Yo yo yo! Jett Uchiha back and in action.

I want to apologize, first and foremost, for the long absence.

I can assure you all though, I'm going to continue with this story!

This next chapter is devoted to Vlad so you can get to

know him as a person and understand his fear of Anshell.






Now, on with the show!


The house is quiet. It usually is. Its perfect though. He can be alone with his thoughts and calm himself enough to put his mask of indifference back on. Before anyone can see him falter. He pulled his hair from the red elastic band its usually in and let his hair fall over his pale shoulders like an ebony waterfall. Vladimyr took his brush and detangles his hair, bringing out the perfect shine. He stared long and hard in the mirror as he normally does. A picture of male perfection. Perfect cheek bones, perfect jaw, eyes as green as jade, coal black hair, flawless skin from his head down to his toes. But he knows better. He's far from perfect. Sure, he has a seemingly perfect life, but perfection can be misleading. No one knows how he feels trapped within the confines of his own room. There was a time in his life where he was happy. When he had somebody to pull him from the misery of his so called perfect life. A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts and sent a chill up his spine. Anshell stepped through the door a moment later and leans himself against the doorframe, a look of pure amusement on his perfect face.

"I did knock." he said.

"I noticed. What do you want, Anshell?" he asked as he straightened out his black tank top.

"Can't I just come and check on my favorite little brother?" he cooed.

"I'm not even your real brother. We're step brothers." he replied, his stomach sinking lower and lower. Anshell closed Vlad's door and locked it. He began a slow, calculating walk up behind Vlad. Vlad's shoulders tensed up as Anshell place his hands on them, kneading softly.

"Why so tense, dear?" he cooed. Vlad closed his eyes and tried to keep down the rising bile in his throat. He hated his step-brother. He was a sick man. always touching him in places he never wanted him to, kissing him when he didn't want him to, doing horrible things to his body, making him do things back to him…He always felt weak against Anshell. He hated every time he came into his room. Their parents were never home, always working late into the evening. During those times, Vlad just wanted to die. He looked into the mirror again to see Anshell glaring at him. Anshell grabbed him by his black mane and slammed his face into the mirror in front of them.

"Were you paying attention to me?! I said, what would you like to do today?" he said with a growl. "I was feeling generous, but since you don't want to comply…I'll just take it from here." He yanked his hair back and pulled him until he was pressed flushed against Anshell's chest. He pulled his head back and licked his neck from his throat to his ear. Vlad's eyes clamped shot as he tried his hardest to keep the tears in. Anshell couldn't stand crying and would only take it out on him. Anshell released Vlad's hair from his vise like grip and pushed him forward until he was bent over his dresser. He grabbed both of his arms and pulled them behind his back. From his pocket, he pulled out a red silk rope and began to bind Vlad's arms and wrists behind his back. When he was sufficiently bound, he proceeded to pull out a condom, a small bottle of lubricant, and a red rubber ball gag. He took the gag and forced Vlad's mouth open and slipped the red ball in. He pulled the straps back and buckled it tightly.

"Now now, don't you look stunning." he said pulling off his shirt. "Oh dear, it looks like you're a bit overdressed for the occasion. Here, let me help you." he flipped Vlad onto his back and straddled his hips. Vlad turned his head to the side, not once looking at Anshell. He grabbed the front of the wife beater and ripped it off as roughly as he could. He pushed the destroyed garment down his shoulders and beta to suck on every inch of skin that was uncovered. Vlad moaned as shame began to fill his head. He didn't want this but his body betrayed him every time. Anshell smiled as he looked at Vlad's flushed face and closed eyes. His mouth moved over hips and begun to leave wet open mouthed kisses in its wake. Getting to his knees, he untied the strings around Vlad's sweatpants and pulled them off rather roughly over his legs. Vlad began to shake his head and let out muffled protests. They only fell on deaf ears. Anshell gripped his underwear and tore them to shreds. Now he was completely exposed to his tormentor. Anshell threw the torn garments in front of Vlad's eyes.

"Such a beautiful boy, such a shame that your little boyfriend couldn't sample you." he whispered into his ear. "Mmm, remember the first time we did this? Virgins are so much fun." Anshell flipped Vlad onto his front and pulled him up to his feet by his hair. He pushed him until he was bent over the dresser once more. He looked up and stared at the red ball in his mouth. He felt disgusting, filthy, worthless, less than a human. Anshell used his foot to push his legs open wider. He picked up the bottle of lubricant and gave two of his fingers a generous coating. He looked in Vlad's pleading eyes as he inserted them into him. Vlad shook his head violently trying not to let the tears fall. He removed his fingers and pulled his his hair until he was staring straight at him. Anshell unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops. Vlad's eyes grew wide with unbridled dread. Anshell took two steps back and smirked at Vlad. "You have been a bad boy lately, and you must be punished. You will receive 10 lashes and I want you to keep count of them. If you lose count, we have to start all over again. and we don't wanna have to do that now do we?" he asked. Vlad nodded furiously as he tried to mentally and physically prepare himself for what was about to happen. The belt made a loud snapping noise as he fold it and pulled it together. "Ready, cupcake?" Anshell pulled his arm back as far as he could and brought the belt down with a deafening whack to Vlad's left shoulder. His eyes grew wide at the pain he felt. He let out a muffled sounding '1'. He pulled his arm back again and made the belt slap against his ribcage. "2." came the muffled response. The belt came down harder and harder each time up until he got to the last one. The last one was brought down using all of the strength in his body onto his back breaking the skin and causing him to bleed. Vlad's cry was muffled as his tears finally fell down his face. Anshell growled and slammed his face onto the surface of the dresser.

"What have I told you about crying?! I hate crying. Fine. Since you want to cry, I'll go ahead and give you something to cry about." he pulled down his pants and boxers in one swift movement and stepped out of them. He grabbed Vlad's hips and lined himself up with his entrance. No prepping, no lubricant, nothing. He entered him dry and sank balls deep. Vlad cried out as much as his gag would allow as his body was stretched around Anshell's large member. His tears flowed freely onto the dresser as Anshell thrust hard and deep into him. Bile rose in his throats as he listened to Anshell's throaty grunts and moans. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he realized, Anshell didn't slip the condom on!

'No…nonononononono NO! Please, don't come inside me please?! Please…please…please don't do it…." he thought as he shut his eyes as he felt his thrusts becoming more and more erratic.

"Mmm. Ah! Oh! Yessss! I'm gonna cum soon. Oh! Oh! Oh! OH!" with a final thrust of his hips, Anshell came and let his seed burst forth inside Vlad. Vlad's body betrayed him as came as well letting his seed fall onto the dresser and floor. Panting heavily, he pulled out of Vlad and untied him. He removed the gag from his mouth, gathered up his clothes, and set them aside. He picked Vlad up bridal style and dumped him haphazardly on the bed. Vlad curled up on his side and stared blankly at the wall. He felt Anshell's seed fall out from within him onto the bed. He thought he was going to be sick.

"You know this is all your fault. If you had never met that Edd boy, none of this would have had to happen." He grabbed Vlad's chin and forced him to look at him. Vlad's grey eyes stared lifelessly back at him "You should have just chose me from the start. Sweet dreams, cupcake." He kissed his lips and then let his head fall back into staring at the wall. He gathered up everything and left without saying another word. Vlad lay on his side, his body covered in welts and bruises. He felt every single raw emotion welling up inside of him, but he could not let them out. The tears just stopped falling…

"I want to die…"


"Where do i take this pain of mine?

I run but it stays right by my side

So tear me open, pour me out

There's things inside that scream and shout

And the pain still hates me

So hold me, until it sleeps"

He still lay in the same position he was in 2 hours ago. He covered himself in a sheet from the bed and was staring at the picture frame from his bedside table. He stared at the picture of him and Edd when they first met. Edd's arms were wrapped around his shoulders as they both made a peace sign at the camera. He sang to himself, trying to drown out the pain. Edd was the only one who knew him inside and out…the only one who know of the sins of his step-brother. After all, he did walk in on them once…

"Just like the curse, just like the stray

You feed it once and now it stays

So tear me open but beware

There's things inside without a care

and the dirt still stains me

So wash me until I'm clean"

How could everything get so fucked up? The beatings? The humiliation? The rapes…?

"It grips you, so hold me

It stains you so hold me

It hates you so hold me

It holds you so hold me

Until it sleeps…"

He never thought that it could get so bad. He can try to kill himself…he's tried and tried but HE saves him every time…

"So tell me why you've chosen me?

Don't want your grip, don't want your greed

Don't want it

I'll tear me open, make you gone

No more can you hurt anyone

And the fear still shapes me

So hold me, until It sleeps"

He pulled the picture frame to his chest. "He was trying to save me…but I couldn't save him…."

"It grips you so hold me

It stains you so hold me

It hates you so hold me

It holds you, holds you, holds you

Until it sleeps"

The sound of the shower turning on frightens him for a moment before he realizes he's safe…for now.

"So tear me open, but beware

The things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me

So wash me, 'till I'm clean...

I'll tear me open, make you gone

No longer will you hurt anyone

And the hate still shapes me

So hold me, until it sleeps…"

He did not hear the sound of the shower turning off as he was once again lost to his own mind. He only snapped out of his stupor when he heard the sound of his door locking again. "I wasn't quite finished with you."

Welcome to my hell…

"Until it sleeps…"


Read and Review please?

No author's note this time.

(Song used: Until it Sleeps by Metallica)

-Jett Uchiha