
"Lost and Found."

"Beckett... Beckett!" A voice shouted.

"Someone call an ambulance!" A woman screamed.

Her eyes fluttered for a moment, the world in a blur and slowly they shut, the blackness engulfing her.

Why couldn't she open her eyes? Why couldn't she move? She could hear sirens and could feel her body being moved at a fast pace. Everyone sounded so scared, everything sounded so different, everywhere was black... Kate was becoming more and more scared. She felt alone and afraid of what was happening to her.

"We're losing her!" She heard.

"Charge to 200. Clear!" Another voice shouted.

The voices started to fade as she slowly drifted away, in to the darkness, all alone.

"Castle you can't go in there." Ryan shouted.

"Beckett's in there, she needs me!" He said, his voice shaking.

"No, what she needs is for the doctors to do their jobs and they can't do that if you're in there. We're all scared and we all want to go running in to that room, but we can't. Don't worry Castle, she's gonna be okay." Esposito told him.

The look on his face was the look of pure defeat. The woman he loves was in there and he couldn't do anything. She was dying, he was losing her and he was being told he couldn't do anything at all to help her.

One year they had been together, one short year. You could tell that they had regrets about waiting this long; he wished he could have admitted he loved her from the beginning, because right now he was losing her and he had only just gotten her. His heart was slowly breaking.

Her body jerked upwards as the defibrillators struck her for the last time.

"We have a pulse!" A nurse announced.

She was alive. It was a miracle.

She had been pushed down a flight of stairs by a murderer on the run. She had hit her head multiple times on the way down which had caused a bleed in the brain. But, she was alive.

Thank god.

A nurse came out to tell the boys the good news.

"She's stable, but we won't know more until the morning, I would suggest you let her rest and you should go do the same, I'm sure you're exhausted."

"No, no way, I'm staying here." Castle stated.

"Castle you–"

"Esposito, I understand that you're just trying to help but my fiancé is in there!"

"Fiancé?" Esposito and Ryan asked at the same time.

"Yeah..." He hung his head. "I asked her a couple of days ago, and she– she said yes." His lips breaking into a smile.

"Why didn't you tell us bro?" Esposito asked him.

"She– we, wanted to wait. She had a lot of decisions to make and she needed the time... And now this–" His voice broke, as a lump in his throat appeared.

Ryan put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, we got it, we will go back to the precinct and update everyone; you go and see her." Ryan consoled him.

Castle gave both Ryan and Esposito a nod of appreciation as he walked through the hospital room door. He took in a breath as he saw her laying there, lifeless. He felt as if all the air had been taken from him and he couldn't breathe.

"Kate." He gasped.

The look in his eyes was a look he had only had once before; when Beckett was shot. It was the look he got when he thought he had lost her. Hurt, pain, confusion and complete heartbreak. He slowly sat himself down on the chair next to the bed and took her hand in his.

He waited for hours, just watching her sleep, just waiting for her to wake. As his eyes became heavy and he was giving in to the tiredness, her eyes slowly started to open.

It took a couple of minutes for her eyes to adjust to the light. Castle felt a movement coming from beside him and looked to see her awake.

"Kate! You're awake! Are you okay?" He asked, his voice at a quick pace. "Here have this." He said quietly, passing her a cup of ice chips.

She slowly popped them in her mouth, not uttering a word.

"Everything's okay Kate, everything's going to be okay. I was... I was just so scared." He stuttered.

Tears started to well in her eyes. "Why– why are you here?"

"Hey, Kate, don't cry, I'm not going anywhere." He took hold of her hand.

"Why are you calling me Kate? I don't– Please stop calling me that!" She asked him as she started breathing heavily.

Despite his effort, the tears started to spill over her cheeks. She was so scared and Castle didn't understand why she was so confused to hear her own name.

"We're okay, everything is going to be okay. Esposito and Ryan have gone back to the precinct to update Gates. Mother and Alexis will be here soon, we're going to be fine, Kate." He tried again.

He stroked a stray hair away from her eyes and leant forward to place a soft kiss to her lips. When he pulled away from her, he couldn't help but notice how scared she looked, tears falling from her eyes even faster. He didn't understand what was wrong, he knew this experience was hard but she looked so confused.

"You need to leave! Get out! Please get out!" She cried, bringing her knees to her chest, clutching them with her hands.

"I don't understand..." He moved forward.

"Please leave! Please, please, please." She begged him, trying to stop the tears.

A nurse walked in having heard the disturbance. "Sir, you need to give her some time to adjust."

Then it clicked.

...She looked confused.

"You–" He took a deep breath, trying not to give in to the lump in his throat. "You don't know who I am... Do you?"

She started to cry even harder than before, she shook her head, tears dropping from her face.

She couldn't remember.

I hope you liked it and I would really appreciate it if you left a review.

I haven't seen this idea before and I would love to do a chapter story if people were interested.

The chapters would be longer if people wanted me to do more...

Please let me know!