Updated 28 Dec '14


The full moon was well into the sky, basking all in a soft hazy glow. Stars twinkled to its exceptional beauty. Clouds were scattered but thundered softly, threatening to spill as they gathered with the help of Cloudsdale new wind system. A single mare pegasus, hooded in white robes, flew through the clouds as she poofed some out of existence, trying desperately to stay out of sight. She hastened her pace and looked behind her ever so often. Fortune favoured her when no pony was seen following her.

A sting to her back scrunched up her face in pain with every flap of her wings. Her right wing was cut deep in the recent battle not twenty minutes prior. The battle was monstrous. She has not seen this much slaughter in many moons. Blood... So much blood! She closed her eyes and still saw the fresh scene behind her lids. Tears formed silently as she forced herself forward instead of turning back.

Clanking metal and agonizing screams was heard far and wide from the smoky battlefield. Fires burnt where ponies in red and white yelled in pain and anger everywhere within its eeriness. The white clad mare shook her hoof free from blood. She loathed the stench of death these Red clad ponies always brought with them. Compared to her old life, running away always seemed like the most logical way to go but... Knowing their plan, running was the last thing on her mind.

The mare looked around and saw her allies were hopelessly outnumbered. More enemies just kept pouring in. Flicking her left hoof, the blade activated with a satisfying shuck. She charged forward, flapping her wings to jump, skilfully slicing open an artery. Red spurt on red as she manoeuvred through the battlefield. A brutish red unicorn stomped into her path as they glared at the blood staining each other's attire. A smirk tore his face.

"Crikey, it seems like you're a feisty little one," he taunted. His Austallion accent dripped from every word. She just snorted in defiance but it only made the unicorn's smirk widen. He levitated his axe from his side and readied his stance.

A quick flap of her wings, she dove for his neck. The blade poised to kill but steel reflected her infuriated face when an axe blocked her path. Her blade cracked as the tip went flying. She was shocked at his strength but quickly steadied herself as she kicked off his back and landed with a thud behind him.

"Aww, did I break the little filly's toy?" The unicorn turned. His axe ready with an evil glint from a nearby fire. Receiving a huff as the pegasus looked down at her blade. Cracked. Broken. "Please don't cry. Let me help you FIX IT!" With a bright flash, he teleported closer and brought down his axe.

She cringed her eyes and inevitably shielded herself. The loud slash of steel meeting flesh rang through her ears but she felt nothing. Was she already dead? She peeked down and saw no blood but the same could not be said for her defender...

A black pegasus stood on his hind legs between her and the red unicorn. He looked down at the axe, now embedded in his flank. With hazy eyes, he looked at the mare and breathed as he fell, "R-run."

"NO!" She bent down next to him.

The unicorn plucked his weapon free from the corpse and roared with laughter. "What's the matter, mate? Aren't you going to honour your saviour's last wish?" He towered over her.

The mare's eyes widened in terror as she watched him raise his axe once again. She turned her head and closed her eyes, preparing for the end.


The mare yelped in pain. Her wing, bleeding heavily onto the ground. Not understanding how she is still alive, a thud of a body quickly became her answer. An arrow skilfully placed in the crook of his neck, signalled her escape. Galloping a few moments, she took to the sky. The battlefield raged on below as splatters of red was seen of both ally and foe.

Her escape was fortunately quick but her body was not used to this kind of pain. Begging silently for some relief, the mare fluttered down to the ground. "If only- I was just a little br-braver back there," she huffed as she came to a stop in the middle of the Everfree forest. The strain on her wing lifting somewhat.

Clanking metal, echoed through the forest as her ears twitched left and right to find the source. A faint voice of a stallion boomed through the silence right behind her, "Come on men! We cannot lose that Assassin!" The whinnying of following stallions became louder far too fast for the fleeing mare's liking.

"Oh no!" Looking around desperately for an escape, she found none but one.


Risking her tattered wing, she flapped hard and ascended into a giant oak tree. "I just hope their pegasi don't spot me," she whimpered softly. With much effort, she perched herself about twenty feet off the ground.

She clung to the trunk's shadow as the approaching soldiers reached the base of her tree. The silent collie with the leading stallion skidded to a stop and sniffed the ground. "Halt!" The stallion commanded and bent forward on his front hooves to inspect what the dog was looking at. "What is it girl?" He asked.

The hound snarled and sniffed around the edge of what looked like a blotch of red in the disappearing moonlight. "Blood. Still fresh," the stallion analyzed as he watched it seep into the ground. The collie howled towards the tree, grabbing everypony's attention. The lead stallion looked towards the tree in question. He narrowed his eyes to see if he can spot anything.

The hooded pegasus held her breath and stayed as still as she could. The rustling leaves giving her somewhat of a cover. She silently prayed to whoever was watching over her right now. Risking a glance down at the formation, she recognized the collie. The brown coat and white markings were certainly unmistakable, 'Winona?' She could not believe her eyes but unfortunately, the dog saw her and growled louder.

The stallion continued to look but even the moon was proving useless as the clouds kept her light from penetrating the tree. He turned to him fellow soldiers, "Get ready men! She's close." He smirked when a red four-pointed cross over the mantle on his back, shimmered in the nearing flashes of lightning. "Tonight... Their Brotherhood dies." Dark laughter filled the air as the soldiers' smirks almost split their muzzles.

The mare continued to stare at the collie in disbelief. Its large black eyes bore into hers and saw nothing but pain and agony. Winona tore her eyes away from the mare and sniffed the ground again.

The pegasi hovering over their leader, looked at him with anticipation, "What are your orders, sir?"

Just then the hound howled and sprinted off into the direction of the tree and past it. "Follow the hound and kill the mare on sight!" He galloped after the collie as his succession followed.

The mare in the tree stayed still until she heard nothing but the wind rustling leaves. Deeming it safe she looked down once more. Clenching her teeth, she soared back down to earth. The ground came up way too fast. "EEP!" she swerved almost crashing into a boulder. "Oof!" She smashed into the dirt chest first when her wing failed her. Slightly dazed, she took a few seconds to catch her knocked out breath.

Limping to a stand she looked at her wing. Nearly every feather was drenched with blood, effectively grounding her. Noises broke through the silence. She perked up her ears to hear if anypony was close by. Only crickets and hoots of an owl reached her ears but that didn't make her any more at ease.

Lifting her face to the moon, she sighed in defeat. This fight was the worst they had in years. She will definately be disappointed with this loss but at least she cared more for the ponies under her rule.

Sitting where she was, she bit the bottom edge of her robes and tore off a long strip. Carefully applying the makeshift bandage to her wing, she stayed vigilant to her surroundings. Her wing kept sending hot spikes of pain up her back as she limped forward, "I h-have to get home..." Her head started to feel funny, "...and soon."

She looked up to the stars occasionally for navigation whenever a small patch was visible between the thunder clouds and cooling air. She walked on for what felt like an eternity. Each step, more exhausting than the last. Her hooves buckled under her more and more. 'How much further?' She asked through drooping eyelids.

A low growl from behind, plucked her from her hazy thoughts as she tripped over a root. Landing near glowing golden orbs trained in on its prey as the creature cleared the tree line next to her.

"T-timberwolf!" The mare shrieked. Standing with much difficulty, she tried to push the pain to the back of her mind. Poising herself, she flexed her hoof until the broken blade shot out into view.

The lone Timberwolf dug its wooden claws into the mushy ground at the sight of the blade. The mare stood her ground until the last moment. Using the full force of her hind legs, she jumped clean over the creature. Turning mid-skid, the creature snarled at its prey. The mare snorted, her breath coming out as small wisps of frosted air.

The two stared off at each other as a thunderclap from above, signalled the beginning of long awaited seasonal rains. The rains beat down harder each passing second but neither opponent was moving an inch. Another clap of thunder shot across the land, as did the Timberwolf.

Seeing the golden glow approach, adrenaline pumped through the robed pony faster and faster. She lifted her right front hoof. "I am sorry wolfy," she sidestepped and back sliced the Timberwolf's head clean off. Splintering wood and branches splattered all over the muddy ground under the heavy downpour. The golden glow of the timberwolf's eyes slowly faded as she approached the head, "Rest in peace, my dear wolfy." The mare said her condolences as she turned. The hot searing pain of her wing came like a sledgehammer to the back.

Flinching with each move, she looked at her right wing. The bandages were only tattered shreds. The branches that were once the creatures claws, was laced with tattered pieces of white cloth. Her wing spilt blood once more that mixed into the mud and rain. The adrenaline slowly receded and the pain and exhaustion back-hoofed her full force. Her legs buckled and numbed. Her world slowly drifted onto its side. The mare felt herself losing her battle for consciousness as soft splashes was heard approaching. Her vision blurred quickly as she only managed to spot a sparkle of gold on a black and white hoof. The mare tried to resist the darkness creeping into her vision but all was in vain when her world went dark.

"Do not fret, you can rest. Though you have caused commotion, which will set others into motion..." White flashes revealed her striped body hoisting the robed mare onto her back. "...these stallions will stop at nothing to see you dead. Remember the master's training, and all will be over through the one they dread." The striped figure continued on as she pushed back the hood over the mare's face. A yellow coat and a braided light pink mane was revealed "You're the only one dear Fluttershy. Only you can stop the one so sleek and sly." The striped figure trotted back to her abode as the flashes of lightning shot across the land.

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