
The Watcher was sat in the heavens. Today was a momentous day. Today two soul mates were destined to meet. One was just waking, the other had been awake since the sun had risen and was moving closer and closer, not realising who he would soon be meeting.

The Watcher smiled at the Squire Eli, as he wove his way through the village just beyond the city gates. The people there were just beginning to leave their homes for work and the atmosphere was jovial. It was that kind of place, that kind of country to be honest.

The Queen of the land was young but brave and clever with a political mind unlike anything ever seen before. She was universally adored by her public and those who knew her, especially by her husband, the Prince Consort. It hadn't always been like that however.

The past of the Kingdom and the main leaders was dark. Incredibly dark. It had all started the day of twenty deaths.
The day that the parents of every Hero in the City had died in one fell swoop. A day filled with horror and sadness. Nearly every Hero had left, bar the young Queen. She was obviously unable, and had to become a ruler at the tender age of four, however her Reagent through those years had been a great diplomat, almost as good as the Queen herself would turn out to be.

But then, he died suddenly. It was obvious to The Watcher's vantage point that he had been murdered. Killed by the man who then became the new Reagent. He was a bad choice. He was ruthless, corrupt and worst of all, he had an unhealthy interest in very young girls. It was no accident that the young Queen happened to fall into his preferred age range.

It was this abuse, however, that had caused Sir Trenton Goodwin to come back to his home city. He had been close to Queen when they were young, and when he had heard the rumours he immediately travelled back home.

That was all done with now though, and happiness was prevalent throughout the Kingdom. Maybe that's an exaggeration.

The Watcher was worried about Trenton. He had had a rough life and his mental scars ran deep, like the Queen. The Queen was happier than him, however, because of the Prince Consort. The Watcher had come realise that Trenton needed a life partner to balance him, if he was to pass the trials ahead. Now all She needed to do was to make the two men realise that.