Hi folks, Happy New Year! Just an announcement for a new story I have just posted. Among other suggestions I have had requests for a prequel in this AU, as well as some requests to integrate Kasey into the existing storylines. I struggled with how to do it but what I have settled on and intend to do is go over season 1A but basically write the bits in between. The main aim is character exploration and adding some of the depth that was implied but not explored in the way that I may imagine it. Also how I imagine thing would be with Kasey. I have been very careful to not re-write and am almost entirely avoiding writing scenes that took place in the show. I will be adding in a few other storylines too around Kasey but nothing major. It's character development based so don't expect heavy drama (as I am not changing the story and that's all covered) but I have tried to add in slightly more exciting things where I can. Anyway, here is a snippet and take a look! If you're interested I hope to see you over there!

As it's scenes between the scenes and an exploration of the changes in characters - it is called Transitions.

Lena took deep breath and tried Stef one more time. She wasn't sure whether she would have access to her phone at the concert at all or be able to slip out. She wasn't meeting Bill about the twins, but he had been in touch with very limited information. It wasn't the first time, he had done it. Every now and again if he was in a last minute jam and needed their support he would call on their help but usually never for more than a few hours - and he had never asked her to meet him at the place he asked to meet her today. The information she had received from him was vague and she was probably over-reacting, but that didn't stop her from longing for Stef's input - for both solidarity and reassurance. She didn't like making unilateral decisions, especially not of this magnitude. After another failed attempt she put the phone away and decided she'd have to stop putting it off. She pulled away and made her way to the juvenile hall.