Author's note: Okay so I know I've sorta been neglecting my duties as an author and I am so sorry! I have all these amazing people following and reviewing this story and I feel so bad it's taken me so long to update, please forgive me! But I would like to thank everyone who is following and reviewing, you got my ass in gear! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
The passing weeks proved to be even more frustrating to Hermione, what made it worse was the fact that Luna was acting like nothing had happened. Like that morning, Hermione had walked to the Ravenclaw table, fully intent on speaking with Luna, only to have been brushed away "Hermione, I'm having a conversation, can this wait?" The little blonde spoke, her brows raised, making her owl like eyes seem all the wider.
Hermione huffed in anger and stormed off, not bothering to eat before she stomped off to the lake. She had been spending almost all of her free time there, watching the waves, hoping by some miracle they would give her the answer to her problem. By the time she reached her favorite spot, she was fuming, cursing under her breath, something she seemed to be doing a lot lately.
"So much for being the brightest witch my age" She growled, as she kicked her shoes off. She was grateful it was the weekend, she could spend the whole day here, nothing could interrupt her, not even her homework, which, of course, she finished far before it was due. "Can't even figure out my damned feelings for her!" She huffed as she pulled her robes off, throwing them by her shoes, she then proceeded to peel her socks off and headed down toward the water.
"A nice cold swim should clear my head." She convinced herself as she waded into the water. She was chest deep, the ends of her hair floating idly in the water, when she got the feeling someone was watching her. "Hello?" She called, looking around. When she spotted no one, she shrugged and dunked herself under the water, coming up after a few moments, pushing her hair from her face with a soft smile.
Luna sighed contently from her hiding spot, watching the brunette float across the surface of the lake. "She seems so relaxed, I wish she would be like that all the time, it's saddening to see her normally, so angry, stressed" The blonde murmured to herself as she started to remove her robes, shoes and socks.
Luna crept to the waters edge, slipping into it soundlessly, making her way to the brunette. Hermione felt better than she had in a long while, feeling so calm on the water's surface, it was so easy to relax when it seemed like all her cares were miles away. What she didn't know was the blonde that occupied her thoughts most days, was swimming quietly toward her. "Why can't I just tell her I love her?" Hermione mused softly, her eyes closed against the morning light.
Luna blushed slightly as she heard Hermione speaking to herself, shaking her head, the blonde glided up behind the girl, sliding her arms around the brunette when she swam into her. "Maybe because you over think things, darling" Luna murmured as Hermione froze.
"L-Luna!" Hermione managed to stammer out, trying to push away from the smaller girl with no avail, Luna, if anything, held on tighter. "Luna, what are you doing" The older one asked, daring to look into those brilliant blue eyes, getting lost in them like she knew she would.
"Just watching the most beautiful girl in the world actually letting her guard down" Luna smiled softly, pushing a few damp locks from the older girl's face. "You're even more beautiful when you think no one is watching, in small moments like these where you don't look pained" She said softly, watching Hermione blush.
"That's preposterous, I am not are" Hermione squeaked, her voice going up a few octaves as she finally admitted something to the younger girl. "I just..Luna, the kiss..where does this leave us..I've been acting like it never happened kind of hurts" She said quietly, unsure if any of it could actually be heard.
Luna shook her head and smiled down at her secret love "Oh Hermione, I just didn't know if you truly liked me or not and I thought maybe if I acted like nothing had happened, it would make you admit your true feelings" The blonde smirked, a playful glint in those big eyes.
Hermione rolled her eyes and reached up, touching the blonde's cheek, stroking it softly "You are a evil, a genius, but evil nonetheless" She teased before bringing Luna's lips to hers. This kiss was nothing like the first, it was tender and warm and so full of love that it made both the girl's turn beetroot red when they pulled away.
"Hermione, will you be mine?" Luna asked softly, resting her forehead against the brunette's. Sapphire met chocolate and for a moment, Hermione swore she felt a spark run down her spine as she nodded, pulling the girl close for another kiss.
"Of course" She murmured against the blonde's lips, smiling softly. "Thank you" She pulled away to look at the girl again, they were both soaked and to be honest Hermione was freezing, but she almost didn't want to get out of the water, afraid it might break whatever spell she was under.
"Don't thank me, to be honest I've been wanting to ask you that since we met" Luna admitted, even though Hermione had not been the nicest to the girl when they had first met, Luna couldn't help but fall for the girl that was now in her arms. "Come on beautiful, let's get out of the water and get you dried off, I want to show you something" She said, pulling away from the older girl's embrace.
"Race you" Hermione winked and started to swim for shore. Her heart lighter than it ever had been before. She giggled as she crawled onto shore, flopping onto the sand as she watched Luna emerge from the lake, a blush settling across the older girl's cheeks. "So beautiful" She whispered, excited for later.
Let me know what you think of this chapter, any suggestions for what Luna is showing Hermione? I'll update as soon as I can! Thank you again to all my followers! I love you all!