Bonnibel woke up and found herself in her bed. She had a headache.

"What happened?" She told herself. Then she remembered kissing Jake. 'No, no, no FUCK!' She thought. She got up and looked at the mirror. Her hair was messy, her shirt was wrinkled and her panties were wet. She smelled gross. She quickly went to the kitchen to find Jake. Jake was making his infamous bacon pancakes.

"Hey Jake!" Bonnibel called him.

"Sup, honey?"

"What happened last night?!"

"Oh right, last night, Oh we got drunk, we kissed, you said that you were going to throw up and you did. Then you passed out after throwing up." Jake informed her. "Oh and you still have that awful smell. Go and take a shower."

"How the hell do you remember that?" Bonnibel asked in confusion.

"How can I forget something this gross?"

"Fair enough." Bonnibel said then went to the bathroom. She took off her clothes and turned on the water. Water was warm. She got in the shower. Shower was nice until the warm water run out.

"HOLY SHIT!" She got shocked by the cold water. She quickly got off the shower. She was freezing.

"Hey Bonnie! Are you Ok in there?" It was Finn.

"Yes Finn, I'm Ok." She found a towel and covered her body with it. She opened the door and she saw Finn.

"What happened, Bonnie?"

"I got shocked by the cold water."

"Oh, that happens sometimes." Finn told her. "Oh do you want to go to the Shopping Kingdom? We can take you there."

"Sounds nice. I'll get dressed."

Bonnie went to her room then grabbed a pink mini skirt and a yellow t-shirt. She put them on. She found her orange flats. She went to the entrée.

"Guys, I'm ready!"

"You're the fastest girl I've ever seen." Jake told her.

Bonnie giggled at his comment.

"Let's go." Finn told them. They got out of the Tree Fort. Jake grew larger. Bonnibel and Finn climbed his back. Jake ran towards the Shopping Kingdom. After passing a few kingdoms, they finally reached the Shopping Kingdom. It was larger than many kingdoms. Jake shrank down back to normal size when he found the clothing section.

"This section is too boring for me. You can find me in the beverage section's alcohol part. If I'm not there, check the art section's music part." Jake said and left.

"Ok bro, have fun!" Finn waved at him. "So Bonnie, where do you— Look, it's Marceline! MARCELINE!" Finn called Marceline. Bonnibel couldn't believe she was there. She thought Marceline was on a trip.

"Marceline? I thought she was on an exotic trip."

"Me too." Marceline looked at them and smiled. She came over.

"Hey guys. I was just buying gifts for y'all. I am back from the trip early. It was boring. Well, why are you here?"

"I'm here to buy pajamas." Bonnie told Marceline.

"Pajamas? You have tones of them!"

"My mom kicked me out." Bonnibel said sadly.

"WHAT? Where do you stay? Who do you stay with? With Finn and Jake?" Bonnibel nodded. "Well that's a great idea!"

"What do you mean?" Bonnibel asked, thinking that she was joking.

"I can stay there too. It can be like a slumber party!" Bonnibel hated the idea. She wanted to get out of there as fast as she can. But Marceline was her best friend and she didn't want her to feel bad.

"Yes it is." Bonnibel agreed.

"Where is that Jake asshole?" Marceline asked. "Buying booze and condoms?"

"Pretty much." Finn replied her. "So, let's buy pajamas for Bonnie."

They bought 3 nightdresses, 2 t-shirts and shorts.

"Ok, let's find Jake and go." Finn said and called Jake. "Sup buddy? We are leaving. Oh, you are? Ok see you tomorrow bro." Finn hung up. "Shit, not again." Finn grumbled.

"Typical douchebag Jake." Marceline said. "I'm phoning for a cab."

"What did he exactly told you?" Bonnibel asked Finn.

"He said that he got bored about 1 hour ago and went to the Candy Club." Finn told her.

"And? He is still in the Candy Club?"

"Of course not, he told me that he was about to get laid." Finn informed her.

"Stupid dog. He totally ditched us." Marceline told them. "Oh, a cab came. Come on guys."

They all got in the cab and went to the Tree Fort. When they arrived, Bonnie was still curious about Marceline's clothes.

"Marceline, do you need to go to your house to grab some clothes?" Bonnie asked her.

"Nah, I'm cool. I've got my suitcase with me remember?" Marceline replied her.

"Ok ladies, Jake won't be with us tonight." Finn told them.

"Correction: Every night." Marceline told him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Marceline, I gave your room to Bonnie. You two can be roommates or—"

"Being roommates is fine. Right Bon?"

"Of course Marcy." Bonnibel replied. It didn't actually sound like a bad idea.

They entered the Tree Fort. Marceline dragged her suitcase to her old room.

"Well, it's a double bed. We can both sleep on that." Marceline told Bonnibel.

Bonnibel helped her putting her stuff in order. Her clothes were all wrinkled. They needed serious ironing.

"I'm home early!" It was Jake. Finn, Bonnie and Marceline were surprised. Jake was a sleepy person. He wouldn't leave when he was finished. He would sleep for 5-6 hours. He would leave before the chicks woke up.

"What went wrong, bro?" Finn asked him.

"The girl wouldn't let me touch her, man. Then I saw her purity ring. And I got the hell out of there." Jake told him.

Marceline and Bonnie came to the entrée to see what was happening.

"Oh, hi Marcy, you staying here tonight? I thought you had your own cave." Jake said and laughed.

"Go fuck yourself." Marceline told him.

"I might need some help." Jake teased her.

"Ugh, you perv."

"What do you expect? I'm a womanizer."

"Y'know, some of them are nice." Marceline told him.

"It's not about being nice, honey. It's about being seductive."

"Seductive, my ass."

"You think so? It's my natural talent, dear. I can seduce who I want, where I want, when I want." Jake told her playfully.

"Natural talent? Ha ha ha. Don't be so sure."

"It worked on you." Bonnibel and Finn both looked at them.


"Ok! We slept together! You're happy?"

"Don't forget the part where I made you suck my dick. You were desperate for a fuck."

"Ugh! You are the most annoying bastard I've ever seen!"

"And you're the horniest bitch I've ever seen." That made Marceline upset. She started to cry and she ran to her room. Finn saw her and followed her.

"You stupid son of a bitch! That was cruel!" Bonnibel told him.

"She deserved it. You can't play with Jake like that."

"Are you still talking?! You know what; you are just a selfish, sex crazed, friend ditching bastard. And I hate you. And all the girls who slept with you probably killed themselves for doing such a stupid thing!"

"I don't think so. Thanks to me, Glob hears his name more often."* Jake said.

"Ugh, you arrogant motherfucker!" Bonnibel shouted at him.

"Shut up baby, you love it."**

Bonnibel was about to explode. He was driving her crazy. But she knew that this wasn't the typical Jake. He was acting different. He would always treat his friends nice.

"You're going to pay for this." Bonnibel told him.

"I only pay for hookers." Jake said teasingly.

That was the last straw. Bonnibel went to her room to find her friends. She was really mad at Jake. She knew Jake had this attitude. But he wouldn't let anything happen to his 3 friends. He wouldn't do anything to his friends. She stopped when she heard Marceline and Finn talking. She opened the door a little and listened to what they said.

"So I was extremely drunk a-and that's how it happened."

"It's not your fault Marcy; he was an asshole for taking advantage of you. But he wouldn't use this against you. Something must be wrong with him. He used this excuse about 3 times." Finn told her.

"What do you mean?"

"Some must be wrong with him."

"I agree." Bonnibel said as she entered the room. "He isn't like this."

"I think he didn't go to the Candy Club earlier." Finn told them.

"Does Jake go out every night?" Bonnibel asked him.

"Yes, but I don't think he gets laid every night. There aren't enough ladies in the Candy Kingdom. He is into some biz, if you ask me."

"We can follow him tomorrow. We have 50/50 chance to see what he is actually doing. Otherwise we can watch him having sex- Ew god, it sounds disgusting." Bonnibel told them her idea.

"Well, you ladies should go to sleep, it's gettin' pretty late." Finn told them.

"Finn you're not going out, aren't you?" Bonnibel asked him.

"I am, Tiger Kingdom waits for me! Seriously, they invited me to a diplomatic dinner. I am like the King of the Grasslands to them."

"Let me come with you!" Marceline told him "I'd like an adventure right now."

"Ok, Marcy. But I sleep on the train; it takes 6 hours to get there. So 6 hours of sleep, are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's go." Finn took Marceline's hand and they got out of the Tree Fort.

'Shit, I'm alone with Jake again!' thought Bonnibel. She locked the door and sat on the bed. She started to read a book. She wished to be with Finn and Marceline at the moment. She was bored like hell. She opened the door and went to the kitchen. She saw a plate of ratatouille and a note.

Dear Jermaine,

I hope you like this one. It was hard to find the ingredients. I had to ditch my friends for them. I tried to make it just the way our mom did.

Your dearest brother,


"Sweet mother of Glob." Bonnibel said as she finished reading the note.

"You know Bon, it's inappropriate to read private notes." Jake told her casually. To be honest Bonnibel was a bit panicked when she heard Jake's voice. She knew she did something inappropriate but she couldn't resist.

"You made this?" Bonnibel pointed her finger to the plate of ratatouille.

"N-No. I-I just stole it."

"Jake, I read the note. I didn't know you could cook anything but bachelor food." Bonnibel smiled.

"Well, I do, now please go Bonnibel." Jake was serious. Bonnibel could understand it from the tone of his voice. He even called her Bonnibel.

"Jake, I won't tell anyone. Just, tell me where did you learn to cook like this?"

"How do you know it tastes good?" Jake asked her.

"Ratatouille is hard to make. That's what I know. But how did you do it?"

"You ask too many questions, dear. I can't answer them. But you promise, you won't tell anybody."

"I promise." Bonnibel promised. "But why did you treat Marceline like that? You would never-"

"Hurt my friends? Yes, you're right. But do you know how many kingdoms I visited, how many traps I hardly survived, how many people I fought and killed just to find 2 eggplants? No, you don't. When I finally arrived to the Tree Fort, I just wanted to sleep and forget about what happened in past 4-5 hours. But a fucking bitch came and tried to tease me. I just wanted her to fuck off. She is a pain in the ass and you know it." Jake told her. Bonnibel actually began to think that he was pretty right. He just wanted to rest. He didn't want anyone to bother him.

"I can't argue with that. You are right, but she had no idea and she was pretty mad at you for ditching us. Oh and you fucked her. And you took advantage of her."

"Taking advantage of her? Are you fucking kidding me? She didn't even take a sip from her drink. That's what she told you? She obviously lied because I would never take advantage of any woman."

"But…" Bonnibel tried to protest. A guy like Jake could lie easily but he sounded like he was telling the truth.

"Still can't believe your friend lied? She lies all the time. She just wanted to look like she was innocent."

"But, why would she want to sleep with you?" Bonnibel asked curiously.

"Honey, who wouldn't she? That's what I'm famous for."

"But you were her friend."

"C'mon, Bon. We were never friends, just part of the same gang. To me she is just a hot chick."

"You just said she was your friend by telling me that you would never hurt your friends."

"But I hurt her."