Mikasa stormed into her room and slammed the door with a loud bang. How dare he? How dare that irksome shorty call her out in front of her entire squad? She was more than capable of leading the new cadets of the 107th squad, and everyone knew it.

I'll show him, she thought to herself. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.


She waited until Corporal Levi left his room the next morning to begin her revenge.


Levi headed to his room after a long day of training. He decided to skip dinner in place of a nice, warm bath. He opened the door to his room and his jaw dropped.

Levi's scream of "ACKERMAN" could be heard throughout all of HQ.


Eren and Armin sat down next to Mikasa at their usual table.

"Mikasa?" Armin asked slowly, "What did you do?"

Mikasa just smiled to herself and shrugged her shoulders.

Eren smiled uneasily at her.


"Levi, it's really not that bad."

Corporal Levi whipped around and glared at Hanji.

"Yes it is! Look what the shitty brat did!" Levi all but screamed at his friend.

Irvin and Hanji looked at each other, and then back at him. Irvin raised an eyebrow.

"Levi, we don't notice anything different." Irvin said.

Levi scowled. "Ackerman rearranged my office."

Again, Hanji and Irvin looked at each other.

"Um..Levi? It looks exactly the same."

"No it doesn't, you shitty four-eyes. Everything is moved one centimeter to the left."

Irvin shook his head and smiled. He patted Levi on the shoulder and left the room, his deep laugh rumbling down the halls.