This is my first long story in english as it's not my native language and it's hard for me to write in it:) Be good with me and please forgive any mistakes or misspellings, I've checked it a thousand times but maybe something slipped

Disclaimer: Harry Potter's not mine

Warnings: Slash, vampires and werewolves, wolfstar (siriusxremus)

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1:

I was lucky to be able to walk to the Potters' house even when I was feeling so terribly ill. I had never felt that tired or dizzy and although it was summer and the weather was hot and sunny I felt unusually cold. Mrs. Potter took me in, scandalized of the state I found myself and James assured me I looked awful.

Even after three days of being in bed, with Mrs. Potter caring for me and James trying to do everything for me so I wouldn't have to move from bed I felt worse than ever. My chest felt very heavy and I was struggling for air, I couldn't breath properly and my mouth tasted like blood. My head ached a lot and I felt like something very cold was running though my veins. I didn't remember half of the night I spent out on my own, after escaping from my parents' house. I remember being with some strange guys and then nothing, just blackness and cold. And pain, insufferable pain. I woke up in Knockturn alley and I called the Knight bus to bring me to James' house.

It was the fourth day I was there and all my senses were numbing. I felt colder than ever and even after a thousand blankets were thrown over me I couldn't warm up. Mrs and Mr. Potter were very worried and James stayed beside me all day, touching my forehead every now and then until he stood up and nearly ran out of the room.

Mrs. Potter appeared in the room seconds later and she touched my forehead, her husband behind her, eyeing me. I gulped down some air. I would have liked to move and wash all the sweat that was over my body but I finally succumbed and fell into unconscious.

'You're a black, aren't you?' asked one of the strange guys that was wandering around Diagon Alley. His mates eyed me, grins on their faces. I nodded, trying not to show how nervous I was. 'What are you doing here, all alone? Someone could hurt you.' All of his friends let out a roaring laughter, scaring me. I glared at them but my heart was beating like crazy.

'Don't worry, little boy, we will take good care of you.' After that words, everything went black and all I could feel was pain, my veins were on fire.

My eyes opened just a bit to see a unknown man was hovering over me.

'How is he?' a feminine voice asked. I recognized it was Mrs. Potter's.

'He's dying.' the man muttered. I felt like dying so I didn't even doubt about his words, but still they made me feel fear. I didn't want to die, but I was surely going to. 'The transition may take about one or two days. He will wake up on Saturday.' I didn't understand what he was talking about, but apparently I was going to wake up after dying, like some kind of god. I could hear someone seating beside me and a hand squeezed my shoulder.

'My god, Padfoot. I will surely kill them when I find who they are.' James mumbled.

'James, don't say those things! You won't kill anybody!' Mrs. Potter sounded very angry and I heard a door closing abruptly. I could hear James snorting and sighing.

I opened my eyes a bit more and stared at my friend, who was staring at me.

'Hey, you're awake!' he smiled. I tried to smile but my mouth didn't obey me. 'Don't worry man, you're going to be okay.' I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to shook my head. 'Yeah, you are. You're only... Gonna change a bit. Your life is going to change a bit, but do not worry. Wormtail, Moony and I will be here, by your side.'

'Wha-whas...' I tried to ask him what was happening to me but I couldn't, I couldn't find enough air to do it.

'You were bitten... By a vampire.' It was like my heart had stopped right then. My eyes got foggy and I struggled to find my breath again, but I couldn't, and the same pain I felt that night was overpowering me over again. I tried to reach for James but I couldn't move and I didn't feel anything, not even the bed I was supposed to be on.

I was so cold, like I was outside on a mid-winter freezing day. And then the image of the hospital room dissolved in front of my eyes, as I was left in complete darkness.

My veins were burning again and I wanted to scream in pain. It felt like an eternity until I was able to open my eyes again. The pain had subsided and I nearly didn't feel it. My body didn't hurt any more and I found myself being able to move again. There was a window next to my bed and I glanced out, to see that it was dark, but the full moon illuminated the room I found myself in. I was completely alone but I was sure I was in St. Mungo's.

As I stared at the full moon I found myself nearly adoring it, like it was giving me power. I never paid to it much attention and I even hated it before, as it was the source of Moony's problem, but at that moment the full moon was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My throat was dry as the desert, so dry that it hurt. Next to my bed was small table, full of different stuff and my wand. There was a red bag, a blood bag. I clenched my teeth a the sight of the blood inside that bag and grabbed it. I felt it was the thing I exactly needed. Blood.

I vaguely remembered James talking to me before falling into unconsciousness and telling me that I was bitten by a vampire but it didn't matter to me right then, I was too busy sucking the blood out of that bag. My throat wasn't dry or hurt any more and I felt very relieved. And right then, after I dropped the bag on the table and stared at the bloodstains on my clothes I felt like Remus had felt all this years: like a monster.

Sorry this chapter was short

