Author's Space: Hello, everybody! This is the last chapter for this story and I hope everyone will like it! I would like to thank everyone who reads this story! Without further ado, I present Chapter 6 for everyone!

Chapter 6: Our Future Together

Misaki was able to sleep well last night. Even in her sleep, it is as if she can still feel Tsubasa hugging her, being able to feel his warmth. To know that the guy she loves all these times loves her back too just makes her feel so happy that she feels that she don't know how can she be any happier.

The next morning, after eating breakfast with Tsubasa, the two of them realize that Takashi is already in the class. Misaki runs to him excitedly and say, "You're discharged already, Takashi? That's great!"

Takashi just smiles at her and say, "Yes. The doctor said I'm much better now but I still have to go for regular checkups."

Misaki sits down, relieve to see Takashi able to join lessons. Tsubasa sits down too and then faces Takashi, "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. Tsubasa, can I talk to you for a while later after the lessons are over?" Takashi is smiling but what he just said made Tsubasa a little nervous.

Tsubasa tries not to show his nervousness though as he replies Takashi, "Sure."

Misaki has a bad feeling about this but she decides not to interfere.

After the lessons end, Takashi and Tsubasa go to a nearby park to have their talk. Misaki knows she shouldn't eavesdrop but she just can't help but feel curious. So she ends up following them from afar, hoping none of them will find out that she is there.

Tsubasa gulps before asking, "What is it that you wish to talk about?"

"It's about Misaki." Takashi turns to Tsubasa, face showing that he is serious now.

Upon hearing her name, Misaki widens her eyes and concentrate more on listening to their conversation. She is glad the surroundings are quiet, so she is able to listen to what they're saying even though she is quite far.

Tsubasa no longer feels nervous. Just like Takashi, Tsubasa is showing his serious face, "What about Misaki?"

Takashi smiles a bit now before saying, "I like her."

Tsubasa is about to reply but Takashi continues talking, "But I know she likes you instead."

The whole place becomes quiet afterwards. Neither of them is talking and the only sound they can hear is the chirping of the birds.

Takashi is trying to ease the tension so he is smiling now, hoping that Tsubasa won't feel pressured or anything. Takashi takes a step towards Tsubasa and say, "I'm not looking for a fight or anything, relax. I'm just saying that since Misaki had chosen you, I want you to promise me you'll never make her cry again."

Misaki feels touched hearing Takashi say that. He is a nice guy and Misaki knows one day, he'll find a girl worthy of his love.

"How do you know?" Tsubasa asks out of curiousity.

"Well, it is kind of obvious actually. Misaki looks really happy today and there is something different about her. Looks like I'm right then." Takashi laughs softly, but a little pain could be seen from him. The girl he loves is now with someone else, how could he not be sad?

Tsubasa is now smiling, no longer feeling any kind of pressure. Takashi is a nice guy and just like Misaki, he believes that one day, Takashi will find a girl who showers him with endless love.

"Don't worry, Takashi. I promise I'll take good care of her. After all, she is the girl I love with all my heart." Tsubasa blushes a bit as he says that, remembering the time he spent with Misaki last night.

"That's great to hear, Tsubasa! If it's you, I'm sure Misaki will always be happy." Takashi now feels relieved after seeing how sincere Tsubasa is. At the other hand, hearing Tsubasa say that makes Misaki want to hug him right away, but she knows she can't do that now.

"I guess I'll go now. I need to go to the hospital for my checkup. Bye now, Tsubasa!" Tsubasa bid goodbye to Takashi, who turns and walks to the hospital, feeling no more pressure in his heart. What he wishes to say to Tsubasa is finally said and he just hopes both Tsubasa and Misaki will always be happy together.

Misaki hides well so Takashi didn't see her. After Takashi is out of his sight, Tsubasa laughs a bit before saying, "Come out, Misaki. I know you're here."

Misaki jumps a little, surprised that Tsubasa suddenly call her name. She mumbles to herself, "And here I thought I hid myself well."

Misaki comes out from her hiding spot and smile at Tsubasa nervously; not knowing what he'll do or say to her. Tsubasa didn't frown or anything, he just laughs at her as he says, "What do you think you're doing eavesdropping on us?"

"I'm just curious." Misaki laughs softly as she stares into Tsubasa's eyes, remembering what he just promised Takashi. She then blushes a little and Tsubasa notices it, "Why are you blushing?"

Misaki looks down, afraid that her face will get redder if she continues looking at him, "N-nothing. Suddenly thought of what you just promised Takashi, that's all."

Tsubasa laughs at the shy-looking Misaki and took some steps forward until he is able to hug her. Being able to feel his warmth this way again, Misaki can't help but smile as she hugs him back.

"This is how happiness feels like." Misaki says, not wanting to break the hug at all.

Tsubasa laughs softly, his breath tickling her ear. He suddenly pushes Misaki back a little, making her disappointed for a second because he is breaking the hug. But she didn't expect to experience something even much better than a hug.

Tsubasa bends down a little and his lips in now touching hers. Due to shock, Misaki can't even move a muscle. Her mind is now empty as she feels Tsubasa's lips touching hers. She finally gets to move when Tsubasa pulls back to look at her and how red her face is now.

Misaki touches her lips, still able to feel the earlier contact. She could feel her face blushing as she tries to relax and not show how nervous she is. She gives Tsubasa a glare for kissing her without warning and all he does is laugh at her blushing face.

Misaki ends up laughing with him before they share another sweet kiss.

The next morning, Tsubasa and Misaki meet Takashi at the classroom. Both are glad to see that he is fine and smiling at them as they sit. Takashi then faces Misaki before asking, "You were eavesdropping on us yesterday, weren't you?"

Misaki laugh nervously as she sees Takashi laugh. Misaki then replies, "Looks like I'm really bad at hiding. Remind me not to play hide and seek with you guys."

Both Tsubasa and Takashi laugh and Misaki is happy that everything is going smoothly. She then turn to face Takashi, a soft smile is on her face as she says, "Thank you, Takashi."

Takashi returns a soft smile too and says, "Thank you too, Misaki."

Tsubasa is glad to see themselves this way, laughing as they talk, no pressure or tension felt among themselves.

Deep inside the hearts of the three of them, they know very well that from now on, things are going to be more than just fine. Things are going to work out well as they look after one another.

Takashi told the two of them that the school promised to lessen his missions due to his health. This makes Tsubasa and Misaki much more relieved, though they are still upset he still needs to do all those dangerous missions. Takashi will just smile and say, "It's okay, I'll be alright. Don't worry."

His smile will wash away almost all of their worries and they will continue their happy conversations afterwards.

Tsubasa and Misaki believe that one day, Takashi will find a girl he truly loves and she will sincerely love him back. When that day comes, Tsubasa and Misaki believe that Takashi's life will be filled with endless happiness and love, just like the two of them right now.

Under the night sky full of shinning stars, Tsubasa and Misaki hold hands as they walk back to their dorms, feeling happy and blissful to be at each other's sides.


Author's Space: That's the end of this story! I would like to thank everyone who reads this story and I hope you like it! I would be more than happy if everyone would support my other stories and stories that I will write in the future! Goodbye now and I hope to see you in my other stories one day! Have a nice day! Thanks again!