Ladies and Gentleman welcome to Chapter 6 for Demon Of The Leaf! land of assskickings, women, bloody, battles and dimension hopping! That's right My friend NC Blueryu suggested dimension hopping for vacation downtime for our little Fox Naru. Give props to KaedeSenju for giving me the pep talk on continuing as my mind felt dull for a quite a while, so without further ado guys here's the next chapter. The dimensions Kyuubi will take Naruto to will only be noted as the story progress's so no kiss and tell ^-^ I'll be adding onto the harem based on NC's recommendations to keep Naruto from falling to his darkness, being his lights as you all would say. Not telling either! so here it is folks.
Chapter 6: The Fox trudges through life
Song Of The Day: Loyal By Chris Brown
RROM: Do the disclaimer buddy!
*NC Blueryu nods before smiling*
NC Blueryu: Red does not own Naruto, or any original anime or character displayed in this fic, they are owned by their respective owners and creators please support the official release!
NC Blueryu: 0-0! *NC takes off running as a cackling hyper KaedeSenju zipped everywhere*
KaedeSenju: Enjoy the new chapter! come to mama Red!
Chapter Start!
"Oi! don't tell me that's all you maggots can do!? after all you were so superior, arrogant and confident when you all got off scot free from raping those girls that were labeled gutter trash! your fat fuck of a friend i turned into a exploding balloon got his for raping oh excuse me nearly raping my fiance Azula, you have no idea how much she, Toph, Katara, Mai, Suki and her guards hate men that aren't me..." Naruto growled lowly holding a bloodied chunin in his hand by the throat.
The ninjas's eyes glazed over going limp in naruto's hand, his neck bent at an inhuman angle making eyes widen. "What a pity..." Naruto chuckled mockingly dropping the body uncaringly and walked forward slowly his anbu style boots now clinking ominously.
"YOU MONSTER HAAAAAAAAA!" A jounin from the looks of it, recently promoted to Naruto's eyes charged at him with trails of shadow chakra behind her getting a look of interest seeing it was a female with black/red specked eyes and flowing ink blackish lavender lined hair.
"Monster hmm? that's funny that you defend these righteous warriors of the will of fire out of blind loyalty, considering what they did to me, i can feel my Uzumaki blood singing in must be a half blood." Naruto said calmly blocking a roundhouse with the flat of his right hand, staring unflinchingly at those fiery resolute eyes of hers with no fear or any emotion.
"You cold hearted bastard! do you now how many familys you orphaned simply because you decided to kill any mobs that went after you!" The girl practically shrieked in righteous anger at the young root who raised an eyebrow.
"And i should care for a bunch of bigots lives they purposely wasted? don't you know I am 70% Uzumaki, and Uzumaki's know how to hold grudges and we don't make threats we make promises and we get even!" The girl stiffened at the raw hatred and disdain in his eyes, those eyes...made her sad.
"If you want to take you anger out on someone use me instead, i will shield them from your anger and are only prolonging their hatred the more you do this, not all of konoha is like them!" She placed herself in his path blocking a knifehand strike, responding with her own and they both traded blows one another aiming to cripple or permanently damage.
"Danzo-otou-san trained me to defend myself and be righteous! that fool Hiruzen thought that i should forgive and forget! he doesn't even know or begin to understand the hate and suffering Jinchuuriki's go through!" The kunoichi coughed as he sidestepped her backhand and slammed a clawed palm strike into her ribs.
"He's never had to scrounge through trash to get food! not having to practically kill and steal to live through the night!" Naruto roared slamming blurring fists at the half Uzumaki who tried her best to survive the onslaught, the clones however silently released the barrier letting the shinobi out to get medical attention.
"You're letting it consume you! you can't c-change the past you have to move on!" The half uzumaki aka Tsukiko coughed up a bit of blood and flinched when those eyes of his turned wrathful colored black with red pupils.
"You shut up! you don't know anything about the real nature of these so called 'good' people!" He spat the word good like a vile acidic poison, Tsukiko reached up touching his face despite it being covered slightly in blood.
"Strike me down if you must, but i won't let you become consumed by vindication and desire for revenge that you will eventually begin losing sight of who is wicked or evil..." Naruto's eyes narrowed coldly raising a hand surrounded in a sickly purple and crimson colored chakra scalpel.
Everyone watched with baited breath except the heavily bruised half Uzumaki who just smiled staring into his eyes in understanding and sadness. 'W-why am i hesitating...i-is that me?' He saw the facial shape, the eyes, the chakra and everything then it was those thin lines on her cheeks making his normal eye and sharingan eye widen.
"I was created by Orochimaru to be used as a deterrent in case you ever became a thorn in his side...but he left me abandoned before i was taken in by Anko-sensei...i was made from your dna and Kushina-okaa-sama and Tsunade-sama's dna...mixed with Miss Kyuubi's chakra im more or less a psuedo jinchuuriki who has a self conscious forming bijuu within...i know you want to get your revenge but how far will you go till your thirst for revenge drowns you." Naruto just looked at her emotionlessly his eyes not changing in the slightest saddening her that what she said didn't get through to him.
"Take your comrades to the hospital to get their wounds patched up...what is it Oni?" A black masked kunoichi appeared in a swirl of black flames with a demon shaped anbu mask with the white kanji for Oni visible.
"Yami-sama, let's get you back to your room so you can relax." Oni said gently as his features turned back to normal showing weary tired eyes with a sigh he nodded. "Remember my warning Hiruzen, if your dogs come barking at my doorstep i will not hesitate to go through your little weapon Tsukiko to destroy you with my own two hands!" His hards turned more redder staring hard at Tsukiko Uzumaki who flinched at the look of raw hate screaming from his very chakra.
"Tch! that damn-" Hiruzen held up his hand with a stern glare at the ninja surprising them, "Leave Uzumaki-kun be...we have all done enough, i myself have shamed the oath i made to his parents...all of you pull back and go home, take the dead to be buried and the wounded to be healed...i am sorry for the pain and suffering we have caused you Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Senju..." Naruto looked on silently at the kneeling old man, his very being wanted to rage and spit every ounce of hatred brimming under his body...but something was urging him to give forgiveness a chance.
"Just...go home to your family Hiruzen-san...i need something to get my mind focused..." Naruto shocked them all by vanishing like a ghost, however a note was left in his place saying he was pressing charges against Sasuke and Kiba for attempted slander and dishonor to the Uzumaki, Namikaze and Senju clans especially with those sexist vulgar remarks.
"Tora take these two to the hospital wing in the detention area." Hiruzen ordered making the struggling fools pale as they were dragged away and knew they were in big trouble.
"Jiraiya get yourself out of my sight and think about what you've done to push your own godson to such a mindset." Hiruzen just looked at his spymaster of a student with disappointment and anger, said Toad Sage flinched looking down looking really really hurt witnessing what just happened.
Everyone that witnessed this would later name this incident and confrontation...
'The Day A Fox Exploded'
(A week later - ROOT Base Underneath Konoha)
Naruto was leaning back against the wall in his private quarters/room that was the size of a mansion leading to different sections of the main base by a combination of space-time fuinjutsu and technology. He had some red ear plugs in his ears and loud ominous music was playing relaxing him.
At age 6 during his basic training Naruto was diagnosed with a mental/emotional disorder that made him more incapable of feeling guilt or remorse unless it was completely his fault. His brain was so damaged from the emotional abuse as a child that he had a thirst no a psychosis need to cause pain to those who tormented him.
Besides that he made modifications to his YAMI anbu mask to have a calming medicinal agent that can instantly quell any rage or emotional outbursts he has. He made it completely indestructible by using the essence of his own soul and his darkness and Aki's chakra.
His subordinates despite being emotionless most times were really worried for their beloved Captain as they never figured he was so aggressive and wrathful.
However something made Naruto snap out of his slumber, his eyes turning a dark orange color almost like that of the sun and clutched his head growling in pain.
A white haired girl wearing a school outfit alone in the forest scared and apprehensive holding a folder glowing in her hands.
Being chased by human shaped figures, creatures and monsters trying to violate her and a giant red demon with a red sky above.
"Please help me guardian!"
Naruto's eyes came back into focus and he was radiating fury at the vision he had, he hated things that raped or violated others in any kind of fashion. But then he realized something these visions are what would come to pass if someone didn't interfere to help.
Aki watched her mate/container stare at his hands as if coming to an epiphany and decision but his resolve wavered as if this decision could effect him personally as he would see many different things, experience different things and possibly develop feelings for those he would save.
Naruto took several deep breaths and steeled himself, "I must put aside my attachments and do my duty to help others even if i get injured in the process...i'll kill these vile beasts to save this young girl from experiencing such horrors...i'll become the reaper..." He pulled his YAMI mask over his face as it started to turn into a traditional mask of the shinigami depicting an Oni sending shivers down Aki's spine.
She felt his already dark cold chakra turn more darker and cold and felt worry building within her heart. She could see her love going down the path of loneliness the way he was being. Aki cursed that fat bastard Kizashi Haruno and his flunkies for trying to drown Naruto as a child and then beat him repeatedly in the head knocking the brain lobe out that allowed him to feel things like fear, despair, remorse, guilt. It turned him into someone who could feel nothing that would hinder him...
The Ultimate Killing Machine...
Naruto undressed himself before pulling on some loose blue jeans, sandals, a sleeveless turtle neck and then he pulled on a black and blue zip sweater type windbreaker. and then finally strapped pouches and holsters to his thighs, leg, back pockets and then sheathed Zangetsu in her Odachi form and then Murcielago all on his right hip, he put a holster for several combat knives on his left hip and finally he put on a jounin style high collar vest with armored collaring and shoulder pads.
Next he placed several hundred senbon non-lethal and lethal poisoned followed by medical pills and a High class Med kit, gauzes, medical wraps and all. Aki was staring in awe at how much he was prepping even bringing the scroll for his chakra ink thank to Nezumi's teachings.
Lastly he strapped a bow that could actually fold into two sections and strapped it vertically to his back. His YAMI smoked before shifting into a facemask with the mouth of a demon leaving his oracle eyes visible. Naruto clicked his earpiece, "Father i just had a vision, i'm going to go investigate it, i'll be leaving a super charged blood clone behind to watch over the village if you need it." He said after adjusting himself popping his neck abit.
"Acknowledged be careful Soichi know that i will never think differently of you no matter what you become." Danzo's voice said softly over the comm link, it cause a slight tear to drip down Naruto's emotionless face but winced feeling a throb in his brain, Aki saw the inside of Naruto's brain twitching as a pink piece started pulsing in a empty space on the lower right side making her eyes widen with hope.
'He can still be saved please whoever is out there help him please!' Aki prayed silently with her hands clasped together.
"Ok Aki, Murci, Zan open the gate." His body glowed blue, crimson and green before a sigil that looked ancient glowed in front him before expanding into what looked like a tunnel of red demonic energy before he stepped through.
'Into a new world i go...please wait for me i'm coming to save you!' He thought and walked through with the gate closing behind him with an ominous lock.
(Alps And The Dangerous Forest)
"Quit running girly!" A lanky beanie wearing hunter shouted breathing a bit heavily chasing a sprinting girl wearing a skirt, black socks, shoes with a blue jacket and shirt. She had stunning orange warm eyes and white almost silver hair flowing down her back to her wait.
(I dont know the girls know so im just gonna call her Yukohime)
"I have to get out of here, please guardian please hurry!" She cried running faster ignoring the burning in her legs and with amazing agility leaped acrobatically over a wall of vines, seeing a bridge up ahead she ran faster leaving the shirtless fat man and his lanky friend behind, but a muscular brute with a red marking on his face with a pair of boots, pants and a black muscle shirt pursued her, his eyes speaking of disgusting intentions.
As she ran across the bridge the girl paled when the man kneeled with a knife at one of the ropes, glancing between him and the other side. Yukohime gulped wondering how long it would take to clear the other half before she fell to her death, she didnt want to die here nor did she want to end up raped!
"You called Yukohime..." A voice that sounded like that of a child's spoke from the other side of the bridge but with how unfeeling and emotionless it was, it chilled the entire forest.
Her eyes widened turning around to see a tall for his age boy at the other end of the bridge and she blushed seeing those eyes that looked like hers except darker and fierce.
Yukohime made a snap decision when she saw Brute as she labeled him swing for the rope on that side of the bridge, but a commotion distracted him showing it was that monkey like creature that chased her earlier.
When the bridge rope snapped, Naruto's hand shot out and a ethereal black chain wrapped gently and snugly around her waist bringing her into his arms despite how much taller she was then him.
The girl blushed feeling how warm he was, 'He's so warm...i-i think i want to leave with him.' Aki's eyes widened when she saw a gold glow surround Naruto and Yukohime's soul connecting with a strong thread.
'A soul mate bonding and such a strong one, this girl must have such a kind and gentle heart to connect with his cold one, such a cute girl!' Aki squealed looking her over from the seal, Naruto pulled back dusting her off.
A mist escaped the mouth area of his special mask, "Let us go, we have to get to the very edge of the forest for me to get a complete lock on with my eyes." He said stoically moving eyes from the beautiful angel in front of him, Naruto paused as that weird thought entered his head 'Why is this the same feeling like with Moegi?' His emotion defunct brain just discarded the thought as unneeded and he continued on as Yukohime rode on his back.
Jumping on a tree branch he ninja traveled really fast surprising the school girl but she got over it and snuggled deeper into Naruto's neck making the young root's eyes soften unknown to himself and gritted his teeth as the regrowing lobe throbbed in his brain sending pain signals everywhere in his head.
'Don't fight it Naru-kun! let yourself be healed only a few more months and you can be healed and love properly!' The demon queen bit her lip watching as the brain lobe was slowly in an agonizing pace regenerating it would take years for it to heal properly unless someone or even a goddess helped him. 'No way am i trusting Kami or those other bitches they've meddled with his life enough!'
Aki growled hating most of the goddess's especially the Shinigami for nearly splitting her in two halves if it wasnt for how strong she was.
As she thought of who could help her eyes snapped open wide, 'Yes maybe Neptune and the others can help! they always told me they'd lament about having not enough time to help raise their best friend Kushina's son, but not they can help him!' Having a plan in mind she would wait till they were back in the elemental nations to contact the CPU goddess's.
As the pain soothed Naruto let a single invisible sigh leaping over a large ravine landing on his feet, but upon hearing a stomping noise the young root grasped Tensa unsheathing it with a cutting noise.
Yukohime's eyes widened as she saw the boar like creature's head and torso slide off in different directions as her savior sheathed his blade in a fluid movement, continuing onward while carrying her, but paused upon seeing a slumbering herd of the things.
"Please hurry Stranger-kun those 'hunters' are getting closer..." Yukohime whispered fearful for her life and her saviors, he glanced back far enough to see those hunters running this direction fast with that monkey like creature on they're tails. "Don't worry they won't get you Yuko, that i promise." Naruto's outworldly voice said in a firm low whisper not seeing the blush to her face as he gripped tighter around her slim waist before speeding silently across the boar creatures herd like grounds.
Three quarters of the way past the grounds, a coconut like object dropped from a tree making their eyes widen till Yukohime leaned forward catching it but was smushing her boobs on top of her saviors head. Naruto had a poorly hidden deadpan look despite the girl catching the hollow object from hitting the ground. "Hand that to me...i will deal with them." Making a non seal shadow clone, he passed the shocked orange eye'd girl to it telling it to use the trees to reach the end of the forest.
"Stranger-kun please be careful..." Her eyes reflected her emotions on how devastated she would be if he died in the forest. Naruto's eyes softened his cold hearted facade slipping almost but reminded himself that trying to expose himself would get enemys attention like a dog on a meaty bone.
Aki's eyes looked saddened and hurt hearing his thoughts, she never thought his psyche would be so badly damaged that he'd started denying himself the pleasure of feeling. But she shivered when she saw the lights dimming in his mindscape, it was like his mind was accepting darkness was his only place.
"Hey you little brat wheres the girl me and the boys saw her first!" Naruto looked up tossing the round object up and down, seeing the Brute, Fatass and anorexic freak charging in glaring at him.
"I am a watcher of the sort, i look at worlds and prevent disgusting fates from happening simply because i choose to, and you three along with the beasts in this forest are long overdue for a date with death." The brat said in a cold, dark venomous voice that seemed to make the place echo, those damned eyes boreing into their very souls
"W-what the hell are you talking about!" The lanky one stuttered in fear feeling something was wrong, this kid was no way human.
Naruto's face mask seemed to grin more devlishly, "What i'm saying is all of you will die by my hands!" He pulled a sword from a sheath behind him darting at the trio who had no time to ready themselves.
(Warning! Blood, Gore, Torture all children leave the room!)
Naruto's eyes narrowed coldly viciously slashing reverse handed ripping a huge gash across the bald humans fat stomach making blood and intestine hang out. "G-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He tried to hold his guts in despite how futile it was.
"It is painful isn't it having your intestines slipping out while a massive wound is exposed to the air better then what you deserve, i saw what you all would've done to that poor girl...such purity doesn't deserve to be sullied by a cockroach like you!" With monstrous precious Naruto lopped off his right foot earning another spray of blood causing the fatass to howl falling on his back, Lanky tried to help but Naruto looked at him flipping the blade before slashing outwards in an arc.
Lanky screamed holding the side of his face as his left ear was severed, sidestepping a stab the young ROOT looked stoically at Brute glaring at him holding a hunting knife. "First i'm gonna cut you up! then i'm going to make you watch as i claim that little whore over and over again!" Naruto's eyes narrowed coldly to the point where the pupil was a thin needle and Aki could've sworn she saw Naruto's eyes flash a hollow black with a red light in the middle.
'You will not take him you damn devil demon!' Aki roared in fury knowing what demonic entity that has been following Naruto wherever he went, it wanted another damn puppet to play with because it was bored. It knew not to cross her or it would be destroyed so its choosing to go after her mate.
"I changed my mind...i won't kill you..." For some reason when his voice turned back to normal Aki felt like this human had just signed his death warrant. "I'M going to rip your guts out and slowly hang you with them!" Naruto's face twisted in a mask of utter disdain, sadism and hatred scaring Lanky, Brute and Fatass.
Naruto sheathed his sword with a shink! before Brute could react or get ready he felt a pain in his stomach that hurt so damn bad. Slowly looking down to his horror and shock, The kids hand was in his stomach piercing through the flesh in front of him appearing like a ghost.
"Ahh whats the matter? you look like you're having a rather bad case of indigestion! let me fix that for ya!" Naruto smirked in cruelty and rage.
Brute screamed in terror and pain as his entrails were slowly pulled out inch by inch making Lanky and Fatass vomit and cough up blood and vomit respectively. Jumping back a few times, he twirled the other part of the entrails around the adults neck like a tightening noose cutting off the airways. "Going up!" With a strong jump he sailed through the air with a smirk on his face landing on a tree branch, with one hand he tugged upwards lifting the man several feet off the ground, his legs shook and kicked as the sick rapists eyes rolled backwards in the sockets.
"Stop struggling it's only making it more painful for you hahahaha!" Naruto chuckled sadistically with a red glowing pupil in the center of his eyes as the vermin struggled even more despite the tightening of the makeshift flesh noose slowly crushing his windpipe.
The other two just watched in hollow shock and horror at their leader dying in such a way! Fatass couldnt get up as he was starting to black out from pain and bloodloss, while Lanky was trying to cover his bleeding severed ear wound.
"Like a puppet with its strings cut!" Naruto smirked vindictively as the body went limp and tied the flesh noose around the branch before leaving Brute's corpse hanging there.
"Run!" Lanky screamed running past the awakening boar creatures, Naruto didn't let the bastard get more then a few yards before what looked like a spike end rope pierce through the left side of his neck before twirling around his neck five times.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lanky screamed as he was lynched up hanging in the air beside his dead leader, Naruto got tired of his begging, screams and plead before getting a good grip and jerked the rope spike dart hard with an additional small jerk.
Lanky's body stilled completely swaying there beside the first corpse, leaving it there he pounced on the crawling bleeding out fatass human before launching a series of punches that cracked a few jaw parts of the mans jawbone, then his nose then finally knocking out three top teeth.
Yanking him up by his neck, Naruto pulled his right hand back and slammed bone cracking jabs and punches to his aggravated wounds, chest and ribs making more blood leave his mouth in gags and groans. "Hurts doesnt it bitch!" Naruto sneered tossing him up and jumped after him slamming him down with a harsh elbow drop to his chest snapping a breast bone and a left rib.
Two shadow clones formed from shadows appeared from behind him in a flowing manner, before beating the fat disgusting dumb human around with elbows, kicks, punches and headbutts like a bully would do to a weak kid. The clones grabbed his arms in one hand harshly twisting the limbs till the muscle tendons snapped under the pressure making a scream leave the mans mouth, followed by them rearing they're legs back and kicked his knees in the sides.
Before he could scream again, Naruto's back suddenly sprouted chakra chains with spear tipped ends and with machinegun like speeds, they stabbed all into his stomach, and chest repeatedly.
"Stop!stop! i'm gonna die i'm really gonna die!" The fatass screamed in agony as his blood dropped around Naruto, even landing on his face while he laughed psychotically, "What's the matter isn't the suffering of others you take pleasure in! let's see how you like getting raped!" Naruto's chakra chains suddenly twisted around the mans limbs like a coiling anaconda snapping more bones and one spear end pointed at the man's ass before shooting forward.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He howled and screeched in agony as the chakra chain violated his rear end, the shadow clones clenched their own asses with gulps looking at their cackling creator and started to wonder if the missing brain lobe was slowly turning their master into a complete sociopath.
"Hahahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He snapped his fingers and the mans face twisted in agony before the chains ripped him in two starting from the inside out leaving two meaty parts of him hanging from the chains.
"Awww the toy is broken~" The red light in his eyes glowed more intensely as he laughed, before his face froze and the pupil began shaking before shrinking and with a roar a sphere of gravity exploded blasting away several acres of the forest at the epicenter, including the feasting red giant creature that was drawn to the noise.
Dust that was everywhere soon cleared out revealing a panting Naruto as he finally fought off that seductive red haze that clouded his mind before seeing the destruction around him with a shrug and kicked off following the link to his clone. He hoped his charge was alright, then the sinful thought of making her his entered his brain making him lurch with disgust at thinking of females in such a manner.
'I swear if i find whoever is putting such thoughts in my head, i'll fucking rip their soul asunder! i am no ones playtoy, puppet or servant!' His mind roared and eyes flashed with angered insanity along with the throbbing pain of a excruciatingly slow regenerating brain lobe.
As he leapt away a pair of red female shaped eyes and sleek blue fur were seen from the shadows, mouth twisting into a faint desiring smile full of fangs. "To destroy my influence so easily darling...i'll have to up the ante a bit to truly bring out that monster within you...the one who can destroy that harlot Azula and Tsukiko...not that fake walking around as your Uzumaki kin..." The distorted female voice chuckled sinisterly her gaze completely on the young 'humans' back, not acknowledging the several pair of other red light eyes from the shadows.
On Naruto's neck unseen to anyone was a marking of a fanged smiling demon in shadows with vein like branches moving outward as if it were alive. 'Don't worry darling, your brain will be healed but so will your cold ruthless vicious heart finally come from its cage and merge with you...oh the blood and slaughter will be amazing, i'll even let amy join in that werehog form of hers and mine will make things so much more fun!' The corpse like creature grinned licking her lips with growing lust as her destined desire blurred after his charge to return home.
"Reaper-kun!" Yukohime yelled hugging him just as he landed before his clone watching over his charge at the end of the forest where the light shined down. At being called -kun Naruto felt a twinge in his heart confusing him, Aki sighed seeing the missing lobe screwed with his memory of the time where he swore to protect Kushina with all his heart and might on his fathers grave Plutia rest his soul.
"It's time we leave Yukohime, you will be safe at my home, but i will have to depart again as i have a mission of utmost importance that requires investigation." Yukohime furrowed her silver white eyebrows at him getting a raised eyebrow from the young ROOT, it honestly looked cute on her he chuckled inwardly in amusement.
"Don't give me that look, you are my charge and you being in a safe location and taught how to fight on your own is more priority over your ire at me being away, besides we hardly know one another." He had no knowledge of soul bonds, so Aki couldn't just pipe up and tell him of it, he'd try to rationalize it as dietys trying to screw his life over even further by making him soft as his thoughts traveled, she watched as the rift opened up and stepped through.
(Border Between Fire Country and Rice Country)
A ripple formed in the air quietly and outstepped a stunned Yuko and Naruto who just remained emotionless while analyzing their surroundings and detected no threats, nodding in satisfaction he turned to the clone beside him, "Take her to the compound at the forest area west of the forest of death, make sure no harm comes to her whatsoever, i have to travel the Umi No Kuni to check on this Kaima report."
"Understood Master." The reinforced shadow clone nodded bowing slightly and kamuied away with Yuko before she could say something that would make his master change his mind, the shadow clones learned to develop and think seperately from their master, what he didnt know is that the clones took on female appearances in secret with many different looks to what he would've looked like as a female. But they knew he'd never truly turn into a female because he had his own form of male pride.
'Boss, Master i hope you come back alright, something tells me you'll find more soul bonds on this mission with two extremely powerful forces.' The lone clone thought, something shared between its sisters.
Unknowing of his clones thoughts Naruto raced through the trees the world around him a complete blur as he remembered the reports about some creature attacking the seaside ships. "It is strange Naru-kun, what many don't know is that many non human like creatures dwell beneath the sea, and this mission smells like it has something to do with a certain rouge sannin." Naruto's orange hollow colored slitted eyes narrowed as a mist like trail seemed to stop near the road to the village of fisherman several miles ahead.
"Hn! this is strange i wonder if there is more to these Orakuru Ai (Oracle Eyes) " Naruto then noticed two faint images of a ratty looking scientist with two females discreetly entering a passage that was hidden...right in the middle of the road, one woman had pineapple shaped hair and the other had what looked like bandages around her head and arms and legs. 'So if the trail stops at here...then this must be...' He raised a foot slammed down blowing a hole in the ground that gave off a sound of metal being bent and busted open flinging dirt dust everywhere making him cover his face with his hand Naruto peered through the dust and leaned down peeking in to see a cavern bathed in darkness, however his eyes narrowed smelling burnt ozone, dead remains along with the coppery scent of blood and metal.
Picking up a small pebble he tossed with a pinpoint throw after careful aiming causing it to ricochet off many switches triggering flames, arrows, kunai, shuriken, even yami damned buzzsaws and axes from the ceilings and walls.
"Color me impressed the dumbass butt buddy of the white snake actually knows some classic lethal traps." Naruto snorted inwardly at the sarcastic praise from Aki,after stepping down into the hole Naruto flashed a light from his tactical kit. 'These remains must be of the shinobi that stumbled upon this place...' He frowned seeing some Kumo, Iwa, Suna, Kiri, even Konoha headbands on the skeletal remains.
"Hmph! most likely the fools didn't bother checking for traps, why most idiots never bother to check ahead for traps i'll never know..." The young jinchuuriki muttered derisively under his breath as he went to the door after avoiding the pressure plates and still live trip wires.
The steel door before him looked highly rusted with dried blood and everything, clipping the flashlight to his shoulder Naruto moved his hands to the door and pried it open slowly careful to not let the sound echo through the passageway. 'No telling what's down here afterall.' He stepped through before he felt the air turn more disgusting like there was some insanely inhuman and demonic experiments performed down here.
Aki frowned feeling his suspicion, the air felt for the lack of word...disturbed...perverted, Naruto honestly felt like he was walking into the lair of a very perverted lair that birthed tentacle monsters. Both bijuu and container shivered in disgust at the mental image.
Continuing his silent trek through the lab, his chakra pulsed feeling something resonate with him. 'What manner of magic is this?!' His body moved on auto pilot checking room to room and had to shiver as he saw naked zombies! naked female zombies at that, his hormones were fucking confused enough as it was.
'I am so forgetting i even saw that other room!' Seeing a fleshy centaur spider like female sleeping in one of the rooms with weird pornstar assets made him want to just get this mission over with.
At a huge door that slowly opened as he approached, it felt cold inside as the sneaky jinchuuriki slipped in two large container pods at the very end of the long incredibly spacious room, were two extremely beautiful women.
One had a pair of silk like pants that hung seductively at her hips along with a red tubetop plus black wristbands, she had a sizeable D-cup rack with a mane of black spiky hair and red fur visible. The power rolling off of her actually compared with his own much to his stunned amazement.
The other one wore a more sophisticated garb, she had rose colored hair shaped into a silky curtain off it with a fringe hanging over her face, on her head was a red hat with a orange ball with a number of stars on it. She was the shorter of the two being 2 to 3 inches taller then Naruto himself. her energy felt tame, controlled and still like a quiet waterfall.
When he got closer though, his hand against his own command raised touching a glowing pair of hands to the pods causing their eyes to snap open and a gold light to glow from all three. 'S-stop whatever you are stop fucking controlling me!' His mind gave a mental roar before he yanked back but he felt bonded to these two saiyaness's...
"YOU FUCKING SHINTO'S STOP INTERFERING WITH MY LIFE! I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING PITY GIFTS!" He snapped knowing the shinto's were always watching him and listening to him like an interesting bug they want to examine.
"We are not pity gifts bonded mate." The spiky haired female said offended at her and Tsukiko's soul mate repressing the feelings from the bond.
"We have much to discuss Naruto." The real Tsukiko floated from her container pod, making Naruto gulp inwardly as he may have offended them for some reason.
Oh yami dammit why did this have to happen to him!?
(Reappears with tips of his hair on fire looking really frazzled!)
RROM: Ok still alive and Kae-chan's still going Conan crazy with that axe, i hope everyone loved the chapter and everything, no i'm not giving spoilers so no sneak peeks here hahahaha!
NC Blueryu: Hehehe! thats really teasing the poor fellows Red! ^^ *Grins laughing*
KaedeSenju: Ok i'm calm ^^
Naruto: Finally watching that was annoying -_-*
KaedeSenju: Hey now you talk!? what the hell were you doing sitting like a damn statue for!?
*Naruto just walks away rudely making Kaede's jaw drop*
NC Blueryu: Did he just walk away from her mid rants?
RROM: Yes he just did xD
KaedeSenju: NARUTOOOOOOOOOOO! I'M GOING TO SPANK DAT ASS WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOUR DISRESPECTFUL ASS! *NC and Red sweatdrop as the the sounds of fighting in the house was heard*
RROM: Anyways due to Naruto's Oracle Eyes which i came up with, he can travel to other dimensions, H-game, H-anime you know it, also rape hentai universes will be included as i hated how the females were treated, trust me naruto is going to sadistic, cruel and heartless to rapists as evidenced by how he tore those three bastards apart.
NC Blueryu: Why did i have a chill up my spine when you mentioned the blue furred hedgehog! pls don't tell me SHE is gonna be one of Naruto's mates?! 0-0!
: Awww! still don't want to play with me NC-chan~
: Please rate, review and favorite and follow for our dear author Red-kun would you kindly pls ^^
End of Chapter 6
Till next time
Red Reaper Of Murder out!