Hi everyone!

Sorry if it took so long for this update. But I'm here now!

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter ^^

Thanks to my beta


Ethan and Aiden had talked a lot about their relationships. And after they'd finished making fun of each other for every little thing, they tried to figure out how to convince their partners to talk to each other.

Although Aiden still thought that ultimately Scott and Isaac were the only ones who could decide to speak to each other, Ethan insisted on trying anyway. So to their partners they shot out sentences like, "What if it was you who didn't know?" or, "Maybe he's thinking the same things!" But neither Isaac nor Scott accepted their suggestions, too afraid of the possible consequences.

And both Isaac and Scott knew it was stupid, the whole not talking to one another thing. But they had let it stretch too long, and now the elephant in the room had grown too big for them to know how to confront it.

So now they were all at McCall's house, watching a movie and sitting on the couch.

Ethan and Isaac held hands under the throw. Aiden, far bolder, started rubbing his hand all over Scott's thigh, from his knee up.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" Scott almost yelled when Aiden's hand went too high up for his liking. He leapt off the couch, making Isaac jump next to him, and disappeared.

Aiden got up to follow him a few seconds later, making the poor excuse of, "We don't have enough popcorn," before taking the half empty bowl from the coffee table and disappearing beyond the same door Scott had gone through. The grin on his face was something that Ethan could easily define as evil.

Once they were alone Ethan grinned and tried to get closer to Isaac, but was stopped by a hand on his chest. "Scott will be back any second."

"I have a feeling that we've time enough for more than a kiss," Ethan said and kissed Isaac as he tried to maneuver him so his back was against the couch.

Before the apparently out-of-control hormones of his boyfriend could get them both in trouble, Isaac stood up. "I'd better get a glass of water. For your sake."

"We're never alone."

From the corner of his eye Isaac saw Ethan's disappointed look and felt bad for having been so harshly incontrovertible. "Not my fault," he apologized, holding his hands up in surrender.

"It's not mine, either. But still, we're alone right now."

"Yes, with my brother in the other room. No way, E. I'm going to go to the kitchen and when I come back, I'll sit as far from you as I can," he said, trying to hide the smile forming on his lips at the sight of Ethan's face.

What happened next was just bad luck.

Derek yawned loudly as Stiles repeated the same sentence for the fifth time, not even trying to hide how bored he was.

"Hanging out. With one of the twins-Aiden! Can you believe that, Derek?"

Derek seemed to consider the answer. "Yes, Stiles. I can. I really do. And you know why? That's because you have already told me that."

"I already – What? Derek, you don't understand! He's the same Aiden who bullied me when we were five!"

Derek gave him a look. "Five? Seriously, Stiles?"

"He destroyed my Sourwolf," Stiles explained and when Derek looked at him confused, he felt the urge to explain. "It was a teddy bear. My teddy bear. It had this terrifying look, that's why I called him that. By the way, Aiden ripped it apart."

Derek sighed, aware that Stiles's monologue wasn't going to be ended soon.

"Yeah, it was actually the same expression you have now. I should probably call you Sourwolf!"

"Don't even think about it."

Stiles grinned, stealing a kiss from his upset boyfriend. "Too late. It fits you. My personal Sourwolf, that's great."

"That's embarrassing."

Once Isaac arrived in the kitchen he almost yelled in fear. What his eyes saw was Scott pressed against the wall and a half-naked Aiden in front of him.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" he asked loudly, and when Ethan heard the commotion, he came in too.

"Scott, is there something you want to tell me?" Isaac asked, pretending to be embarrassed. Maybe he could use this to his own advantage. Maybe things were simpler than he had thought.

Scott had apparently felt the same way Isaac had about sharing his secret, and while Isaac could understand and relate, he still felt a little hurt at Scott's lack of trust.

"It's not what it looks like-" Scott said, his cheeks on fire, his heart out of control.

Aiden was now staring at them, his back against the fridge. He knew it was all his fault. Why didn't he keep his hands to himself? At Scott's worried and sad look, he grew defensive. Isaac had no right to make his boyfriend feel guilty. And he had the smart idea to let everyone else know that. "Come on, Isaac," he finally dared to say. "You know you can't be mad at him when you did the same thing."

Now Ethan looked upset. Aiden was only making things worse and it didn't occur to him that he was just as guilty.

As if to confirm Ethan's fears, Scott asked, "The same?"


When Isaac and Scott started yelling at each other, Aiden moved next to his brother. "Couldn't you have stopped Isaac?" he asked, voice low and accusing.

"Really, bro! In the kitchen?" Ethan seemed most upset about his brother's indifference. "I thought you'd go somewhere where he couldn't see you that easy, at least!"

"Bathroom's not very romantic," Aiden stated with a shrug.

"And was it absolutely necessary to tell Scott about Isaac?"

Aiden sighed. "Are we arguing now?" he asked, hoping that Ethan would stop being so melodramatic.

"And you!" Scott interrupted them, pointing his finger at Aiden. "You knew and you didn't tell me?" he seemed genuinely pissed off, and Aiden finally seemed to be hit by the situation. Because, yes, he hadn't said anything.

"What if it was me telling Isaac, Scott?" Ethan interfered, trying both to help his brother and to keep Scott from saying anything else. "It wasn't fair, right? Well it's the same for Aiden. Maybe it'd be best if you also-"

"-Instead of arguing," Aiden cut in impatiently. "Now everyone knows everything. No more secrets, no more hiding. Or else," he said, though there was an apologetic smile on the corner of his thank.

But by the looks on their faces, Scott and Isaac didn't agree at all.