So my first fanfic is gonna be a Pertemis since, well, I have no better things to do. I wanted to do a Percabeth fanfic, but I would do it later. And I'm Asian, so my English might be off as I'm not very good at describing thing. I saw that most Pertemis fanfic started with Percy breaking up with Annabeth and ended up being as a guardian of the hunt and blessed by Hestia. I'll probably do the same thing, but a bit different.

Side Note: This is after the HOO series, so yeah, it might be different.

Chapter 1

Percy's POV

After the war with the giants and turning down godhood twice, Percy thought things would be peaceful for a change. Maybe he would get a nice and relax vacation with Annabeth and joke around with his friends. Maybe the gods would be nice and make it sunny most of the days and won't ruin their lives again.

But no, of course, Percy's luck wouldn't hold.

After the war, things had been worse or weird. Probably both. Monsters are getting restless somehow and keep attacking any demigods on sight. Percy doesn't know why, but they have been going on a rampage. Half bloods are barely making it to camp without some monsters as deadly as a drakon chasing them. Usually, they are alone because the satyr that found them is either dead or have been eaten alive.

As for Percy and Annabeth, it didn't work out. He doesn't know why or where he made a mistake, but it didn't work out. Annabeth told him that she was going away for a very long time with someone, but she won't tell him where and who.

All Percy know was, she was dumping him for another guy that offered her to travel with him somewhere very far away.

For the first week of the break up, Percy destroyed his cabin and flooded almost half of Long Island. Chiron managed to calm him down, but Percy ran out of camp.

Percy was devastated, heartbroken, sad and disappointed. Annabeth was the only girl besides his mom that he would spend his whole life with. Percy's fatal flaw was personal loyalty. He would give his life for the ones he cared about. When Annabeth left him, well, his life doesn't seem that important anymore.

After Percy had run away from camp, monsters had stop at nothing to eat on his flesh. His demigod scent was stronger than any demigod alive right now. The first day he left, he had been attacked by a group of dracaenae. The next day, a hell hound found him. The hell hound managed to make a claw wound across his cheek before he managed to kill it. The hell hound reminded him of Mrs O'Leary, which made him sad.

Today marks the fifth day of him leaving camp. He was in the forest, lost and alone. He didn't get any sleep last night. In fact, he didn't get to sleep at all because he needed to stay on guard for oncoming monsters.

His shirt was tattered and torn from consecutive monster attacks. His jeans looked like they've been attacked by an army of rabid squirrels. The only thing he had for surviving was Riptide, his celestial bronze sword.

He hadn't had food since he left camp. He only found water in a nearby river. He had set up camp there and tried to stay as much hidden as possible.

He was searching for food around the forest with Riptide uncapped, just in case he had to fight. He heard a twig snapped behind him. Percy turned around so fast that he almost stabbed a young girl.

The girl looked about a year younger of his age. She was wearing casual t-shirt and jeans, but her shirt was dirty with mud. Her face was filled with cuts, and they looked new. She had blue eyes, which reminded him of Thalia. The girl looked scared at the sight of Riptide. She stepped back and whimpered.

"Who are you?" Percy asked sternly but a bit soothing. Percy sensed that the girl was a half-blood. He didn't know how, but he just knew. The girl tried to speak, but she was too afraid of his sword. She starts sobbing. Percy capped Riptide back into a pen and stepped closer to her.

"It's okay kiddo," Percy said softly. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The girl looked at him. Her eyes were teary and the cuts on her face were more than Percy realized. Percy gently swept the one strand of ginger behind her ear, revealing a scar that seemed larger and deeper than the rest.

"I'm sorry,' the girl said softly. "I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I will leave now." The girl was trembling. When she turned away, Percy grabbed her arm.

"It's okay; I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?"

The girl looked up at Percy and studied him with her blue eyes. "Alia, Alia Moonlight."

"You have a beautiful name," Percy added with a smile. "How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen. I ran away from my adoptive family a few days ago, when I saw you. You were fighting a monster, and I thought you would be able to protect me. That's why I followed you." Alia admitted. Percy raised an eyebrow. Percy guessed that Alia must've already known about Greek gods and monsters.

"Why didn't you ask for my help?" Percy asked.

"I was scared. I was afraid that you might be a monster."

"I'm not a monster, I can guarantee that. I'm a half-blood, a son of Poseidon." Percy said.

"I'm a half-blood too, a daughter of Hestia."

Percy's mind went to a stop. "Wait, I thought Hestia was a maiden goddess?"

Alia managed to smile a bit. "Hestia made herself my patron and claimed me as a daughter. My actual father, Zeus, doesn't know about me."

Percy frowned. Zeus had another kid?

"Zeus met my mother and fell in love. When Zeus left, he thought that my mother wasn't pregnant, but he was wrong. My mother died from giving birth to me and then I was adopted. I met Hestia a few years back and she blessed me with her powers."

Percy nodded. He can't say that he like Zeus, but he didn't like him either. So, they're just neutral.

"Let's go to my camp, we can talk better there than, here." Percy said. He noticed that it was already dark and the sun was setting. Alia nodded and followed Percy to his camp.

When they arrived there, Percy dipped himself in water and he felt rejuvenated. Alia stared at him in awe. Percy just grinned.

"One of the great things on being a son of Poseidon, water is your best friend." Percy explained. "Come on, take a dip."

Alia shook her head. "Hestia's symbol of power is fire. Fire is the opposite of water. I don't know what will happen, but I don't want to find out."

Percy just shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Percy got out of the water after cleaning himself as much as possible. Alia just stood there while staring at him. The moon was already showing and it was night time.

"We need to build fire." Percy said. Alia just nodded. She looked at the fire pit where Percy used to build fire. She closed her eyes and shoots a ball of fire for her hand. Percy yelped in shock, and his voice sounded higher than usual.

As simple as that, they have fire.

"Nice," Percy grinned. They both sat down and tend the fire. Percy's stomach starts rumbling and begging for food.

"I wish we have some food," Percy said. Alia just clapped her hand and two plates of sandwiches and two large glass of orange juice. Percy stared at Alia at awe, but Alia looked tired and weak. She almost fell to the ground before Percy manages to catch her.

"It takes a lot of energy," Alia yawned. "To summon food."

"How did you do that?" Percy asked. Alia managed a tired smile.

"Hestia's gift. I can summon home cooked meals. You can eat if you want to." Alia said. She drank the orange juice and her eyes opened a bit wider.

"Nice," Percy grinned. He and Alia started digging in their food and before they knew it, their plates and drinks were finished. Alia clapped her hands and the plates and cups disappeared. She looked drowsy.

"Get some rest. That kind of magic takes a lot of your energy." Percy said. Alia nodded while rubbing her eyes. Alia fell asleep on the ground. Percy shook his head and smiled a small smile. He carried Alia into his tent. She let Alia lie down his makeshift bed and tucked her in.

Percy got out of the tent and stood watch. That was the first time he ate after five days. He was glad that he met Alia. She seems like a nice girl. Percy meant it when he said he would look after the girl and wouldn't let anyone harm her. Percy would've died if he hadn't met her. He was grateful towards her, even if she is the daughter of Zeus.

He stood watch for the next few hours. The night was eerily quiet. The moon shone brightly and there wasn't any noise, literally. Usually, Percy could even hear the bug noises. Now, he could only hear the crackle of the fire and a low growl.

Wait, growl?

Percy ducked just in time as an arrow sailed above his head. The wolves came out of the jungle and ran towards him. Behind the wolves were a group of girls in silver hood and usual jeans. They had bows armed and arrows notched.

Percy ran into his tent to wake up Alia.

"Alia, wake up." Percy said. Alia obb 3i2pened her eyes slowly.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she revealed her blue eyes.

"We're being attacked. We need to leave." Percy said urgently as he uncapped Riptide. Alia's eyes shot wide open. She quickly got up and ran went outside with Percy. By the time they were outside, the wolves and the girls were already advancing, but they weren't advancing towards them. They were attacking the monster a few yards to Percy's left. A drakon.

How Percy didn't sense it, he had no idea. But that seemed like a small matter, considering the drakon had eyes on them for a late night supper. Percy grabbed Alia's arm and ran away from both the girls and the drakon.

"Those were the Hunters of Artemis!" Alia said. "They could help us!"

"They will kill me and take you as one of them." Percy stated. "As you know, they are not very fond of men."

Alia paled a bit but she kept running with Percy. They made their way towards a clearing. Percy knew this was a bad idea. They would be an easy target for the hunters. When they were about to run, they stopped at their tracks as an arrow sprouted from the ground beneath Percy.

"Take one more step, and it will be your last." A female voice said. A group of hunters came out from behind the trees. They all had their arrows notched and aimed at Percy. Alia was behind him and Percy was hoping he could protect her.

Then, lady Artemis showed herself. She still had the same look when he last saw her during the council of the gods after the war with the giants. Her auburn hair flowed to her back and her face was still beautiful as ever, but she looked angry.

Percy just smirked when he saw her. "Lady Artemis," Percy said with mock respect.

"Well well, if it isn't Perseus Jackson," Artemis said with a bit of disgust. "How nice of you to visit us."

"I didn't notice I had an invitation." Percy said while having a glare contest with the goddess. The hunters still had their bows aimed at Percy. "I guess I had to visit sometimes after I left when you forced me to take your gift."

Artemis' eyes flared. "You know it's true Artemis," Percy continued. "After I refused twice, all of you tried your best to kill me. Even my father tried."

Artemis glared even more harder. "Watch it, Perseus."

"Even you can't kill me. The Fates made sure of that. You managed to torture me, I give you that," Percy said with a pained laugh. Alia doesn't have a clue about what they're talking about.

There were a collective gasps coming from the hunters. "I'm guessing you never told your hunters the whole story did you?"

Thalia stepped forward from the group of hunters. Percy missed her. She was Percy's cousin, but he treated her like a sister. It softened Percy's heart when he saw her. Thalia's eyes were teary and she looked like she had been crying. "Is it true Milady? What Percy says, is it true?"

Artemis expression softened. She simply nodded. Thalia's expression turned to anger.

"Why did you want to kill him?" Thalia yelled.

"Perseus has declined our offer of godhood twice. This puts us in a humiliating position. The gods decided either he takes the offer, or die. Zeus can't let his pride get anymore wounded."

"And you decided to kill him?" Thalia demanded. Her eyes flared with anger. Her body was crackling with electricity.

"Thalia, calm down. It's not their fault, it's mine. I wounded their pride." Percy claimed. This made Artemis mad.

"Bound him and bring him to me!" Artemis ordered. The other hunters chased after them. Thalia stood still. Percy grabbed Alia's arm and ran away from them, only to meet Apollo and Hermes in front of them.

"Hey Perce," Apollo said. "Long time no see."

Percy smirked before sending water up to their faces and ran past them. Now, they had three gods chasing them. Then, Percy remembered Athena. Knowing Athena, he knew that probably all twelve Olympians are here. Also, knowing Athena, he probably expect them to run straight into her trap. So, Percy stopped in his tracks.

"Percy, what's wrong?" Alia asked. "Come on, we gotta move."

Percy just stood still. "Athena probably have something planned for us up front. We should hide." Percy said. Percy climbed on a tree, followed by Alia.

"We're gonna get caught." Alia said quietly. "We are the children of Zeus and Poseidon. Our aura and scent are too hard to mask." Percy just smiled. Then, Alia's eyes starts closing. Percy muttered the word 'Sleep' in Ancient Greek. Soon, Alia fell asleep. Percy tried his best not to draw attention. He covered himself and Alia with leaves so it would be harder to see them from a distance. He heard something pass beneath them. Percy stayed quiet. After a few minutes, Percy felt himself drifting to sleep.

Line Break.

Percy and Alia were in the forest, looking for a way out.

"Percy, how did you know?" Alia asked. Percy looked at him.

"How do I know what?"

"How did you know that it would work? That staying on the tree would get rid of them?"

Percy shrugged. "I don't."

"Then how-"

"I know Athena. She proabbly expects us to run from them instead of hiding, where we could get caught. They were confident, I give them that. But what they don't know, is that in the past few days, I've managed to learn how to conceal our aura."

"How did you conceal mine?"

"I put you to sleep. It doesn't hide you aura, but it minimizes it."

"Can you teach me?"

"Teach what?"

"How to conceal my demigod aura."

Percy chuckled. "I will, just not now." Percy ruffled her hair but she frowned in annoyance.

"We just know for one day, and you're treating me like a little girl." Alia said.

"No, I'm treating you like a little sister." Percy said. "My little baby sister." Percy giggled.

"Hey! I'm not a baby!"

"Aww, you're cute." Percy said and pinched her cheeks.

"Stop it!" Alia said, but she smiled a bit.

"I'm just kidding Alia, relax."

Both of them laughed.

Another Line Break.

Percy and Alia managed to survive for a few weeks. Alia's control over fire has been getting better and she didn't have to sleep anymore after summoning some food. But she can't do it too much in one day.

Percy and Alia grew close. They developed a brother-sister relationship, but never had feeling for one another.

They were camping one night, where Percy stood watch. He was tending the flames when he heard footsteps coming to their direction. Percy stood up with Riptide uncapped.

Thalia stumbled onto their camp, her clothes were torn at a few places. Her hair was filled with twigs and leaves. She had a cut on her cheek and was holding onto her stomach.

Percy managed to help her before she fell. She gripped Percy's shirt and looked at his sea green eyes. Thalia had a pained expression on her face.

"You need to go. They're here." Thalia said before fainting.

A/N: I hope you enjoy it. I decided to put a cliffy to see how you guys think about it. A review would be appreciated and if you can, give some pointers and help me. This is my first story and fanfic. Let me know if you want more or just stop with the story. I'll try to update regularly, as I'm busy. I'll update as fast as I can. I'm sorry that this chapter is short and I'm kinda rushing it with the whole Pertemis thing. I'll try to slow it down. Until then, take care. Give some reviews will ya?