A/N: That's it. That's the end of the first part of this journey.
I would like to thank all of my lovely followers, reviewers for giving me the courage I needed to keep this project. It really did mean a lot to me. And the results were far more worthy than I ever expected them to be. So yeah, I'm really glad you guys read my storie because without you all there wouldn't be a reason for me to write it. So once again, THANK YOU!
Next part of our journey will be starting in a few days, I promise and I hope you guys keep reading the sequel and that you all are as excited as I am about what's going to happen next.
What's Katherine's plan? Will Hook cooperate with her? Where's Peter? Why is Tink so suspiscious of Katherine? What will happen to Sam? Will Claus do something to her? What is her conection to the mermaids? Is there love blossoming somewhere? Is Hook going to meet Peter?
Well, all of that and more will be answered in the sequel "The Heart."
PS: I tried writing this last chapter in first person. Let's see what you guys think.
Why is it so dark in here? Is it night already? No, it was morning for certain. I was at the village. I did some negotiations with Stew, it went well, as always. No pirate meetings this time. Katherine was waiting for me outside but when I got out she was missing and then I went to the forest to find her and after that I was running from…
Oh my god how was he alive? He was supposed to be dead and for crying out loud, why is it so fucking dark in here? Did I not open my eyes yet? Should I try doing it? OK, let's just try it.
Holy damn that light is blinding me. Yeah, my eyes were definitely not open. Ok, breathe Sam. Just breathe and blink fast. Let's adjust your eyes to the light, take a look at where we are, gather some information and work on an escape plan. Right? No, no. Definitely not right. This was crazy. I'm in a cottage? Where is this place exactly?
Like hell I know where this is. The only thing I know is that I was kidnapped, and beaten up, by the feeling I get from trying to turn my head around, by that horrible and brute man. Why did he kidnap me?
Was it revenge? Maybe.
Just focus. Now, let's try getting up.
Ok, no, that's definitely not going to work. So staying sit is the plan. Now, let's try moving my hands. Yep, tied too.
I'm tied from my feet to my waist and hand, if that's correct. And what was that? A rag over my mouth? How creative. I'm all tied up and worst of all, tied up to some kind of pilaster. I don't like this. I don't like this at all. And what is this place anyway?
When I signed to come to Neverland I didn't remember having signed up to all this bullshit. Well, I hadn't signed up for most of the things that happened to me while I've been here. Running away, pirates, gorgeous captains, being a leader, taking care of a kid, worrying for a bunch of people in addition to worrying for myself.
Suffering, crying, worrying, liking, kissing, loving.
Loving? Oh boy, that was way out of line here. That's not a subject to think in an hour like this. I'm trapped and thinking of love. How silly am I, really? Is this even possible? Gods, sometimes I'm terrified of my heart. For its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. It's maddening. And why love? I'm not in love with anybody.
Shhhhh! Stop thinking.
What was that noise?
I'm hearing something. It's coming from behind me. Why did this man tie me up facing the wall and not the damn door? This is infuriating and damn well frightening. I can't predict who will attack me or come for me like this. Well, maybe that's Claus plan and I don't even have my sword and bow with me anymore. I can't protect myself like this. Maybe I still have my dagger at my boot. If only I could reach it…
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to wake up."
His voice is dragging and very loud. He is most likely drunk. He captured me and now he is drunk. Not a good combination if I may say so. And I'm tied. Does this sound like a bonus?
"I sure waited my fare share of time to get back at you so I'm going to enjoy every minute I get torturing you for what you did to me you little vixen." He leaned now in front of me, that putrid breath coming out of his mouth and straight into my nose.
And his face? Oh god his face. It looked like someone tried to cut it open with its nails.
"Oh yeah, you see this?" He pointed to his face as he realized my stare. "Your mermaid friends, for what I learned from them of course, where not very happy with me for whipping you." He told me, taking another generous sip of his rum. "They could hear it from the ocean."
Ouch! That's my hair!
Stop grabbing my hair you son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him when I'm free from this ropes.
"What are you, really? To be friends with that kind of creature, huh?"
Too close. Too close. I want my personal space to breath oxygen and not his putrid breath and geez does he have to pull my hair so hard? It's hurting so much. Oh god.
"I barely escaped them but I managed to find a way. I made a deal with them for my life, but now that I have you right where I want you, and on land, I'm thinking of breaking it."
What deal? How does he know about me and the mermaids? And what was with that question, "what are you"? No idea where he wants to get with-
What's this? No, no, no. Take your horrible, disgusting, sticky hands off of my face.
"Such a beautiful girl, with skin so soft and with such shiny hair."
Stop sniffing my hair. Let me go you bastard. How I wish I could scream.
"Keep trying to scream dear. No one is going to hear you and no one, no one will find us in here. So I'm gonna take my time and enjoy myself with you after sending your corpse to that Captain."
Hook? What does he have to do with this? Is this because he threw Claus from his ship for whipping her? Dear god, this guy was mad. And what does he mean with "enjoy myself"? It is so frustrating when you can't ask all of these questions because you have a damn rag on your mouth. At least he answered my questions just by looking at my expressions. I must be really out of myself if he can read me so well. No one else can read me so well except… Why do I have to keep thinking of him right now? He won't be coming to rescue me. There's no reason why and as Claus said, no one knew she was there.
I hope Katherine has got away at least. And Tink, she must have reached the boys by now. Just hope they don't do anything stupid. Wait, where's he going? Really, he couldn't have tied me in a better position. Un-fucking-believable.
This ropes are really uncomfortable, maybe I should try to make the one at my wrists a little bit loose. But they're too damn tight.
I can't.
What's this noise now? His loosening the one at my waist. While it's a good chance I can move a little I don't think he untied me just to free me.
See, I knew it. He's coming back for me.
"Gwet ay fom me!" No one can blame her for trying to at least say something.
He's laughing because of the effort. I do not like it. It's too cold and malicious a laugh. I need to try to get out of here. Just crawl a little and turn around to find some kind of a door. He's still laughing. Ok, let's move now.
Yeah, doing great.
"Ahhhh!" God, not even my scream can get out with this rag.
That son of a bitch. What was that? I really don't want to look at it, but…
Man, really? Did he really just slice her thigh with a dagger? I need to keep mo-
"No. Do not even think about leaving me here, Samantha."
Now that's my arm, and you're hurting it, not so much as the dagger on my thighs but still it's helping me drop a few tears.
Where is his hand going?
Stop, god, I want his hand out of my shirt.
His touch is so disgusting.
"…to have…."
He's sliding his hand to the… oh no, please don't go there.
"…so much…"
And now he pulled that dagger out of my thighs. Just as quickly as he had thrust it at me.
I can't stop the tears from falling.
I'm doomed.