Chapter 5

The Next Day, as always I walk to school together with Osen-chan and Heisuke. Gladly, our school is not far away from our neighborhoods. It takes only 15 minutes by foot.

" Oh C'mon Heisuke-kun, You have a lot of hot guys in your school. We have to arrange a blind date sometimes." Said Osen-Chan Cheerfully

" Jeez.. Why you so eager to arrange a blind date ?" Asked Heisuke

" Do I have to tell you the reason? Baka Hei-kun ? I go to a private girl's school and you in a private boy's school , once. Isn't it perfect? Besides, It's about time to get yourself a girlfriend." Stated Osen

" Ha~ah, I Don't need one. Beside, You have known it already, I have set my eyes on someone." Said Heisuke with a blushed face.

" He~eh, Did you hear that, Chizuru-chan?" Asked Osen

" Huh.. What? Hear what ?"

" Ei, Chizuru-chan's soul is wandering in the sky again. Just Now, Heisuke.." Before Osen finished her line. Heisuke Grabs her and covering her mouth with his hand preventing Osen is spilling out the beans. " It's Nothing Chizuru.. Ahahaha.." Said Heisuke with an awkward laugh.

Honestly, I didn't hear anything about their conversation. It seems like my head is being controlled with my problematic feelings. I thought about what happened yesterday. Being Hugged so suddenly with an unknown pervert guy, The worse part of it, it's seen by Hijikata Sensei, Being interrogated by Kaoru for coming home with a swollen eye. And a nightmare about Hijikata sensei being shot by someone. I'm planning to not come to school today because I have to face him in the class. In fact that yesterday, he found me crying while returning the Kendo Equipments in its place. When he asked if I'm alright, I run away without even answering. What a stupid yet idiot of me.

"Ha~ah" I let out a deep sigh.

" What's wrong Chizuru-chan ? Your face looks gloomy today." Asked Osen-chan

" Eh ? Is it ? I'm fine Osen-chan." I smiled to her.

" Mo~u, We have been friends since we were a baby. I can tell that you are in trouble. What have you done to her Heisuke-kun?" Osen pinched Heisuke arms and that Makes Heisuke screams.

" It Hurts!... Chizuru-chan, What's wrong ?! Are there any boys in our school have done anything wrong to you?! You have to tell me! I will kick their Butt!" Said Heisuke loudly.

" Ah.. it's nothing really."

" Yare...yare..Where have you been all this time, Heisuke-kun ? If you always late to respond, She will never know your true feeling." Stated Osen-chan to tease Heisuke.

" Wha...What?!" Heisuke a bit shock with Osen-Statement . His Face turns red and he hesitates to look at me. I just reply to it with an awkward laugh. I know, Heisuke has a feeling for me since we were in middle school. ( I'm sorry Heisuke-kun. It's not like I don't Like you. I like you but it's better for us to remain as a best friend after all.)

" Anyway, I have to turn right. See you later guys! Good Luck Heisuke-kun! Don't forget you promised me to arrange a blind date!" Osen then leaves me and Heisuke still in a shock state. As we walk together along the way. Heisuke has been so quiet. It's not really like him.

" Don't think it too much Heisuke-kun. Osen is always like that." I smiled to him. And with a blushed face he answer 'yes' weakly and avert my eyes. After a few minutes , we have managed to come to school just in time before the school bell ring. As always, Kaoru and The Other Disciplinarian stand in front of the school gate with a rather cheeky face. We greet them and like always, Kaoru had a little fight with Heisuke about not coming to school faster. And all I have to do all the time is trying to stop their quarrel.

As the school bell ring, I walk quickly to the class. I sit next to Ibuki. He looks so tired , He has a dark circle around his eyes.

" Good morning, Ibuki-kun." I greet him with a big smile and he greets me back with a weak voice. Indeed, He is tired. I wondered myself what He has done in his leisure time. And A few seconds later, Hijikata Sensei enters the class and the class turn so quiet so sudden. And with his demon aura like he starts the class with a quick quiz. Even though, the rest of the class is complaining. But, His reputation as a demon yet merciless teacher won over the students and the quick test still been held after all. Gladly, I managed to answer it easily since I studied last night with difficulties. His Lesson took three hours long with a quite tense situation for the students were afraid of him. When our eyes met, I gasp and tried to avert my eyes from him. With a blushed face I acted like I'm taking notes from his explanations. After the Bell's ring. The students face suddenly become so happy it like they're finally getting their freedom from the demon's hand. Before He left the Class, he gives us a homework. He wants us to write a Journal about our life and our activities for a week. And The happy faces of the class turn to a desperate one.

" Don't worry about your grammars or whether you have a good English or not. Just write anything in your journal. Your secret its safe with me, I promised. Well, See you next week then, and Don't forget to bring your journals if you do not want to be punished." He stated and then leave the class.

" Ugh, I hate that Sensei. I wonder if he really has a heart" Stated Ibuki. And reply him with a rather weak smile.

" You look so tired Ibuki." Ibuki then turns to me and answer " Uh, Yes a bit, I have a lot of work to do."

" Eh? You are working?" I stated with a bit shock on my face. I heard a rumor that Ibuki's parents are rich. His parents own a big financial company and his father is a big financial funder to this school. ( If He is rich, why did he have to work? )

" Huh, Isn't he the Student Council President? Why is he doing here ? " Said One of the boys in my class. And The Class goes into a fuss . I Gasp when I see the guys who's harassing me yesterday. " Hah! YOU!" I stand up and point out at him with an angry face. He replied with a smirk and then walks towards me. " Hmph.. My.. My...are you so happy to see me in a place like this?" he stated.

" Whoa.. What do you want?" I feel so angry with him for what had happened yesterday. And Now, He shows himself in my class and creating such a fuss. All the boys seem stunned with his aura , none of them are gonna go to get their lunch they remain in the class set their eyes focus on us.

" Come, Follow me." Said the Pervert Guy. He grabs my hand and drags me out from the class. " WA...Wait...Let me go!" I said. As he drags me along the corridor, The rest of the students are looking at us. I begged at him to let me go, but seems like he even hears it. He holds my hand so tight that I found it difficult to release myself from him.

" Stop it! Or I will tell the Discipline Committee." He then Stopped and turn to me . He drags my body close to his. " Hmph.. Do you think They can do anything to me? I am, Kazama Chikage is a Student Council President. The Discipline Committee won't exist if I do not make it exist." He looks me straight in the eyes which I found it more frightening than Hijikata Sensei cold stare.

At The Same time, In another Place. Chizuru's Classroom

" Heh.. Where's Chizuru? Is she come to the rooftop already?" Said Heisuke in front of the class.

" Get out of my way, Heisuke!" Stated Okita. He then approaches Ibuki who seems sleeping at his desk.

" Hey, You blue haired Boy!" Said Okita to Ibuki. Ibuki Then answers him without moving his head from the desk. " If you are looking for her. Just a minute ago a flashy blonde weird guy took her with him"

" Whoa...What?! Who is he? Tell me Ibuki-kun!" Asked Heisuke Loudly he grab Ibuki's collar which made Ibuki annoyed. " Jeez, What a noisy senpai. I do not know who is he anyway. Some student stated that he's the student council president or something. Now Let go of your hand! let me sleep." Said Ibuki while shooks off Heisuke hand.

" That must be Kazama! Let's Go Souji we have, Souji?" The Moment he realize. Okita was not beside him. " Souji, You! Grrrr... Why you leave me behind!" Heisuke then run to catch Okita who is now nowhere to be found.

Back to the Middle of the Corridor where Chizuru and Kazama are in.

" Le...Let me go!" I said with a frightened face. His Ruby eyes look straight into my eyes and I feel like my soul has been captured with an unknown demon hand. " Hmph.. What a stubborn woman, You don't have to be so shy. Are you really that happy to be my girlfriend?"

" Eh? Who said I want to be your girlfriend! Let me go you pervert weird things" I said while trying to shake off his hand from me .

" Yare...Yare...What is doing in the middle of the hallway?" Upon hearing his voice, somehow I feel relieved. It clearly Okita senpai Voice. " O...Okita senpai." I turn to him and begged him to help me out of this situation.

" Are..isn't it Chizuru-chan ? My...My... Shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself? Didn't she reject you already? So why are you still holding on to her like that ? Ha...Ha..I know, There are no sane girls who want to be with you isn't it? What a shame..." Stated Okita. He Glare to Kazama whose now Glaring back at him. Kazama then releases his hands from me and now walks to Okita Senpai. They stand facing each others with an intense aura between them.

" Hmph...Okita...You just look like the other black hair guy. Is being grown up together make you share the same attitude too ? Disgusting Attitude."

" Heh, What an Old Fashioned man you are. Still living in the past eh, Ojiisan ?" Okita replied with an evil like smile. " Um...stop it.. both of you." I tried to stop them but seems like they do not hear anything. They still in their own world, and hold a glaring competition. At first, I feel relieved when I know that Okita senpai will help me out from Kazama's hand. I didn't expect it will turn out like this. I run to Okita senpai and grab his arm like i did the other days when he has a fight with Ibuki. " O.. Okita senpai, Let's go." I said and He still stands firm on his feet facing Kazama with his intense glare.

" Excuse me. Kazama-San, There is something I need to discuss with you regarding our school club's performance. May I have a second with you?" This Time Saito senpai shows up with a pile of papers in his hands. He walks pass us and stop beside where Kazama stands. He grabs Kazama's shoulder and stated " Right now?" with a rather cold tone.

" Sigh...I let you off the hook this time. Okita-kun." Kazama then walks away from us with Saito senpai. Saito senpai then turn to us and bows to us. I bow to him back rather clumsy.

" Jeez, He always appears like a ghost and shows up in a wrong time." Said Okita senpai while ruffling his hair.

" What did you say Okita senpai ? Saito senpai shows up in the Right Time. I can't Imagine what would happen to both of you if he didn't come."

" He~eh...are you worried about me, Chizuru chan?" Asked Okita which now his face is right in front of me. Just a few inches. Being able to see his beautiful emerald eyes so close, make my face blush and my heart beat faster. I shook him off and walks away from him with an extra red face. " Let's go ...O.. Okita senpai, I bet Heisuke is looking for us now."

" Why your face turn so red, Chizuru-chan ? " Asked Okita senpai with a cat like smile. He now walks right beside me. " Huh?.. No.. Nothing to be worried about." I replied without looking at his face. I quickened my pace .

" Don't walk too fast Chizuru-chan. Or you'll trip over." He then quickened his pace too and walk beside me again. " Hey, Chizuru-chan. At least say Thank You to your Saviour." He stated. I ignored his constant teasing and finally I managed myself to run away.

" Oh, Jeez.. What a funny girl." He Smirk.

The next week. I live my life as usual. In the Morning, I walk to school with Heisuke and Osen-chan sometimes Okita senpai joined us. Heisuke stated that Okita is a well known as a Late Artisan. He said that when we met Okita on the way to school, we should run away quickly or we will late to school. I do my duty as a vice class representative, I always return the class logbook to Harada Sensei. Eventhough, I have to make my heart at ease first before entering the Faculty Office which sometimes it really took a long time. I do my duty as a Kendo Manager club diligently even though I messed up sometimes. I have to agree myself that I get a rather calm week than last week. Kazama still shows up in my class at the lunchtime to take me away. He is really a weird guy. But, I managed to escape before he came. All thanks to Ibuki and the rest of the boys in my class. Saito senpai managed to join us at the lunchtime on the rooftop sometimes. He really is a busy person. Eventhough, I have a good week from now on somehow I feel uneasy since I didn't see Hijikata Sensei in the school. He didn't come to our Kendo club training , and we have our principal Kondou Isami to replace him. I didn't see him around when I return the Log book to Harada Sensei.

" Looking for someone, Chizuru?" Asked Harada Sensei. He caught me while my eyes scanning the Office looking for the man who always comes and goes in my dreams.

" Eh?.. Um...No.. Sensei." I'm afraid to face him since I can feel my cheeks turn red. Harada Sensei then chuckles. " Don't worry, He'll come to teach his class tomorrow."

" Eeeh? Who.. Who are you talking about, Harada Sensei?" I asked him with a face as red as a tomato.

" He~eh...That's weird.. You should have known who I'm talking about.. Anyway thank you Chizuru. You make the Log book easier to read. You Know.. I never...Huh? Do you get a fever ? Your face look so red." Asked Harada sensei.

" Ah..No..I'm Fine sensei...anyway..Please excuse me, I have another duties to do." I bow to him and leave the Office quickly.

" My..My...Did you hear that, Hi-ji-ka-ta sensei?" Harada teases Hijikata who is now appearing from the back of the archived rooms right behind Harada's Desk.

" Shut up!" He stated then he walk away to his Desk in front of Harada's.

" How long do you intend to stop playing 'Cat and Mouse' when she's around ?" Asked Harada with a slightly amuse tone.

" Sigh.. It's not like I'm trying to hide or something. I really do have a business in the Archived room." Hijikata replied with an annoyed tone.

" Well.. Well...What a business...ha...ha.. you should see how was her blushed face looks like Hijikata-San. She's Cute." Said Harada sensei with a big laugh.

" Jeez.. Stop Laughing! It's not something to be laughed about, Harada."

" Fine.. Fine.." Harada still can't stop his laughing.

" Harada, can you wake me up when you're ready for going home? I want to close my eyes for a bit. I'm really tired with all the papers from Kondou-San."

" Huh? You are not going to teach Kendo again today?" Asked Harada

" Since Kondou-san is able to teach. I don't have to come. He is the real teacher after all I'm just his replacement if He's not around."

" He~eh, Aren't you just want to try to avoid her ?"

" Jeez, Let me sleep, Harada!"

" It is the best for us." Hijikata said it with a low voice as he said it for himself. Even so, Harada seems can hear it. He smiles and then said " Alright...Please enjoy your time, Hijikata Sensei."

After I finished my Club Manager duty. I walk home with Heisuke , Okita senpai and Saitou senpai. Being the only girl among them I feel uneasy since I had to take all the Jealousy Glare from other school girls or women we met along the way. But It seems like Both Okita and Heisuke isn't aware of this. I have told them to go home first without me, but they ignored it. And Now, Here I am in this situation. Heisuke is bickering about who's the most popular among them and Saito senpai who is quite as always. Upon seeing them like this I can help myself but let out a deep sighed.

" Don't worry Yukimura-kun. Those Glaring from others won't last long." Said Saito senpai with his usual calm tone.

" Huh...What?" I shocked upon hearing his statement. How could he know what I was thinking about. Is he really can read someone's mind easily.

" Nothing, I just feel like I have to say it to you." He gives me a small smile which I found it rather cute for a stoic man like Saitou Senpai.

After a few minutes, I managed to come home safely. I found Kaoru have been waiting for me with an annoyed face.

" Where Have you been? I'm Hungry! Hurry, cook something."

" Jeez...alright.. alright nii-chan, Stop Yelling!"

After I put my bag in my room, I come to the kitchen and start cooking. It was my duty to prepare a dinner after all so I have nothing to be complained about. After we finished our dinner, I clean all the mess I made in the kitchen while I cook and go to the bathroom to take a bath after I finished everything.

" Ha~ah, Tomorrow is Friday." I said while I'm drowning myself in a tub. Then, The Flash backed conversation with Harada Sensei appears in my mind. And It's Enough to make my face turn to red. " How did Harada Sensei know that I was looking for someone ? " I think for a while and then my mind finds out a really shocking conclusion. " Is He know that I was looking for Hijikata Sensei? Oh My...That Can't be..."

" Chizuru! Quick! I have to use the bathroom too! How long do you intend to soak yourself in the tub!"

" That Noisy Nii-chan...Alright.. Alright!"

After I finished from taking a bath, It's 9 pm already. Just before I went to sleep. I have to write the Journal, After All Tomorrow The Journal must be given to Hijikata Sensei. I rummage my backpack to find the journal which has now been nowhere to be found.

" Huh.. Where is it? Where is it? Oh No...That Can't be..." I near to cry because I can't find the journal I have been written for a week. " I think I have put it in my backpack...Huh...Wait a minute...Don't tell me..I left it in my locker in my class." Without any doubt. I Grab my cardigan and bring my flashlight in my pocket with me and planning to sneak out in my own school. I walk lightly so Kaoru won't find out that I'm going somewhere in the middle of the night.

" Where are you going in the middle of the night?" Just before I open the front door. Kaoru has been standing behind me.

" I'm going to the convenience store nearby." Gladly, I have prepared a proper excuse if Kaoru caught me in the act.

" In the Middle of the night? Jeez...What are you going to buy anyway?"

" A stationery." I replied and realize it that it is not a good answer

" I can lend you mine."

" I have something else to buy too." I said. Still I do not face him. My hand still grabs the doorknob.

" Fine, I'll accompany you."

" NO!" I yelled at him.

" Why are you yelling at me?"

" The thing I have to buy is a 'Woman's thing' , Kaoru! Please, I'll be back quickly." My heart beats faster. This has always happened when I lie about something. I'm not good at lying, That's why I'm afraid to look at Kaoru straight in the eye when I lied.

" Jeez...Fine! Come Back Quickly!" He said.

" O.. Okay." I open the door as fast as I can and Run quickly before Kaoru follows me. If he finds out that I'm not going the convenience store but in fact I'm going to sneak out of the school he will scold me.

After a few minutes, I arrive at the school. It rather strange since the gates is still opened. I look at my wristwatch the clock shows that it's 9.30 pm already. Thanks to the beautiful full moon. The night looks a lot brighter . I then rushed to my class to take the left journal.

At The same Time, In the Faculty Office.

The Office Light is still on while all the teacher has gone home already. The only teacher whose left is Only the Black Hair teacher which now is sleeping soundly on his desk. After He hears noises outside His eyes slightly open.

" Ugh...What Time is it, Harada?... Huh? 9.30 pm ?! Harada! Why didn't you...Oh Sh*t that jerk."

And It seems, Harada sensei didn't wake Hijikata sensei from his slumber 's why he left a note on Hijikata's Desk which written.

Sorry Hijikata-San, It's a rare chance to see you sleeping with a peaceful face. That's why I don't wake you up. Anyway, I let the light on. Don't forget to turn it off when you back home.

PS. All the teachers took a lot of your peaceful slumber pictures with their phone.=P

And So It says.


Back To Chizuru.

"Phew...Thank Goodness, The Door is not locked. I have to get out of here as fast as I can." I enter the classroom and start to look for my left journal in my Locker. And Then I heard someone's footsteps approaching. With a terrified feeling, I stunned on the ground I stand on and a cold sweat running down to my spine. My Imagination goes wild when I hear the footstep step right in front of the class. I Imagined that there will be someone like Kazama or the worst is a burglar and he trying to kill me the witness. When I hear the doors being opened, I scream as loud as I can.


" Chizuru?!"

( This Voice...It Can't Be...) I turn to look at the door to figure it myself. It is Hijikata Sensei who is now standing right in front of the door class.

" Hi...Hijikata Sensei.."

" What The Hell are you doing in the middle of the night in the school like this ? " He asked with a loud and angry tone. Upon Hearing his Angry voice, I can't help myself but crying. My legs feel weak that it can't support my body weight. And in an Instant I stumble and sit on the floor with still runny eyes. I shocked when I saw Hijikata Sensei crouched before me now. I look at him with teary eyes I tried to apologize but seems my tongue being tied. I can't speak a word.

" Jeez.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you off." Hijikata Sensei said while ruffling his hair. His face looks troubled. " Stop Crying,Okay..I'm sorry" He then pat my head lightly. This Hijikata Sensei in front of me now is very different with the everyday Hijikata since I met. Somehow, He looks the same as the Other Hijikata in my dream. " Here, take this. wipe your tears with it." He hand me his handkerchief. A Black handkerchief with a small purple embroidery of his name on it. I was a bit hesitant to take it when suddenly he tries to wipe my tears with it himself. My face turn red when I see his worried face this close. When our eyes meet each others. He stops wiping my eyes a while and I can see He blushed. Yes, I can see those pink cheeks in a split second.

" Huh?!.. Sorry." He turns away from my face and then he looks at me again with his usual expression. " Can you do it yourself ? " I took his handkerchief and start to wipe my runny eyes.

" I'm ...I'm sorry for.. I...I forgot to bring my journal home with me today.. so.. so.. I .. I sneak out in the school to take it with me...I don't want to be hated by you if I can't finish it. Please forgive me.." I said it with difficulties since my tears seems not going to stop to flow from my eyes.

" Sigh...It is the first time I heard from a student that she doesn't want to be hated by me." He chuckles . " And it is the first time I see your smile in real life." I stated unconsciousnessly. He looks at me with a shock face. And so do I, It's the most stupid thing I ever said.

" What?"

" Eh...No.. That's Nothing...Please don't mind me." I replied to his question with a blushed face.

" C'mon. Let me walk you home. It's dangerous for a girl like you to walk alone in the middle of the night." He helps me to stand up and then walks away. I found myself being amazed by what I just heard before.

( He walks me home ? ) I grabbed his handkerchief tightly in my chest along with my journal.

" Yukimura, What are you doing? It's 10.30 pm already."

"Huh...O.. Okay." ( So, it's back to Yukimura? I'm pretty sure he called me by my name back then.)

And then we end up walking together. As we walk to my home. Its very quiet night. The Neighborhoods had already in their deep slumber perhaps. I only hear voice of crickets and some noise of motorcycles passing by. It's very awkward that I tried to find a topic to start a conversation with him.

".. Um.. Hijikata Sensei, It's okay from here.. My house just a few blocks away."

" No.. It's fine. I have to make sure you arrive at your home safely." His statement successfully makes my heart beat faster. And then The awkward situation between us starts again.

"Um.. Thank you for the handkerchief, I will return it as soon as possible once I've cleaned it."

" Don't worry, you can return it anytime. I still have many of it in my home." He answered it with his usual tone. The Gentle tone I heard when we were in the class before has gone.

" Why, Did sensei still in the school at this time ?"

" Oh, Its because Harada forgot to wake me up. He's really something isn't he?"

I chuckle upon hearing his answer, I can Imagine how Harada Sensei treat him like that. I find it rather cute for an adult to prank each others.

After a few minutes, I arrived at my home safely.

" So, This is your home?"

" Ah.. Yes, I live with my brother and father."

" I See...well, take care." After giving me a slight smile he walks away.

" Um...Hijikata Sensei." He then turns away and look at me. " Yes?"

When I see his dashing figure being illuminated by the moonlight. My eyes become blurred and I start to see him in a different state. He stands up facing me with a long black coat, He held his Katana on his left waist tightly and smile at me. I see his black hair flowing in the wind and being illuminated by the light of the moon , I see a fleeting cherry blossom around him. I can't believe my eyes, How could such thing happen. A man in my dream is now right in front of me, looking at me with a warm smile and a gentle eyes. Without me realizing it. I had tears in my eyes again.

" What is it? Yukimura?" I Gasp upon hearing his question. I regain my consciousness and wipe my tears. I tried hard to smile at him and said " Thank You so much for walking me home. Be careful on your way back. Sensei." In a split second I see he was a bit then He smiles at me. This Time He smiles like the Other Hijikata in my dream.

" I know.. Take Care... Chizuru." He walks away and I still stand in front of the gate until I can't see him.

NB : Ojiisan = is a Japanese term for grandfather

Since I'm going to move to another country by the end of August, I'm sorry if the next chapter will take a long time to write. But I promise to finish it ASAP.

Thank you for all the reviews. It means a lot for me :)

Please RnR. Thank you in advance.