
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

Sam is 13. Dean is 17.

Sorry for any and all grammar mistakes.

New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Sam Winchester eyed the blue-green sea stretching out in front of him, and he honestly could not believe his luck. They'd come to Florida as a favor of Uncle Bobby's—an old buddy of his store was dealing with a pretty nasty poltergeist.

John had kept them focused on the hunt for the first week here, and thirteen year old Sam had been beside himself about not even being able to touch foot onto a beach. Every day he'd begged his dad to let them go for just a quick swim. That's all he wanted—just one moment in this never ending summer to relax.

"The hunt comes first Sammy," John had reminded him stubbornly, "We have no time for goofing around. Now go hit the books again and don't forget this is for Uncle Bobby!"

Sam hadn't meant to hinder the hunt or act like he didn't care about Uncle Bobby's friend, but he knew they couldn't hunt all the time! He honestly didn't see how an hour in the ocean after they'd done all they could for the day was going to hurt. John never gave an inch though.

The hunt was over now though and still John refused to give in to Sam's pleas. He wanted to get on the road again. Always something else to hunt.

"I'll try and talk to him Sammy," Dean had promised him last night, "Maybe he'll let us check out a beach on our way out of town tomorrow morning. Sound good?"

"Thanks Dean." Sam had whispered with a grin. He'd hardly slept last night hoping with all his might that Dean could convince their dad to let them go. Dean was seventeen and John's obvious favorite—if he's going to listen to anyone it'd be Dean.

Finally after two weeks of begging without success Sam was finally getting his first taste of summer. The beach was already crowded with people even though John had gotten them up around early with a gruff, "We're leaving my 10:30—no complaining!" Sam had purposely ignored the warning look John and sent his way. He was in too good a mood to let his dad ruin it.

"Okay—Sam stay with your brother, alright?" John instructed as they threw down their beach towels, which were really just ratty bath towels they'd stolen from the motel. "Don't get too far in and stay away from those surfers over there."

"Okay," Sam whined, "Can we go now?"

Dean chuckled while smacking a rough hand down his bare shoulder. "Sure kid," he said not sounding as enthusiastic about all this as Sam, "You want to get some snorkels or something?"

"I'm not going to spend—"John cut in but Dean gave him an easy smirk.

"I got it covered dad."

With that Dean led Sam over to the little shack that sold rafts and snorkel gear. They ended up getting two pairs of snorkeling goggles, and Sam was basically sprinting into the water.

"It's cold!" He called back at Dean when he was knee high in it.

"Wimp!" Dean hollered back.

Sam was shaking by the time he got waist deep. He suspected that the water would warm up once the sun rose higher in the sky. They'd come too early. Figures.

Sam watched the other swimmers splash back and forth at each other. He even spotted a tiny baby floating between her parents in some kind of floatable swimsuit. Weird…

"Okay, you know how to work this right?" Dean asked drawing Sam's attention back to him, "First drunk the goggles underwater and then use a little bit of spit to clean it off." Sam watched Dean and quickly copied him. "Good, okay now put it on and make sure your air tube isn't broken."

Sam slipped the goggles on and rammed his head underwater quickly and took a huge breath. He could breathe fine. He flipped a thumbs up at his brother and just started floating on his stomach, staring at the tiny flecks of sand underneath him.

Dean wrenched him up quickly though. "We're going to straight out okay?" He pointed to an area of the water that wasn't occupied by anyone else. "Stay close?"

Sam nodded barely suppressing the urge to roll his eyes. He was a strong swimmer, thanks to Dean actually, and he just wanted to see some fish already. He'd read a book about types of fishes last year in school and he wondered if he'd be able to recognize any of them.

The two brothers started of slowly, just kicking their legs to propel them forward, and to be honest Sam was disappointed. All he was seeing was a big pile of sand—which was cool for the first two seconds, but now was just getting boring.

They must have passed the shallow water then because out of nowhere tiny long fishes were squirming around underneath them. He saw some yellow fish over to the right and Sam all but dragged Dean over towards that direction. He heard his breathing in his ears, getting faster and faster as more and more fish loomed in the distance. Sam tried and memorized everyone so later he could get the names of the fish.

Dean stopped swimming after a while, probably six or seven feet in, and despite all of Sam's prodding and pushing Dean wasn't going any further. Rolling his eyes behind his goggles, Sam made a quick decision and he kicked out with his arms and legs shooting off past his brother.

Three more kicks and he was way closer to the group of fish, so close he could see their beady black eyes. So cool…

"Sammy! Get back here!" Dean's muffled voice reached his ears, but Sam paid him no mind. Dean could get pissed as much as he wanted but Sam was going to miss this just because his big brother refused to disobey their father. "SAMMY!"

Sam paused for a second—that call sounded more like worried Dean than pissed Dean. Was Sam heading towards a reef or something? He squirmed around straining his neck to eye his surroundings. All he saw was open waters and lots and lots of fish. What was up with Dean, then?

Suddenly Sam was bumped powerfully, sending his body to the right. Had Dean seriously just tackled him? Dude!

Sam ripped his head up out of the water and turned his eyes back towards shore, where a blurry looking Dean was treading just three feet away—looking pale and freaked. "Sammy! Swim towards me right now!" Dean yelled angrily, "Now!"

Feeling slightly alarmed by Dean's random behavior, Sam obeyed. He made it about an inch towards his brother before he felt something clamp down onto his right leg, hard. Sam managed to get one quick blurred glance of his brother through his goggles before he was dragged down.

Bubbles floated up towards the surface as Sam screamed for all he worth. What the hell is going on? Panicked, Sam violently twisted his body around to see what he got his foot stuck on, and through his goggles he got the perfect view a huge shark—clinched tight onto his right leg. More bubbles floated towards the surface again as Sam screamed.

The complete haze of red water and the lack of oxygen left in his lungs had Sam shutting up above two seconds later. He just stared at the shark in shock, not believing he was getting this up an close with it, but the shock didn't last long either. The white hot pain reached his brain next and Sam realized he was going to die if he didn't do something quick.

Sam hasn't read that much about shark attacks but he knew enough not to tug to try and get his leg out. He knew about and could feel its razor sharp teeth cutting deep into his leg, and Sam feared if he moved at all he tear his leg right off. Sam was pretty attached to his leg…so he stayed statue still, heart racing, and red water chocking him. How long has it been since he went under? Twenty seconds? Thirty?

That's when the shark started to thrash. Sam felt his every bone is body shake back and forth as the huge guy rocked him back and forth like Sam weighed nothing more than a rag doll. I'm going to lose my leg…

That thought sparked a raw sort of emotion in Sam's brain, and without thinking too much about his actions he fought back. Adrenaline rushed him forward as he beat on the shark nose with his fists with all of his might. It didn't let up or stop its thrashing for that matter, but Sam fought on.

How long had it been now? A minute? Two? How long could Sam stay conscious under here without oxygen? He was a good swimmer…but he screamed out all his air earlier, and he was losing blood fast. The entire water around him and the shark was red—it scared Sam the most honestly.

Sam felt a presence at his back then. He realized it could be yet another shark wanting to snack on him, but he didn't have the ability or the energy to do anything about it. If that shark wanted a bite of Sam…he'd get it. Just like the one that's got his leg.

The thing moved around his back to his side and Sam found himself looking at his brother. Dean!

Dean looked tiny as he swam right past him towards the shark. Sam managed to get a quick look at Dean's green eyes behind his goggles, and he noticed how deadly they looked. Dean was furious—moving on rage alone.

Sam watched as Dean swung hit after hit onto the shark's head—onto his nose, eyes, and gills. Dean's hit were stronger than Sam by a lot, but still the shark held on.

Sam felt his body started to go limp and he saw the telltale sign of black dots on the outer ridges of his vision—he was passing out. Sam fought it though not wanting to pass out. He might not make it if he does.

Dean reigned down three more kicks to the shark's gills, and as quickly as it had clamped onto Sam it released him. Sam watched as the huge thing backed up slowly as if deciding to attack again. Please no…

As if it heard Sam's pleas the huge shark twisted gracefully and disappeared into murky blood red water. Sam felt relief…but he didn't move. He couldn't move an inch. In fact he couldn't feel anything at all.

Sam's eyes fluttered closed just as he felt strong arms encircle his waist…Dean? Whatever it was tugged him upwards and Sam could do nothing but go along for the ride. Vaguely he felt the cool morning's breeze hit his face before he was tugged upwards again and placed on something hot and firm.

"Sam?" A voice boomed. "Samuel?"

Sam forced his eyes open at the sound of his dad's voice. His goggles were off now so he was able to clearly see John leaning over him, blocking him from the sun, and he looked odd—panicked almost. That was crazy though because John Winchester doesn't panic.

"Everyone on?" A stranger's voice, "Okay…go!" The surface underneath Sam lunged forward and Sam vaguely wondered what it was.

"Sammy? Hey, kid?" Sam eyes lifted up to see Dean hovering right in his face. His eyes still looked dark and furious but his face looked pale. Had the shark hurt him too? Still, Sam felt better knowing that Dean had made it out of the water with him.

"D'n..." He tried to talk but only managed that before breaking off.

"Don't try to talk Sammy. Just be still okay kid? You're going to be okay." Dean told him while gently brushing Sam's soaked bangs out of his eyes. Sam wanted to nod but he couldn't feel his head…still couldn't feel anything.

Hadn't Sam been hurt? Shouldn't he be feeling pain? Not that he was complaining…

As the surface Sam was lying on continued to bounce up and down, the stranger spoke again.

"I have a shark attack victim here that needs immediate assistance. Coming into shore now."

Sam ignored the strange voice and the weird surface beneath him. He just stared up at Dean green eyes that were looking more worried by the second.

"There's someone there to get him right?" John demanded loudly, "An ambulance."

"Don't worry Sir; we have the best shark attack response team out there." The stranger vowed.

Sam didn't think he needed an ambulance. Maybe just a few stitches and a long sleep in the Impala.

Sam let his eyes close then. He was just so tired. I'll sleep it off…

"Sam!" Dean yelled at him but this time Sam didn't open his eyes. He was just too tired. "Sammy! You gotta stay awake kid!"

"Samuel!" John ordered loudly.

Just a quick nap…

Tell me if you want more! :D