"I am bored." Marceline said.

4 teenagers were stuck in Marceline's cave because of a big hurricane. Meteorologists told the Candy Queen that the hurricane was expected to be as big as the Irene Hurricane which caused widespread destruction and at least 56 deaths 1000 years ago.

When Bonnibel, Jake, Finn and Marceline were partying in Marceline's cave, her mother called her and told her to stay there. Bonnibel was 16. Her mother was still ruling the Candy Kingdom. Because of that; Bonnibel could party whenever she wanted.

Marceline was 1007, Finn was 15 and Jake was 20. She loved her friends. And it was a nice gang. They hung out all the time.

"I have an idea!" Finn said.

"What is it bro?" Jake asked Finn. Jake was pretty bored too. He only wanted to party then go to the Candy Club. Jake was a playboy and could easily charm a woman by being a bad boy. Jake was a hero and a criminal. He used to steal panties for girls. But that wasn't it. He used to steal valuable stones and jewelries. Only Bonnibel knew about this because a month ago her mother had him arrested and she begged to the guardians to let him out. Jake was generally laid-back and tended not to worry about things. He relied heavily on his powers to get him out of any dangerous predicament. He often cracked jokes at serious times. He could be somewhat irresponsible at times.

Marceline was as a wild rocker girl. Centuries of wandering the Land of Ooo have made her a fearless daredevil. She was a lover of all things exotic. She had a mischievous personality and was rarely intimidated. She could also be sentimental.

Finn looked like he knew nothing about adult stuff but he did. He was the so-called innocent boy in the gang. Actually, he followed Jake and explored his porn collection and sex stash. He was a loved hero in the Land of Ooo and many princesses wanted him. Also he had a shiny, golden hair which is loved by ladies.

And Bonnibel was wild on the inside. But her mother was trying to discipline her. She didn't keep her promise and she lost her virginity with a guy after a night with wine and bourbon. And what she did was unlawful because the guy she had sex with, was older than 18 and she was 16. The Candy Queen foreboded underage intercourse. She always wanted to screw the Candy Kingdom and live her life.

"We can play Scrabble!" Finn shouted.

"Dude! Seriously? Scrabble stinks!" Jake responded.

"I may have an idea." Marceline said.

"What is it Marcy?" Jake asked her.

"We can play truth or dare?"

"Well, that's a good idea! How about a dirty truth or dare?" Jake suggested.

"I'm in." Marceline accepted.

"Oookkay." Finn accepted too. They all looked at Bonnibel.

"I don't know guys."

"Come on Bonnie! Don't be a party pooper." Marceline told her, smiling devilishly.

"Okay! Whatever!"

"Okay then, Find a bottle!" Jake said.

"Found it!" Marceline told him. They all sat on the floor and Marceline placed the bottle on the floor then span it.

"Marcy and Bonnie!" Jake announced. "Marceline asks."

"Truth or dare?"


"Oooh, let's get this party started! Bonnie, take off your shirt." They all looked at Marceline.

"Is that it?" Jake asked her "You're not going to make her give lap dance or something?"

"No, but I have a plan." Marceline smiled devilishly. Bonnie took off her shirt. Her lacy purple bra and her developing small breasts were exposed. Boys couldn't help but looked at her. Bonnibel's cheeks flushed.

"Okay, I'm spinning the bottle." Finn said then span the bottle. "Marceline asks… Jake!"

"Alright puppy, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Jake replied.

"Hmmm… Okay! Jakey, what is your condom size?" Marceline asked. Finn and Bonnibel said 'woo'

"X Large but XX Large for you, babe." Jake said playfully.

"It should be, you stretching bastard." She smiled at him. "Okay I'm spinning the bottle." Marceline span the bottle.

"Jake asks Finn!"

"Truth or dare, bro?"


"HAHAA, wrong choice! Hmmm… Oh, found it! Grab… Marceline's boobs!" Jake told him.

"I'll do it!" Finn told him firmly. Finn was trying to prove he wasn't naïve and innocent at all. That was his chance. His hands made their way to Marceline's breasts. He grabbed them. Marceline blushed a little and tried to make it not obvious.

"That's my boy. Let's spin the bottle." Jake span the bottle. "I ask Bonnie."


"Truth or dare, honey?" Jake was always playful. He didn't mind calling her lady friends like they were his girlfriends. And his lady friends liked it very much.

"Truth." Bonnibel knew Jake would do something perverted. Her bra was already exposed.

"Are you a virgin?"

"N-No." She said ashamedly.

"What? Are you kidding?" Marceline asked her. She knew that Bonnibel was supposed to protect her virginity. "Bonnie you had to—"

"I know and I'm sick of this! I don't want to be royal or loyal!"

"Is it someone we know?" Finn asked her.

"I am not going to tell you anything about him!" Bonnie went upstairs.

"Damn, Jake! That question was personal!" Marceline told him angrily.

"Her boobs were personal too."

Marceline went upstairs after Bonnie.

"Women…" Finn told Jake.

Marceline went to find Bonnibel. She saw her in the corner.

"Oh Glob, my life is like a fart!"

"No it's not."

"It is. I have to give my virginity to the man I marry. And he will not be the man I want, my mom will choose him!"

"You can still talk to your mom, though."

"And she will arrest me for having sex with a guy who is older than 18 years old. And she will arrest him too."

"Don't tell her who he is."

"She will find out eventually."

"Bonnie, trust me and talk to your mom. I know her. I'm sure she'll understand." Marceline told her.

"Okay, I will." She smiled at her best friend.

"Do you still want to play the game?" Marceline asked her.

"Well, I can't go home, that's for sure." Bonnibel told her. "But we can play Twister."

"Woo-Hoo!" Marceline shouted. "Wait, before we go, will you tell me your v stealer?" Marceline asked her.

"I don't know if I can Marcy. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's Ok." Marceline comforted her. "Let's go downstairs. Shall we?"

They went downstairs. Boys looked at them when they came.

"I'm sorry, I was a big jerk. I shouldn't have asked that. I'm an—" Jake checked his arm to see what Finn wrote. "Finn, you have a shitty handwriting, you know that?"

Bonnie giggled. "Ok, let's play Twister!" Marceline told them loudly.

"Twister? I'm terrible at that!" Jake said.

"Says a magical stretching dog." Finn said and giggled.

That night, they all played Twister and had much fun.

"Mother? Can we talk for a minute?" Bonnibel asked her mom.

"Yes dear, of course. Come on in." The Candy Queen invited her in. "Have a seat please." Bonnibel sat on a candy chair. "So, what is it darling?"

"Momilostmyvirginitypleaseforgiveme." Bonnibel told her mom quickly.

"You did WHAT?! You knew it was your honor. Now no one will want you. How could you Bonnibel?!"

"Mother I'm sorry. But I want to marry whoever I want! Can you please respect my thoughts? Please?"

"It was a royal rule and you broke it! GET OUT!" The Candy Queen angrily shouted at her.

"Wh-What?" Bonnibel couldn't believe her mother really wanted to kick her out.

"I no longer want you in this castle." The Candy Queen told her firmly. "Pack a couple of things then leave the castle."

"I-I… I will." Bonnibel decided. She was finally free. She went to her room and found her candy suitcase. She put her mini dresses, jeans, t-shirts, shirts, bikinis, panties, bras, skirts, 2 dresses, piggy bank, socks, shoes and her teddy bear in it. She dragged it outside and looked at the sky.

She later went to Marceline's to stay but she saw a not on the door.

Heey! I am gone for a couple of weeks. I went to an exotic trip. Anyway, I'd love to see you here again. So come back later.


Marceline xx

"Well, crap." Bonnibel told herself. She knew the only place she could stay was Marceline's house. Or… no, no, no. Finn and Jake's? I have to, she thought and she went to the Tree Fort.

She knocked on the door. BMO opened it. That cute little robot she loved.

"Hii!" BMO said in a cheerful voice.

"Hi BMO. Anybody in there?"

"Yes, Finn and Jake are here. Finn is in the kitchen and Jake is in the weapon room."

"What is he doing in there?"

"Finn and Jake went to buy some new weapons earlier. Jake is testing them." BMO informed her.

"Isn't that Finn's job?"

"Nah, Jake likes to do it. Why are you here, Princess?"

"I am not a princess anymore. My mother kicked me out. I was going to ask you if I could stay here."

"Yes, yes. Of course. Come on in." BMO invited her in. "Guuys! Bubblegum will stay here, Ok?"

Boys came to the entrée quickly. Finn was holding a spatula and Jake was wearing a goblet.

"What happened, Bonnie?" Finn asked her.

"My mother kicked me out. You know the reason. Can I roost?" Boys looked at her. She looked desperate.

"Of course you can, angel." Jake told her. "BMO lead her to her room."

BMO took her hand then dragged her to a room. "This room used to be Marceline's."


"She used to own this house. They didn't touch it. Do you need help?"

"No BMO, thanks." She patted BMO's head. BMO left.

Bonnie began to put her stuff in order. Wait… she forgot pajamas. NOOOO! she thought. She put her underwear in the first drawer, bikinis in the second drawer and socks in the third drawer. She opened the wardrobe. She put her shoes in the wardrobe's drawer. She placed her shirts and t-shirts on the first shelf, jeans and skirts on the second shelf. She hung up her dresses and mini dresses in the wardrobe. She changed her panties and put the old ones in the laundry bag. She found her longest shirt (which hardly covered her thighs) then put it on.

She was hungry. She had to go to the kitchen half naked. 'what the hell' she said then went to the kitchen.

"You want some more eggs, Jake?" Finn asked him.

"Nah man, I'm pretty full."

"Can I have some?" Bonnibel asked them shyly, trying to cover her legs.

"Yo Bonnie! Why are you dressed like that?" Jake asked her.

"I forgot pajamas…"

"Oh well, come eat!" Finn invited her. She quickly sat on a chair. Finn gave her a plate of omelet. "Tomorrow, we can take you to the Shopping Kingdom. You can buy new pajamas."

"Thanks guys. You're the best." Bonnibel thanked them. "So, what do you guys do after 10:00 pm?"

"I visit new kingdoms then come back in the morning." Finn told her.

"It depends. Sometimes I go to the Candy Club; sometimes I listen to music then go to the Candy Club."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I'll listen to music first then go to the Candy Club." Jake replied her.

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

"Rock, Hard Rock, EDM and Dubstep."

"Cool, tonight I'm with Jake."

"Ok you guys have fun! I'll be back tomorrow." Finn put on his shoes and found his backpack. He waved at them then left the Tree Fort.

"When does he sleep?"

"He sleeps on train."

"Turn on the music Jake! What do we have?" Bonnibel asked him.

"Hmm, let me see. We've got… AC/DC, Adventure Club, Daft Punk, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Oh and Queen. That's good." Jake to her.

"Queen sounds good. Do you have 'Killer Queen'?"

"Nice choice." Jake opened Killer Queen.

She keeps Moet et Chandon
In a pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake' she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
For Khrushchev and Kennedy
At any time an invitation
You can't declineCaviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily niceShe's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, Gelatin
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Any time

When the song ended Bonnibel requested another song. "Jake do you have 'Touch Too Much'?"

"Woah, that's heavy for you."

"Just open it."

It was one of those nights
When you turned out the lights
And everything comes into view
She was taking her time
I was losing my mind
There was nothing that she wouldn't do
It wasn't the first
It wasn't the last
She knew we was making love
I was so satisfied
Deep down inside
Like a hand in a velvet glove
Seems like a touch, a touch too much
Seems like a touch, a touch too much
Too much for my body, too much for my brain
This damn woman's gonna drive me insane
She's got a touch, a touch too much
She had the face of an angel
Smiling with sin'
The body of Venus with arms

"Do you want anything to drink? I've got some whisky, wine, beer…"

"Beer please." Jake grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, opened the bottle and handed it to Bonnibel. "Thanks."

1 hour later, music was still on and they both were drunk.

"Jake, why do you think my mother kicked me out?"

"She kicked you out becaauuse… hmmm…. Because you were a whore for losing your virginity when you were supposed to protect it. And your mom doesn't whores, right?"

"Damn right!" Bonnibel sighed. "My life is like a fart. Yesterday I was a princess—"

"And also a slut." Jake corrected her.

"Right, yesterday I was a princess and a slut, now I'm just a slut hanging out with a womanizer."

"Hey! You're lucky to hang out with me! I usually have women to entertain me in bed, not to company me in living room."

"So I'm lucky because we are not having sex. You made a point!"

"No, no, not because of that." Jake tried to corect her.

"Show me then."

"Oh I am so going to show you."

Jake kissed her.

YEEAAH I ENDED THE STORY WITH JUBBLEGUM. REVIEW AND FOLLOW FOR A THRILLIN' NEW CHAPTER. Next chapter there will be more Marceline, more Finn, more surprises, more schemes and unexpected things. Like "Who took Bonnie's virginity?"