A/N Sorry for the delay. Thanks for all the reviews, favs and follows! You guys are the best!

Tim blearily opened his eyes and looked around trying to remember how he'd made it into bed last night. The last thing he remembered was being thoroughly fucked by his lover. Sighing, he lay his head back down on Gibbs' chest and inhaled his unique scent. He loved the rough and rugged smell that always accompanied the older man. It made him feel protected, loved and safe. The smell usually varied but this morning it was clearly a combination of sex, lust and aftershave. Rubbing his face against the mound of silver chest hair he listened to the quiet puffs of breath emanating from his soul mate. Tim loved studying Gibbs' handsome face and knew every wrinkle, blemish and scar. If a new worry line appeared he would casually mention it to him and would soon be pinned to the mattress while Gibbs took advantage of him. He shifted his legs and groaned as his sore muscles let themselves be known. Between being confined to the car for nine hours and their escapades last night he was suddenly reminded he wasn't a teenager anymore. If he was sore then he knew Gibbs was going to be in pain as well. He'd begged him not to strain himself by first lifting and then holding him as they made love, but Gibbs was stubborn and proceeded anyway. In the end he was glad they tried a new position and couldn't wait to return the favor. Perhaps massages would be in order or better yet take turns soothing each other's aching muscles. Smiling, Tim realized that was the way to go because then they could pay attention to the most important muscle of them all.

"What are you thinking about, Timmy?" Gibbs asked groggily as he ran his hand down Tim's back and slowly stroked his ass.

Startled, Tim glanced up to meet his hazy baby blues. "Babe." Smirking, he ran his fingers through Gibbs' chest hair and continued, "I was thinking about how you rocked my world last night. How are you feeling?"

Gibbs knew what Tim was referring to and chuckled lightly, "I'm a little sore but nothing a hot shower won't take care of. Actually…" He paused as a devilish grin appeared on his face and he raised his eyebrows slightly, "There's a hot tub in the bathroom."

Feeling his cock harden at the mere suggestion, Tim groaned his response, "Oh yeah."

The sensation of Tim's penis springing to life and rubbing against his leg was almost too much for Gibbs to bear. It took all his restraint not to jump his bones right there and then. Suddenly Tim's stomach growled loudly and in the quiet room sounded like a freight train. They both laughed and Gibbs moved slightly to snatch the room service menu off the end table. Settling back against the fluffy pillows, he propped it open and they started looking through the menu together. After deciding on their breakfast choices including plenty of coffee they made a quick call to room service and ordered. While waiting for their food to arrive they snuggled in each other's arms as they watched the sunrise over the Falls. Enjoying the true majestic beauty that Mother Nature had to offer, Tim sighed, "I'm a lucky guy. Who in their lifetime is given the opportunity to see three natural beauties all at once?"

Gibbs smirked, "Me."

Tim laughed and squeezed his lover tighter, "You always know just what to say, sweetie. Okay who besides us is given that chance?"

"I imagine not too many people, Timmy. That's why we should never take these moments for granted."

Capturing Gibbs' lips between his own, Tim softly nibbled on the luscious skin. Deepening the kiss he gently pushed his tongue into Gibbs' mouth and moaned as he explored the familiar warm space. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and they both groaned as they broke the kiss. Tim slipped out of bed, immediately regretting the loss of contact and grabbed two robes from the closet. Throwing his on, he slipped his feet into a pair of complimentary slippers and handed Gibbs a robe. Leaning in for one last kiss he growled against the older man's lips when there was a second knock on the door. "Come join me when you're ready babe."

Giving Tim a playful slap on the ass as he walked away Gibbs sat up and flung his feet over the edge of the bed. Slipping on the luxurious robe he shivered as the soft flannel encased his body. Looking down at the slippers he cringed, he hoped that the hotel replaced the slippers instead of merely just washing them as he'd always had a quirk about wearing someone else's shoes. Deciding to overcome his fears he slipped them on and stood up. His body creaked as he limped to the bathroom and took care of business. Eyeing the hot tub he couldn't wait for the warm water and bubbling jets to caress his sore body. Lying in bed he didn't feel that sore but once he was upright it was a different story. Since it was still early they had time to relax before they began their sightseeing for the day.

By the time he returned to the family room the waiter was on his way out the door and Tim was pouring each of them a cup of coffee. Moving slower than normal he tried to hide the fact he was sore but Tim was able to see right through his charade.

"Aww Babe, you must really be hurting. Here let me help." Standing up, Tim pulled the chair out and guided Gibbs to sit down.

"I'm fine, Timmy. Like I said, nothing a soak in the hot tub won't fix."

Tim chewed on his bottom lip; he was concerned his lover had seriously injured himself during their 'sexcapades'. He already felt bad enough that Gibbs was injured, he didn't want to make it worse by reiterating the fact it probably wasn't a good idea to begin with.

Taking a sip of coffee, Gibbs sighed when he saw the look on the younger man's face. Reaching over he grabbed Tim's hand and squeezed, "Timmy I know what you're thinking. Don't worry about me; I'll be fine in no time."

"I do worry about you, sweetie. We're partners, lovers and friends and I have every right to be concerned."

Bringing their intertwined hands up to his mouth, Gibbs gently kissed Tim's hand, "I'm sorry. You're right, we're in this together and it's not good to keep secrets from one another. I'm much sorer than I thought I would be." He moaned remembering the night before, leaning against the wall, Tim impaled on his dick as he thrust into him. The sensations and closeness of their lovemaking would be something he would remember for a long time to come.

"Thinking about last night?"

Gibbs smirked, "Of course I am. Despite the soreness, last night was wonderful. Certainly not an experience I'll ever forget."

Tim returned the smile, "I know, sweetie. I hope while we're on this trip we can switch places using that same position. I want a chance to hold you in my arms as I fuck you." He raised his eyebrows slightly, "In the meantime let's eat so we can soak those old bones of yours."

They removed the lids from their breakfast dishes and dug in with gusto. Since they'd skipped dinner and physically exerted themselves they were ready to recharge their bodies. Feeding each other bites they ate in companionable silence until Tim sat back and rubbed his belly, "I don't know about you, but I'm full!

Gibbs continued to eat only stopping to rub Tim's belly, "Don't worry Timmy. I'll finish whatever you can't eat." Winking he continued, "After last night I need to build my energy back up."

Taking a sip of coffee, Tim got an inquisitive look on his face and said, "How did I make it into bed last night? The last thing I remember was looking deep into your beautiful blue eyes as you slid down the wall."

"Immediately after, I grabbed the blanket from the couch and covered us with it. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided we would really be hurting today if we stayed on the floor. I tried numerous times to wake you but you were out cold so I picked you up in my arms and carried you to bed."

Tim blushed, "I'm sorry, sweetie. That couldn't have been easy carrying dead weight. You should have left me, I would have been fine for one night."

Shaking his head, Jethro replied, "You know that I never leave a man behind, Timmy. Especially one as handsome as you, besides it's hard for me to fall asleep if you're not right there next to me. "

Refilling each of their coffee cups, Tim collected the plates and silverware and placed them back on the tray. There was still plenty of coffee left in the thermos room service had left so he decided to leave that in the room but carried the tray over to the door and sat it outside for pick up. Making sure the 'Do Not Disturb' sign was still on the door he walked back over to Gibbs and began massaging his shoulders. The older man sighed in relief as he slumped back against the chair and leaned his head back. Tim applied gentle but firm pressure and was working out a knot he'd found right below his neck. Gibbs practically purred as Tim's long slender fingers worked their magic, loosening up the tense muscles. Stopping to give his fingers a rest, Tim was startled when Gibbs grabbed his hand and motioned toward his coffee cup. "It's hot tub time, Timmy. Grab your coffee and let's go."

They walked hand in hand into the bathroom, shedding their robes and slippers once they reached the en suite. While Tim took care of business, Gibbs turned on the water and began filling the tub. Once it was half way full he gingerly climbed over the side and took the two coffee mugs from Tim. Placing them on the ledge next to the tub he came back and helped the younger man step in. They positioned themselves by the openings of the jets and when they were ready Tim turned the small knob to the highest frequency possible. They both groaned as the pulsating water massaged their lower backs. Gibbs closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the tub allowing the powerful jets to soothe him. Tim scooted closer and intertwined their legs, slowly stroking Gibbs' muscular thigh with his hand.

"What do you want to do on our first day of sightseeing, babe?"

Gibbs slowly opened one eye, "Besides seeing lots of water?"

Tim removed his hand from his lover's thigh and wrapped it around his cock. Gibbs bucked in pleasure and surprise when he felt his member gently being squeezed. Although it didn't hurt, the grip Tim had around it made him feel as though the younger man was annoyed by his smartass reply.

"Timmy, I was only joking." He sighed and relaxed as Tim loosened his grip and continued, "I definitely want to take the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour and I've got a special treat planned for tonight but I think we need to be spontaneous and go with the flow. Anything specifically you want to do, my love?"

"I saw online there's this tour called The Whirlpool Jet Boat Tour that's referred to as the 'Mount Everest' of white water. They take you down the Niagara River in these jet boats that reach speeds of 50 miles per hour and tell you about the historical nuances of the area. They give everyone big rain suits to wear but apparently you still get soaked. Maybe we need to do that at the end of the day."

Moaning as Tim continued to stroke his cock, Gibbs' voice raised an octave, "WELL!" He paused and took a deep breath, the gentle stroking had intensified and Gibbs knew he couldn't hold on for much longer. "Wha wha what…" He babbled, eventually giving into the sensations that were currently making his mind a blubbering mess. Resting his head against the back of the tub he closed his eyes as Tim's long slender fingers pumped his shaft and occasionally fondled his balls. Tim smiled knowing his lover was close to the finish line. Stroking harder he leaned in and whispered into Gibbs' ear.

"C'mon on babe, let it out, I'm going to make you come so hard you'll be seeing stars."

Cupping Gibbs' balls he rubbed small circles on the head of his cock and dipped his fingertip into the slit. Feeling his lover's balls contract in his hand he increased pressure on the head and soon Gibbs' eyes popped open as he came with a roar. As the tremors continued to rack the older man's body, Tim gave him additional support to prevent his head from slipping beneath the water. Once the twitching stopped, Gibbs looked over at Tim, his eyes attempting to focus as he smiled and said, "You were right, Timmy. I definitely saw stars."

Tim squirmed in the water, his own cock fully erect due to the symphony of erotic sounds that had emanated from Gibbs. Assuming his lover was down for the count he reached down to begin pleasuring himself when Gibbs suddenly grabbed his arm and smiled, "Nuh uh Timmy. That's mine."

Shuddering as Gibbs wrapped his muscular hand around his shaft, Tim scooted closer, practically sitting in the older man's lap. Laying his head down on Gibbs' shoulder he closed his eyes and moaned as Gibbs began expertly jerking him off. He started slowly, but as Tim's panting increased he matched the rhythm to each of the younger man's breaths. Because Tim was fully erect when he started he knew the end was near and continued at a feverish pace. Swirling his thumb in a counter clockwise motion around the head of the cock, Gibbs felt Tim tense up and suddenly he bucked in pleasure and bellowed as tremor after tremor electrified his body. If he hadn't just come, Gibbs would have been hard again as Tim's warm breath gusted across his ear. Slowly opening his eyes, Tim waited for his vision to return to normal before he grinned and said, "What a way to start off the day! Watching the sunrise over Niagara Falls, a huge breakfast, hot tub and getting jerked off by the man I love. Doesn't get much better then that!"

"I would have to agree." Gibbs responded by capturing Tim's lips between his own, exploring every nook and cranny with his tongue before they both came up for air.

"How are you feeling now babe? You think the soak in the hot tub did the trick for your old bones?"

"Old? Old? You weren't calling me that last night when I was fucking the living daylights out of you. In fact you were the one who was asleep before I even hit the ground."

"Touché my love. You never answered my question though, think it loosened you up?"

Gibbs stretched, "Oh yeah. I'm ready for a day of sightseeing. You ready to get out and get going while it's still early?"

"Yeah, I think if I stay in here any longer I'll turn into a prune. Let's get ready to do some exploring."

Following a quick rinse they drained the water from the tub and climbed out. Tim handed Gibbs a towel from the rack and was surprised at the warmth radiating from it.

"Is it my imagination or are these towels warm?"

Toweling off his hair along with the rest of his body, Gibbs chuckled, "Not your imagination, Timmy. The towel racks are heated. I was going to mention it to you last night but someone distracted me."

"How dare someone distract you!"

Playfully slapping Tim on the ass, Gibbs replied, "No kidding, sometimes he's a pain in the ass but I'm still deeply in love with him."

Tim growled, "Stop pretending you don't enjoy it when I'm a pain in your ass. Especially when my cock is repeatedly hitting your sweet spot."

Gibbs grit his teeth and spoke, "Keep talking like that Timmy and we won't be doing any sightseeing today."

"Calm down babe. They'll be plenty of time for some loving later on. Let's go out and enjoy the day."

"Sounds like a plan but I'm concerned how well you're going to handle being on the boats. Especially the jet boats that supposedly reach speeds of 50mph and then you add in rapids and water blowing in your face. I don't want you to be miserable, sweetie."

Finishing in the bathroom they walked out to the Master Suite and began digging through their luggage for clothes to wear. Checking the temperature, Tim declared jeans and short sleeve shirts would be weather appropriate. As they were dressing, Tim pulled a prescription pack from his backpack and held it up for Gibbs to see.

"When I mentioned to Ducky we were coming to Niagara Falls as one of our destinations he wrote me a prescription for a medication called scopolamine. It's a patch I wear behind my ear and will help my motion sickness for up to three days. I also have my Sea-Bands, I'm hoping a combination of the two will prevent me from losing my lunch on the jet boats."

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Gibbs replied, "That's good news, Tim. However, I don't want you to feel like this jet boat tour is an activity we absolutely have to do. It's more important to me that you're comfortable rather than worrying about whether we're going to take this tour. We'll scope it out beforehand and if you feel the slightest bit queasy just by watching then you need to tell me." He grabbed Tim's hands, pulled him close and looked deep into his eyes, "Promise?"

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Tim nodded slightly, "I promise, Jethro. I'll let you know if I don't think I can do it."

"That's my boy. Now let's go have some fun."

As Gibbs finished dressing, Tim gathered the camera along with the waterproof case he'd bought for it and cases for each of their cell phones. Finally ready Tim pulled Gibbs in for one last searing kiss before they walked out the door to explore the beauty of Niagara Falls.