Chapter 3

A few days after the bots had gotten their charges back or a charge at all Jack wanted to talk to his soldiers alone without the bots. "We can't trust them how do we even know they didn't abandon us on purpose we don't but we can't kill them either so what do we do? Anyone any suggestions?"

"I don't know dad Optimus isn't that bad and how do we know their intentions if we don't try to trust them, right we don't." replied Orion.

"Yeah well I don't know what you were thinking pairing me up with that infernal wreaker, he is more of a pain than any of my other partners were and they asked to be transferred so they could help the other squads." Samson replied.

"Yes well some one needs to keep an eye on them so…" Jack stopped because of a signal from his daughter.

"We were and are being watched by your old friends dad." Kelsey hissed through her teeth.

As the humans made their way out to confront the bots they were left thinking about what could of caused Jack of all people to feel as though he could no longer trust their kind. Arcee then remembered how he would always refuse to go on rides with her like they used to, but she just thought it was because he was now a leader. "So we can't trust you any more can we autobots." was what Jack said as he entered the room.

"Jack I don't know what made it so you didn't trust us but we meant no harm." Prime said trying to be diplomatic.

"How about that when you disappeared the cons found your base and then destroyed Jasper killing all the civilians in it except for Miko, Raf, and myself. How does that do it you said you were here to protect humans not abandon us. Kelsey Orion escort our guest to their quarters and don't let them leave until we find out what to do with them. And don't talk to them either." Jack ordered in a tone that would have sent Megatron running.

At their quarters the bots were escorted by Orion and Kelsey in their panther forms. Once the guards were changed they hacked into the security system to find out what had happened and none of them were prepared for what they saw.


What do you think sorry its so short couldn't think of any thing.

Okay it has come to my attention that I have some wrong info.

1-Jack and the others don't lower their guard they merely use the confusion to possibly get more high tech weapons and possibly allies.

2- Ultra Magnus and smokescreen ahead so I'm not following the actual show.

3- Ratchet doesn't believe that Jack aged in to them a short amount of time. So it comes as a shock to his systems.

4- Kelsey and her mother were kidnapped to see if it would be possible to create spies with enhanced abilities to infiltrate the human forces.

5- What was meant by "Megatron kidnapping and experimenting on them" was that Knock-out and Shockwave both did it.

6- Kelsey's hide is twice as strong as Optimus's and Megatron's armor combined.

7- Kelsey doesn't just change into a wolf she can change or copy anything organic.