The rest of English passed in a haze of unimportant details and apathetic teens.

History, which was after English, was boring but at least it was taught by the prettiest teacher at the school, Miss. Cynthia. Well, at least Green assumed she was pretty based on some of the things some of the other boys had said. Really, for all he knew, she could be the ugliest person to walk the face of this earth, but she had a nice voice so that's all he really cared about.

Again, he was seated next to Blue in the back. However, in this class he also had a neighbor to his left, a narcoleptic girl named Caitlin. Not for the first time, Green wondered how she was passing this class.

He was pulled from his musings by the shrill call of the bell. Whoops. Hopefully Miss. Cynthia didn't say anything to important. Gathering his stuff, Green followed Blue out of the room, making her promise to tell him what had been said.

After history was science with . Now THAT was an interesting class. They were constantly doing fun experiments, and today was no exception. Today, they were testing the reaction levels of certain metals. The sound of little explosions filled the air of the class until its end, and Green left with a huge smile on his face.

Lunch was…interesting to say the least. It started out normally, Blue pulled Green and Silver over to a table and began gossiping. Green ate his food, not really tasting the mystery meat as Blue continued talking. None of the subjects really interested him. Eventually, the loud mouth who Silver had been talking to earlier that morning came and dragged him off somewhere and Blue left to meet up with student council, leaving Green to his own devises.

Sick of the noise in the lunchroom, Green stepped out into the hallways, intent on taking a quiet stroll around the school. The peace and quiet was nice; however it was broken when he hears a slam coming from down the hall.

It was a distinct sound; one Green had heard many times when kids were being bullied. It was the sound of someone being slammed into the lockers. Concerned for whoever it was being shoved, Green walked closer to the origin of the sound but froze when he heard the voices just around the corner.

"Say something you freak!" called a voice. It was deep but still had a boyish quality to it, obviously male and was accompanied by another slam of back on metal.

"I think we need to apply more force…" replied another voice. This one was shriller and was dripping with amusement. Another guy, but this one was most likely smaller than the other, probably creepier too.

A sickening smack followed the remark, and Green recognized it as the sound of skin hitting skin. Whoever was being antagonized had just been punched. However, there was no cry of pain after it, simply a sharp intake.

"Still nothing!" the first voice called, almost in a mocking tone. This was getting out of hand and Green needed to stop it somehow. But how?

"Punish him!" the second boy called, getting shriller and more annoying by the minuet.

Another smack, but this one sounded deeper, and was most likely a punch to the stomach. The sound of a body falling to the ground came after the punch and was punctuated by the weak wheezing of someone trying to get their breath back.

"Close but no cigar." Laughed the first boy cruelly as his slimy companion just cackled like a mad man.

Green seethed and pulled out something he hadn't used in years. His old walking cane. Daisy insisted that he bring it everywhere, even though he had already memorized the halls. At least he was putting it to some good use now.

Quickly turning the corner that had separated him from the others, Green jabbed his cane into the stomach of the first boy causing him to fall over backwards. His goon soon followed his after a swift hit to the backs of his legs.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Green hissed, not even going to try and feign innocence. What was the point? It wasn't like anyone would believe them if they said they were attacked by the blind kid.

"Come on Archer, let's go." The smaller of the too whispered to his friend, while he scrambled to his feet. The aforementioned Archer let out a string of colorful curse words before getting to his own feet, and agreed with a gruff, 'Yeah.'

As the two idiots sped off down the hall, Green leaned down to where the kid was laying and held out his hand for the other to take.

"You ok?"


The kid simply took his hand and used it to haul himself up, not even uttering a thank you as he did so.

"Do you need to go to the nurse's office?"

No reply.

Ok. This kid was starting to get on Green's nerves. Was this why those idiots wanted him to talk? Was it because this smug little silent bastard refused to even give the simplest answers?

"Do you have brain damage?"

This one was more of an insult but still a valid question. After being slammed into lockers for god knows how long, it was a very real possibility.

The kid put a hand to his shoulder, and just like that, he was gone. God damn that kid is silent in everything he did! Green couldn't even hear this kid's freaking footsteps.

Slightly pissed and most defiantly confused, Green stuffed his cane back into his bag and headed to his next class, Math.

Green entered right as the final be rang, marking that he had in fact almost been late. Sliding into his seat next to Blue, he retold the story of his valiant rescue of the brain dead student. As he finished, the girl sighed and smacked his arm.

"Do you ever listen to anything I say?" She whispered-yelled, obviously not amused or fascinated by his story.

"What do you mean?" He replied, generally confused. It wasn't like she had warned him that a kid was being beaten-up in the halls.

She sighed again, but this one seemed a bit more theatrical.

"I told you today that there was a new kid at school that freaked everyone out because he refused to speak, not even to the teacher. Remember? His name is Red."

A/N This is Green's first meeting with Red and it goes less than perfect... Green thinks Red is smug, silent idiot.

Anyway, the two bullies are two of the executives from Team Rocket. I wanted to somehow fit them into so I'm glad I was able to. Also, the 'Loud mouth.' is obviously Gold and will be introduced hopefully in one of the next chapters.

Reviews are loved!