Hey all.

I know it's been some time, but the Clone Wars is coming back, so I've been feeling nostalgic. I was speaking to a wonderful friend of mine (some of you may know her as MusicKeeper), and after some discussion, I realized that I wanted to try for a re-vamp of the Begin Again series. I wrote this series as a lonely thirteen year old, and because of this series, I've met so many amazing people in a dark time in my life. Now seven years later, I want to re-visit this series and make some shifts/changes in the story to not only give a better re-telling (one with better writing, haha), but also to bring this story back to life (and also bring other elements of this story back to life as well).

I will say that I have a rough outline of the Begin Again re-vamps already saved on my laptop—and I have the rough beginnings of the first chapter or so. I estimate that a full blown story will be ready by April or May at the latest, but I'm still hesitant to see if I should post it or not.

Which is where you guys come in. I figured that you readers are the ones who are have stuck with Cadena's story have maybe thoughts that I want to take into consideration. So, dear readers, what do you think? Would you be willing to give this old girl another shot?