A/ N-
Hello folks, thanks for reading this Sweet Ride fanfic. This fic is based heavily on my past role-play with an online friend called Nimzel over on DA - because of this I am giving credit to her as well as I would never have written this without her brilliant character portrayal of King Candy.
WARNING - This is a 'SWEET RIDE' fanfic - AKA a romance between Turbo and King Candy from WIR. It involves implied HOMOSEXUAL antics and later on will also involve strong SEX references. If you are uncomfortable with that subject you may wish to not read this fanfic. I will give a warning at the start of any chapter if it contains such.
*This takes place in an alternate universe where King Candy is an actual character in Sugar Rush - please no reviews telling me otherwise - I already know.*
Please enjoy.
Chapter 1 - Barroom Antics
'The arcade is now closed,' the computerised voice announced throughout every game in the arcade. It was the end of another long day of button bashing and gear stick slamming as kids from all over the neighbourhood spent their quarters on beat-em-ups and racers, shooters and plat-formers as those before them had done over the last ten years since Litwack first opened, if only the they knew the true extent of the worlds hidden away behind those glass screens.
As the call went up the first train entered game central from the racer 'Sugar Rush' and a dozen or so of the citizens and racers disembarked and separated off into their own little groups to wander through the neighbouring games.
Well, all but one did...
A lone figure stood at the station, seemingly reluctant to cross the line into the vast space between the worlds. With hands clutched in front of him, the character eventually worked up the courage to step out into the open, sending nervous darting about the station, his chocolate coloured eyes falling on each new face as he swallowed hard and took several tentative steps towards his destination – the popular hangout called Tappers.
When he had arrived at the bar the character halted abruptly at the entrance and composed himself. Taking a gentle inward breath he pushed through the solid wooden doors into the dimly lit drinking area. The scent of fresh alcoholic beverages and wood polish greeted him in quite a pleasant manner, though it did little to reduce the man's potent anxiety.
The seats around the bar were particularly high and obviously not suited to a man of his stature. He frowned in irritation and then proceeded to clamber up, a delightful jingling of bells emitted from the small man before he managed to plant his backside down upon the cushioned seat. Out of breath he lifted a hand to the barkeep.
The short man with the moustache went by the name of Tapper and everyone in the arcade, whether or not they visited the bar, knew of the watering-hole and it's equally well known bartender who had advice for anyone who sought it. The man smiled at the new character and immediately approached with a warm, vibrant welcome.
"First time out of the Kingdom, Sire?" said Tapper.
"Is it so obvious?" said the little man with a sigh.
Tapper smiled kindly, "What will it be?"
"A large glass of red wine, pleasth," he returned the smile as Tapper placed the glass in front of him. He slipped his fingers slowly around the stem of the glass, "I should really get out more," he said quietly, "Thisth feelsth very unnatural."
"Most Characters get that way the first time out of their games, Sire," reassure Tapper, he wiped down the bar and straightened the row of glasses behind him.
With a sigh the man lent an elbow up on the bar with his hand resting under his chin, "True, true," he spoke with a disheartened tone. He knew he should be more approachable, he had come out here to socialise after all; but he just didn't feel up to it.
Maybe this was a mistake?
Or maybe he was just waiting for the right person to walk in.
'The arcade is now closed' said the computer voice over the pixelated realm of Turbo-time.
"Already?" muttered Turbo as he grudgingly turned his car into the garage, "You've got to be kidding me; I was on a winning streak here!"
He grumbled to himself as he killed the engine and climbed out with a grunt of effort.
"Look's like someone needs to lay off the grilled cheeses."
Turbo glanced up and stuck his tongue out between his yellow teeth, "Up yours, Jet. If I'm so out of shape how come you ain't the guy with a ten to one win streak?"
With a cool look, the tall and lean Jet smirked at his brother and competitor revealing pale yellow teeth, "Maybe you should take a few laps around the race track, you know, without the car."
Turbo raised a middle finger, in doing so he fell back with one leg still over the car's side and cashed head first onto the concrete floor.
"Smooth," said Jet with a grin. He shook his head at the little racer and said, "Set and I are going over to Pacman for that so called Disco party Clyde's been harping on about. You in or out?"
"Like I'd want to hang out with you losers!" said Turbo with his nose pressed up against the floor.
"Please yourself," said Jet with a shrug, though the twin seemed to suspect that would be Turbo's answer, "Try not to get too drunk in Tappers," with that Jet turned on his heel and strode out of the garage with both hands tucked into his blue racer outfit.
"Who said I'm going to Tappers?" Turbo yelled after him.
"You always do," Jet called back.
"Stuck up, smart-ass, prick... can't race... son of a..." Turbo grumbled along with a stream of slurred cusses and other vulgar insults as he pulled himself up and brushed down his racing overalls. Retrieving the keys from his car and giving the vehicle a once over, he headed out of the garage with both hands in his pockets and a scowl plastered across his pale face. He found Jet and the other twin 'Set' had gone on ahead from the train leading out of Turbo-time. Good thing too. Set could be just as bad as Jet and together they were unmatched in level of irritation.
He arrived in game central and slumped along with both hands in his pockets. He was determined to forget about Jet's jeering face over several long pints at the bar. It didn't matter how drunk he got, even with a raging hangover he'd still triumph every race the following day.
Tappers was quiet that evening, only a handful of other patrons were drinking at the favoured watering hole. Turbo clambered onto the tall bar seats with surprising ease, why not? He'd done it before.
"Hey Turbo, good to see ya," said Tapper, "What you having?"
"Usual, and make it a double," said Turbo, leaning his head on one arm.
When Tapper returned with two deep mugs of the beer he said, "Rough day?"
"Just my ass-hole of a brother," muttered Turbo reaching for the mug and downing half the drink in one mouthful.
Having known Turbo long enough the barman knew better then to pry when the racer was drinking this much and so left to deal with the other customers.
Turbo gazed out across the bar, he recognised all the patrons, just the usual characters...Wait... hold the phone.
Sat at the bar just a ways from Turbo was someone he'd never seen in Tappers, or even before in the arcade. He was wearing the most fruitiest get up Turbo had ever seen with a plum jacket, white collar and cuffs and a huge red bow tie was glittered in the overhead light.
But the most drawing feature to this little mans wardrobe was the bright, yellow crown atop his bald head.
Who knew Tappers attracted royalty?
The little man was staring at the near untouched glass in front of him, letting it gather a thick layer of condensation on the smooth outside surface. His eyes trailed a singular drop as it slid across the curved outside shape of the glass and pooled onto the bar top where it formed into a tiny puddle.
He seemed to be alone in the bar, though that wasn't unusual for the patron's in Tappers. It was a place where characters came to relax and socialise, but it catered also to the few, like Turbo, who only came in for a quiet drink. Though it was clear this new character wasn't enjoying the quiet inner reflection the bar provided. The man dipped a finger into the glass and licked the end of his digit, emanating a bored and defeated sigh. Perhaps he was brooding over something? Nothing he was going to drown in alcohol no doubt. With his left hand he gripped the stem of the glass and took a sip, only then did his eyes come up to meet Turbo's own golden orbs. The glass was lowered gently back to the bar top, all the while the character's eyes never left the others. Turbo half expected him to look away, but no, it was as if the character was entranced. The royal little man tipped his head in a polite nod and smiled, though that was short lived.
"Evening," said the man in a voice that was sweet and jolly as his attire. Though it wasn't long before his hands slipped to the edge of the bar and he quickly dropped off of his chair, making that gentle jingle again as he quickly trotted off to the men's room.
Turbo's eyes followed after the strange character as the King exited the bar into the men's room. But the racer's interest was short lived.
"Weirdo," he muttered and drank another heavy gulp of the brew. It was no doubt this character wasn't the usual drinking sort Tapper served. No usual barfly would dare approach or even speak to Turbo when he was clearly on one of his binges.
The more he thought about it the more he wondered. He could have sworn there was something funny in the way the man had looked at him. Not that Turbo knew what or could explain it, but there was an oddness there. He drank down the last of the first mug and reached for the second. As he did he called Tapper over.
"You can't want another round already," said Tapper.
"Don't tempt me," Turbo said icily. "That guy in the flowery get-up," he said indicating to the men's room with a jerk f his head, "who is he?"
At first Tapper raised an eyebrow then he seemed to realise what Turbo meant" Oh that's King Candy."
"He's not usually in here."
"No, first time out of the kingdom since his game was plugged in."
Turbo let out a note of amusement. It was obvious he was dealing with the sheltered royal type, the sort of guy no clue as to how things were run down here.
"I'm surprised you haven't heard of him," began Tapper carefully.
"Well given which game he comes from..."
Unlike most of the folks in the arcade, Turbo somewhat respected Tapper, but that didn't mean he would put up with any dawdling. If someone had something to say, then he should say it.
"Why, what game is he from?"
Tapper paused and said," Sugar rush."
"That a plat-former?"
"No... It's a racer."
With that half of Turbo's drink went shooting out of his mouth, "There's another racing game in the arcade?!"
"Come on old boy heheha!..mingle yes'th try to make friends'th that's why you came here mn yes'th.." King Candy was giving himself a pep talk in the mirror, as he often did when he was uncertain of a situation, what a sight it would have been to anyone who could have chanced to walk in at that very moment. After a few more moments of self encouragement, the King straightened his clothing and pulled at his bowtie. He shook out his arms and returned to the bar and his drink, none the wiser of what had taken place during his absence. He clambered upon his seat again and sighed as he sat back down, his nose wrinkled at the sight of the glass of wine he had been nursing since he came in.
"Tapper.." he called "Be a good man and give me a mixed fruit soda I can't stomach this right now," the King pushed the glass aside and smiled greatly when Tapper set down an ice cold soda. He seemed absolutely thrilled to have a sweet beverage in front of him that he gave a short burst of soft giggles before bringing the glass up to his lips and taking several large mouthfuls. Licking his lips he became more at ease and made it clear to Tapper he wanted another "One more if you pleasth tapper oh! Are those peanut m&m's? I'll have six bags."
He took up a bag before greedily opening them and popping them in his mouth one by one. He was such a camp little thing that Turbo was wide eyed in shock at the realisation that this man was supposed to be a racer. Wow, modern racing games had really taken a nose dive.
Once again the King looked up into Turbo's golden coloured eyes. Turbo immediately felt a pang of uneasiness hit him. It was as if Candy was rading him like an open book, seeing the determination and passion Turbo had for racing and reflected in the King's own chocolate pools was curiously and a thirst for something else it seemed – but what, Turbo wasn't sure.
"Good evening my good fellow!..watch are you drinking there hrmn? Allow me to buy you another...Tapper! Same again for My friend over there.." Even the way he spoke seemed candy coated.
It had taken Turbo a few moments to register what was happening. King Candy had returned from the men's room a completely changed man and it threw Turbo for a loop. But still, this was another racer no doubt and that meant he was a rival. Turbo couldn't be swayed so easily.
Tapper delivered another pint in front of Turbo and sent King Candy a wary glance, no doubt warning him to tread lightly with the racer. But the King didn't notice, he was too busy popping m and m's into his mouth. When Tapper went away again Turbo drained the last of the second mug and began on the third. He noted King Candy had momentarily paused in his eating, no doubt waiting for Turbo to take a drink, as though he was unwillingly accepting some sort of friendship. Fat chance.
"Thanks," he muttered, just loud enough for the king to hear. But that was all he was going to get out of him, Turbo was determined of that.
King candy shrugged in an accepting fashion, though he seemed a little disappointed. Then he continued to devour the sweets as if nothing was wrong in the world.
Turbo couldn't tell if it was the manner in which the king acted or if it was because he knew King Candy was also a racer. Somehow it was the racer part that made it worse. As Turbo watched King Candy flick the m and m's into the air and try to catch them in his mouth he felt a pit of anger dwell in him. How could this fool be a racer?
Turbo sat sipping at the mug of ale as he watched King Candy out of the corner of his golden eye. One by one the packets were emptied, until Candy sat there tapping the end of each bag with a forefinger, "Its'th the only downside to visiting game central station, its'th not th'sweet enough.." this appeared to be nothing more than merely a day-dreamy rant, but even if it was meant to be polite conversation Turbo was having none of it.
The King placed a hand under his chin and propped his head up with an elbow upon the bar, he gave a small sigh before dipping a finger off his free hand into a small puddle upon the bar top, he swirled and drew figure eights in the liquid his mind wondering and finally he said it, "Your eyes'th.." he began before lifting his own to meet the other mans, a sweet smile crept over the kings cherry blushed features "..They're intensely bright, positively glowing! The first feature I can't help but look into.." he chuckled in a bashful tone followed by a random pitch of giggles and nervous breaths. Was he flirting with the racer?
It was the second time that evening that Turbo almost choked on his drink. What was this guy on? Was he actually trying to flirt with him? Actually that made sense; it was obviously from the way he dressed this bloke was more into the guys then the gals.
At that point Tapper coughed to get the kings attention and whispered to him "Sire, What your doing is walking a thin line here...turbo isn't the paly-pal type let alone a guy to accept um What you're doing.." the king darted his gaze to tapper as he spoke but he scoffed at him and returned his eyes to Turbo who seemed less than keen to strike up a conversation to begin with. The candy monarch eyed the racer up and down best he could over the bar counter before using his free hand to mess with his collar and tie "Hmmn you're a racer? Motorbikes'th? Quads?.." he king smirked and clicked his fingers "Car..I'm a racer mythself hehahoo I've never lost a race yet! I'm always on the race roster...undefeated royal champion! Ha..Nothings faster that myself.."
But what infuriated Turbo more was the idea that this guy, this fruity, royal faggot, had the nerve to claim he was an undefeated racer, there right in front of Turbo who everyone in their right mind knew, was the greatest racer in the arcade...no, in the entire history of the Arcade!
That was it, Turbo would have to put this man in his place, Royal or not, a racer was still a racer.
With a gulp of beer, Turbo dropped the mug heavily on the counter to which gain the King's immediate attention.
"Do you have any idea who you are talking to?" said Turbo with a deathly glint in his eye. "Have you any idea who I am?"
He lent a little forward on the counter to make his point known.
"Turbo-Time mean anything to you?" said Turbo with a glare, "as in the game of the greatest racer in this arcade. As if Sugar rush could hold a candle to it! An undefeated streak in that kindergartener game means squat. Try racing against some real racers and you'll see just how low down the peaking order you really are!"
He met the kings eyes again and bared his teeth in a snarl, "And stop with that 'glowing eyes' crap!" With that Turbo deliberately focused solely on his drink and was determined not to meet the King's gaze for as long as he could help it.
The king reeled in shock at this sudden flare of temper in the racer. Eyes widened in fear of what could happen next, but that soon gave way to the King's own taking of offence. It appeared Turbo's slandering of his game was too much for the monarch. King candy stood up on the seat of his stool and slammed a palm down hard on the bar top, the sound loud enough to stop everyone else in mid conversation in the bar. The whole room fell silent save for the irritated retort that sprouted from the King, "Listen here you pale faced son of a bitch! My game is twice, no, ten times better than your eight bit mess you call a racing sim! Oh yes'th I've seen your game and I've seen you race, its'th nothing compared to My hi-definition fully interacting multiple choice world.." he pointed an accusing finger and jabbed it into his direction "Your washed up My friend get over yourself.." wow the king had balls! He descended the stool in one hop and strode over to Turbo until he was stood right behind the racer, with a rage in those chocolate eyes.
He stared at King Candy with his mouth slightly a gap, at first stunned at this comeback insult towards his own game. His pale skin flushed pinkish with borderline anger, but then Turbo paused and a vindictive smile crossed his face, revealing his golden teeth.
"8 bit mess?" he grinned, aware that everyone in Tappers was watching them. "Washed up racer, am I?" He swallowed the last of his drink and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, before dismounting the stool with a surprisingly athletic hop and landing squarely in front of the king, meeting him eyeball to eyeball.
"Look here, princess," said Turbo, his smile vanishing in an instant, "Who gets the most gamers in a day, huh? Who's been here for over ten years and is still the most popular racer in the arcade? You may have better graphics and all those fancy gizmos, but I know something you don't got - class."
He sneered, "How long you think before the gamers get bored of looking at all those sparkles and rainbows, huh?" he leant forward, purposely invading the king's space. "Because under all that glitz and glamour, you're just another cheap knock-off, nothing compared to the original." He jabbed his finger into the King's chest as hard as he could, "you just try being that sassy on the race track and I'll wipe the floor with you."
Then Turbo shoved the King aside with blatant rudeness and marched off to the men's room; satisfied that he had made his point crystal clear.
With cheeks flushing red, the King gave a Sharp huff as Turbo barged past him and into the men's room, but he wasn't finished with the stuck up bastard.
The king quickly followed behind him and called loudly "If you were speaking about yourself when you said class then I fail to see it!.." he king stood directly to Turbo's left this time his back facing the dull wall behind him, he jabbed turbo harshly in the shoulder enough to cause a stumble, he was stronger than he looked "And as for the gamers getting bored they never will! My game adapts and ungrades with unlockable achievements, your pixel nightmare you race in only has one track and two other racers, MINE has fifteen! Better levels, weapons...your game isn't worth pissing on if it was on fire!" The king seemed ready for a fight right now; his once sweet features had taken a dark and sinister turn. His hand now clutching at his candy cane he'd picked up on the way past the cloak room, he tapped the tip on the floor to get turbo to turn round but he didn't give the pale man long enough to react before he sharply prodded the rounded handle in the small of his back "wipe the floor with me!? Ha! My friend I would leave you in 'My' dust, you wouldn't stand a chance, bright eyes-"
The fact King Candy had followed Turbo into the men's room didn't surprise the racer. In fact he hoped he would. Tappers had a rule about no brawling but that only applied if anyone was around to see it.
Soon as the king stabbed Turbo in the shoulder with a pink finger he felt his anger flare, but he kept cool. He'd suffered worse, but Candy was pushing it. The prod of the cane in the small of the back made Turbo grit his teeth. His anger reached boiling point, seething pinking red into his grey cheeks.
The moment the king said bright eyes Turbo lost it and the moment the king tried to prod him again with that cane, Turbo leapt around and surprised the monarch. Seizing the cane he meant to yank it from the king's grip, but King Candy was just as strong as Turbo and pulled the racer forward. The floor was slick with the careless dribble of water and Turbo's shoes slid out from under him.
With a yelp he fell into King Candy and crashed to the floor pulling the monarch on top of him. For a moment both were dazed and then Turbo found himself staring up into the King's chocolate brown eyes that were as equally surprised as he was.
King candy was sat astride him. His already red cheeks flushed an even deeper crimson, "Ooh..." His voice echoed in the tiled men's room, his hands had landed upon Turbo's chest with their nose's touching. King Candy jerked back and sat higher upon the other allowing both his legs to rest either side of Turbo's thighs their eyes never breaking contact with one another, they said nothing. The king frowned and grabbed the racer by the front of his racing suit and tugged him up into a sitting position the king slipping into the others lap "You...fool.." he whispered before daring to plant his cherry flavoured lips against Turbo's pale beer laced ones.