Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO.

Hey, long time we don't see! I've been super busy, and a lot of things that I really don't want to say, but the important is that here's a new one-shot!

Thanks for the people who reviewed, who are: Bookworm234 ,PureFaerie ,livelaughloveandread, daughterofwater22, Everett2 , smilequigley96, Guest , erinwritesfanfics , boxofpandora16 , LLM99 , .54 , Booksaremylife941, you guys rock!

Scenario: Thalico, four moths before Percabeth's wedding (epilogue of LTB). Thalia and Nico are both 24 years old.

If You Only Knew

Thalia woke up, slowly trying to open her eyes, in her big night blue bed. The morning light entered into the bedroom by the large window of her apartment, hitting her in the face.

She looked at the shirtless person lying beside her in the bed. She smiled thoughtlessly, running a hand through the dark hair, the neck and then finally the back. Nico di Angelo rolled over his own body, so she could see his angelic face.

Nico groaned and opened his brown eyes lazily, grinning and muttering 'good morning' with a husky voice. Thalia chuckled and kissed his cheek before saying 'morning to you too' to him.

She got up of the bed and put on some clothes she found on the floor before heading out to the bathroom. She washed her teeth, brushed her hair a bit (which now was under her shoulders) and went out to find Nico snoring again. She crossed her arms over her chest and put on a serious face.

"Nico! Get up right now! You have to go to work!" she yelled at him. He opened his eyes and got up instantly. 3 minutes later, he was ready and leaving their little apartment.

"Bye Thals, see you later," Nico said and kissed her quickly in the lips.

"Goodbye," Thalia said after the kiss. Nico left and she closed the door.

And that was their little routine every morning in weekdays since they lived together.

Thalia went to the kitchen, and then she recalled that this time, Nico didn't have breakfast. It was really weird that Nico left the house without eating. She sighed and made two breakfasts quickly.

She ate her own there, because hey, she needed to eat too. She put her dish and glass on the dishwasher.

But it was in that moment that she felt really sick, and a knot formed in her stomach, but not in the nice way. She felt the food crawling up her oesophagus and she ran to the bathroom once again. She couldn't help it anymore, so she threw up all her breakfast. When she finished, she cleaned her mouth, feeling gross.

She walked out of the bathroom and sat in her bed, a hand placed over her stomach. She wanted to believe that it was just the breakfast, but something told her it was something more. She wished Nico was there with here like always.

She tried to think about another thing, and not about the possibilities that caused her to vomit. She thought about her relationship with Nico.

It all started a long time ago in high school, only after her 'relationship' with Will Solace. Yeah, they dated for only three weeks before she found out he cheated on her with another girl. She never believed that that relation would end well or last a long time, she kind of expected that he would cheat on her. She only dated him to try to forget Nico because their friendship was getting stronger and she didn't want to lose Bianca again. Of course it didn't end that way, though, with the time, Bianca accepted Thalia and Nico's love for each other.

She still remembered what happened the day they got together.

She sat on the doorstep of a coffee shop, totally shocked. She knew since the beginning that Will would cheat on her, but she surely didn't expect it to happen that soon. They only dated like three weeks, and they already broke up. 'Curse that boy', Thalia thought.

She didn't cry, he wasn't worth it. She only sat there, thinking about life, her friends, the birds, the old woman with the little child next to her, the hot waiter of the restaurant in front of her and about all the little things that were there. She only tried to have her mind occupied.

She knew her friends were looking for her but she didn't want to be found. She liked to be alone. Alone she could think, she could figure things out and in synthesis, it was better.

She closed her eyes and rested her head against the large window of the Starbucks behind her. She wasn't sad. Or at least, it was what she tried to believe. The wind made her short hair blew against her face, and she, furious, tried to pull it out. a knot of anger formed in her throat, while her eyes filled with tears.

She was furious. With her friends for letting her do what she did, with Bianca for being so childish, with Will for being such a jerk, with Nico for being a good friend with her, and with herself for loving her best friend.

Being best friends with Nico didn't help her to forget her feeling towards him. It started being a simple crush, and now, she loved him.

And Nico was obvious to it, he just was around her like nothing, he only saw her as a friend, he didn't know how bad he was to her. But, who could blame him? She was the stupid one that fell for him.

"Thalia? Are you crying?" A voice next to her said. Thalia looked up and, yes, the one and only Nico di Angelo was bending over her in all his glory. His brown eyes looked worried, and his eyebrows were all scrunched together. One of his hands was placed in Thalia's left shoulder.

Thalia didn't realize she was crying until a tear touched her mouth, leaving a salty taste in her lips. "No, I am not." She said curtly.

Nico rolled his eyes. "C'mon, you know you can trust in me, aren't we best friends?" he said, not aware of the pain Thalia had when she heard those words. "Besides, you do know Will doesn't deserve your tears, he's an idiot, a player, a jerk and a lot more. You are too valuable for him,"

Thalia managed to smile a little, but it quickly faded away. She wiped some tears off her face, unconsciously smearing her face with black eyeliner. "Thanks," she whispered, her voice broken and harsh.

Nico sat next to her and put an arm around her waist. Thalia rested her head in his shoulder before realizing what she was doing. She stood up in a second, totally ashamed and looking at the ground. Nico stood besides her, staring confused at her face. He never saw Thalia like that.

"I'm sorry," Thalia murmured, Nico almost couldn't hear her.


"For everything, Nico." Thalia looked into his eyes. Nico couldn't help but notice how deep her eyes were. Electric blue, and now brighter than ever due to her tears. He always knew and admitted how beautiful Thalia was, he couldn't help it.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything, Thals, nothing is your fault," Nico told her –he couldn't stand seeing her crying and feeling miserable.

Thalia let out a small, bitter laugh. "You don't know anything Nico." She said. Nico felt worse than before. Here he was, with his beautiful best friend blaming herself for everything and he didn't do anything to make her feel better. But he didn't know what to do –he was unaware of Thalia's feelings.

He just stood there, besides Thalia, staring at her face. And in that moment, he realized the most important thing on his life.

He took her face by her chin and forced herself to face him, before leaning in and kissing her.

Now, the 24 years old Thalia sitting on her bed realized that that was the best moment of her life so far.

Thalia decided she couldn't be there the whole day, so she told herself to go to Nico's work, surprise him and give him his breakfast. She stood up, brushed her hair again, put the food on a package and left their apartment.

She climbed on her black car and turned it on before starting to drive away on the streets of New York. The knot in her stomach was still there, and it bothered her a lot. She continued driving, but with every second she felt worse than before.

When she decided she couldn't stand feeling like that, she turned in a corner and changed of direction, now heading to her best friend's house, Annabeth's. She knew Annabeth and Percy were occupied with their wedding, but she didn't want to be alone in her apartment and that was the nearest house.

7 minutes later, she was knocking in the porch of their friend's house. Now that they were almost married, they bought a beautiful house that Annabeth helped to design. The exterior walls were a very light shade of beige, with wooden windows and a pretty door. They were still moving, almost finishing, so they were extremely busy.

Percy opened the door, a confused expression on his face. Thalia prayed that Annabeth was there. Percy was one of his best friends now, but she felt like talking to another girl about her problem.

"Thals," Percy said, amazed to see her there that early. "What are you doing here?"

"Good morning to you too," Thalia rolled her orbs. "Is Annabeth here?" she asked, as she felt like she was going to threw up once again.

Percy rolled his eyes too. "No, she's out." He said. He then noticed her pale face, and his eyebrows scrunched together in worry. "Hey, you okay? Do you want to come in?"

"I'll just wait for Annabeth." Thalia said, before rushing inside the house. It was quite big, and there where only two couches with a pretty, little table in the middle of them, with a TV off. There was silence, which surprised her. "What were you doing here?" she asked as she sat down in a couch, turning on the big TV.

"I was showering," Percy said sarcastically. It was just then when Thalia noticed he had a towel around his hip and his hair and body was wet. 'Oops!', Thalia thought. "I'll get dressed up." He said, before walking out of the living room towards his room.

"It's not my fault you open the door like that," Thalia murmured rolling her eyes.

Thalia continued watching TV, but her stomach didn't leave her in peace. She wanted to throw up, but at the same time she didn't want to. Why was Annabeth taking so much time to come back? She checked her phone. Just one message from Nico.

-I forgot my breakfast, sorry! Don't worry 'bout me, it's ok. Love you.

She relaxed, now she wouldn't feel guilty for not giving him his food. She thought about telling Nico how bad she felt, but once again she didn't want to worry him in his work. She put her phone back in her pocket, just as Percy came back, now dressed in a simple white T-shirt, dark blue jeans and old grey sneakers.

"When is Annabeth coming back?" Thalia asked while Percy sat next to her, watching the TV.

"I don't know. She went to buy some food, and to check out something about the wedding. But she left like two hours ago, she should be here anytime soon," Percy said.

Thalia nodded. Her stomach still bothered her and she didn't know what to do.

"You look sick," Percy commented. Thalia shot him a death glare, but he didn't do anything, which was a little strange. He always looked away when she did that.

"Thanks, you look awesome too." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious Thals, does Nico know about it?" Percy asked, and he looked really worried.

Thalia never could fight against Percy when he was like that, serious and caring, so she only looked down. "No. I started to feel sick after Nico left. That's why I wanted to talk to Annabeth,"

Percy nodded, like if he was analyzing the situation. But Thalia knew him, and he only did that to look smart. "Do you want to throw up?"

"Maybe…" Thalia said unsure. It was such an awkward moment, and they didn't have one since they were 18.

"So…" Percy said unsure. He looked between nervous and uncomfortable. And she understood him, not even her knew what to do. If only Annabeth was there with them. "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

'Ah, poor Percy', Thalia thought. Despite that, Thalia nodded and they both stood up, before heading to the closest bathroom. She felt how that gross feeling rose again up to her mouth, but unlike the other times, she couldn't help it, and she ran and threw up into the toilet. She felt when Percy took her hair so it wouldn't bother her, and when he made circles on her back with his hand, in a heart-warming way. She thanked him for that.

When she ended, she cleaned her mouth. Percy watched her from behind, more worried than before.

"You're worse than I thought," Percy said. Thalia rolled her eyes at his stupidity. "But it is because you eat something or…" he thought for some seconds before his eyes widened, and Thalia took some moments to realize what he was thinking.

"Shut up Jackson. You're a pervert." She said harshly, but she didn't mark out that possibility, as much as she hated to admit it.

Percy lifted his hands in surrender. "Just thinking of possibilities," he smirked. "Besides, that wouldn't be that bad, I would be an uncle!" he laughed, but Thalia only glared at him.

"Of course not. You'll never touch my kids." She joked.

"C'mon, you know I'll be the best uncle ever!" Percy joked back, and as much as Thalia hated to admit it too, he was right. She saw him a lot of times with little kids, and he was really nice with them. That was one of the many reasons she wanted him to date Annabeth.

"Yeah, sure." Thalia said sarcastically.

"Percy, I'm home!" A shout came from below. It was Annabeth. Thalia saw how Percy's eyes lit up when he heard Annabeth's voice. They sure loved each other.

"I'm here!" Percy shouted back. They heard some steps approaching them, and only some moments after, Annabeth showed up in front of them. She smiled brightly at them, but her smile faded away quickly when she noticed the condition in which Thalia was.

"Thalia! Oh my God, what happened to you? You're terribly wan!" Annabeth asked as she approached her, putting her hand on Thalia's forehead to feel her temperature. "You don't have fever, what's the problem?"

"My stomach… I already threw up twice," Thalia grimaced.

"Oh…" Annabeth relaxed a little, but she still had a very worried expression. "It must be something bad you ate, did you go to the doctor?"

"Not yet…" Thalia said. But she wanted to tell her something more deep, but she couldn't with Percy there listening. "Can we talk alone?" Annabeth looked at Percy, and he only rolled his orbs before walking away.

Annabeth led Thalia to her and Percy's bedroom. They sat over the white sheets, and Thalia grimaced, putting a hand over her stomach.

"Since when are you feeling this bad?" Annabeth asked her, her blonde eyebrows scrunched together.

"This morning," Thalia replied.

"Did you eat something or…?" Annabeth asked, just like Percy, and Thalia rolled her eyes.

"I haven't eaten something bad or rotten or anything!" Thalia yelled exasperated. "I don't have an idea of what's happening to me, so don't ask!" She grimaced once more. "I just wanted to talk to you because…" she trailed off, unsure if continue or stop.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes. "What?"

Thalia cleared her throat as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. "Nico and I… well, the last couple of months, we…" Her voice failed her under Annabeth's grey eyes. She took a deep breath. "We did 'it' without protection!"

"WHAT?" Annabeth almost yelled as her eyes shut open. "Please tell me you're not…"

"I don't know!" Thalia replied exasperated, burring her face in her hands. "It's just a possibility your stupid fiancé gave to me!"

Annabeth took several deep breaths before sighing and relaxing her body. "Okay. It's okay. We don't know if it is it yet. Everything's okay." She assured her, but it sounded as she was trying to calm herself down.

Thalia nodded. "Yeah… right." She watched as Annabeth got up and walked to a drawer and took out a little pink box. Her cheeks were as red as Thalia's.

"Here. Go to the bathroom." Annabeth handed her best friend the box, avoiding her eyes.

Thalia looked at it, eyes opened widely. "A pregnant test? Seriously Annabeth?" she asked incredulous. "Why do you even have this?"

"Well, you always have to be prepared for anything!" Annabeth explained. "But I never used it, anyway. My step-mother gave it to me when I moved with Percy." Thalia shook her head, but walked to Percy and Annabeth's bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, a crying, shocked, trembling Thalia walked back to Annabeth's bed with the pregnant test on her hand. Annabeth sat next to her and passed her arms around Thalia's shoulders, trying to read her expression.

"So, what did it say?" Annabeth asked softly, preparing for the answer she already knew.

Thalia's swollen eyes closed, more tears coming down. Annabeth made circles in the blue eyed girl's shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her.

"It's all okay, sweetheart." Annabeth breathed, half impressed with her words, since she never used that kind of nicknames.

"It… it was-" Thalia chocked with her own words and tears. "Positive. I'm pregnant, Annabeth."

Annabeth hugged her, pampering Thalia's head. "That's an amazing new, Thalia. Be happy about it,"

Thalia shook her head, hugging Annabeth back, in an attempt to hold to something desperately. "I'm not ready to be a mother, and Nico surely isn't ready to be a father!"

"You two are going to figure it out,"

"I don't have a real job yet!"

"But Nico does, and he'll support you all the way through this,"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Why aren't you sure? You're gonna get married in less than a year and you're 24 years old! You aren't a child anymore Thals, and Nico loves you too much, and he'll be so happy when you tell him about it."

"Thank you Annie" Thalia mumbled, feeling a lot more relaxed and happier. She put a hand on her stomach and said, "I want a girl, anyway." Both of them chuckled.

A/N= Guys, I'm terrible sorry for the wait. You know, stuff happened but it's okay now. I'm sorry too because this chapter sucks in every possible way, and I hope next's will be better!

Much love,
