Disclaimer: I own nothin.

Hey guyss! This is my third proyect and I am very excited about it! Hope you like it! Please review!

Annabeth's POV:

The worst week of my life started on Wednesday, when Chiron gave the huge new: our godly parents were coming to visit us for a week. And I mean an entire week. Not 6 days, not 8 days. 7. 7 days.

-Heroes! – Chiron had said – Listen up! I have news from the gods! They are going to come and stay with you in your cabins for an entire week. We are having a counselor meeting after dinner.

The only thing I could hear were campers complaining "We don't want them here", "Do you hate us, Chiron?", "Who had the idea?"

I knew that answer. It was my mom's idea. I had a big fight with her after the seven of us came back from our quest of defeating Gaea, where we successes. When Percy and I escaped from Tartarus, she came to talk to me at night, while we were at the Argo II. I listened to her, because I was unable to sleep.


-Annabeth. – I heard a voice behind me. I took what I had close to me to defend me. Tartarus had been a very bad experience. When I turned round, I saw my mom.

-Hello. – I said coldly.

-You don't know how grateful to you I am! – she approached me and tried to hug me, but I didn't want to hug her.

-What happened, Annabeth?

-I don't wanna hug you. As the goddess of wisdom you should be intelligent enough to know that.

-Did I do something wrong?

-You sent me to death, mom. – I said in a creepy tone I did not know I had- You sent me to that quest. You didn't help me to find Percy…

-That boy?! He is only a distraction for you.

-That boy, as you called him, is my boyfriend and thanks to him I survived.

-You survived because of your brain, Annabeth, because you are wise.

-I survived the solo quest because I am intelligent, but I survived Tartarus because he was always there for me.


-No, - I interrupted her – you know what? I don't want to be your daughter anymore. I wish I was born from another goddess.

-What? – She seemed hurt.

-You heard me.


When we finished dinner, I told Percy to meet me at his cabin before the counselor meeting. I haven't told him the fight I had had with my mom. When I arrived he was already there.

-Hey, - he said throwing his strong arms around my waist – everything OK?

-No… - I couldn't continue the sentence because I started crying. I buried my face in my confused boyfriend's chest.

He sat on his bed and I sat on his lap. When I was able to talk, I told him my fight with my mom. When I finished, he kissed my nose and when he opened his mouth to speak, Rachel came into the cabin.

-Come on! The counselor meeting is starting!