A/N: So this chap is when Bruce takes Rachel home and stuff happens so…yeah. I hope you like it.

Rachel's POV

It took forever to get to the house Daddy was taking me to. He even said I'll get my own room. It was really late and I was really tired. I tried to listen to Daddy but it was just going in one ear and out the other.

I couldn't concentrate on him anymore. I mean getting to meet my dad was exciting at the spur of the moment and took my mind off the death of my mom and uncle but it didn't make me forget about what happened and I definitely couldn't forget the pain.

A quick picture of my mom and uncle's bodies broken and dead surrounded by a pool of blood flashed in my mind.

I looked at Daddy and started crying. Why did this happen to me? Did my Daddy even love me? Why is it that my Daddy left me and is now here to see me or was he not able to see me? Did he even know about me? Does he even want to get to know me?

I wonder what would've happened if Mami hadn't died. Would my daddy have talked to me tonight or would I have never met him? Probably not.

My focus went of Daddy. He was in the middle of asking me something but all I got was, "do you like…".

"Do I like what", I ask him.

"Do you like baked apples and macaroni? I was thinking you haven't had anything to eat so I was wondering if you would like baked apples and macaroni?"

He smiled at me but I don't think it was real. It was one of those, I want you to think I'm happy you're here but I really don't want you to be here smiles. I said yes and the next thing I know I was asleep.


When I wake up I'm in a room with red walls and a white ceiling. I'm in a bed that feels like I'm being sinked into it. It's weird. For a second I didn't know where I was and then I remembered. This is home. My new home. Maybe?

I sit up and see I'm in a nightgown. He must have changed my clothes. There's sunlight seeping through the window. Wow…it's morning already.

I walk out of the room curious. Outside the room there's a balcony that shows I'm at least four floors up from the 1st.

"Wow", I say surprised. "This place is huge."

I then begin to notice that there is a couple of voices peaking downstairs. I begin my way down the circular stairs and continue until I hit the bottom floor.

The voices become more clear and one begins to seem familiar. It's daddy. I walk through a big room that leads me to an even bigger room with an open door. It had couches and daddy was in there with 2 boys.

The older boy had blonde hair like Mami but he looked just like Daddy. They all had pretty blue eyes. I hid behind the threshold listening to their conversation.

"Andrew Jackson Wayne. You will not use that language in this household. You are ten years old for god's sake. I expect both of you to treat her right and I better not hear anymore of the language coming from either one of you."

"But Dad—"

"No buts. I don't want—"

"Daddy", I interrupt.

All three of them begin to look at me. I walk over to Daddy and he puts me on his lap.

"Xavier. Andrew. This is you sister Rachel Jean Wayne."

A/N: Well hope you like it. I'll to update earlier than 2 years late :P