I figured we could all use some happy Finchel, so I've decided to write a series of drabbles and one-shots. Some will be canon and some AU. This story is obviously dedicated to Cory; I'll love you forever, Frankenteen.

[Disclaimer] I do not own Glee or the title, which comes from the song 'Better Together' by Jack Johnson.

His eyes were fixated on the little pink bundle on the other side of the glass. He hadn't moved for at least ten minutes – he couldn't. He couldn't take his eyes of the thing he'd made, the precious little thing that was half him, half Rachel. She was beautiful, as expected – she was totally her mother's daughter – and he found himself entranced by the small rise and fall of her chest, the little brown tufts of hair on her head, her nose – Rachel's nose – and her soft hazel eyes that were all his. He could watch her sleep for hours, his gorgeous baby girl; was that weird? He didn't care, she was his daughter, he could watch his daughter sleep if he wanted to. And he did, so.

Honestly, his daughter. It still sounded crazy. She'd been in his life a little over an hour, but he still couldn't believe it. He had a child now, a real life person that he was a father to. His breath caught in his throat at the thought. He hoped he'd be a good father because no matter what Rachel told him, he still had insecurities. He'd never had a father growing up, not until Burt came onto the scene and married his mother. He was nervous about screwing up, about hurting her, or something. His family had reassured him over and over during the nine months leading up to where he was stood now that he would be an amazing parent and that his kid would be lucky to have him; he wasn't quite so sure, though. He'd never really been around babies before. And those baby books didn't prepare you for the real thing. What if he dropped her? What if-."

"Mr Hudson?" The nurses voice from behind him snapped him out of his thoughts. Reluctantly, he tore his eyes away from his daughter, and faced the nurse who was standing at the door with a friendly smile on her face. "Baby girl Hudson is ready to be fed. You want to bring her to Mommy?"

"Y-Yeah, um. I'm alright carrying her, r-right? I won't drop her, will I? Don't let me drop her. Rach will murder me."

"You won't drop her, Mr Hudson," She replied, amused. She disappeared into the nursery, picking up the baby – his baby – from the crib, and carrying her out into the hallway, to him. She directed him on how to hold her, laughing quietly as his hands shook with nerves.

"Sorry, I'm just-. I don't want to ruin anything. I'm a little nervous. Terrified, actually," He said honestly. "Are all first time dads like this?"

"A lot of them. They're all fine though when they forget their nerves and just relax," She prompted him. He sighed, nodded slightly. The nurse smiled at him as she placed her into his awaiting arms. At first his grip was tight, but after a pointed look from the nurse, he relaxed his hold slightly. He glanced down at his perfect girl for a moment, sleeping peacefully in his arms. She looked kind of serene, happy, he thought. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard.

Finn followed the nurse down the hallway and back to Rachel's hospital room where she was currently napping. Finn hated to wake her, but their baby was part him. It wasn't surprising she had a stomach like him and was already hungry.

"Rach? Baby, wake up. You need to feed her," He whispered softly into her ear, pressing a kiss to her lobe. "Rachel, sweetheart, wake up."

Slowly she opened her eyes and immediately smiled upon seeing Finn. "Hi."

"Hey," He grinned. "You ready to feed this one?" He lowered the baby onto Rachel's chest and saw his wife's smile fall, replaced with a look of anxiety.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you," The nurse said, noticing Rachel's look, too. After a couple of times trying, they managed to get the newest member of the Hudson clan to latch on.

Rachel pulled a face. "This feels so weird…" The nurse replied, saying something about how Rachel would get used to it, Finn wasn't listening though. He was too focused watching his two favourite girls in the entire world. His two tiny Hudson girls. He'd never seen anything so beautiful and adorable in his life.

Eventually, she finished and the nurse left, giving the three of them some time alone for the first time since the addition to their little family. Finn had managed to lie on the bed next to them, his arm wrapped around Rachel, whose arm was wrapped around their baby. Finn couldn't wipe the smile from his face.

"So, what should we name her?" Rachel asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'm assuming Drizzle is out?" His wife giggled at his silly suggestion, sounding like music to his ears. He adored her laugh. He hoped his baby girl had the same laugh. "What about Ava?"

"Ava Carole Hudson," Rachel mused, the smile on her face brightening. "I really like it."

"Me too. It's pretty – like her."

"What do you think, Ava Carole?" She asked the baby, adopting a cutesy baby voice that Finn thought was the cutest thing ever. "Do you like your name, huh, Ava?"

She blinked and Finn felt tears well in his eyes. Slowly but surely, she opened her eyelids, looking straight at her parents. It was only for a moment, but it was enough for Finn.

"Rach, baby, our daughter is a genius! She opened her eyes when you said her name!" Finn exclaimed, a proud daddy look on his face. "You're such a clever little girl, aren't you Ava?"

"I love the name, Finn," Rachel said, kissing his lips sweetly. "It's perfect."

"Not as perfect as my girls," Finn replied, ever the Prince Charming. Rachel kissed him again and he leaned down to kiss his daughter's forehead, whispering, "I love you so much, beautiful Ava."

And as Finn lay in the hospital room, snuggled up with his wife and his daughter, he realised that maybe he would be able to do it – be a good father, that is. As long as he has his Rachel and his Ava by his side, he can do pretty much anything.

I really hope you like it, guys. Please review!:)