The bed shook with every deliberate kick Sebastian made to the wall. Ciel looked up from his book at Sebastian, whose grinning face hung down from the top bunk. Ciel gave a hearty sigh.

"Wow, can you not?" he said irritably.

"Why? Does it annoy you?" Sebastian asked in mock innocence, continuing to kick the wall.

"Well, I'm not paying for it when you kick a hole in the wall."

Ciel rolled over and tried to continue reading his book. Sebastian finally gave up on kicking the wall, and instead jumped off the bed and crawled in next to Ciel.

"What cha reading?" he drawled. Ciel groaned and pushed Sebastian's face away, only to have the older boy roll over so he was lying on top of him.

"Get off me!" Ciel shouted, kicking at Sebastian. After managing to get Sebastian off him, Ciel pushed him off the bed.

"Hey!" Sebastian cried after hitting the ground. He rolled onto his back and stayed there, silently looking at the roof. Good, Ciel though rolling back over. However, it didn't take long for Sebastian to speak again.

"I bored Ciel," he whined loudly.

"Mhm," Ciel hummed, and continued reading his book.

"You don't even care."



Ciel groaned and closed his book. He rolled over to look at his pathetic roommate, who was now laying face down on the carpet.

"What do you want me to do about it?" he asked irritably.

"I don't know," Sebastian replied quietly. Ceil sighed again.

"Don't you have assignments to work on? And aren't you supposed to be at a lecture?"


"You're lying."

"Fine!" Sebastian yelled, and stomped out of the room, finally leaving Ceil in peace.


Sebastian sauntered lazily down the hall to the lecture he was already extremely late to. God he must've been bored to be actually attending one of his lectures. Usually he would just "accidentally" sleep in too late, and just got notes off Claude. To be honest, he wasn't really sure what course he was even doing. Something with languages or something. He always managed to get A's anyway. Stupid Ceil, wont even do anything with me, Sebastian thought icily as he approached the lecture hall. He peeked through the window to see the hall full. Great. Maybe if he crawled in behind the back row of seats no one would notice. He waited until their professor turned to the white board, and slowly snuck through the door, slowly crawling behind his classmates.

"So, you've finally decided to turn up, Mr Michaelis."

Fuck. Sebastian slowly stood up, turning to the young professor.

"Ah yeah, sorry Mr Sutcliff," he said, ruffling his hair.

"Oh well then that's fine Bassy darling, just take a seat," Sutcliff said with a seductive wink. Cringing slightly, Sebastian ambled over to sit next to Claude.

"What the fuck man, you actually came?" he whispered.

"Yeah yeah, whatever dude," Sebastian sighed, slouching in his uncomfortable chair. He always hated the chairs in the lecture halls. None of them were made to accommodate his long legs, so his knees always ended up awkwardly pressed against the underside of the desk. For some reason Claude, who's legs where equally as long, did not have this problem.

"So why are you here?" Claude asked.

"Ciel was being a little bitch."

"Hmm, another lovers tiff?" Claude raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up man."

Goddamn Sebastian's legs ached.


Despite being finally left alone by Sebastian, Ciel found that his peace was short lived. Not ten minutes after Sebastian left, a blonde in stiletto boots pranced in. Alois usually dropped in on Ciel, since his room was across the hall, but only when he knew Sebastian wasn't there. Sebastian wasn't exactly fond of the blonde.

Alois giggled as he fell onto the bed next to Ciel, again disturbing him from his reading.

"So, what's on tonight?" Alois enquired.

"Nothing, I hope," Ciel mumbled in response.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, you always say that and end up more wasted than the rest of us."

Sighing Ciel rolled over to face Alois, who gave him a sultry smirk. Ciel noticed something different about the blonde. He couldn't really place his finger on it, but he looked oddly… groomed.

"Did you pluck your eyebrows?" Ciel asked, giving Aloise an odd look.

"Yeah, do you like them? I thought they'd make me look more feminine," Alois replied, running his fingers over his shaped eyebrows.


"So boy's will like me, duh."

"You're insane man." Ciel laughed.

"What?" Alois exclaimed in mock hurt, "don't you think think they make me look sexay?"

"Have you started shaving you legs too?"

"What do you think?" Alois replied seductively, letting his exposed legs run over Ciel's.

Things were always like this with Alois. Usually Ciel would object to any touching, but it felt normal with Alois. They were basically best friends.

"I don't really feel like going out tonight though," Ciel groused.

"Fine, let's just hang out here," Alois suggested with smirk.

"But Sebastian will be here."

Alois considered this for a moment.

"Well then, tell him to bring a hot friend," he said with a wink, "Although he's an ass, he's probably got some good looking friends."

"Ugh fine, he'll probably bring Claude over anyway."

Alois pricked up at this. He looked at Ciel excitedly at the mention of a possible target for his "affection".

"Who's Claude," he asked, trying, and failing, to sound innocent.

"Some guy from his class, he's alright. A little creepy."

"I love creepy."

"Of course you would."