Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Pairings: Percy x Luke x Jason x Nico

Warning: This is a slash

Chapter 1

I groaned as pain invaded my skull as I gained consciousness. What happened? I blinked, slowly allowing light to seep into my eyes. It burned if I opened it too quickly.

"Are you finally awake?" A soft voice asked. Once my eyes were adjusted I looked to find the owner of the voice. A blond haired girl was looking down at me. I wasn't sure what to make of her. She had curly blond hair and stormy gray eyes that seemed to analyze everything. He could immediately tell she was smart.

I flicked my eyes across her face; she was pretty so I assume she must have been another girl from the pageant. But the question remains; where am I?

I must have passed out at a pageant. That was bad; if they find out I'm actually a boy… No, thinking about worst case scenarios will get me nowhere.

I didn't recognize the girl above me for some reason; she probably hasn't done many pageants.

"Hey! I see your eyes open, answer me!" She said, her voice filled with annoyance. I hated girls like her; all outer beauty, no inner beauty. It was a shame that her beauty went to waste.

"What happened?" I croaked out. Gabe was going to kill me if he finds out I passed out during a pageant. Ever since Mom died he had remarried an infertile woman that had always wanted a daughter and she's been making me dress like a girl and do pageants.

I hated it, but I had no choice but to either comply or face an awful beating. My self of steam is not very high and I am too scared to do anything to stop them from controlling my life.

The girl thought for a second, "What is the last thing you remember?"

I thought for a second. "I remember training for Saturday," I started. "Then Jenny walked in, she was acting weird and honestly, I was a little scared. And then Grover ran in and then everything else is blurry. I had some weird dream about a Minotaur and I killed it with my bare hands. Then I woke up here."

"What is your name?"

I looked at her funny, how did she not know my name? Unless she wasn't a pageant girl. "Who are you? And where am I." I questioned. Was I kidnapped?

"Give her some air, Annabeth." A familiar voice asked, where have I heard it before? School! He was my history teacher. What was he doing here?

He said her, which means they think I'm a girl. So they haven't checked...

"Her memory seems fine, Carina Ugliano, this is Camp Half-Blood."

"Camp? I never signed up for camp? I have more important things to do."

"Chiron, she is obviously a daughter of Aphrodite. I don't see why we need to keep her here." The girl- Annabeth- said. She seemed to glare at me, she was probably jealous I was prettier than her.

"She can go once she is trained." Chiron said. "For some reason monsters seem drawn to her and I refuse to let her leave without any protection."

I looked at them, completely lost in their conversation. "I get enough training, and I doubt my parents can afford to send me to some camp."

Annabeth looked at me shocked, "You're already trained?"

I looked at her unsurely, "Yes, I've been training since I was four."

"So what weapon do you use?" She asked curiously.

I looked at her strangely, "Weapon? I meant a dance trainer."

Annabeth looked unimpressed, "That makes more sense, and you look weak anyway."

"Hey! I am one of the most known kids in the pageant world." I argued. I had won many trophies and metals. Gabe sells them after I win and I lost track of the number of pageants I've been in but I have won quite a few.

Annabeth snorted, "A pageant girl. Gods forbid a pretty girl ever has to hide their beauty and pretend to be normal."

I glared; this girl had no inner beauty. She was so tainted with jealousy and hatred. I could tell she had been hurt by someone or abandoned by someone she trusted. That or she was a spoilt rich brat who hated anyone prettier than her, though that didn't seem very realistic. She didn't seem stuck up, more lonely and scarred.

And then there was the fact she kept referring to me as a girl, I know I was supposed to be disguised as a girl but something here made me feel off about being referred to as a girl. I felt like I could be myself.

I slid my legs out of the bed and stood, I was still in my yoga pants and a long baggy white shirt. My long black hair was tied in a high ponytail and my earrings were small so they wouldn't interrupt my dancing. I stood. My posture was perfectly straight as looked at Annabeth.

"You should never judge a book by its cover." I said, "You will make nothing but enemies that way."

Chiron cleared his throat, "Annabeth, why don't you show her around?" He asked, though it was more of an order than a question.

"Should we give her a shirt? I mean this one is all dirty and blood. We can have her pretty face ruined with -."

"Enough Annabeth." Chiron said sternly. "Carina, what size shirt do you need?" he asked kindly.

I thought for a second, I should fit in a small but then people would be curious at my flat chest. Then there was the fact that I wore yoga pants…

"Medium," I decided. Immediately an obnoxiously bright orange shirt was tossed at me. They stared at me for a second waiting for me to change. "Can you look away?" I asked.

Chiron and Annabeth turned red as they realized they were staring. Chiron cleared his throat, "We'll be outside once you're done."

I sighed and took off my bloodied and dirty white shirt and sat in my trainer bra. I looked at the shirt; it had the words Camp Half-Blood on it. What a strange name for a camp.

Slowly, I put the shirt on. I didn't dare gather my thoughts for fear of passing out again from shock. I would hate for everyone to find out that I'm a boy. They would call me a cross dresser and Gabe would be mad that I wouldn't be able to join in pageants. The girl's pageants have better awards than the male pageants.

I sighed, why did mom have to die? First my dad, then my mom, and now I'm cross dressing to appease my abusive step-dad and insane step-mom. I took a deep breath and looked up, I was stronger than this.

I made my way outside and smiled thinly at Annabeth. She was alone so I assumed Chiron left.

"I'm going to show you around. Follow me." She said it like it was the worst thing in the world.

"So, Carina-." Annabeth started.

I interrupted her, "Call me Percy. Carina is my stage name."

She looked at me weirdly, "Percy? Is that short for Patricia or something?"

"I don't know. My step-mom calls me that when we're at home." I explained. I didn't add in the part when he is drunk and angry.

"Step-mom? So that means your God parent is a woman. So you're definitely Aphrodite. If not a minor God."

"What? What is with all this God talk?" I asked. I was a little concerned for her sanity.

"Listen, you're a half-blood. Half human, half God."

"You're insane. I am full human." I said, now I was fully concerned. She seemed pretty set on the idea of being half God.

She bit her lip. "Here are the bathrooms." She said. "Over there are the armory and-."

I tuned her out. There were a lot of kids here. Were they all insane? Maybe I was dreaming. How do you tell if you're dreaming? Pinch yourself. Ouch! Nope, I am awake.

Why were the kids pointing at me? I was used to attention and derogatory insults because of pageants but for some reason this felt different. Were they using real swords? What if they got hurt? Was this what they meant by training?

No! Muscles did not look elegant and certainly didn't look dainty. If I gained muscles there was no way I would ever win another pageant. Gabe would kill me, and I would let him. If these people made me gain muscles I would probably kill myself.

Pageants are the reason I'm still alive. Gabe would have killed me earlier because what use am I besides making money? Gabe will probably sell me to some pervert once my usefulness is gone.

What was I thinking telling Annabeth my name was Percy? If word got out to the officials I would probably be banned or suspended from pageants. And then I would go hungry and die of starvation.

I wasn't smart or incredibly athletic. I didn't have any talent except for having a pretty smile. Was that all I was? A pretty smile? Well, that's depressing.

I looked at the forest I managed to get myself into. I looked around for Annabeth but didn't see her. Great, I was lost in the forest near the camp of crazy people. I sighed and kept walking, hopefully something will eat me and I will have a valid excuse for dying.

I breathed in deeply and recognized the scent of the ocean. I loved the ocean; it calmed me and made me feel safe when everything else scared me. I sat down on the sandy beach and watched as the calm water soothed my toes. I sighed; I forgot to put on shoes again.

I don't know how long I was sitting on the beach but by the time someone found me the sun had almost set.

"Hey," A deep voice said. I looked up and found a blond boy looking at me.

I blinked at him, "Hi." I replied quietly.

"Annabeth is pretty upset that she lost you." The boy said as he sat next to me. "She has the whole camp looking for you."

"Oh, I should apologize to her. I kind of wandered off." I explained. "And I don't know how to get back."

"I'll show you." The boy said a soft smile on his lips.

"Thanks-uh…?" I trailed off, not knowing his name.

"Sorry, I'm Luke. Luke Castellan." He said holding out his hand as he stood.

I took his hand and let him help me up. "I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

"Percy? Annabeth told me we were looking for a girl." He mused before his eyes widened with guilt, "I mean your name is a little masculine, you're a very pretty girl and…" he trailed off when he heard me laughing.

"I'm a boy, Annabeth and Chiron are under the impression I'm a girl. Everyone is under that impression. I guess it's because of my step-mom. She always wanted a girl." I rambled.

"Step-mom? So your God parent is a woman. Probably Aphrodite."

I groaned, "You too? I am sorry, but I don't believe in God." I said.

Luke chuckled, "They're jerks. And I don't blame you for not believing in me. I had to grow up with my crazy mother when I had a perfectly capable father who could have raised me but instead was sleeping with as many women as he could."

I looked down, "Well my mom died when I was four and I was left with my step-dad. Then my step-dad got remarried to my step-mom. I never met my dad. I was told he died before I was born. He was in the Navy and died in action." I explained. It was the story I told anyone who asked. It went deeper into details but that was the summary of my life.

"Here we are. This is where we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You're going to sit at my table since you're not claimed yet." Luke explained as he motioned towards a full table.

"Why don't we sit at that table? It's empty." I pointed out.

"The reason our table is so full is because all these kid are either unclaimed, children of minor Gods or children of Hermes."

"That's not fair." I said. These kids must feel so useless and unimportant.

Luke just sighed. "I know it isn't."


So, what do you guys think of my first chapter? Is it worth continuing or not? I really value your opinion and if you think this story is awful then please tell me. But give me a reason so I can improve in my writing.

Anyway, thanks to anyone who reads this and reviews. I will answer any questions you have.