he looked over himself. Crap. He was still trapped on the examination table, and still trapped in his ghost form.

"JAZZ!" Danny shouted. No answer "MOM! DAD!" Still nothing.

Fentonworks was deathly silent.

Turning his head towards the labratory's exit, Danny saw two silhouettes quietly stepping down the stairway.

"Mom. Dad..." Danny whispered under his breath.

Out of the stairway appeared the two notorious ghost hunters, Danny's parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, who were— SMILING?

Walking up to Danny, they looked down at him and grinned maliciously. Danny looked up at his parents with pleading eyes, mentally begging them for his freedom.

"Hello, ghost boy." Maddie said, still smirking.

Well, this was awkward. "Uhh... Hi Mr. and Mrs. Fenton." Danny said with a big, fake smile.

"Do you like the new table?" Maddie asked. "It keeps ectoplasmic scum like you from going intangible, and it keeps them down by using their ecto-energy against them!" She finished, laughing excitedly.

"I call it the Fento-Specter-Trapper 12000!" Jack proudly declared, butting into the conversation.

Danny glared back. "What the heck do you want with me?"

"Oh, Phantom..." Maddie chided him. "For your crimes against Amity park, we are going to lock you down here and examine your ectoplasmic body. Molecule," she whispered sadistically, " molecule."

Danny couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I never committed any crimes!" He blurted out.

Of course, being framed by the mayor for aggravated assault and robbing the bank under the hypnotic control of Freakshow looked terrible, but Danny never meant for those accidents to happen. He had no control over any of those.

Danny dropped his head in guilt.

"Silence you... you ghost!" She spat the word out viciously.

"I'll leave him here for you, Maddie. You show that ghost!" Jack cheered.

"Meanwhile, Jazz and I will watch you tear him apart through the new Fentoncom video-feed I just installed!" Jack said, holding a small remote in his hand.

"Have fun Maddie!" He yelled as he pounded up the stairs with his remote, fully disappearing from Danny's sight.

Danny swallowed hard, his stomach dropping at the thought of watching his own body get ripped apart. And while he was awake, no less!

"Please," he begged. "Just let me go!"

"Sorry, Phantom," Maddie sneered, "but I just can't do that."

"I'll start preparing the needles." Maddie said as she switched back to her usual cheerful disposition, leaving Danny's sight to prepare for an array of invasive, inhumane experiments.

Reviews :D