I do not own Harry Potter.
"The defense would like to question Miss Weasley."
The courtroom was stunned silent. Not once had the defense called any of the victims to the stand to question them. They maybe asked one or two questions after the prosecution was done but that was it.
It took a moment, but the prosecutor finally said, "I think Miss Weasley has been through enough and has given enough information to satisfy the court."
Harry looked at Hermione warily as he squeezed Rose's hand in support. She had decided to come today to support Lily during her testimony. Lily was sitting next to Isabella and Raine up front and turned to look at Rose across the courtroom.
"The defense has additional questions."
The judge clenched his jaw and said, "I'll allow it but tread carefully."
Harry seethed internally but squeezed Rose's hand in support as he rose from his seat, bringing her up with him. "Everything is going to be fine," he whispered to her.
She shook the shock away and nodded.
"I'll walk you up," he said exiting the row they were in.
"No, it's alright," said Rose gathering her strength. She steeled her resolve; she was NOT a victim. She could do this. She did it yesterday, today would be no different. She let go of Harry's hand and began walking to the front of the courtroom.
The prosecutor opened the half door for her and said quietly, "I won't let them go too far. I remember what we agreed was off limits."
She nodded at him and moved to the witness stand, going through the motions indicating everything she said was the truth.
"Miss Weasley, thank you for coming back up. I only have a few questions for you."
Rose said nothing in response, just stared at the defense counsel.
"I just wanted to clarify a few things you said yesterday, you said that you went with the defendant of your own free will?"
"And when you arrived at his house, at any point did you say no to his advances?"
Rose narrowed her eyes but replied, "No, I did not."
"Objection! What is the point of this line of questioning? Defense knows the defendant is not being charged with kidnapping or raping Miss Weasley."
"I was just getting to the point."
"Make it quick Counsel."
"Miss Weasley, is it true you were pregnant when you were found?"
The courtroom broke out in gasps and murmurs. Harry was on his feet, furious, being held back by Hermione who was also standing.
"Silence! Counsel approach now!"
"We agreed this was off limits!" the prosecution whispered fiercely to the Judge.
"I wasn't aware that the circumstances of the conception were consensual at the time of agreeing to that."
Prosecution spluttered, shocked at the use of the word consensual.
"What are you getting at?" asked the judge.
"If the conception was the result of consensual sex then my client has a right to know what became of the pregnancy. Aborting a pregnancy without the partners consent is a crime unless the pregnancy was a result of rape. Since, there are no charges of rape against my client it is within his rights to know if he has a child. If he does then he will voluntarily support the child, of course."
"This isn't family court, Counsel. Your client is being charged with serious crimes, one of them, unlawful imprisonment of Miss Weasley," said the Judge.
Defense nodded, "I understand."
The judge looked at them and said, "I'll allow only a few questions in regard to the pregnancy."
"But Sir,"
"I know we agreed prior to the trial but defense is right, the circumstances have changed. Do you want to take a break to prepare Miss Weasley?"
The prosecutor nodded, knowing arguing wouldn't change anything at this point.
The judge motioned them back to their benches and said to the courtroom, "We're going to take a brief break of 30 minutes." He then turned to Rose and smiled at her sympathetically before leaving the courtroom along with the defendants and the jurors.
Harry was at the prosecutor's bench so quickly he may as well have apparated, "What's going on?"
"Not here. Let's get Rose to a private room and I'll explain."
Harry clenched his jaw but moved to help Rose down from the witness stand, "What is it?"
"I don't know. He'll tell us when we get to a private room."
She nodded and followed him out of the courtroom, stopping momentarily to wait for Lily to catch up. Lily immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight in support.
When they arrived at the private room her whole family was waiting and immediately began firing off questions at the prosecutor. He held his hands up and they quieted. "Rose, you should sit down."
Rose looked at him warily as she sat down. Harry immediately moved behind her, hands on her shoulders. While Lily pulled a chair up and sat next to her, holding both of Rose's hands.
"The defense wants to know about your pregnancy."
Everyone had something to say about that.
"But we agreed before the trial that her pregnancy was off limits," said Hermione angrily.
"I know. I reminded them that. But the defense said that they agreed assuming the conception was a result of your daughter being raped by … him."
"I don't understand," said Ron.
"Because he is not being charged with your daughter's rape, they said he has a right to know about the pregnancy."
"What! That's ridiculous!"
Harry groaned and dropped his head. Shit, he hadn't thought about that loophole.
"What is it, Daddy?" asked Lily.
"There's an old law that requires consent of your partner if you have an abortion, unless the pregnancy was the result of rape. Because we didn't press rape charges, they think he has a right to know about the pregnancy. If you were to indicate you had an abortion then you would be charged with a crime, if you were to indicate you had a child, then he would be granted rights to the child. Either way, he wins."
"But it's not his child," said Lily
"But no one knows that," said Rose frustrated.
"You're positive he's not the father?" asked the prosecutor, surprised by the revelation.
Rose nodded.
"How do you know this for certain?"
"I was intimate with someone before I was taken. When I gave birth the magic in the birth certificate recognized this person as the father."
"Well then we can just provide a copy of the birth certificate to the defense."
"The birth certificate was sealed by the Unspeakables, no one can access it. This is exactly why I didn't want to testify."
The prosecutor seemed surprised at this news, never having heard of such a thing.
"Is it too late to charge him with rape?" asked Ron.
"I already admitted I didn't say no," huffed Rose.
"But what choice did you have? He had Lily!" said Hugo.
Rose covered her face with her hands.
Harry squeezed her shoulders in support then asked, "What are they likely to ask?"
"They're going to ask her what the result of the pregnancy was," replied the prosecutor.
"Okay, so she says, she gave birth to a child, then what?" asked Hermione.
"They could ask for anything from paternal testing to visitation to custody, they could ask for charges to filed for keeping an heir secret, it's hard to predict. I'm not even sure why they are pursuing this."
"This is insane," grumbled Al angrily.
"Right. How about this… Rose tells them she gave birth. Then we wait to see their response. Whatever they ask for our response can be to deny the child is his. No matter what they say, just keep denying the child is his. Don't even hint the sex of the child. Don't give them an inch. Finally, they'll have to ask for a paternity test to confirm the child is his. It will obviously come back as not his. There's no reason we would have to indicate who the father is, just confirm that it's not his," finished Hermione.
"It could work but honestly it would just be easier to indicate who the father was to stop this in its tracks," said the prosecutor.
"I would prefer to keep that private," said Rose, leaving no room for discussion.
The prosecutor sighed; this was becoming quite complicated.
"Are you sure," asked Harry?
"Yes, I'm sure."
"But if it would make things easier…"
"This isn't up for discussion!" replied Rose angrily.
Harry's eyes widened, surprised by her vehemence and honestly a little hurt.
Rose stood and headed for the door, "It's time to head back in. We have a plan."
Lily hurried to catch up to Rose as she stormed out of the room. She caught Isabella's gaze as they made their way back into the courtroom and she immediately moved closer.
"Everything okay?" asked Isabella.
"No. Be ready," said Lily.
Isabella grinned and said, "I'll tell Raine."
Lily nodded and watched her move to Raine's side. Lily took a deep breath; it was almost over. He would pay.
"Miss Weasley, is it true you were pregnant when you were found?"
The courtroom erupted, aghast at the revelation.
"Silence!" ordered the judge.
"Miss Weasley, what became of your pregnancy after you left the defendant's house?"
"Miss Weasley?"
"Sir, we ask that Miss Weasley answer the question."
"Do you need a break, dear?"
Rose shook her head and finally responded, "I was pregnant for some time after being rescued, however I had an unknown heart condition that was exacerbated by the pregnancy. My heart gave out and I died, during which time they performed a procedure to remove the child."
The courtroom erupted again and even the defense counsel looked surprised.
She cringed internally at how awful she must have sounded, but she needed to act like this child wasn't wanted, like this child was a result of the rape. Anything to keep them from finding out the truth.
"You gave birth?"
"No, I did not. I just clearly said I died."
"And the child?"
"Was removed from me after I died."
"But you are clearly alive, so the healers were able to revive you?"
"Yes, once the child was removed from my body, they were able to repair my heart. I spent weeks recovering as I also suffered complications."
Harry cringed at how cold Rose sounded.
"And the child?"
"Did it survive?"
"Miss Weasley, did the child survive?"
Defense looked at the judge, who turned to Rose and asked, "Do you need a break, dear?"
Rose shook her head but still didn't reply for several minutes, finally whispering, "Yes."
Again, the courtroom erupted but Rose couldn't hear anything over the ringing in her ears. She placed her hands over her ears and looked for Lily in the courtroom.
That was enough for Lily, who grabbed Raine and Isabella's hand signaling them. Suddenly fire erupted all around the table the Boss was sitting at. It was a blazing fire over 8 ft tall and the courtroom erupted in screams as everyone started to try and exit at the same time.
The Auror's and Unspeakables began escorting everyone out of the courtroom as quickly as possible.
Harry had to fight against the crowd to get to the front of the courtroom. He looked to the left and saw that Lily was clearly controlling the fire from behind the Boss, but Rose was stuck on the other side of the fire. He had to get to her.
He was momentarily distracted when the defense counsel dropped to the ground and started screaming as he writhed in pain, unknowingly throwing himself into the fire, making his screams all the louder as he himself caught fire.
The Boss stood and turned, facing the girls, a look of delight on his face. "My, my, how much you've learned girls," he smirked.
Raine narrowed her eyes at him and he suddenly raised his hand, bringing up a wandless shield to block her reducto, "Naughty girl, is that anyway to treat the person who made you who you are today?"
The fire grew higher and closed ranks around the boss, licking at his heels. He had to work hard to maintain his shield.
Isabella narrowed her eyes and said, "You didn't make us!"
The Boss shivered and stood rigid, clearly feeling her Crucio to some extent.
Isabella poured more magic into her spell and the Boss groaned as he fell to one knee.
Harry finally found a way to get to Rose and realized he would have to carry her; she was in complete shock. He picked her up gently and she wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her head in his shoulder. "It's alright, I've got you," he said repeatedly.
Harry's attention was drawn back to the Boss when he screamed as the back of his leg caught fire. He looked for Jason, finding him behind the three girls, along with several other Unspeakables, all with their wands pointed at the Boss. He nodded at Jason, silently communicating that he was expecting him to keep his daughter safe while he got Rose to safety.
Jason nodded back; message received.
As Harry cleared a path through the fire with Rose, he noticed the courtroom was empty of all witnesses save some Auror's loyal to him and the Unspeakables. No one was going to stop the girls nor would they speak of what was happening. When he finally made it to the door, one of his Auror's opened it and he found his family waiting. He quickly passed Rose to Ron and said, "Take her home."
Ron nodded and before anyone could ask any other questions, he reentered the courtroom and told his Auror's, "Seal the room, no one else comes in."
Harry watched as the Boss put out one fire on his left leg, only for the other leg to catch fire. He was cackling madly until he screamed in agony as a large arrow pierced his left leg. Raine smiled darkly in delight, transfiguring another arrow and sending it at him, piercing his abdomen. He doubled over in pain, then ripped the arrows out, waving his hand to slow his bleeding.
"Girls, girls, come now. Think of the pathetic little girls you were before you met me. Now, look at you! Strong and fierce. Powerful. You should be thanking me!"
Harry clenched his jaw, wanting to shout a dozen curses at the man but it was unnecessary as Raine sent a litany of sharp objects at the Boss, hitting him in several places at the same time Lily's fire raged closer. Just before the fire overtook him, he dropped to the ground, finally feeling the full wrath of Isabella's crucio. Even though they were unable to see through the flames they were still able to hear his screams, which lasted for several minutes.
And then the screams suddenly stopped. Only the roar of the flames could be heard. The Auror's and the Unspeakables exchanged glances but no one moved. The girls stayed focused on the burning flames for what seemed like an eternity.
Finally, Isabella said, "I think he's dead."
"Are you sure?" asked Raine, transfiguring more arrows and shooting them into the flames. They watched as they sailed through and embedded in the wall on the other side. "Hmm."
Lily moved forward and the flames moved out of her way, creating a path for her. She walked until she could see what she was looking for. In the center was a charred body, or what was left of it at least. She kicked it wanting to be sure and the part she kicked turned to ash and floated up into the air.
Satisfied she turned back to Raine and Isabella and nodded. She walked back to them, the whole time the flames getting lower and lower until she reached them and pulled them in for a crushing hug, finally extinguishing the flames.
There was a moment of silence before applause started, surprising the girls. They pulled apart and looked to see all the Auror's and Unspeakables clapping their hands.
Jason and Harry moved towards them, both wearing identical grins on their faces.
The girls allowed themselves to feel relieved, a small smile blooming on each of their faces.
Harry pulled Lily to him in a crushing hug and whispered, "It's finally over, Pumpkin."
Lily looked over her father's shoulder at Isabella and Raine and smiled wide.
The Boss could never hurt them again.