Jude ate his breakfast quickly and rushed out the door to make it to school. He was excited because today was the day he would ask Connor to officially be his boyfriend. His hands were shaking with nerves, what if he said no? What would other people say? This was also his first day at school as an officially "out" gay person. When he tried to bring the spoonful of frosted flakes up to his mouth, it spilled on the table in front of him and made him jump.

"Whoa Jude! Be careful there!" Lena expressed. The poor kid looked like he had Parkinson's!

Jude grabbed some paper towels and started to clean up the small mess. He walked over to the trashcan as he mumbled "Sorry"

Lena had a look of worry on her face "What's got you so nervous over there?"

"Nothing, I just lost my focus." Jude continued to eat his cereal while concentrating on steadying his hand.

"Alright…" Lena could tell there was something wrong, but she left him alone for the rest of the morning.

Jude waited all day for the big moment at lunch. He found himself constantly looking at the clock. How slow could time go? He had rehearsed everything that he was going to say the night before and felt he was ready.

After what seemed like years, Connor and he were sitting alone at a lunch table. Connor had a turkey sub as always while Jude was eating a PB&J. They made small talk about their days until Jude thought the time was right. "So, Connor, I came out to my Moms and everyone last night. They took it really well."

Connor was proud of his friend for being so brave. "Really? That's great, Jude!"

Jude cleared his throat. "Callie is still…working on it, but everyone else was very accepting."

"I can understand. But it's good that you have such a great support system."

Jude shifted in his seat. He debated with himself for a moment until he took a deep breath and went in for the kill. "Anyways, Stef and Lena said that they would support me if I ever wanted to…date anyone and I was just wondering if you wanted to…go out sometime? We could see a movie or whatever." Jude looked at the table, afraid of the response he would receive.

Connor was ecstatic, Jude finally asked him out! He was grinning ear to ear as he responded "I would really like that, Jude. What about this Friday? We could go up to Mission Valley Cinema."

Jude's face spread into a huge smile. "Yea, that sounds great. So…are we like, dating?"

Connor giggled and grasped Jude's hand, not caring about anyone else "I think we are."

Jude's face turned beet red as he smiled at their intertwined fingers. He could get used to this.

Jude acted especially happy and upbeat the rest of the day. After dinner when he was up in his room, Stef entered looking to see what was going on. "Okay bud, spill the beans. What has got you so happy today?"

Jude looked down and giggled. "Um, Connor and I are going to see a movie on Friday."

Stef raised her eyebrows "Does this mean—"

"We're dating" Jude's face was beginning to hurt with all the smiling he was doing about this. He just couldn't get Connor out of his mind.

Stef smiled at her youngest "Well, I think that's wonderful darling. Get some sleep." She left and headed to the master bedroom where her wife was waiting for her.

Lena looked up from her novel and peered at her wife "Did you talk to Jude? He was acting…weird today." She noticed that her wife also had a smile spread across her face. She was glad there was something finally going Jude's way.

Stef made her way to the bed and settled in. "Jude just told me that him and Connor are dating and that they're seeing a movie this Friday. Adorable, Right?" Stef shimmied under the covers and turned out the light on her side of the bed.

"Aw! That's so cute! I'm glad that Jude feels safe enough to tell us that. What a generation to live in!" Lena settled in next to her wife.

Stef grasped Lena's hand "He's a special kid, Lena. I'm just happy we can be better parents to him than out parents were to us."

NOTE: Hey guys! I know it's been eons since I last updated, and I'm sorry for that. I've been dealing with a really bad spell of depression and I haven't really been motivated to do much but I'm back and hopefully I'll be updating much more frequently. Thank you for all of the reviews and messages of concern you guys left when I was away! They really meant a lot. Make sure to leave reviews and suggestions! Love ya!

