John leant heavily against the wall at the back of the abandoned warehouse building, staring idly out into the Thames and the houses beyond. It was a grey and cold day in Britain, and the clouds were heavy and dark; threatening to open up and allow the liquid contained within them to fall and pummel the already sodden earth and its habitants. Alice stood there malevolently, glaring up at the darkening sky; elegantly manicured hands buried deep in her coat pockets as the icy breeze swept across the flat plane, catching the loose locks of her hair and making them flutter across her face. Sighing deeply, John let his head bow as he thought back to all six months ago when he had last been in London; even now he couldn't help but feel the pit in his stomach that seemed to open up whenever he relived his life here, reminiscing on how it went downhill so quickly. Once or twice, John had contemplated coming back here; perhaps just to visit friends-including the ones in their graves-or just to finally put a brutal end to Marwood's pathetic life. The man -from all reports-had broken in prison, his name soiled by both Luther and his own actions; mainly brought on by his confession to Justin's murder and therefore proving to the world that he was no better than the criminals he felt so free to condemn.


The ex-detective inspector was brought crashing back to reality as the familiar voice called out to him and he looked round to see Benny a few short paces away. There was a new, unrecognisable light in the man's eyes; half hidden by his long hair that was whipped across his face by the freezing wind. John smiled welcomingly, sweeping his friend in a large embrace for which Benny returned just as amicably. They chuckled at each other as the separated, John keeping his hands firmly on either side of his friend's shoulders.

"Benny," John greeted heartily, giving the man a slight amiable shake "It's been too long, old friend."

Benny smiled lightly in return, and then nodded toward Alice "I see time has been kind to you. I'm guessing I have a lot to catch up on over the last six months?"

Alice tilted her head slightly in her own distant version of welcome and raised her hand; wiggling her ring finger so the Benny could see the golden wedding band around her finger. Benny's eyes widened in surprise and shot John a questioning look but John just gave a gentle shrug as if to say 'what-can-you-do?'.

"You said this was an emergency?" Alice asked suspiciously, stepping forward to come beside John almost protectively.

"Ah, well…"Benny shifted a little uncomfortably and staggered back a little "I kind of lied about that; but it is important."

John raised his eyebrows in confusion "Spit it out, Benny. What is it you wanted me here for?"

Benny glanced around behind John and Alice for a second before a grin spread across his tired face "I have a mutual friend of ours that wants to speak to you, who I reckon you'll really want to see."

Following his friend's keen gaze, John spun around and felt his breath catch in his chest as he took in the figure standing a few strides away; hands tucked into his fondly familiar black jacket. Struggling to breath, John stumbled forward a few weak steps; reaching out toward the ghost until finally his hand fell down on a solid being. John gasped, unable to form words as his mind raced; trying to work out how this could be physically possible. He caught sight of Alice, her expression not quite as shocked as John's though there was an inquisitive and almost fearful glint in her eye as she tried to decide whether to fight or flight.

"J-Justin?" John choked uncertainly, squeezing the man's shoulder in an attempt to clear his confused and disbelieving mind.

Justin Ripley flashed him a tight smile, his eyes wet with tears, voice cracking slightly "It's me, boss…I'm alive."

He almost sounded as if he was trying to reassure himself of that fact as John pulled his best friend into a powerful embrace, not caring how childish and desperate he probably looked as he patted his friend on the back; still trying to fathom whether this was really real or he had just fallen asleep on the aeroplane and was going to wake up at any moment. But the vision didn't fade and they finally separated, John finally regaining control of his voice.

"How?" he asked tentatively, scanning down the younger man's lean figure "Marwood shot you in the chest…there was so much blood…I checked your pulse?"

Justin bit his lip anxiously and stared down at his shoes for a moment "Yeah, my heart stopped- bad timing on your part-I was in a coma for three months."

"But it's been six months! Why didn't you call? Contact me?"

"You went into hiding remember," Justin laughed half-heartedly as he fiddled with a band around his wrist "Anyway, the shell damaged my spinal cord; the doctors thought I would be permanently paralysed…I wasn't ready for everyone's pity, I needed to get through on my own."

John nodded slowly with a distant smile, rubbing the day old stubble on his chin "You've always been tough. Tougher than me ."

"Justin." Benny's voice interrupted before John could inquiry further.

The young man caught the other's eyes and acknowledged his understanding before turning back to John "I also had amnesia for a long time…the doctors reckoned it was an after effect of my heart stopping and the subsequent coma. I only just recovered my memory…or most of it anyway; I'm still a bit foggy on parts."

The pauses conveyed Justin's dislike of the subject and John knew better than to pry further; just giving his friend a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Alice looked amused by the whole circumstance and rewarded John with an almost sympathetic smile when he turned back to face her.

"So…"Justin continued slightly more cheerfully "You're married…again. I have to say the wedding was quite a spectacle."

John frowned as Justin started to walk past him toward Benny and Alice, obviously intending for Luther to follow "How do you know about our wedding?"

"Oh, I know a lot of things about your little holiday from the force." Justin teased mockingly, tapping his nose as he looked back at John over his shoulder.

Speechless, John just followed suit; placing an arm over Alice's shoulder as she relaxed into him and they followed Justin and Benny to their car. All John could about how much the two of them needed to catch up, and what a lucky man he was to have so many miracles.