Disclaimer: I'm not sure which universe this takes place in. Its just a mix of movies, cartoons and the comics. But Please, tell me if there's something confusing because I tend to get a bit excited. Also if the characters are off, I'm trying to keep them as they are. But thanks for just straight up reading this man. I mean the disclaimer? That's dedication man. I tip my hat to you.
PS: I don't own anything except the OC and a large amount of phone bills.

The great, imposing granite griffin feature sat proudly above the massive door that it guarded. From its angle, it could scowl down upon any mortal who dared set foot in its domain. Though it didn't have many visitors to scare away, the griffin continued its vigil above the door, waiting for an unsuspecting intruder, or mailman, or salesman… or pigeon.

Fucking pigeons.

The view from the Stillman Estate that the griffin guarded was breathtaking. Just a few yards away from the back door that it was perched upon was the edge of a cliff, Loreley Cliff, where the world seemed to end for a moment, then plummet down into the sea. The estate was just as imposing and grandiose as the large fixture above its door, though slightly more clean. To the left were huge trees and a small garden, where the mistress of the house would occasionally plant flowers. To the right was a large expanse of grass, dotted with wildflowers and bunnies; and all around you could hear the call of the ocean down below, begging for you to just leap off the edge and fall towards it.

Though its natural surroundings were extensive, lavish, and beautiful; the large unnecessary angel fountain that marred the birds view was not. Not twenty feet away from the door-griffin was a large fountain complete with an angel pouring water over some rocks. The griffin twitched ever so slightly. It had seen too many Doctor Who episodes to feel safe to blink. Not that it could. It had no eyelids.

The griffin was under strict orders not to move a muscle. That would include eyelids if it had any. What the griffin was looking for it was not sure, but had been told that if anything happened, it would happen at the backdoor. So the griffin had had to sit on a tiny ledge, look imposing, and wait. For something. Anything. LIKE THAT! The griffins' eyes darted towards a bush near the line of trees that was rustling. Griffin tensed slightly as whoever was behind the incognito rustling came closer to the edge, and painstakingly slowly revealed itself to be…

A bunny.

Dammit. Griffin thought. Bunnies are supposed to be in the large expanse of grass dotted with wildflowers, not the huge trees near the small garden. Griffin made a mental note to explain to the bunnies that they had to stay on the right, not the left of the Stillmans lawn. But perhaps, the griffin continued tentatively, that bunny was merely a decoy?

The ever vigilant griffin continued its unblinking watch over the back of the estate, waiting for something, anything, to happen and give cause for the noble granite creature to swoop down in a flurry of stone-hard feathers and talons and catch up its prey. But nothing happened. Because little did the griffin know, all the fun was happening at the front door.


"Fuck this door." Wolverine kicked in the expensive gold encrusted entryway with a certain joy that can only come from smashing in things you shouldn't.
"Well, I suppose there's no need to be discrete anymore…" Jean trailed off, eyeing the bits of wood and dust clouds that arose from inside the mansion.

The X men had been sent on a mission in Saint Goarshausen, Germany. Scott, Gambit, Wolverine, Kurt and Jean were all dispatched to take on a particularly nasty group of people who were suspected for bank robbery, fraud, murder, unpaid bills, unpaid driving tickets, human trafficking, mutant trafficking, loitering, and illegal use of zippo lighters.

"This place looks empty," Kurt turned around inside the entryway of the manor "Is this the right home?" The Stillman Estate was indeed, still and empty. What furniture was left was covered in sheets, and a thick layer of dust had settled upon the sheets in question as well. One window had been left open, making the sheets rustle every so often and small dust tornadoes kick up.

"The coordinates from their last deal lead to this house" Scott explained "They must be here somewhere."
"Yeah," Wolverine agreed with an incognito sneeze "I can smell 'em ACHOO here *sniff* someone was *sniff* he-e-e-AAAACHO. Here."
"Shouldn't we be more careful? All dis sneezing and door smashing might alert someone to our presence." Remy mused.


Outside, the griffin pretended that the wind was picking up its feathers and ruffling them majestically.


"I don't think so" Scott walked into the house to join Kurt "The reason these people haven't been caught yet is because they're, well, hard to catch. They don't stay in one spot for very long. Most likely they did their deal, packed up and are long gone by now. We're here to find clues."
"What sorts of clues?" Kurt asked. He'd found a suspicious looking bookcase and wanted very much to see if it would reveal a secret passage.
"Anything and everything" Scott answered. "If it looks like a clue, feels like it could be a clue-"
"Tastes like a clue…" Logan muttered.
Scott eyed his least favorite team member as the Cajun laughed silently and turned his back. "Sure. Tastes like a clue. Then bag it or take a picture of it." Scott walked over to examine one of the floor tiles. I'm so sick of his shit he grumbled mentally.
It's just Logan, Jean tried to soothe telepathically. It's just the way he is. Don't let it bother you.
Scott agreed with her mentally, but continued to fume anyways.

A good three hours passed by with nothing substantial happening. Kurt, unfortunately, was not able to find the one book that would open a secret passage. Remy however had found some suspicious spices that he tried to convince everyone was crack so he could take it back to the mansion for "lab analysis".
"Just don't let me find it in our food" Jean warned. "It's already sickening enough", which lead to a heated debate in the kitchen. Scott had overturned some couches and found nothing but more dust, dead spiders, rats, and all other forms of nasty. Logan had done nothing except stick his finger in a random hole in the wall that he had found while moving a painting.

"There's shit-all here." He complained.
"Why don't we use your enhanced senses to find something" Scott seethed. He was stressed out. He had the feeling that something was so close but they were just missing it.
"I can't when they're being overpowered by stupid" Logan shot back.
"Well then maybe you should turn it down."
"How 'bout I just turn you down."
"Well you'd like that wouldn't you?"
"Might be why I suggested it."
Logan folded his arms and glared at the team leader as Scott balled his fists and tried to keep the torrent of swears from exploding out.
"Now, now, let's keep dis civil!" Remy took a break from his culinary argument with Jean to shout at the bickering men in the foyer.
"Yeah that means a lot coming from someone who can't tell a sack of crack from someone's burned remains." Logan hollered back.
"Sack of…?" Remy and Jean looked at each other and then down to the bag of "spices" they were arguing over. "Oh."

"BUT WERE THEY BLESSED?!" Kurt screamed as he rushed into the kitchen. He grabbed the sack of ashes from the shocked culinary artists and attempted to bless and pray for whoever was in the bag as Scott cried out for him to drop it.

Thirty minutes had passed until Kurt was satisfied with his work. He then climbed down from the large chandelier fifty feet in the air and handed the sack to Scott. "I am finished". He announced somberly. Thank God everyone thought. Gambit and Wolverine had been playing cards when the blue priest had made his announcement. Jean had waited patiently seated on a stool while Scott impatiently walked crop circles into the dust. Scott unceremoniously tied up the bag and ran his hand through his hair. "Time to go" he sighed.
"Is dat all we need?" Remy asked, astonished.
"It's all we've found in the time we've been here." Scott answered lamely.
"Seems disrespectful to keep a sack of remains in the kitchen. And also odd. Maybe they wanted us to find it?" Kurt mused out loud. Nobody really knew what to say.
"Scott has a point, though." Jean explained, "And besides, it's almost six. People are going to wake up and ask why there's a jet in front of an abandoned mansion."

The team of X men made their way back outside to the jet. Kurt looked up at the pink sky and asked, "Hey what's that saying go about red skies in the morning?"
"That is a literary device that is over-used but may mean something" Jean answered ambiguously.
"Oh…" Kurt was unhappy with the answer because he did not like foreshadowing. Or ambiguous answers. Or sacks of human ashes.


Through this all, the stony griffin sat on its perch, scowling and glaring and alternating between the scowling and glaring trying to
decide which better fit its facial features. When the early morning sky started to turn a pretty shade of pink, it hopped down. I'm sick of this. My ass hurts and I'm cold and hungry and almost got pooped on. The granite beast sneakily made its way around the manor to the front door, for the back door did not lead into the house.

Oh. Griffin froze as it tried to comprehend the sight before it. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. The griffin's life flashed before its eyes as it rushed inside, abandoning caution to the wind. It raced around all three levels, trying to find the intruders. They must have found it already! It cried inwardly. It barreled into the kitchen and raked the room with its eyes. Nothing! The beast tried its last hope and ran into the foyer. "NO!" it howled out loud. The picture frame had been carelessly tossed onto the ground, exposing the hole in the wall. "They've found it." It cried quietly. The creature stood up on its hind legs, head bowed in defeat and changed back into her normal human form. She approached the hole tearily and placed her finger inside, rotating it and pulled slightly to the left. She heard the familiar scrape and clunk as the bookshelf grated across the floor and exposed a secret passage. I'm so fucked, she berated herself. She made her way to the passage, not caring to change back into her better protected stony form.

"Everyone's going to kill me." She muttered. Walking down the stone steps, she braced herself for whatever danger was about to leap at her from the bottom of the stairs…

Who's at the bottom of the stairs? Who is this granite girl? What is her name? WHY DID THE X MEN MISS ALL THE CLUES AND IGNORE MY FORESHADOWING?! Stay tuned to find out. I guess. If you want to, I mean I'm not forcing you or anything. It's cool man. We're cool.