Chapter 17

Part Two

The group reformed their formation and continued walking. Elise couldn't explain why but she felt like a failure. She felt depressed after spending all that time trying to devise a plan to talk to Rivaille to only have him walk away from her. She second guessed herself and regretting saying what she did. Through her head she imagined how the situation would have gone if she would have said something else.

How was life in the Scouting Legion going to be now? Especially if Rivaille was going to be her commanding officer. Maybe life in the castle wouldn't be so bad after all… She shook her head at the absurd thought. The scouting legion is a way to be free. The only thing she had ever wanted.

40 minutes later they were arriving at the castle. It was nothing too impressive, but still large enough to house many. All the soldiers took this time to stretch their legs and fill their stomachs with food and water. Most retrieved water from a well and gave it to their horses.

She watched as the servants began to dismount their horses and grab their belongings from their bags. She would eventually have to tell them they were free to go home or leave to wherever they wanted, that they were free to do whatever they'd like. But she would wait for all the troops to dispatch first before telling them.

A thought slowly came to her as she realized she wanted to get off her horse. She couldn't to do it by herself. Her tall, pointy heels, the bulk of her dress, and the long drop down. That was the recipe for disaster. She definitely needed help. She didn't want to ask Rivaille. But she couldn't ask anybody else. All the servants had made their way inside to unload packed items. She contemplated just staying on her horse, or maybe attempting to slid off herself, but she brushed the thought off when she glanced down to the drop that would await her. And she ruled it unfair to Sebastian if she stayed on his back the whole time, he had already carried her for hours, he deserved a break.

She regretfully walked over toward where Rivaille was standing by his horse, feeding him food out of a bucket. Elise half expected him to walk away or turn and pretend like he didn't notice her. But he glanced at her for a moment then returned his gaze forward. She didn't want to speak yet. She felt embarrassed to have to ask the favor, to ask for help with something so simple.

He spoke when his horse finished licking the bucket clean. "Are you going to tell me what you want? Or are you just going to stand there?" He store up at her now. A hand placed on his hip.

She looked further down. "I..." She didn't want to say it. She turned her head away, then muttered, "I need help off my horse." She hoped she said it loud enough because she was not about to repeat herself.

There was a silence before Rivaille said, "I don't have time to mess around." He thought she was just playing games now.

"I'm serious!" She hissed in a whisper. "I can't get off alone while wearing this dress and these boots. I need help." She grumbled the last sentence.

"And what exactly would you like me to do? Hold your hand?" He mocked her.

"Yes! After you find a step stool."

Rivaille toke a moment to stare at her. He dropped the bucket he had in his hand in front of him, then used a foot to turn it upside down. "There."

"No." Her voice was hard. "I can't step on that, it's too small. And it needs to be taller."

Rivaille scoffed and mentally rolled his eyes. He glanced at his surroundings. He returned his gaze towards Elise with the shadow of idea in his eyes. He had a rather unsatisfied look on his face. Regardless he lifted up his hand suggesting she grab on.

"I just told you-"

"If you want down, trust me and grab my hand." his patience had run out, it easily showed on his face. Elise tried to decipher what he had planned. With no other options and her time running short she decided to trust him and grab the floating hand. She used it as balance while she swung one leg over so they both hung off the side. Rivaille pulled his hand away from hers but kept it held up along with his other hand. "Slid off."


"Just slid off," his voice came again. Elise gave him a wary look but allowed herself to slid forward. She barely fell several inches before both of Rivaille's hands latched onto her waist. Stopping her fall completely and gently lowering her down to the ground. She had grabbed onto both his forearms for balance.

Once placed on the ground she silently exhaled. Her legs stiff and wobbly from not being in use. "Thanks," she whispered.

"I'll bring your horse to get food and water," Rivaille pulled away and grabbed Sebastian's reins, leading him in the opposite direction.

"Is this how it's going to be now... Rivaille?" She surprised herself with the question. Rivaille stopped walking. He turned his head to look back at her but stopped himself halfway through. He stood paused there, silently. Then abruptly pulled on Sebastian's reins continuing forward.

She didn't move for a moment. Was this what their relationship had fallen to? She turned for the castle doors and made her way inside. She spent an amount of time just walking around the castle and watching out the window as the troops prepared to depart again. She used that time to dismiss her servants and explain her situation. She made them swear an oath to never reveal her true identity or expose her to her father. She granted them complete freedom upon the promise. One explained to her she had no family and no place to return to. In which Elise told her to stay in the castle. It would be a good idea to have someone here at all times anyway, just in case a message came for her.

After that business was taken care of she exited out a back door and found a patch of presentable grass to sit on while leaning against the wall. The sun was almost completely set turning the sky a variety of reds and oranges. She fell victim to her heavy eyelids as she slowly drifted asleep. Recovering on the sleep she had lost the night prior.


Elise stirred somewhat upon hearing her name. A hand came down on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. "Elise."

This time her eyes flew open rapidly. She had to remember where she was and how she had managed to fall asleep. It wasn't completely dark but the sun had defiantly fallen over the horizon. It was still light enough to see all her surroundings.

She store at the man in front of her. His face so familiar yet... Different. He had a somewhat stalky build. He was tall and had black hair that fell neatly around his head. He had very noticeably blue eyes. Her eyebrows pulled together slightly, "Felix...?"

He straighten up, a small smile crawled onto his face. "Yeah."

She was on her feet and had her arms wrapped around him at record speed. She squeezed him tightly and buried her face into the fabric of his shirt. "What are you doing here!? Why weren't you at the castle?! Father wouldn't tell me a word about you!"

Felix wrapped his arms around her in return. "I was away taking care of a few things." He paused before continuing. "I spoke with Nile. He told me about where you were the passed few years and he told me I could find you here, since I didn't get to see you while you were home."

"You came all this way just to see me?" She pulled her head away to look up at him.

"Of course I did. I haven't seen you for 3 years... You've really changed. You look like a totally different person."

"I was thinking the same about you. Since when are you taller than me? And this old? You're supposed to be my younger brother." She buried her face onto his chest. He stood at least 8 inches taller than her.

"I've changed a lot since you left. I'm turning 16 in just a few days." they embraced each other in a long silence.

"I'm glad you're here." Elise whispered. "You're the only one I can really talk to." she pulled away from him now.

Felix was about to ask a question when he was interrupted by a roar of a voice.

"Elise." It was a dark protective tone. She turned to face the source of the voice. Rivaille made his way towards them in a quick stride. An evil glare glossed his eyes.

"Rivaille?" Elise had assumed all the troops had departed. She even watched as some of them left. Rivaille flew passed her and used one hand to grab Felix by his collar before pushing him against the castle wall. He used his free hand to draw a blade and hold it horizontally in front of him. "Who are you!?" Rivaille growled at Felix. His eyebrows drew together on anger.

"Rivaille, don't!"

"It's my job to protect you and right now he's considered an enemy until proven otherwise." His blade drew closer to Felix's neck.

"Rivaille, stop! You don't know who you're dealing-"

"Elise, tell him you know me!" Felix grabbed onto to Rivaille's arm that held him.

"He's my brother, Rivaille! Let go!" Elise placed herself between them and tried pushing Rivaille back. What could he possibly be thinking? Felix towered over him and had double his muscle mass.

Rivaille slowly pulled back. His face still pulled together in an angered expression. "How did you know she was here? Is anyone else aware of her location?"

Felix gave him a glare. "First of all, how dare you attack me. I could easily have you locked up or killed for that. Secondly, who do you think you are questioning me?"

"Felix, don't!" Elise turned to him, desperation clouded her eyes. There was a moment of silence before Felix sighed. "Nile Dawk told me she was here. And, no. I'm the only one he told."

Rivaille slid his blade back away. Not saying another word, still regarding him with an unsatisfied look. He turned his gaze towards Elise, "We're going to be departing soon."

"But, I thought all the troops had left already." Elise finally wasn't yelling.

"They did." Rivaille started. He noticed the baffled look on Elise's face and continued. "I'm still your escort. It would be against my word if I left you here alone."

Elise took a moment to decipher his claim. "We can't leave yet. Not until I'm done talking with Felix."

"If we wait any longer we'll be traveling in the dark." Rivaille stated.

"We're going to be traveling in the dark regardless." Elise countered him.

After giving her an unsatisfied glare he hissed, "Fine," through his teeth then turned to walk away. "Make it quick."

Elise waited for him to round the corner before turning back toward Felix and sighing, "Sorry he's so rude. It's just who he is."

"You mean he always acts like he has a stick up his ass?" Felix rearranged the part of his shirt that got messed up.

"He's not always like that. He's a good person once you get to know him." Elise sat herself down on a nearby crate.

"So, you've known him for a while then?" He sat on a crate adjacent to her.

"Well, kinda. I mean, I was in the Scouting Legion and he's a corporal. So you know."

"Wait, so, he went from being your superior to you being his superior? That's gotta be annoying."

"Yeah, well. As soon as we get back to HQ he'll be my superior again. And he'll probably make me muck the stalls or scrub a floor or something." Elise sighed.

Felix looked over at her and threw her a concerned look.

She noticed then asked, "What?"

He look away and store at his feet. "Why… Do you want to be in the military, Elise?"

"Don't tell me you're gonna lecture me, too."

Felix looked back up at her after a long silence and asked hesitantly, "How did father react when you came home?"

Elise leaned against the wall behind her, "Well, he cried. And scolded me. Said how much he missed me, asked me what I was thinking. He eventually yelled at me towards the end of the night."

"Sounds like him. How mad was he when he found out you were in the army?"

"What do you think?"


"Yup," Elise nodded.

Felix looked back away. "I mean… I can't say I really blame him."

Elise gave him an unhappy look.

"You know how many people die while in the army. Especially the Scouting Legion. I'm just worried is all. I lost you once and now I don't want to lose you again." His voice was a whisper.

Elise shifted herself so she sitting next to him then wrapped her arms around him before burying her face into in torso. A few tears started gathering in her eyes. His arms drew around her and pulled her closer.

"Will you please talk to him?" Elise's voice was muffled. "Convince him to send more support to the army, more money, or whatever. He'll listen to you."

"What is that supposed to mean? 'He'll listen to you.'?"

"Me and you both know you were always his favorite." When he didn't reply, she continued. "He lets you leave home. And talk to other people. Even if you can't let many people see your face, either. At least he doesn't hide you."

"You know he's not hiding you. He's protecting you-"

"Maybe I don't want to be protected! Maybe I don't need other people helping me for once. I want to do things on my own and help others for a change." Elise pressed her face further into him. Tears started to spill over.

"You're the only piece of mother he has left… He just doesn't want to lose you, too. You know he loves you very much."

"Well, he has a funny way of showing it." Before Felix could say anything in return, Elise started again. "Don't tell him what I'm doing, okay? This is the one thing I'm happy doing. I'm giving back to the people the only way I know how."

"Of course I'll keep it a secret." He started. "If this is what makes you happy -being a kick-ass titan slayer while double living as a princess- then who am I to ruin that for you?"

A small laugh escaped Elise's lips. "How did I end up with a brother as great as you?"

Felix laughed in return. "I guess you just got lucky."

Hurray for an update! I finally had time in my schedule to finish this chapter. Anyway, I plan on the next chapter being the last. BUT. I'm going to be uploading side stories/one shots as well that go along with this story. Like things in the future or the past, I'm planning on writing about Elise's first week in the training camp and maybe a short story of Elise and Felix when they were kids.

Also, I just want to kinda explain Elise and Felix's relationship. Like they were really close when they were kids because they only had each other to play with and keep each other company. There were no other kids for them to hang with. It was just them so they are each others best friend and like love each other to death and just ugh, i love them. They have that perfect sibling love.