
Fandom: Shingeki No Kyojin

Pairing: Levi x Petra


Note:I've been meaning to write something for a while now and after finding a picture I'd seen a long while back, I finally found my inspiration and motivation to do this. Yup.

When he was younger, he was taught that silence was golden- but this wasn't a silence he could bare.

He sat before her, cross legged with both elbows propped on his thighs and chin resting on his hands. His toes twitched inside his boot, the only physical indication of his uncertainty. Conversation had never been one of his strong points, but when it came to her, he found himself tongue tied and he often watched her in wordless wonder until it was she who broke the ice.

But this time, he had to say something. He opened his mouth, snapped it shut, opening it again, and closed it once more. He heaved a sigh. It was harder than he had thought it to be. His gaze fell to the bundle of flowers laying across his lap - white roses, rosemary, and honeysuckle. They were her favorites.

He swallowed. "Uh, Holy Wall Maria, if Hanji can speak to a fuckin' titan, then I can do this…"

He gave a sigh and tried again. "I brought these for you, since I know how much you like them. They weren't easy to find, or very cheap for that matter. But…it was worth it."

She said nothing; he hadn't expected her to. "I also brought those tea leaves you liked so much."

Levi gave another sigh. This was pointless. He wasn't getting anywhere. Shifting, he took the flowers from his lap and set them before her.

He'd promised himself that he'd never get this way over someone. Not in a word where the constant threat of death loomed over their heads, but feelings don't care for circumstance and before he knew it, he was in up to his knees and sinking deeper with every glance.

He could no longer fight it, there was no way he could deny those feelings any longer. A grumble tore itself from his lips. Damn it all, it wasn't supposed to be this way. A hand clenched into a fist and before he could stop himself he was driving it into the raw earth.

Leaning forward he brought himself to mutter the apology against her grave.

Because I'm sorry was easier than saying goodbye.