Hi guys, I know I should be working on the grand finale to my other story but I had this idea swimming around in my head and it wouldn't let me concentrate on anything else. So here it is, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think!

Bo was lying on her huge plush bed, stirring slightly before finally waking up. She opened her eyes to the sun shining through her bedroom window. They had been boarded up when Kenzi and she first moved into the old building on the outskirts of town but soon they had the place renovated so that it actually had walls and real windows. It was nothing special but then again, that was what they had both wanted. Bo had been desperate to get away from her uptight family and moving from one stick-up-your-ass-fancy place to another had not been an option. She was a Succubus, she wanted to enjoy her life, have sex, party and enjoy all the pleasures that came with being absolutely irresistible.

Kenzi on the other hand wanted a place to finally call home. She was a free spirit, drifting from one place on earth to the next, looking for fun. About ten years ago they stumbled across each other on a party and quickly became best friends. They fit perfectly. While Bo, as a Succubus, had a way with people, Kenzi had her way with things. She was a Djinn, capable of expertly 'moving' things from people's pockets and sometimes houses to where she wanted them. She was the reason they had everything they wanted at the clubhouse, from a huge flat-screen TV to Bo's luxurious king-size canopy bed. The Succubus herself had the items placed, walls built and floor redone perfectly by a couple of human workers, of course without paying anything. Sometimes people thought Bo and Kenzi were only best friends because they benefited so much from each other but they had a real connection. The snarky Djinn was so different from Bo's snobby relatives, she was the perfect roommate for the pleasure-hungry Succubus. On the other side Bo offered Kenzi something she never had, a real family. She even was her so-called 'lamp-holder'. Of course, it wasn't really a lamp. It was a simple golden necklace with an Egyptian hieroglyph as a pendant that Bo never took off. The small item didn't look like anything special but it held the power to bind Kenzi and make her a slave, forced to fulfill her master's every wish until she was granted freedom. The Djinn had given Bo the pendant a few years back, stating she was the only one she could trust and the Succubus honored her promise to never let Kenzi be enslaved by anyone ever again.

Rolling over on her back and sighing deeply, she looked to her left and to her relief, saw nothing but ruffled sheets. Her feed from last night was already gone. Kenzi had probably told the small redhead, whose name the Succubus didn't care to remember, how much Bo disliked waking up to anybody. Sex was just sex after all, it was a passing pleasure whomever it was with and Bo rarely had two helpings of the same dish. Stretching out a hand to feel the sheets next to her a satisfied smile spread across her face. The fabric was cold, meaning the woman had left some time ago. Bo got out of bed, quickly hopping into the shower and then slipping into her black kimono, hair still damp as she padded down to the living room with its built-in kitchen.

"Bodacious! I was starting to wonder if Liz had sucked you dry rather than you her." Kenzi was in her usual spot, sprawled across the couch, a huge bowl of cereal in hand. She grinned up at her best friend who gave her an eye-roll. Helping herself to some coffee, Bo walked over to lean on the back of the couch. "Morning, Kenz. As you can see I'm still alive and kicking. And how come you know her name? I can't ever remember it." Bo finished with a short laugh. Kenzi snorted. "How would I know her name? She just looked like a 'Liz' so that's my name for her. You know, on another note the noise pollution has gotten better since we got actual walls but I could still tell that she definitely remembers your name." Kenzi made a point to look positively disgusted, making Bo and herself laugh in the process. When they finally stopped, Bo shrugged. "I can't help it, I'm really that good." She winked at Kenzi who was right back to her act, this time with mock barfing. Finally finishing their breakfast they decided to head to the Dal and see if there was anything fun going on there at this time of the day.

Surprisingly, there was. Trick was in his usual place behind the bar and as Bo and Kenzi walked in, he greeted them with a smile. The Succubus immediately realized they weren't the only guests as a few cops, probably here for lunch, were playing pool. Two men were lightly bantering as they skillfully handled the cues while a woman was leaning on a table nearby, a beer in hand. The tall blonde was the only one Bo instantly recognized. It was Tamsin, a valkyrie she had met a couple of times on various parties. She was closed-off and cold, like Bo only caring for a passing pleasure. They had gotten drunk together a few times and the brunette fondly remembered the tall blonde as someone who you could have a load of fun with, if you knew how to.

The two men Bo didn't recognize, but she could see their badges. They were both tall and good-looking. One wore a hat and was dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. The other one was the taller of the two, with curly hair and a beard. He was currently smirking at the other guy victoriously.

Kenzi told Bo she was going to get them drinks and the Succubus simply nodded, walking over to the three cops. "Hey Tammy." She greeted the valkyrie with a smirk, knowing how much the blonde hated the nickname.

"Oh look, it's the Succubitch herself." was the snarky reply. "Out for new prey so soon? I saw you leave with the hot redhead last night. I'm sorry, I'll pass but maybe the guys would be up for it?" She smirked at the two men who now had abandoned their game to join the conversation. The way they were smiling at her was way too polite for Bo's taste but she could feel that curly-hair liked what he saw.

"I'm Detective Dyson Thornwood." He had a deep voice. "Hale Santiago." The other one chimed in. The Succubus looked at both of them appreciatively before she answered "I'm Bo."

"Just Bo?" Dyson asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

The brunette sighed inwardly while she heard the valkyrie snort next to her. The behavior of the two men gave them away as Light Fae, always so polite, giving their full name and being confused when they were offered something else in return. "Yeah, just Bo." In that moment Kenzi came back from the bar, two beers in hand. She, too, looked at the valkyrie and stated "Hey, Tammy." The blonde didn't look amused at all which made the scene all the more amusing to Bo and Kenzi who laughed, confusing Hale and Dyson even more.

"Who's the man-candy?" The small Djinn asked when they finally turned their attention back to the actual conversation. Before the two men could introduce themselves again and bore the hell out of Bo she answered. "Dyson and Hale."

"How come I've never seen them around?"

This time, Dyson spoke before Bo could answer. "We're Light. I don't think we would run into each other all that often." And he was right, Bo thought. She and her best friend usually stayed on the 'dark side' of town because, one, they were not welcome in the other part and two, it would probably bore them to death. Not that Bo didn't snack on Light Fae now and then but the dark side just had so much more to offer.

Kenzi made an 'ahh' noise and then looked at Tamsin. "How come you're hanging out with them?" The valkyrie shrugged. "We're part of some lame-ass peace project between Light and Dark. We work on the same case."

"Ugh. That's shitty." The Djinn responded to which Tamsin toasted and chugged down the rest of her beer. "My words. But how come you haven't heard of it? At least Bo should have, there is this huge peace treaty ceremony thing going down this weekend. I bet mommy dearest really wants you there."

Bo sighed heavily. "And to think this day started off so well. Now I'll just wait for my mother to call and reel me in for another ceremony." As if on cue, her cell phone went off, showing her mom's name.


Lauren had just put on the sixth dress for the peace treaty ceremony this weekend. Picking out what to wear was always exhausting but it was for a good cause after all. The dress she was currently wearing was a long emerald-green one. While she liked the color, she didn't like how it looked on her. Waving for one of her human servants she asked of brunette woman "How do I look? I want an honest response." The young human nodded quickly and walked around Lauren, looking her up and down. "You look stunning, as always but I think the purple one suits you the most. It really brings out the wings." Lauren smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Eva. I completely agree with you. The purple one is what I will be wearing, I think." The human nodded "Thank you, Miss Lewis. I will take care of the rest." she said, walking off to put the other dresses back into the closet.

The blonde Fae chuckled. "How many times Eva? How many times do I have to tell you to call me Lauren?" Almost out of the room, the human turned to look back at the blonde. "At least once more than your mother telling me not to call you that." The woman smiled sadly, clearly torn between two orders. Lauren just smiled reassuringly. She understood. Her mother was really harsh sometimes on their employees. The blonde refused calling them slaves in her head. She didn't agree with most Fae. Humans were not slaves. They were people with a right to be free but she had given up arguing with her mother, it was useless.

Walking back behind the curtain to change into her usual attire she closed her eyes, picturing herself in the beautiful dress she had picked out. It was marvelous, falling over her chest in ripples. It was short, ending just above the knee. Lauren loved that it showed off her legs and arms, but what she loved the most was the fact that it was backless, which meant her wings would be clearly visible. Lauren chuckled. She didn't really have wings, but she had tattoos that covered her back almost completely, showing beautiful golden and red wings. It was part of her heritage, she was born with them and incredibly proud of it.

Softly smiling to herself she pulled her black jeans and red button down back on. Maybe she would finally meet someone she could love as much as they loved her. To be admired and lusted after for her beauty was something she had to live with daily and her many attempts at relationships over the years had mainly failed because whoever she was dating was usually more interested in showing her off and admiring her beauty than really getting to know her. Her mother Elisabeth had once told her that to be what she was usually meant a lonely life, unless she found someone who was like her but that was very unlikely as they were so rare.

Laurens mind drifted back to the human woman so many centuries ago. She truly loved her, at least that's what she thought. It had felt real with her. Nadia had not only wanted her for her beauty but for everything else. But, like all humans eventually did, she died way too soon and with her Lauren's dream of happiness. From that moment on, the blonde had become emotionless to the world, completely buried in her work as a doctor, trying to help as many people as possible, hoping to somehow heal herself by healing others. It even worked to a certain point. Work consumed her and she found her great passion for science, making her forget what she was craving so deeply at least briefly.

She walked down the stairs of the old manor-house, heading for the library when her phone rang. "Yes, Dyson?" She was confused that he would call her now. He knew she was not at work at this time of the day. Of course, they were sort of friends because he used to date Ciara, Lauren's best friend before she died but he never called her just because he wanted to talk to her anymore. "Lauren, you are going to the peace treaty ceremony, aren't you?"

"Yes, but you know that." Her tone was confused and slightly irritated.

"I need you to find out something for me. You know I can't go there, it's only for the elder families. I met a woman today."

"Really, Dyson? I'm supposed to go snooping after some hottie for you? Why don't you send Hale? He will be there." Now the irritation was taking over.

"I know he will but she met us both, so she knows him. Came into the Dal today while we were there for lunch break. Could you maybe check if she's available?" He was sounding way to eager for Lauren's taste.

The blonde sighed. "If you shut up about it I will, you have a name or do I have to find that out as well?"

"Her name is Bo. I don't know what clan she's a part of but I know she's Dark."

Lauren almost choked when she heard him say that. "Dark Fae? Dyson have you lost your mind? You can't go after someone who's dark, much less date her! You of all people should know."

"I know, Laur." The nickname caught the blonde off guard. He hadn't called her that since they mourned for Ciara together. "But I'm serious with this one. I felt something."

"Ok, wolf-boy. Tell me how she looks, oh and do you know what she is?" Lauren finally gave in. When Dyson answered again, he sounded even more eager.

"She's a brunette, chocolate-brown eyes, curves in all the right places. I'm guessing she will be really hard to miss even in a room full of people. I asked Tamsin about her, she said Bo's a Succubus."

Lauren literally face-palmed. "You fell for a Succubus? A Dark Fae Succubus? And you expect her to give in to you, much less date you? You haven't met enough Succubae to know how they work?"

"I know Laur, I know. But I'm sure I felt something for her, something deep inside. And come on, I've known you for more than your current life-cycle." He appeared really desperate by now.

"Fine Dyson, but I won't promise you anything. Now, if you'll excuse me I have work to do."

"Ok and really, thank you so much, Laur." Dyson said excitedly and finally hung up.

There was something entirely strange about the wolf-man acting like this. Since Ciara, he was more the hit and run kind of guy but he really seemed sure about this one. What didn't make sense was the fact that this Bo was a Succubus. How could Dyson expect anything more than a one-night stand from a creature that lived for her own pleasure exclusively? The blonde shrugged. It wasn't her problem. If Dyson wanted to ahead and get his heart broken by a sex-demon she wouldn't stop him.

Changing her train of thought Lauren focused on her work as she walked into the library. She had a lot of work to do before she could let herself relax and think more of the ceremony this weekend.


A slightly pissed Bo walked up to the huge mansion her parents lived in. Her mother had indeed ordered her to come over immediately and to please leave 'her poor excuse for a friend' at home. The Succubus had been tempted to bring Kenzi along anyway but decided that it would only make a bad situation worse. She got into her yellow Camaro and drove straight over. When they were as close to their house as they would get on the drive, Kenzi wished Bo much luck and with a flick of her wrist simply vanished into thin air. Sometimes, when she did that, the Succubus wished she was a Djinn, too but then she remembered the stories Kenzi had told her about her life. Touching the pendant around her neck she once again promised not to let Kenzi become anyone's servant anymore.

"Ysabeau, finally. I was starting to think you wouldn't show up." Aoife stood at the door, waiting for her rebellious daughter.

"I would never not show up to one of these wonderful family gatherings." Bo's voice was dripping with sarcasm. Aoife sighed. It was always the same. Of course she understood her daughter, after all, she had been young, too once but she had never been as rebellious as Bo. She had her fun, fucked everything that walked and took everything that promised to take her to new heights just for the whim of it for about fifty years. Bo was almost 250 by now and she had been at it for quite a while. The young Succubus always seemed to find things to keep her interested and to block out her 'snob-family' as she called them.

"Don't be like that. You know you have tasks to fulfill as a part of this family." Aoife looked at her daughter with concern. She had never abandoned her whole family to live with some homeless and stealing Djinn.

"I know. It's why I'm here. So just tell me when I have to be at the party and I'll be there, all dolled-up." Bo's tone was exasperated, not wanting to deal with her family longer than she had to.

"If it must be that way. It's Saturday at eight. At the Light compound."

"The Light compound?" Bo's voice was shocked.

"Don't think that I like it much but this is a peace thing, so just be there. Oh, and don't bring the Djinn or any other of your playmates. Especially not that one valkyrie, she's so ill-mannered."

Bo nodded once and made her way back out the door. Looks like it was going to be an evening that would make her top-ten-most-boring list.

Please let me know what you think, especially since I've come up with a new idea for Fae-Lauren but didn't really reveal it this time ;) Also, I hope I'll get to update my other story soon so no worries about that. :) Until next time!