This story has been the hardest story I've ever tried to write...
Hope you enjoy.
"This year you've been the dumbest person alive, Nara! I swear." She hissed, gripping her fan tightly, holding herself back from beating him till death with it.
"Relax woman." He told her calmly but on the inside he was panicking. How could he be so stupid as to letting her see him? He was just so shocked that she was with child he didn't think about the consequences.
"Relax?" She narrowed her eyes at him dangerously, "You want me to relax after all the shit you've done?"
Shikamaru groaned mentally, why did he had to tell her to relax? He should of know that it would of turned into a fight. He leaned against a tree of the Nara forest they were hiding in and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. He needed a smoke to calm himself down and be able to think straight.
But with Temari, of course he wouldn't be able to relax. She snatched the cigarette before he could even light it and threw it away. Troublesome woman she is.
"We are leaving now." She ordered and he sighed. He didn't want to but he knew she was right, it was too dangerous to stay, someone had seen them.
"Tomorrow in the morning, when mostly everyone will be hangover, we'll leave."
"Good." She sat down on the ground and rubbed her eyes, "It's going to get dark soon, we better find a better place to hide and sleep."
"Let's go eat something first, we haven't eaten anything today." He pushed himself away from the tree.
Her stomach grumbled and she had to agree with him, "Alright." She grabbed his offered hand and he helped her up, giving her hand a squeeze before releasing.
"I'll pay."
"Am I allowed to call this a date, since you're paying?" She teased while slipping her arm around his waist while they walked out of the forest.
"Woman, I'm always paying." He rolled his eyes at her.
"True." She shrugged her shoulders, "Not my fault you steal money easier than me."
"No, it's just that you don't know how to steal only half."
"It was just one time." She huffed, "Besides, he was rich. He had more from where that came from."
"Whatever you say."
Fifteen minutes later they ended up on a restaurant they had never been in, built two years ago. They sat facing each other, a table between them with two glasses of water. They drank from the glass while they waited for their food to arrive.
She watched her glass of water in boredom. "Do you think we'll ever split up?"
He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
"You know, go different ways."
She stared at him waiting for a better response and he sighed. "I don't know, life works in mysterious ways. And if we do split, it's not in the near future."
"Oh?" She leaned forward, interested. "Do tell."
He took a sip of his glass before answering, "We have too much guilt. You feel guilty that you dragged me into this and I feel guilty I took your life away. For now, guilt will keep us together."
She never thought about it that way "I guess you're right." Partly right.
"There's a new rogue from the Rock village, you up for it?"
"Of course."
"We only got one room." The guy eyed Temari then glanced at Shikamaru, "But I don't think you'll mind." Of course they wouldn't have two rooms available.
Shikamaru sighed. "We'll take it."
Temari glared at the guy as he winked at Shikamaru and gave him the keys. Pervert.
"This reminds me of the time we were planning the chunnin exams." She said when they entered the room.
Shikamaru sighed tiredly and sat on the bed while Temari went to her side of the bed and placed her fan as close to her as possible then went to remove her shoes and pony tails, leaving her hair loose. She glanced at Shikamaru and was surprise to see he was watching her. "What?"
"Nothing." He started to remove his shoes, armor and then his vest. Now she was the one staring. How could this man, with his brilliant mind, personality and attractive body, have stayed with her for so long? Oh right…Guilt.
She sighed.
"What?" He was the one asking her now.
"Nothing." She lied, "I was just wondering what will your next idiotic plan will be?"
He rolled his eyes, "Your trust in me is so strong."
She sat on the bed and glance at the white colored roof for a minute, and then murmured softly, "Stronger than you think."
She regretted saying it the moment he stood up to stand in front of her. Glancing up at him with a question look. "What are you doing?"
He didn't answer, just kept staring at her and she blushed and scowled at him. "Stop doing that, Nara. Or I swear I'm going to hit you with my fan."
He lifted his hand and she flinched back, then stopped. He wouldn't dare lay his hand on her that way. She watched him with a wary face. What are you thinking, Shikamaru?
She tensed as he placed his hand on her cheek. What is he doing? Does she pull back or let him? She hated to admit it but it felt good having him touch her this way.
He moved his hand from her cheek to her soft hair. She sighed, relaxing. Getting Temari relaxed was a hard thing to do, if he would of known this was all it took, he should of done it long ago.
With his hand in her hair, he pulled her head back while pushing her to lay down and she gasped quietly and bit her lip making him groan.
She was so darn beautiful.
He placed his lips to her throat and felt her pulse quicken, "I know what you're thinking, Temari." He slowly trailed his lips to her cheek. She smelled divine. "I'm not going to leave you, woman. Can't you see that?"
She frowned then glared at him. "I don't care if you leave me. Stop that! Get away from me before I hit you in the balls."
He rolled away from her to his side of the bed and sighed. "You suck at lying."
"Shut up and go to sleep, Nara."
"What a drag…"
"Sleep. I thought that was your favorite thing to do."
He stretched and yawned, "After you it is."
She turned to stare at the wall and blushed. Ass, knowing what to say to get her like this.
Finishing putting on his vest, he glanced one last time at Temari's sleeping form on the bed before silently closing the door shut.
She is going to kill-no-She is going to murder him.
He sighed quietly as he ran through the roof. Guess she'll have to deal with it.
He stared at the name in silence. Seven years since he had came here, he doesn't even know where to start.
"I broke my promise." Sighing, he continued, "I didn't look out after your child nor Kurenai, I feel like I failed you. All of you." He glanced at his father and Choji's names. "Fuck, I hate this. That I couldn't save any of you."
He scratched the back of his head and groaned, "I suck at this things."
"I knew I would find you here."
Shikamaru snaps his head to side and sees Naruto leaning against a tree, smiling at him.
"No worries, I'm not going to do anything to you. I just want to talk."
Shikamaru snorts and grabs a cig from his pocket, lighting it. Dammit this is the last one. "Yeah. That's why you got anbu's on every part of the cemetery hiding in the shadows."
He shrugs, "It's just a precaution."
"You should of thought of having them out of the shadows, since that's my world." Shikamaru takes a drag of his cig and looks at him, "Where's Temari? Since you found me, you probably found her." Probably not, she's too smart to get caught.
Naruto watches him for a minute. "Smart as ever, I see."
"Where is she? I'm not going to ask again." Wonder where the real Naruto is.
"She's in the hokage's head bu-"
Shikamaru gives him no more time to talk and disappears.
Naruto sighs, "Hope you know what you are doing, Naruto." and transforms back to Sasuke.
"Uchiha-sama?" An anbu steps out of the shadows, "What now?"
"Let's look for Temari."
Her eyes snapped open in panic. Something was choking her.
She tried grasping what was holding her down but it was soft and rough, her fingers went through it like it was impossible to touch. It felt like…
Her eyes widen in fear and horror.
"Sabaku Kyuu." He murmured.
Before he could wrap her with his sand completely, she made a hand sign and transformed into wind, trying to escape through the window.
Gaara lifted his hand and the sand covered the walls. Blocking the windows and the door.
She transformed back to herself next to her fan, grasping it. "Gaara." She nodded in greeting trying not to show her panic and fear. She will not be weak. She can't.
He didn't return her greeting, just kept staring at her with a blank face. He took a step toward her, "You will come back with me to the Sand and face justice."
"I didn't do anything wrong." She snapped at him taking a step back. She had to find a way out. Sliding her fan open until one star appeared, she frowned at him. "Why can't you believe me?"
Without waiting for an answer, she made a swift move with her fan creating a big bust of wind towards the wall. The wind slammed against the wall and the sand dispersed away from the wind. The wall rumbled and groaned before exploding and she ran through it before Gaara could block it with the sand.
The sand followed her as she ran through the roofs, dodging the sand as it tried to grasp her. One or two manage to cut through her skin making her curse.
Where was Shikamaru?! Did Gaara get him before he came for her?
Only one way to find out... She made a small cut on her finger with her teeth and touched the symbol of a deer in her hip "Find him." The symbol started to move and shape itself into a real deer. But it wasn't a real deer; it was a shadow of a deer. It jumped out of her hip and synchronized with the shadows.
Three form of sand shaped like arms threw themselves at her at the same time and she could only dodge two. It grasped her leg and pulled her back, slamming her into a wall. She tried to get up fast but the sand was faster and grabbed her by her legs and lifted her up then slammed her hard against the ground.
She hissed in pain while holding her bleeding head. Wiping the blood from her mouth, she glanced at Gaara and shakily stood up while he stood in front of her. That hurt like hell.
She couldn't win against Gaara, all she could think to do was run away. She slide the fan open completely and prepared to do a jutsu but sand wrapped itself tightly around her arm. Oh no… She stared in horror at him, "Gaara.."
With his hand open, Gaara murmured. "Not today."
Hands gripped Temari's waist and pulled her away from the sand.
Gaara closed his fist.
Naruto stared at the village before him. It has changed a lot since he became hokage. He still couldn't believe all the villagers accepted him as the hokage, it still felt like a dream.
"Why did you want to meet me here?"
Naruto glanced at him "Shikamaru."
Shikamaru leaned against the tree and sighed, Naruto watched him. "By any chance, do you have any cigarette with you? I feel like this is going to take long, very troublesome."
"No. Aren't you wondering where I have Temari?"
"You don't have her." He stated in boredom and glanced at the sky. "Firstly, you would of have her here to prove to me that you have her, secondly, she's too troublesome to let herself get caught and thirdly, I would of know."
Naruto raised an eyebrow and sat on the ground, relaxing. "Interesting."
"What is it you want, Naruto? I'm not here to hurt anyone, I swear."
"I know. Can't two old friends have a friendly meeting?"
"Not when one of them is in the wanted list."
Naruto's eyes soften, "What happened that day, Shikamaru? Tsunade-sama told us you betrayed us but most of us didn't believe it. We knew how you are, you wouldn't do something without a reason. We can talk this through with the council, clear your name."
"And what about Temari's?"
Naruto shook his head "I can't do anything about her, she is not from the leaf. If I let her live here, it can break the treaty with the Sand. I'll need to discuss it with Gaara and see if he'll agree."
"What happened is done, Naruto, we can't change it. We murdered people and if this was the consequence of our actions then so be it. You may be able to clear my name, but not the thoughts of the people who live here, they'll know me by what I did." He sighed and pushed himself from leaning against the tree. "Besides, I won't leave Temari alone. I owe her a lot."
Naruto frowned sadly and slowly stood up "If that is your decision…
Nara Shikamaru, you are to leave the Leaf Village or you will be capture and imprisoned for the rest of your life." Shikamaru tensed and took a step back.
"After you and Temari have dinner with Hinata and me." Naruto grinned and Shikamaru face palmed himself.
Why didn't he expect this?
"We could kill you and Hinata."
"If you wanted me death, I would have been already. I know you, Shikamaru. You could of killed me long ago with your brilliant mind." Shikamaru scratched his head in embarrassment. "I'm not that bright."
"Yeah yeah. Come on! I have lot's to fill you in."
"Naruto you know I can't be seen with you."
"We'll be at my house, no one will be there nor care. Did you know Sakura and Sasuke are together?" He started pushing Shikamaru toward his house.
"Man, the day they got together was funny. How about Shino? Do you remember that guy? I always seem to forget about him. He married another insect girl. Really pretty." Shikamaru sighed, annoyed. Same old Naruto.
He scratched his left hip. It felt itchy and it was getting annoying. He frowned and thought of the tattoo he had on that side of the hip. It was a tattoo of a black weasel. Temari has one at the same place on her hip, but a black deer tattoo. They weren't just ordinary tattoos, they were made with their jutsu. It's like a tracking jutsu. Temari made his tattoo with her jutsu and he hers. If one of them were on trouble, they will active the jutsu with their blood and-
His eyes widen and he stopped walking making Naruto stumble into him. Just as the shadow deer appeared and stared at him.
"What's wrong? What is that?"
"Temari's in trouble." He snapped at Naruto just as they heard her scream.
What did you think? :D