Lydia was beside herself. It was one of those days…she woke up an hour late from school due to those terrible, awful dreams that were plaguing her existence. To make matters worse as she stumbled out her front door in her exhausted state, she tripped in her favorite high heels and broke her fingernail. She was tired, pissed, confused, and angry. More than anything, she wanted to sink down into one fluffy pillow and sleep soundly without any more damaging dreams.

She slinked back a long red strand of hair out of her eyes and sighed. The ending first hour bell rang and a flood of students came pouring into the hall. Normally, Lydia would take the time to compose herself and look her best…but she simply was not in the mood especially when an incoming sophomore bumped her and caused her to drop her Chemistry book. Her sore muscles stretched even more painfully as she strained to reach her book. When she finally reached up for air, her head hit a skinny but well-formed chest. Once again, her hands swiped her annoying bang out her eye so that she could see the unfortunate victim. After removing the annoying strand, her eyes met some warm chocolate ones encased in soft lengthy lashes. It was Stiles, obviously Stiles, with his huge grin that made her think of a lighthouse giving its light to a sea of ships. His smile always seemed to spread across the density of his face and his Einstein style bangs styled in upward fashion. His usual plaid style shirt was folded along his upper elbow and his hand in…what the f?

Her big eyes looked like saucers as she noticed one major development. Stiles was holding hands with Cora. She looked down, than up, and to the right…sure enough she wasn't losing her mind. It definitely wasn't her sleepy state especially with the smug look in Cora's brown eyes and smile. She had never imagined Stiles with Cora, although they had been spending time together a lot lately or Stiles with any other girl for that matter. He gave her his shit grin as he tightened the strap of his book bag around his shoulder that seemed to emphasize the major growth in height that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

"Not too awake today, huh, Lydia? Everything okay?"

He looked a little concerned but she just gave him a roll of the eyes and a toss of the hair.

As she stormed past him, she could hear Cora say something to the extent of her always being a bitch and why do you put up with that speech. Not that she didn't deserve it; just seeing those two together was disconcerting. She didn't wait to hear his answer instead she rushed in Chemistry class and sat in the back so she could hopefully get some sleep.

But, when Allison sat down next to her she knew sleep wasn't meant to be.

"You know what I saw today Allison?"


"Cora and Stiles were holding hands. Seriously, when did THAT happen?" She rolled her eyes in the back of her head for more effect.

"Aren't they cute? I could tell that Cora was interested in him. He really is sweet, funny, a bit different but like..let me see a little brother or a favorite teddy bear."

Lydia rolled her eyes in disgust. "I don't think she sees him like a little brother. I hope she doesn't have an alternative motive especially with all these missing people lately."

Allison smiled. "Oh, don't worry about Cora. I think she really likes him. It's actually kind of sweet."

She just snorted in reply. By lunch, she was in heaven thinking about sinking into one of those chairs and probably falling into her lunch plate. Whatever! But to her dismay she could not doze as she could not help but notice Stiles and Cora. It was almost sickening watching them laugh and his bright smile that leaned into Cora giving her the occasional kiss. She found herself mesmerized by the glimpse off his dimple, the darkness of his lips as he touched Cora's. The truth was she never imagined him as the desired and she was so obviously wrong. Guess, Cora figured that out quickly. Not that it mattered, Stiles was only a friend, right?