A/N: oh gosh this is my first Twoshot fic hopefully it will do well.
Jack crept to the edge of the tree branch. The wind was picking up and he knew for a fact that today would be the day. Today he would master riding the wind.
Ever since he came out of the lake, he's been practicing flying with the wind. It was difficult to teach himself how to steadily ride the air currents, but Jack had nothing else to do. He hadn't made any friends yet, and there was still so much he didn't know about.
A small breeze blew through his white hair followed by a gust. Jack took a deep breath and looked down. He was really high up, and if he should fall he would most certainly be injured. But, he took his chance and let the wind sweep him out of the tree.
He was doing it! He hadn't crashed or tumbled through the air yet!
Jack's clothes flapped in the wind as he soared above the forest. This was amazing! His arms were spread out, a large grin was plastered on his face, and Jack cheered himself on. Never before had he felt so free. This was his first attempt at flying where he hadn't hit a tree right away. He wasn't even being tossed through the air like a leaf, he was in control.
The small village outside the forest came into view. Jack didn't know exactly what it was called, but he heard a few people utter "Burgess" every now and then and he decided that that would be what he'd call the village, Burgess. When Jack lowered himself down to Burgess, he nimbly landed on his feet. His landing was a bit shaky, but the teenager was glad that he actually landed this time instead of just flopping onto the ground. He didn't crash or fall or anything.
"D-Did you see that?! I actually landed this time! I didn't fall!" Jack announced to everyone. His whole body was bouncing with excitement, just like when he first discovered he had ice powers. He talked to any person that passed him by, preaching his success proudly. "Hey little girl, did you see that? I didn't crash! Did you hear me? Hey, I'm talking here! I-"
He was invisible.
That's right, they can't hear him. None of the villagers even knew he existed and none of them ever saw him. But just because no one witnessed his landing didn't mean it didn't happen!
"Excuse me, mister; did you by any chance see that? I came down from the sky and-or you can just keep walking. That uh…that works too…"
Jack was ignored by everyone who he approached. He went unnoticed every time someone walked through him, making him shiver, but the spirit wouldn't give up yet. There just had to be someone who he could celebrate his new capabilities of riding the wind with, even if they didn't know who he was. Jack barely even knew who he was.
An old man sat on his front porch, rocking back and forth in his chair. Jack had seen this geezer before, every time he had visited the village, to be exact. No matter what happened, this old man was sitting outside, watching everything in the world pass him by. Nothing escaped his keen eyes, nothing except for the lost ghost boy who had just made a decent landing.
Jack began to walk over to the old man, frost blooming from under his feet with every step. He never did find out how he could do that, make frost by simply touching an object, but Jack never objected to it. The frost he made was so pretty, so mesmerizing, so…calming. But no one else noticed that he was the one who made it. No, they just saw ice that created itself.
"Excuse me, old man," Jack said, standing by the geezer. "I don't know your name, but did you by any chance see me land? Hello?"
Jack waved his hand in front of the man's face but there was no response. Typical. The old man didn't notice him; he just took out a piece of wood. "Hey, what's that? What are you doing with that wood?"
Curious to the reason behind why the senior pulled out the wood, Jack watched him light one end with a small fire. It was then that Jack realized this wasn't just a piece of wood, but a pipe! A wooden pipe! Why do people have wooden pipes?
"What are you doing? Why do you have that?"
Jack kept watching the old man like hunter studying a deer. He wanted to know what that wooden pipe was for and why there was smoke trailing out from one end. The elder placed on end of the pipe into his mouth, withdrawing whatever it was that was inside of it. When he took the tip out of his mouth, he smiled and blew out a puff of gray smoke.
"Whoa! How did you do that?!" Jack had never seen anyone breathe smoke before, was this old man really a dragon? He's heard the villagers talk about these creatures called dragons while gathered around a fire. From what Jack has learned, dragons can blow fire can smoke from their mouths. Incredible!
"Hey old man, are you a dragon? Can you blow out fire too?"
Each question Jack bombarded the man with went ignored, just like his existence. Jack pouted like a child. He wanted answers! Was this old guy really a dragon? Can anyone else blow out smoke? Did anyone even see his landing?
The old man smiled when he blew out more smoke, enjoying what he was doing. Every intake from his pipe made him smile, and Jack wondered if the pipe with smoke coming out of it could really make people happy like it was doing to the old man before him.
He sighed and leaned next to his acquaintance. "You know old man; this place never seems to be dull for me. People that can blow out smoke? That's really cool; I wonder how you people do it. Does that wooden pipe have anything to do with it?"
"Grandpa! Momma said to come inside now!"
Jack turned his head to the new voice, which belonged to a young boy standing in the doorway of the old man's house. "Grandpa, come on! Before the storm comes!"
"Alright! I'm coming! Hold your horses, child!"
'Grandpa' rose out of his chair and walked inside, closing the door behind him and leaving Jack alone to wonder what a 'storm' was. From the boy's tone that he used, he treated it like something bad. Jack had never seen a storm before, and looked around to see that everyone else in the village had gone inside their home too. That was when Jack saw that the wooden pipe was left out on the porch and picked it up. "Hey, Grandpa! Old man! You left your thingy out here!"
There was no response, just the wind blowing on the back of his neck. The pipe was till lit, smoke trailing from one end, and Jack was alone with it. That Grandpa guy had seemed happy when he drew from the pipe, and if this dinky piece of wood could make an old man happy, then maybe…
Jack cocked his head at the pipe. He wasn't happy at the moment; he was lonely and disappointed that he couldn't share his life with anyone. If this pipe really did make people happy, then surely it could make Jack happy too.
He used his brown shawl to wipe one end of the pipe. It was warm; Jack has never felt warmth before less alone held anything warm. There wasn't even any frost on the pipe, just Jack's cold touch that had no effect on it. Slowly, Jack brought the pipe up to his face and wondered what would happen to him. He placed the wooden tip in his mouth, nervous, and took his time in inhaling through the pipe.
Big mistake.
As soon as the smoke entered Jack's mouth he began to cough and sputter. The pipe was dropped on the ground as Jack choked on the smoke. This was terrible! How can that ANYONE find pleasure in this? Jack certainly didn't, so maybe he was just different from everyone else. He eventually fell to his knees, still in a coughing fit. While Jack hacked out any smoke he had taken in, he saw a glimpse of the sky, and stopped coughing.
The sky was gray. It was as gray as the smoke he gagged on. He's never seen the sky gray; he didn't even know that skies could turn gray. Why, the sky was blue just a few minutes ago! Jack had flown through a few clouds on his way to the village and during that there wasn't a hint of gray in the sky at all.
Picking up his staff, the confused little misfit wondered what this bizarre phenomenon was. Is this what a storm was? Gray skies? With one wave of his wooden conduit, Jack allowed the wind to brush him away from the village and into the clouds, which were also gray.
He didn't understand why everything had turned so gloomy, but the clouds were what surprised Jack the most.
They were humungous!
Each cloud was at least twice the size of any building Jack has ever seen; they were even taller than the trees in the forest!
Colossal clouds, gray skies, and a village with everyone indoors; this was all alien to Jack. If only someone was there to explain to him what was happening, because he surely didn't know.
Storms were weird. They made gray skies and giant clouds that reached the heavens. Could this day get any more abnormal?
Jack continued to soar over the village and looked down at it. Seeing no one outside made it look abandoned, making Jack feel even more left out. Everyone was inside together except for him, and he didn't even have a roof over his head, just a frozen lake and some trees.
His usual quirky attitude he felt when flying was on the downside. Instead of feeling uplifted by the wind, Jack just felt this strange feeling in his gut, as if there was more to come…
A brief flash of light zapped the sky. Light? But there weren't any stars in the sky, how can there be light when-
The deafening roar of a canon firing echoed around Jack, scarring him. First flashes of blinding light, and now canon fires? What's going on?
Another canon fire and Jack gasped. What's making that noise? Why was it so menacing?
More flickers of light radiated in the clouds surrounding Jack. Each flicker followed by loud booms and crashes. Jack was terrified by all this, and in his moment of weakness, he lost his connection with the wind. He began to fall.
He's never experienced terror like this before, not since he first found out that people could walk through him. And while he didn't know that the sounds spooking him were just thunder claps and lightning cracks, Jack was panicking because no on had every educated him on what happens during storms.
Jack held his staff in a death grip, refusing to let it go while spiraling downwards. He was FALLING! There was no time for him to cower at every canon blast that came from the clouds, he had to communicate with the wind and get it to save him. It took him a while to regain himself, but Jack was eventually blown in another direction a second before he made contact with the unforgiving ground. The wind blew him to the side, making him skid to a halt through the forest terrain.
Another ear-ringing crack erupted from the sky and made Jack jump. Each noise grew louder and louder and as much as he wanted to, the scarred little spirit couldn't ignore it; he could only helplessly question everything around him.
BOOM! Why was this happening? BOOM! What's making that noise? BOOM! Someone please make it stop! BOOM!
Every clap of thunder rattled Jack's whole body. He could barely stand due to how much he was trembling. As if the thunder and lightning wasn't enough, Jack was surprised to see drops of water fall from the sky. It wasn't frozen snowflakes, but water, liquid water. What is this? Is this rain? Jack has never seen rain, only snow.
The sounds of gunshots and canon fires blazed through the forest. It hurt his ears, all of the guns and canons firing at nothing. Was it him? Were they firing at him? Another crack of lightning illuminated the sky and blinded Jack. He fell into the mud created by the downpour of water and became soaked to the bone.
Mud coated his tan pants, tinting them a dark brown, and his wet hair clung to his face. Jack couldn't stop shaking now, he was terrified and with every attempt to stand up his knees did nothing but buckle under him. He cupped his hands over his ears, not wanting to hear the raging storm anymore. Despite everything he did to tone down the volume, he could still hear the muffled noise of the sky penetrating every inch of his fragile, scared mind.
He heard nothing but rushing water and thunder ricocheting against his ear drums. Jack didn't know what to do; he was stiff with fear in a puddle of mud. He was scared. He…he needed help! There had to be somebody…anybody who he could go to! An explanation...shelter...comfort...anything would suffice!
As he brought himself out of the mud, Jack leaned on his staff for support. He was quivering with too much fear to stand on his own. He just wanted to go somewhere safe...
The village! That's where he should go, back to the village where there were people. Invisible or not there were still lots of people in the village, unlike the forest where the only inhabitant was Jack himself. The people in the village may not respond to him, but they would provide Jack comfort by just being there with him. He wouldn't be entirely alone during this chaos, during this…this hellish storm.
Now that he knew what a storm was, Jack decided that he did not like them. No, he hated storms. Each boom and crack in the sky above his head sent ripples to his heart while drop after drop of rain only made it harder to see. What if he died? What if he died in this storm with no one around to see it happen? No one would miss him, and no one would notice he was gone.
Jack wouldn't let that happen, he would get back to the village and he wouldn't be alone.
Pumped up on adrenalin, Jack ran through the forest. He had no desire to fly through the storm, through hell in the sky. Instead he just held his staff as he ran as far as his quaking legs would carry him. There were countless of times where he fell, but each time Jack just got back up. He yelped when more thunder rang in the sky, and breathed heavily when he finally made his way back to Burgess.
Jack swatted his wet hair out of his face. He dashed to every home he could find and pounded on the doors in hopes of being let inside.
"Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! PLEASE!"
House after house his desperate cries for help went undetected. Any racket he caused was drowned out by the thunder and lightning clashing together in the sky and all Jack could do was scream out.
It was frustrating to know that each door he knocked on was what separated him from other people. Every door was locked and shut tight, not letting anything or anyone in. Frantic, Jack ran through all of Burgess in search for a place to hide from the weather.
The church! Jack could go to the church! Nobody ever locked the church doors, Jack didn't even know if they could be locked.
He dashed to the church and pushed the large doors open. Lightning followed and Jack made no hesitations in scampering inside. He slammed the doors shut and curled up under the nearest table he could find. His ears were covered with his hands his eyes squeezed shut. Every second his heart beat against his chest. Jack could feel it beat faster than it has even been.
While the storm shook the ground, Jack let out a choked sob. He was all alone, soaking wet, covered in mud, didn't know whether the world was coming to an end or not, and he was paralyzed with fear whenever the thunder struck.
Where was the moon? Why wasn't the voice in the moon helping him?!
Jack was in peril. He didn't want this. He didn't want this storm. All he wanted was for it to end.
He just wanted it to stop.
A/N: you know, i felt good about writing this until i re-read it and now im not so sure anymore :/