The fox

AU for first book. Beginning at the feast.

The young tribute waited anxiously for the "feast" to begin. The announcer promised there would be something she needed, probably food. She thought about what the other tributes needed. The remaining two careers needed food, so did farm boy. Suppossedly lover boy was sick, which meant lover girl would be here for that. She didn't know any of their names and didn't really want to know. They called her Foxface, a nickname she liked, and she assigned nicknames to them. This new rule wasn't fair, if Foxface had known of this option she would have allied with the boy from her district. Why were they changing the rules now? Maybe it was because Capitol citizens liked the star-crossed lovers from district 12. Maybe the Capitol was helping district 2, who had a reputation as the Capitol's lapdogs. Foxface knew she couldn't take on any of them in combat. Two careers, a young man strong from years of fark work, a hunter, and a highschool wrestling champion. Foxface's only chance was to let them kill each other, then go in for the kill when they were weakened. Finally the feast came. Foxface wasted no time, she just ran for her pack and ran away. She took noone else's, no reason for them to come after her. She then waited in the bushes and watched, hoping the other tributes would kill each other. Sure enough carer girl and lover girl were soon fighting it out. Career girl seemed to be winning, ready for the kill. Then something unexpected happenned, farm boy came and killed career girl. That left just four oppenents for Foxface. Farm boy seemed ready to kill lover girl, why were they talking now. Foxface soon remembered, lover girl was allied with the little girl from district 11, before she was killed. Farm boy is letting her live, for now. He even takes the pack meant for district 2. This means career boy will come after him. Foxface realizes something, career boy and farm boy are the two strongest tributes still alive. But whoever wins that fight will be weakened afterwords. Foxface follows farm boy, wanting to watch that fight. She tracks him for over an hour, until career boy finds him. They fight it out, it's brutal. Career boy seems to be winning, then Foxface has an idea. She has no love for the lapdogs of the Capitol, and she can't kill the district 12 tributes on her own. Foxface throws her dagger into career boy's back and he dies. Farm boy is suprised, but grateful. She asks for his help in eliminating the other two tributes. Farm boy, Thresh, thinks about it. Katniss and Peeta are stronger than most of the other tributes. And Foxface doesn't look like much of a threat on her own. When it's over, if they're both still standing, he could easily eliminate her. The alliance is reached and they go off in search of the district 12 tributes. The two groups soon find each other. Katniss is somewhat sad that her truce with Thresh is over, but there's no way around it. They fight. When it's over Katniss and Peeta are both dead. Foxface and Thresh are alive but wounded. Thresh can tell his wound is fatal. Foxface might survive, if she gets medical help immediately. He tells her to kill him now, at least one of them should survive. Foxface doesn't like this, but he's right, there's no other choice. She puts her hand over his face and smothers him, until she hears the final cannon boom. Then the announcer says "Ladies and gentlemen, I present the winner of the 74th annual Hunger games." Foxface had won, but now what? As much as she liked the idea of living in Victor's village, the thought of training other tributes to die sickened her. Foxface had to remind herself that at least she would be alive to be sickened.