Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO.

Hello my beloved readers! This is one of the sequels of Love the Babysitter! I hope you enjoy the first one-shot, I worked hard on it! The title says (PxA) because it's Percabeth. I'll put it next to the title of the chapter to let you know of what pairing the one-shot is, example: (TxN) Thalico, (JxP) Jasper and so on. Love you all!

"Percy, just give up, this thing will not work," Annabeth said from the passenger seat of Percy's car. Percy closed the hood of the car and looked at his girlfriend from outside, watching her mouth wanting to turn into a smile.

It was a hot summer night. Percy and Annabeth had been all day together. First, they had gone for breakfast, and then did shopping. They returned to their apartment, where they had lunch and watched movies and TV reruns until it got boring. After that, Percy had suggested to go somewhere, but none of them could think of any place, so they had been driving aimlessly for hours, until they got stuck on an empty road in Long Island, with no fuel and no signal to call for help.

"How could you let this happen?" Percy asked as he got back in the car. He sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his black hair.

"Me?" Annabeth asked in surprise, her eyes wide open. She looked at Percy incredulously.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to notice that we were going to run out of fuel," he said. Annabeth rolled her eyes and climbed onto his lap, putting one arm behind his neck and with the other playing with the collar of his shirt.

"Well, sorry if I didn't. I just have so much fun with you, my brain doesn't work right when you're around," she confessed, slightly embarrassed. Even after four years of dating, she still was a little shy when it came to fluffy declarations.

Percy grinned cockily at her. "Is Annabeth Chase accepting that she goes crazy when she's with me?" he joked, he raised his eyebrows insinuatingly.

Annabeth rolled her eyes again and shrugged. "That depends." She joked. Percy rolled his eyes, and slowly began to kiss her neck. He knew she loved it, it was her weakness. Any time when she was angry or stressed, he would kiss her neck, and though she was reluctant at first, she eventually gave in. Annabeth threw her head back and moaned when he bit her. He started kissing her jaw up to her mouth, and they both kissed passionately for a few minutes, until Annabeth's phone rang, indicating she got a text.

Annabeth broke the kiss and reached for her phone in her purse. Percy moaned and he kissed her neck again while she was reading the message.

Where are you? I need to talk to you. -Thalia.

Annabeth regretted not having signal, she was seriously intrigued. What if something bad had happened? "Percy, we need to go back." She said, and Percy looked at her incredulously.

"I thought you were fine," he said frowning.

"I'm fine," Annabeth said, smiling sweetly at him. "Actually, I'm perfect. But Thalia sent me a text, and I don't know if something bad happened." She looked at him apologetically, because she was sure that Percy wanted to do something more, and it was not exactly go home. Sure, she wanted to do it too, but what could she do about the call from her best friend?

Percy sighed. "Fine." He said it like it was all okay, but Annabeth knew it wasn't. She got out of his lap, and they got out of the car. "I think there is a gas station one kilometer away from here, so…" He started walking at the side of the road, and Annabeth walked beside him in silence. Even after years, Thalia was still calling or texting at inopportune times.

After walking a few yards, Annabeth looked at Percy. He had a thoughtfully look in his face, and the moonlight let Annabeth see the traits she loved so much. His hair was shorter now, but still tousled. His eyes were shining, like every time he was with her. His body got a little more muscular than it was in their high school years, and he still was the childish guy she met years before when she came back from San Francisco. She knew he was a little upset because they had to go back, but she also knew he was going to forgive her.

After several minutes of silence, Annabeth grabbed his hand shyly and intertwined their fingers. Percy looked at her, and Annabeth punched him playfully with her hip. "C'mon Seaweed Brain, I'll make it up for you after," she promised, and Percy's eyes lit up. She rolled her eyes for the third time that night and kissed his cheek. "You're such a dork."

They continued walking; now talking about different things until they arrived at the service station. There was almost no one, only a few people, and Annabeth admitted she was a little scared. Percy put his arm over her shoulders protectively, and Annabeth silently thanked the gesture. He made her feel safe, because he would do anything for her welfare. A fat man, with grease all over his shirt came up to them, and it was at times like this in which Annabeth regretted wearing only shorts and blouses.

"What do you need, kiddos?" he said, not taking his brown eyes off of Annabeth.

"A fuel tank." Percy said, his voice bitter. His grip around his girlfriend got stronger, and she laid her head on his shoulder. The man muttered something, perhaps a 'Sure', and walked away, leaving his horrible smell of grease scattered around the place. Percy kissed Annabeth's head, and she closed her eyes and drifted away.

She remembered one day, when the light was gone from the department, and they had been cuddled up on the couch for hours waiting for the light to return. It was a few months after they had moved in together when they were 19. She studied architecture in college, and Percy had decided to study medicine, a subject in which he was really good. After years of part-time jobs, of being babysitter and working in dirty hot-dogs shop and many studies, she finally had gotten a scholarship. She couldn't be happier, and besides, she was still with Percy. It seemed that for once, things were right in her life.

The man's voice brought her back to reality, in where she was in a horrible gas station, and stuck on the road with Percy. "Here you have, kiddo," he said, handing a gasoline tank to Percy, who took it and gave the man some money.

Percy turned around, Annabeth still under his arm and walked away quickly, until they were far enough. Annabeth's body relaxed, and she looked at him. "That man was creepy," she said.

"Yeah, he was." Was his only answer. "So, what did Thalia want?" he asked, and Annabeth noticed he was still very thoughtful.

She frowned. "What's wrong? You look… strange," she decided. It wasn't common to him to think that much. Something was worrying him

"I'm okay," he said. No.

"You're lying. I don't believe you." She snapped.

"Why? I'm perfectly fine." He said, his voice firmly, but he didn't meet her eyes, thing that was a signal of lie. He carried the tank with his left hand while his right hand was in the pocket of his old worn out jeans.

"Percy, I know you too much to know when you're lying. And you know you can tell me everything," she said. Percy finally looked at her, and pulled her close with his arm. He kissed her forehead and sighed, placing his chin over her head.

"I know Wise Girl, that's one of the reasons why I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too." Annabeth said frowning. He still didn't tell her what was wrong. "So, what's wrong?"

Percy sighed again, and didn't say anything for a moment. "I just… I hate it when guys or old fat man like that one check you out that way. It's really disgusting to see." He confessed, and Annabeth chuckled. Seaweed Brain, she thought.

"It's disgusting for me too, you know." She said. "And it's really upsetting when girls check you out and try miserably to flirt with you."

Now, it was Percy's turn to chuckle. "Girls don't flirt with me," he said, still laughing. Annabeth got out of his embrace and put her arms on her waist, looking annoyed at him.

"Yes, they do. They do it every time, when we're together, and surely when you're alone. They did it on high school, and even lonely and ridiculous old women check you out when we're shopping, like this morning. You're just too obvious to see it, Seaweed Brain." She said, her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"It's because I only have eyes to see you." Said Percy, hugging her once more. After moments of silence, he whispered, "That was so cheesy." They both laughed. "C'mon, we have to go home." He said, and they started walking again, holding each other's hand.

When they reached the car, Annabeth climbed into the passenger seat while Percy filled the tank with fuel. He got on the car and turned it on, and they started to drive back to New York City. Near to reach the city, Annabeth checked on her phone.

"Yeah! I've got signal!" she exclaimed happily. She had two more messages from Thalia asking her where she was. Annabeth replied she was on her way to her house. "Drop me on Thalia's house, please?" Percy nodded, and she kissed his cheek.

"What does she want now?" he asked.

Annabeth shrugged, "I dunno, she says it's important." Percy drove to Thalia's house, and Annabeth kissed him before going out of the car. Percy winked at her before driving away, Annabeth watching the car until it was out of her sight.

Thalia slammed the door, and her eyes showed her angry. "It's eleven Annabeth! Where were you? I called you ten times in the past two hours and you didn't pick up!" she yelled, but Annabeth looked at her, a goofy smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I was stuck in the road." She said, entering the house, Thalia watching her worriedly.

"Were you with Kelp Head?" Thalia asked. Annabeth nodded, her goofy smile still on her face. After Percy and Annabeth started dating, Thalia became a good friend with Percy, as well Piper, Silena and Katie. Percy and Thalia fought constantly, but hey, they really got along.

"Anyway, what was so important?" asked Annabeth. Thalia sighed before throwing all her problems to her all-time best friend.


Annabeth left Thalia's house looking at her watch. 1:30 a.m. How could a person talk that much? Thalia volunteered to drive her home, but Annabeth denied her help. She was okay with taking taxis. But when she lifted her gaze, she saw the cutest surprise of her life.

Percy was standing there, holding a bouquet of lilies (her favorite flowers), smiling at her goofily. Annabeth walked up to him, smiling too. Man, she loved him so much. He handed out the bouquet to her, and said, "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman," he said, kissing her softly on the lips.

She smelled the flowers. "Thanks so much Percy, I love it." She kissed him again, and when she broke apart, she added, "But I thought the saying was 'a beautiful flower for a beautiful girl." Percy stroked her cheek, putting a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Let's just say, you're more beautiful than just one flower. But not even this bouquet is as beautiful as you are," he said, kissing her again more time.

"You're so cheesy when you want to," she joked, looking at his wonderful eyes, which looked at her with deep love and admiration.

"Let's go home," he said, opening the car door for her. She got in and winked at him. "I have to keep my promise of making that up to you."

Percy smirked. "I hold you to it," he said, and turned the car on.

As he drove away to their home, Annabeth wished there were more days like this one, where she could just be with Percy. Because those were the best ones. And she was sure there will be more days to come.

I'm not really good writing one-shots, I must say. I'm not completely happy with this one, but I have a lot of ideas for others. So much ideas, that I had to write them down in paper to remember all. Right now, I have 50 ideas, so 50 one-shots, but I'm taking requests too. Write a review and tell me what you think, ideas, tips to improve, anything!

Go, be happy, stay strong and move on!
